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mfizzel 11-05-2005 11:03 AM

Pretty soon there will be no free hacks but simple template mods

StarBuG 11-05-2005 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by Cedric_FP
Agreed. Essentially, we were used. Taken advantage of.


I think it is fair to have a product for sale if you spend hours to develope it.
But if you used vb.org for beta testing a final working version should be released here for free and THEN you can charge for every new update, extension etc.

That is fair to us and fair to you.

You owe us that much!


Unexplained.tv 11-05-2005 06:02 PM

I agree wholeheartedly that T2DMan owes us a final build release.
If T2DMan wishes to charge for his work, then do so after you have released a final build to those of us who believed this was going to continue being a free add-on- leaving it in beta here is very unprofessional of you. (If you would have originally stated that the Beta was free and the Final version was a Paid add-on then, that may have been a little different.)

You may not like the idea, but you are the one who created this situation for your own self.

Take the right initiative and make up for this error; then you can begin charging for the next final build and actually regain a lot of respect that you may have lost here. The Rating for this thread and add-on is going down... this shows what the members here actually feel and believe about your recent actions.

T2DMan 11-05-2005 06:53 PM

Seems like I have got myself into a bit of a mess.

I have ears, and I listen. Then free it shall be.

lazytown 11-05-2005 08:05 PM

I knew you weren't a bad guy and I usually choose the right people to have a good opinion of... You made the right call and I think will be rewarded in the long run.



Originally Posted by T2DMan
Seems like I have got myself into a bit of a mess.

I have ears, and I listen. Then free it shall be.

Vtec44 11-05-2005 08:10 PM


Thank you. I'm sure people won't disagree that you can make money from your hard work beyond 2.3 version.

Unexplained.tv 11-05-2005 09:25 PM

I'm not set out against him making money on his hard work- I just felt that VB.org and the members here deserved at least a final build and I personally thank you for having a change of mind.

Cedric_FP 11-05-2005 10:44 PM

Thank you, T2DMan :) I was getting ready to expect some kind of money-hungry answer, but I'm glad to see that not everybody is like that.

Cedric_FP 11-06-2005 11:23 AM


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: vbseo_url_forum() in /home/fiction/public_html/vbgsitemap/index.php on line 164
That's what I'm getting... any ideas?

NeutralizeR 11-06-2005 12:57 PM

^ Same here...

Moparx 11-06-2005 05:40 PM

FYI in case someone just links to the generated sitemap files instead of the php that goes into the root folder:

google does not allow the sitemap files to be outside the same exact path as the forum.

see the following:


Disi 11-06-2005 09:12 PM

Hi T2D,

got the following Problem:


select count(`vb_thread`.threadid) FROM `vb_thread`,`vb_forum` left join `vb_forumpermission` on `vb_thread`.`forumid` = `vb_forumpermission`.`forumid` and `vb_forumpermission`.`usergroupid` = 1 where `vb_thread`.`visible`=1 and vb_thread.`forumid`= vb_forum.`forumid` and (mod(mod(mod(mod(mod(mod(mod(mod(mod(mod(mod(mod(mod(mod(mod(mod(mod(forumpermissions,262144),131072),65536),32768),16384),8192),4096),2048),1024),512),256),128),64),32),16),8),4) = 3 or forumpermissions=0 or forumpermissions is null) and `vb_forum`.`password`='' and (`options` /2 <> ceiling(`options` /2)) and `vb_thread`.`forumid`='3'

mcleodc 11-06-2005 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by Cedric_FP
That's what I'm getting... any ideas?

i get this too, any fix?

T2DMan 11-06-2005 10:06 PM

What is the version of mysql that you are using?

I am using mysql 4.0.25-standard and I am not having issues.
I have also used it on 3.23.58 and it works?
This was in fact the place that I tweaked the code to get it to work on the 3.23.58 version. I had two joins in the code, and had to reduce it to one for that version.


