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kall 11-23-2005 03:36 AM


Originally Posted by sub_ubi
Great style, but it's not compatible with the Adv. Editing Options mod :(


The following error comes up,
"You did not specify a username for your post"
when creating a new thread.

I can't see why it wouldnt be compatible.. none of the templates that are edited for that mod are customised in any of my styles.

saukwebsolution 11-26-2005 05:46 PM

Welcome to Madden News Community Forums. This is a community that talks about sports and our Madden. Topics include Madden, all levels of sports, and operating systems.
Welcome to the [ARG:3 UNDEFINED] forums

how do I get it to not show the [arg:3 undefined] or change it to show the right thing? Thanks

kall 11-26-2005 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by saukwebsolution
Welcome to Madden News Community Forums. This is a community that talks about sports and our Madden. Topics include Madden, all levels of sports, and operating systems.
Welcome to the [ARG:3 UNDEFINED] forums

how do I get it to not show the [arg:3 undefined] or change it to show the right thing? Thanks

I'm pretty sure I wasn't stupid enough to include Amy or Kirby's 'Spiders Online on Forumhome Hack'-dependant Template edits in a style...

Perhaps you have installed that hack and haven't done the template edit?

*edit* Read the post that is 2 above yours. ;)

saukwebsolution 11-26-2005 07:23 PM

I am sorry Kall but the 2 posts above I am not sure what that has to do with me? I am still new to this plugin system and I am not getting why that is showing up. It should show the forums name but it shows the arg:3.

again I apologize, just not getting what I did wrong here. Thanks

kall 11-26-2005 07:39 PM

*edit* hang on.. where is that showing? The navbar?

saukwebsolution 11-27-2005 03:40 AM

yep when you want to register, it shows the welcome area, and it shows just that, let me takea picture and post it

saukwebsolution 11-27-2005 03:44 AM

here is that picture

saukwebsolution 11-27-2005 05:07 AM

I also have to ask, how do I center my logo using this style? Thanks

jquan 12-01-2005 12:02 AM

I've added these lines so that I can have an image background
<td align="$stylevar[right]" style="background: url('misc/forum-banner_02.jpg') repeat-x top left;">&nbsp;</td>
<!-- /logo -->

but nothing shows up. any idea how I can do this, sorry im not an expert on coding vbulletin, so sorry for the noob question

Wolf42 12-01-2005 02:54 PM

Thanks kall, nice styles, installed all 4. But there is a small bug in the footer template when using a multilingual environment.

This is the footer template with my changes:
PHP Code:

<br />
div class="smallfont" align="center">$vbphrase[all_times_are_gmt_x_time_now_is_y]</div>
br />

<!-- /content area table -->

form action="$vboptions[forumhome].php" method="get">
table cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]cellspacing="0" border="0" width="$stylevar[outertablewidth]class="page" align="center">
td class="tfoot">
select name="styleid" onchange="switch_id(this, 'style')">
optgroup label="$vbphrase[quick_style_chooser]">
td class="tfoot">
select name="langid" onchange="switch_id(this, 'lang')">
optgroup label="$vbphrase[quick_language_chooser]">
td class="tfoot" <if condition="!$show['quickchooser'] AND !$show['languagechooser']">colspan="2"</if> align="$stylevar[right]width="100%">
div class="smallfont">
condition="$show['contactus']"><a href="$vboptions[contactuslink]rel="nofollow">$vbphrase[contact_us]</a> -</if>
a href="$vboptions[homeurl]">$vboptions[hometitle]</a> -
condition="$show['admincplink']"><a href="$admincpdir/index.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[admin]</a> -</if>
condition="$show['modcplink']"><a href="$modcpdir/index.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[mod]</a> -</if>
condition="$vboptions['archiveenabled']"><a href="archive/index.php">$vbphrase[archive]</a> -</if>
condition="$vboptions[privacyurl]"><a href="$vboptions[privacyurl]">$vbphrase[privacy_statement]</a> -</if>
a href="#top" onclick="self.scrollTo(0, 0); return false;">$vbphrase[top]</a>
table cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]cellspacing="0" border="0" width="$stylevar[outertablewidth]class="page" align="center">

td class="tfoot" align="$stylevar[left]<if condition="!$show['quickchooser'] AND !$show['languagechooser']">colspan="2" width="50%"</if>>
div class="smallfont">
You are NOT permitted to remove this copyright unless you purchase a Branding Free option -->
You are NOT permitted to remove this copyright -->

