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christirichards 02-23-2005 09:32 AM

TunerNetwork are you getting a blank page after you submit the form?

Also, MiZ it might be a good idea to include the old version so that people who have tried to use this hack before can go back and remove it to install the new version.

Sephiroth690 02-24-2005 05:32 PM

christirichards, i would love it if i can get a copy of what you've re-written. I was actually gonna re-code the entire thing myself, but I havn't found the time. If so, i'd be much appreciated.

TunerNetwork 02-24-2005 07:58 PM

Seph, if u can, get me on Messenger again, TN ZAZZA CEO. I got a few issues and wanna see if you have a fix for em,ill be home later tonight. thanks!

Polo 02-24-2005 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by Zero Tolerance
I have reported this modification as it contains most of the vBChat program core code nested within this modification, which was used without permission.

- Zero Tolerance

oh oh that's not good :ermm:

Colin F 02-25-2005 03:58 AM

The Staff is reviewing it, so let's stay on topic in the thread.

Thanks :)

miz 02-25-2005 11:07 AM

i did asked for premission and you agreed , to bad you cant remember cuse i still got your answer in my pm flooder...

Curll 03-02-2005 05:06 AM

I'm getting a lot of "Permission Denied" pages when I try to access private team forums.

Also, where the hell are those team forums? I don't see them on the Forums & Mods section of the ACP. It's a minor annoyance, since I had to figure out what forum number it was to edit an unrelated file. But, ANYWAY.

Excellent mod, just needs a good deal of polish. And maybe an English speaking coder to help out.

miz 03-03-2005 03:22 PM

well you, the forumid is auto selected by your team, you dont need forumid of the forum as you cannot axx it from anyother page (all of premission denied you getting)
you can find your team forum via team privte area
you wont find it on acp cuse the hack hides the forums on acp

about the english, well im sorry for my bad english
but every 1 around know only how to complain and to says i fixed the code
so if all of them "fixed" the code how is that i never saw a fix's ? maybe 1 word add as it is minor bugs
also no1 wants to help and point me to spell problems so i cant fix what i dont know its worng.

any way i saw the comments around and i decied not to post the new versions of the hack around here, as ppl feels some1 own them something when he puts he's on free time to post FREE code modifcation

i puted lots of work and lots of thinking on this hack, the true's im sorry that i posted it around here, but i wont remove it
ill keep develop it for myself and few other guys around that i can trust on them

to bad its had to get to this point.

Curll 03-03-2005 03:38 PM

Miz, it's just frustrating. It's a great hack, but the bugs, little hitches, and somewhat awkward coding decisions have people clamoring for a smoother ride. It's not that people don't respect you or your work, they just would rather have the hack install nicely and cleanly and have as little extra work as possible. A lot of members, including myself, aren't overly skilled in PHP. So when something is wrong with the hack, we can't just go to the code and fix it. Take it as a compliment, people WANT this hack. But, if it's not working right for them, they get annoyed.

Think of it as food. You get your nice steak at the restaurant, but they give you a spoon to eat it with. Most people are going to complain about the spoon.

Just ask someone for some help around here with some of the translations and bug fixes. I'm sure a lot of coders would love to help with this. And as far as the English, I can help out a bit there. So can most of the English speaking folks on the board. Just need to compile the rough-around-the-edges English and make a universal fix for it. And we'll help you translate the instructions.

TunerNetwork 03-10-2005 04:06 AM

Ok, well, does anyone want to work with me on correcting this hack. It is a great hack, and I can see both sides of the hardships. I know I want/need this hack. And as Curll mentioned, some of us aren't the best coders...thus, we have this board to rely on for great hacks, hoping they are correct, etc.

But Im willing to work with whomever in getting this hack to work correctly, and to maybe even add some additional features. If anyone is down, please pm me. Let's make this hack work correctly, and bug free. We have enough resources here, so let's use them!

cat_san 03-10-2005 08:19 AM

figured it out --- shoulda ran the install script BEFORE making all those code modifications.... (good thing i kept backups of the originals, huh?)

Marco van Herwaarden 03-10-2005 08:22 AM

Well there is no select query in the install script (teams2.0.2_install.php), so i doubt you are getting this error during the install script.

This error look like the install script was never run.

TunerNetwork 03-10-2005 03:55 PM

well, im having problems where i have people as a member of certain teams and they cant access the private forums for that team etc.

Scerina 03-11-2005 03:39 AM

HELP ME!!!...

After the file modifications and as I attempted to enter my forum's main index page to edit the templates, I came upon this error message:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.6:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT teams.*, teams.name AS username,

COUNT(user.userid) AS totalmembers,
sum(user.posts) AS posts,
sum(user.reputation) AS reputation
FROM vb3teams AS teams
LEFT JOIN vb3user ON(teams.teamid = user.teamid)
WHERE teams.teamid =1
GROUP BY teams.teamid

mysql error: Unknown table 'user' in field list

mysql error number: 1109

Date: Friday 11th of March 2005 12:37:55 AM

Can someone please help me here???