Originally Posted by Disi
Hi T2D,

got the following Problem:


select count(`vb_thread`.threadid) FROM `vb_thread`,`vb_forum` left join `vb_forumpermission` on `vb_thread`.`forumid` = `vb_forumpermission`.`forumid` and `vb_forumpermission`.`usergroupid` = 1 where `vb_thread`.`visible`=1 and vb_thread.`forumid`= vb_forum.`forumid` and (mod(mod(mod(mod(mod(mod(mod(mod(mod(mod(mod(mod(mod(mod(mod(mod(mod(forumpermissions,262144),131072),65536),32768),16384),8192),4096),2048),1024),512),256),128),64),32),16),8),4) = 3 or forumpermissions=0 or forumpermissions is null) and `vb_forum`.`password`='' and (`options` /2 <> ceiling(`options` /2)) and `vb_thread`.`forumid`='3'

T2DMan 11-06-2005 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by mcleodc
i get this too, any fix?

Can you please try adding the following lines to the end of your vbgsitemap-config.php file:

on the line after:
$template = $tableprefix.'template';

if(!$vbseo_installed) VBSEO_ENABLED=false;

and make sure that you have the variable $vbseo_installed as false.

Please let me know if this works, and I will issue an update.


NeutralizeR 11-06-2005 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by T2DMan
Can you please try adding the following lines to the end of your vbgsitemap-config.php file:

on the line after:
$template = $tableprefix.'template';

if(!$vbseo_installed) VBSEO_ENABLED=false;

and make sure that you have the variable $vbseo_installed as false.

Please let me know if this works, and I will issue an update.


Parse error: parse error, unexpected '=' in /home/msxlabs/public_html/vbgsitemap/vbgsitemap-config.php on line 145

Disi 11-06-2005 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by T2DMan
What is the version of mysql that you are using?

I am using mysql 4.0.25-standard and I am not having issues.
I have also used it on 3.23.58 and it works?
This was in fact the place that I tweaked the code to get it to work on the 3.23.58 version. I had two joins in the code, and had to reduce it to one for that version.


mysql Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.15, for pc-linux-gnu (i686) using readline 5.0

T2DMan 11-06-2005 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by NeutralizeR
Parse error: parse error, unexpected '=' in /home/msxlabs/public_html/vbgsitemap/vbgsitemap-config.php on line 145

woops, forgot about the constants

should be:
if(!$vbseo_installed) define("VBSEO_ENABLED", false);

NeutralizeR 11-06-2005 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by T2DMan
if(!$vbseo_installed) define("VBSEO_ENABLED", false);

And now:

Fatal error: Unknown function: vbseo_get_options() in /home/msxlabs/public_html/vbgsitemap/index.php on line 358

Waiting for the fix... then i'm gonna go to the bed =)

T2DMan 11-06-2005 10:48 PM

Looks liek we almost have it then

Wrap an if statement around the lines:

PHP Code:


I will issue an update. Thanks for your help.

Cedric_FP 11-06-2005 11:04 PM

Do we add that code to the bottom or..?

NeutralizeR 11-06-2005 11:43 PM

Thanks, working now :)

Cedric_FP 11-06-2005 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by NeutralizeR
Thanks, working now :)

What did you do to get it working?

NeutralizeR 11-07-2005 12:03 AM

(See my next post)

Cedric_FP 11-07-2005 12:16 AM

I have uploaded your fixes, and i am still getting


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: vbseo_get_options() in /home/fiction/public_html/vbgsitemap/index.php on line 358

NeutralizeR 11-07-2005 04:39 AM

Try replacing your files in vbgsitemap/ folder with these one.

Change necessary lines in vbgsitemap-config.php for your forum.