td class="tfoot" align="$stylevar[right]width="50%">
div class="smallfont">

table width="$stylevar[outertablewidth]cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center">
td style="$stylevar[left]"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/page_bottom_left.gif" alt="" /></td>
td width="100%" style="background:url('$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/page_bottom.gif') repeat-x;">&nbsp;</td>
td style="$stylevar[right]"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/page_bottom_right.gif" alt="" /></td>
table><br />
div align="center">
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alt="Valid XHTML 1.0!" height="31" width="88" border="0" /></a> &nbsp;  <a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/">
img style="border:0;width:88px;height:31px"
alt="Valid CSS!" />

br />

div align="center">

div class="smallfont" align="center">
    <!-- Do 
not remove $cronimage or your scheduled tasks will cease to function -->
<!-- Do not remove $cronimage or your scheduled tasks will cease to function -->

br />
auto DST correction code -->
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input type="hidden" name="do" value="dst" />
script type="text/javascript">
tzOffset $bbuserinfo[timezoneoffset] + $bbuserinfo[dstonoff];
utcOffset = new Date().getTimezoneOffset() / 60;
    if (
Math.abs(tzOffset utcOffset) == 1)
// Dst offset is 1 so its changed
<!-- / 
auto DST correction code -->

script type="text/javascript">
// Main vBulletin Javascript Initialization

Nathan L 12-04-2005 12:25 PM

I've been using this excellent style on VB 3.0.X for some time now and have never had any problems at all.

I upgraded today to 3.5.1 and used the new version of the skin.

I have now lost the quick reply box and just can't figure out what happened. All the options are enabled, but it just doesn't appear.

Has anyone else had this problem? I know its a stupid question but I really am not very good with this stuff.



Pvtiste 12-05-2005 04:25 PM

very nice looking ! thanks for sharing :)

nexusone 12-05-2005 07:30 PM

I'm having a problem that I actually saw mentioned in this thread a while back, but I didnt ever see a response that explained the resolution.

I've attached a screen capture to illustrate the problem. Meta data is being displayed in the welcome message. I'd like to clean the look of the page up and get rid of the second block. How do I edit what is displayed in this section?

I'm a recent re-convert to VB and still getting reoriented. I defected for over 2 years to IPB, but I had finally had enough. Please bear with me while I get things figured out all over again.

Also... I know many have asked so I dont expect a different result than anyone else, but any chance of getting the PSD files? I have a darker page background and the buttons went from looking great on white to looking awful on the darker background. I can create new ones, but this would save me a ton of time.

Ericsson 12-06-2005 02:22 PM

Great skin.

How can I get the create new thread and the new post icons away from the front page?

FRMTRK 12-07-2005 12:31 PM

i wanna upgrade to 3.5.2 i m waitin for new version of this :)

kall 12-10-2005 08:01 AM

@Wolf: Thank you, I have implemented the fix you provided. :)

@nexusone: Check my signature. ;)

@FRMTRK: Done! Updated to 3.5.2.

tuanluu 12-11-2005 08:36 AM

so this style 100% update with vb 3.5.2 right :) great thanks

Feckie (Roger) 12-11-2005 09:01 AM

I Have Updated The Time On-Line Script So That
It Shows Years As Well.
As Follows


<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2">

//modified by FECKIE December 10th 2005

/* ?![CDATA[ */
function setcountup(theyear,themonth,theday){
//////////CONFIGURE THE countup SCRIPT HERE//////////////////
//STEP 1: Configure the date to count up from, in the format year, month, day:
//This date should be less than today
//STEP 2: Configure text to be attached to count up
var displaymessage="since $vboptions[bbtitle] came online!"
//STEP 3: Configure the below 5 variables to set the width, height, background color, and text style of the countup area
var countupwidth='95%'
var countupheight='20px' //applicable only in NS4
var countupbgcolor='alt1'
var opentags='<span class="smallfont">'
var closetags='</span>'

//////////DO NOT EDIT PASS THIS LINE//////////////////

var montharray=new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")
var crosscount=''

function start_countup(){
if (document.layers)
else if (document.all||document.getElementById)
crosscount=document.getElementById&&!document.all?document.getElementById("countupie") : countupie

if (document.all||document.getElementById)
document.write('<span id="countupie" style="width:'+countupwidth+'; background-color:'+countupbgcolor+'"></span>')


function countup(){
var today=new Date()
var todayy=today.getYear()
if (todayy < 1000)
var todaym=today.getMonth()
var todayd=today.getDate()
var todayh=today.getHours()
var todaymin=today.getMinutes()
var todaysec=today.getSeconds()
var todaystring=montharray[todaym]+" "+todayd+", "+todayy+" "+todayh+":"+todaymin+":"+todaysec
paststring=montharray[mo-1]+" "+da+", "+yr

if (document.layers){
document.countupnsmain.document.countupnssub.document.write(opentags+dday+ " days, "+dhour+" hours, "+dmin+" minutes, and "+dsec+" seconds "+displaymessage+closetags)
else if (document.all||document.getElementById)
crosscount.innerHTML=opentags+dyear+ " year, "+dday+ " days, "+dhour+" hours, "+dmin+" minutes, and "+dsec+" seconds "+displaymessage+closetags