(I'm gonna remove the attachment when T2DMan releases the update)

Cedric_FP 11-07-2005 05:05 AM

It worked. Thanks a lot Neutralizer :)

Disi 11-07-2005 07:03 AM

hI t2d

got news for you


SELECT count( `vb_thread`.threadid )
FROM `vb_thread` , `vb_forum`
LEFT JOIN `vb_forumpermission` ON `vb_thread`.`forumid` = `vb_forumpermission`.`forumid`
AND `vb_forumpermission`.`usergroupid` =1
WHERE `vb_thread`.`visible` =1
AND vb_thread.`forumid` = vb_forum.`forumid`
mod( mod( mod( mod( mod( mod( mod( mod( mod( mod( mod( mod( mod( mod( mod( mod( mod( forumpermissions, 262144 ) , 131072 ) , 65536 ) , 32768 ) , 16384 ) , 8192 ) , 4096 ) , 2048 ) , 1024 ) , 512 ) , 256 ) , 128 ) , 64 ) , 32 ) , 16 ) , 8 ) , 4 ) =3
OR forumpermissions =0
OR forumpermissions IS NULL
AND `vb_forum`.`password` = ''
`options` /2 & lt ; & gt;

ceiling( `options` /2 )
) AND `vb_thread`.`forumid` = '3'

results in


#1054 - Unknown column 'vb_thread.forumid' in 'on clause'

Unexplained.tv 11-07-2005 07:26 AM

Works fine with no errors at all.

Smitty 11-07-2005 08:54 AM

Tried this and the script ran OK - BUT, when clicking on a link, I get "Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /usr/local/www/data-dist/includes/config.php on line 202" every time.

What am I missing in all this?

Running: vB 3.5.1
Server Type FreeBSD
Data Usage 159.47 MB
Web Server Apache v2.0.53
Index Usage 61.69 MB
PHP 4.3.10
Attachment Usage 481.55 MB
PHP Max Post Size 16.00 MB
PHP Maximum Upload Size 2.00 MB
PHP Memory Limit 16.00 MB
MySQL Version 4.1.9
MySQL Packet Size 1.00 MB

EDIT ADD: IT Doesn't appear to be indexing all forums. Is there supposed to be a sitemap for each individual forum?

Disi 11-07-2005 09:22 AM

Ok it seems that i found a error source!
I'm playing a little bit around!


michaelbenson 11-07-2005 11:05 AM

Wonderful addition, works fine for me. :)

Disi 11-07-2005 11:36 AM

Ok got it!

Needed to correct some SQL statements and changed the include statement ind the config file. With them it works wunderfull! great extension....

I've updated the files and repacked it.

Michael please take a look if its ok with you this way.
May i ask some People who are running MySQL Version below version 5 to test my updated package and give some feedback if it still works, if not i have a idea how to get it MySQL <5 and >5 compatible.



Disi 11-07-2005 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by Smitty
Tried this and the script ran OK - BUT, when clicking on a link, I get "Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /usr/local/www/data-dist/includes/config.php on line 202" every time.

What am I missing in all this?

Running: vB 3.5.1
Server Type FreeBSD
Data Usage 159.47 MB
Web Server Apache v2.0.53
Index Usage 61.69 MB
PHP 4.3.10
Attachment Usage 481.55 MB
PHP Max Post Size 16.00 MB
PHP Maximum Upload Size 2.00 MB
PHP Memory Limit 16.00 MB
MySQL Version 4.1.9
MySQL Packet Size 1.00 MB

EDIT ADD: IT Doesn't appear to be indexing all forums. Is there supposed to be a sitemap for each individual forum?

Your Problem should be solved with my version!

Please give me feedback!

Disi 11-07-2005 11:55 AM

Got one error .... pinging google won't work.
Michael could you tell me why you ping


manually it works ... hmmm

Smitty 11-08-2005 01:45 AM


Originally Posted by Disi
Your Problem should be solved with my version!

Please give me feedback!

I tried it and got a brief xml listing rather than a table as in the screen shot. Note: I'm not using vbseo...

I'll sit back and watch for a bit to see what happens with others.

Disi 11-08-2005 06:08 AM


you changed the following Values in the config to fit your needs?

$vbseo_installed = true;
$vbseo_oldurls = true;

Normaly it schould do it if you set the var vbseo_installed to false.

ambumann 11-08-2005 08:22 AM


*clicks install*

007 11-08-2005 05:47 PM

How does this compare to: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=93980 ??

I have that one installed but I am always interested in as much SEO as possible of course. :)

Disi 11-08-2005 05:56 PM

it should be compatible because you can say how this hack should create the links

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