/* ]]? */


Enjoy :devious:

speedoleague 12-11-2005 03:58 PM

Got a problem I?m running the vBa CMPS and it's not show your username in the top right hand corner any ideas what I?ve done wrong.


kall 12-12-2005 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by Feckie (Roger)
I Have Updated The Time On-Line Script So That
It Shows Years As Well.
As Follows


<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2">

//modified by FECKIE December 10th 2005

/* ?![CDATA[ */
function setcountup(theyear,themonth,theday){
//////////CONFIGURE THE countup SCRIPT HERE//////////////////
//STEP 1: Configure the date to count up from, in the format year, month, day:
//This date should be less than today
//STEP 2: Configure text to be attached to count up
var displaymessage="since $vboptions[bbtitle] came online!"
//STEP 3: Configure the below 5 variables to set the width, height, background color, and text style of the countup area
var countupwidth='95%'
var countupheight='20px' //applicable only in NS4
var countupbgcolor='alt1'
var opentags='<span class="smallfont">'
var closetags='</span>'

//////////DO NOT EDIT PASS THIS LINE//////////////////

var montharray=new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")
var crosscount=''

function start_countup(){
if (document.layers)
else if (document.all||document.getElementById)
crosscount=document.getElementById&&!document.all?document.getElementById("countupie") : countupie

if (document.all||document.getElementById)
document.write('<span id="countupie" style="width:'+countupwidth+'; background-color:'+countupbgcolor+'"></span>')


function countup(){
var today=new Date()
var todayy=today.getYear()
if (todayy < 1000)
var todaym=today.getMonth()
var todayd=today.getDate()
var todayh=today.getHours()
var todaymin=today.getMinutes()
var todaysec=today.getSeconds()
var todaystring=montharray[todaym]+" "+todayd+", "+todayy+" "+todayh+":"+todaymin+":"+todaysec
paststring=montharray[mo-1]+" "+da+", "+yr

if (document.layers){
document.countupnsmain.document.countupnssub.document.write(opentags+dday+ " days, "+dhour+" hours, "+dmin+" minutes, and "+dsec+" seconds "+displaymessage+closetags)
else if (document.all||document.getElementById)
crosscount.innerHTML=opentags+dyear+ " year, "+dday+ " days, "+dhour+" hours, "+dmin+" minutes, and "+dsec+" seconds "+displaymessage+closetags

/* ]]? */


Enjoy :devious:

Thank you! :)

I will test it out on my forums and then integrate it.

@speedoleague: add nzb_greeting and nzb_greeting2 to the Globalized Variables section of your vBAdvanced Settings.

speedoleague 12-13-2005 11:07 PM

It's telling me when you subscribe to a thread that it can't find the following image


i've checked can't find it in any other folder

kall 12-14-2005 03:26 AM

My apologies, that shouldn't have slipped in there. :)

Please download the xml attached to the first post (.zip has been updated but you don't need to waste that extra 100-ish k.) :D

speedoleague 12-14-2005 09:58 AM

Thanks, That fixed it.

forum-il 12-29-2005 10:42 PM

why i cant see my user name in my portal in the forum is good but in the forum it showing me this:

Eagle Creek 01-03-2006 07:45 PM

Hi kall,

you said

I will NOT provide support for the removal of features of this style. If you want to remove things, look in the relevant templates and remove them.
But do you have also a 'bold' version of this skin? I have many plugins installed and I don't want to de-install them all.
So is there an option for me to still use this skin or not?

Nathan L 01-03-2006 09:37 PM


I love this style but since I uploaded it onto VB 3.5.2 I can't get the in line mod column to work inside a post? I can select posts but clicking the "Go" button does nothing at all.

The mod column works fine on the forum list?

Any help you can offer would be appreciated.



kall 01-04-2006 03:33 AM


Originally Posted by Eagle Creek
Hi kall,

you said

But do you have also a 'bold' version of this skin? I have many plugins installed and I don't want to de-install them all.
So is there an option for me to still use this skin or not?

Sorry E.C .. please explain more fully what you want. I'm probably overtired from work but.. :)

Nathan: did you install the 3.5.2 xml file from the first post?

forum-il: Put nzb_greeting and nzb_greeting2 in the globalized variables section of your vBA AdminCP - Default Settings. Something that is necessary for ALL new variables that you wish to display on your vBA Homepage.

Nathan L 01-04-2006 08:56 AM

Hi Kall

Yes I did. I've tried uploading it for a second time and the same problem persists.

All the mod controls on the forum list work fine.

However inside a post they don't. You tick the posts you want to moderate and you can select what action you want to carry out, Merge/Delete etc. You can even click the "go" button, but it doesn't do anything.

If I select the standard Vbulletin skin, that still works fine!?!

Thanks for your time :)

Hornstar 01-05-2006 09:52 AM

i just installed this skin, and its amazing, it has some really cool features attached to it, nice work

6piston 01-05-2006 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by forum-il
why i cant see my user name in my portal in the forum is good but in the forum it showing me this:

Same problem here:
i've just upgraded to 3.5.3 few hours ago
this is the first skin i installed and it's the best!!!!!

but that problem on the member's bar not showing a greeting to the member...

please help

6piston 01-05-2006 07:58 PM

ooopsie i fix it.
I actually forgottten to import the steelstyle product

u gotta read the instructions again, gotta go to plugin manager to manage the navbar member greeting

kall 01-06-2006 03:48 AM

Glad you got it figured out people.. remember the following, if you use vBACMPS: vBAdvanced Users: Put nzb_greeting and nzb_greeting2 in the globalized variables section of your vBA AdminCP - Default Settings.

kall 01-06-2006 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by Nathan L
Hi Kall

Yes I did. I've tried uploading it for a second time and the same problem persists.

All the mod controls on the forum list work fine.

However inside a post they don't. You tick the posts you want to moderate and you can select what action you want to carry out, Merge/Delete etc. You can even click the "go" button, but it doesn't do anything.

If I select the standard Vbulletin skin, that still works fine!?!

Thanks for your time :)

I don't know what's wrong there.. I have just tried it on vbenhanced.com and I am afraid I will have to play the 'works for me' card on this one.

Try importing it as a child to the default style again.

FRMTRK 01-06-2006 06:17 AM

i ll upgrade my vbulletin to 3.5.3 is there any upgrade for this style for new version..and i like this so much thanks Kall...

kall 01-06-2006 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by FRMTRK
i ll upgrade my vbulletin to 3.5.3 is there any upgrade for this style for new version..and i like this so much thanks Kall...

Indeed... there were only a couple of changes. 3.5.3 xml attached in first post. :)

mikelbeck 01-06-2006 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by kall
Indeed... there were only a couple of changes. 3.5.3 xml attached in first post. :)

What's involved in upgrading from version 3.5.1 to version 3.5.3 of this style? Is it just as simple and importing the updated xml? Will that wipe out any customizations done to templates?

kall 01-07-2006 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by mikelbeck
What's involved in upgrading from version 3.5.1 to version 3.5.3 of this style? Is it just as simple and importing the updated xml? Will that wipe out any customizations done to templates?

A much safer way would be to go into FORUMDISPLAY and change

<td class="vbmenu_control" id="imod" align="center">

<td class="vbmenu_control" id="imod" align="center" title="$vbphrase[moderation]">
.. importing the xml will overwrite any changed templates that you have customised.

The changes from 3.5.2 to 3.5.3 don't actually require reverting on any of the templates changed for the Steel Styles.

mikelbeck 01-07-2006 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by kall
A much safer way would be to go into FORUMDISPLAY and change

<td class="vbmenu_control" id="imod" align="center">

<td class="vbmenu_control" id="imod" align="center" title="$vbphrase[moderation]">
.. importing the xml will overwrite any changed templates that you have customised.

The changes from 3.5.2 to 3.5.3 don't actually require reverting on any of the templates changed for the Steel Styles.

That's easy!


FRMTRK 01-07-2006 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by kall
Indeed... there were only a couple of changes. 3.5.3 xml attached in first post. :)

Thanks Kall

timelord726 01-09-2006 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Belicoso_Fino
I also noticed that the username does not appear above the area on the right side above the navabar:

You last visited: Today at 01:47 PM
Private Messages: Unread 0, Total 2.
It should read:

Welcome, Belicoso_Fino.
You last visited: Today at 01:47 PM
Private Messages: Unread 0, Total 2.

I was just about to post asking about this myself. Any response would be most appreciated!

Actually, I rather like the customized greeting shown in the screenshots. Any chance of implementing that?

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