Marco van Herwaarden 03-11-2005 03:55 AM

Sounds to me like you are using table prefix, and the hack didn't support that.

Try to find the file where you made the edit to this sql when installing this hack. You will probably see something like:
PHP Code:

LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user ON....... 

chnage it to:
PHP Code:

LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON....... 

Scerina 03-11-2005 05:53 AM

I didn't do any mysql edits just main file edits...u know how to install this script? If so, can you look over my modified files and see what went wrong and if you see any thing messed up can you fix it? I mean can you help me out????

Scerina 03-11-2005 08:27 AM

screw this hack! Is full of bugs and as I read this entire thread...I realize just like the rest of you...it was poorly coded and the creator is no where to be found to help us out when we need help...I hope someone else (who is more experinced in coding) pick this hack up and rewrite it and test it out...and may that coder be successful in it and we have another cool hack to add to our forums...as for the creator of this hack...you need to practice or learn more bout coding cuz this hack has great potentials but ya codin sux as there are so many bugs in it...is not even funny and it is freakin frustratin to try and sort it out...esp when ur not a techie like u!


And I do not mean to sound ungrateful here but seriously...too much bugs and is freakin frustratin to try and fix it and when u do fix something... more bugs pop up! It got great potential but the codin SUX big ass time

miz 03-15-2005 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Scerina
screw this hack! Is full of bugs and as I read thisentire thread...I realize just like the rest of you...it was poorlycoded and the creator is no where to be found to help us out when weneed help...I hope someone else (who is more experinced in coding) pickthis hack up and rewrite it and test it out...and may that coder besuccessful in it and we have another cool hack to add to ourforums...as for the creator of this hack...you need to practice orlearn more bout coding cuz this hack has great potentials but ya codinsux as there are so many bugs in it...is not even funny and it isfreakin frustratin to try and sort it out...esp when ur not a techielike u!


And I do not mean to sound ungrateful here but seriously...too muchbugs and is freakin frustratin to try and fix it and when u do fixsomething... more bugs pop up! It got great potential but the codin SUXbig ass time

peeps like is the exscat reason i dont post the fix's and updates.
i had bugs on the table prefix cuse i simply dont use it

you say my coding sux so you have 2 options right now
or code for yourself, or simply dont use my code
if you want to use it take it as it is

thats all. if you want to see my real coding you can take a look on my site
there all of my hacks working 100 % perfectly.

sorry but im not going to support any qustions from you any more
thanx for the response have a good day and good bye.

Polo 03-15-2005 03:58 PM


you need to practice or learn more bout coding cuz this hack has great potentials but ya codin sux as there are so many bugs in it
Scerina no one is forcing you to use this mod, if you dont like it learn php and code it yourself. Here is a good link to start Learn PHP

Also remember that Miz is generous enough to share his mod with the community.. he has no obligation at all to be here or share his coded mods... he does it because he feels like it... if you dont like how he codes, as I said, learn php or pay some coder to create the pefect hack for you.

Have a great day.

P.S. Next time try to be nice and dont let frustration get to you.

TunerNetwork 03-15-2005 06:50 PM

ok, back on track now the hatred has been let out,lol

Anyone want to work on getting this to work correctly for us?

croft 03-27-2005 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by miz
supuse to be around line 245

man i cant find this code ANYWHERE at all in newreply. ?????


                        if (($tview = fetch_bbarray_cookie('thread_lastview', $threadinfo['threadid'])) != $threadinfo['lastpost'])
                                $url = "showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]p=$newpost[postid]&posted=1#post$newpost[postid]";
                                $url = "showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]p=$newpost[postid]#post$newpost[postid]";

Sleepyk 03-27-2005 04:55 PM

humn this could be good, i run a hip-hop battle forum, and people got their own crews there, this might work nicely

Zachariah 03-29-2005 11:23 PM

vbteams 2.0.2 / VB3.07

I know I can mess up on copy and paste @ 3am :D, but I rechecked the install a few times.

I do not get:


$teamlink .= "<tr class='alt1' align='center'> <td> <a href='showteams.php?do=teamprofile&teamid=$teamid'> $teamname</a> </td>
 <td class='alt1' align='center' width='50%'><a href='usercp.php?teamdo=accept&teamid=$teamid'>[Accept]</a>&nbsp;<a href='usercp.php?teamdo=deny&teamid=$teamid'>[Deny]</a></td>

To show up in the UserCP at all on a user I invite to a team.
Did I miss something? Where in the userCP is the accept / deny ?

Is there a USERCP_SHELL template edit i missed ? (i did not see one in the "template_changes.txt"

REQ: The team admin needs the option to add a user to the team w/o invite. (2 choices for the admin: invite userID / add userID) Once added a PM sent to the new team mate telling them links, needed info.

Zachariah 03-30-2005 02:25 AM

Forums > Teams > Test Profile > Test Privte Area > Test Privte Forum
- stuff

I am in the thread "stuff".

In the navbar "Test Privte Forum" links to "forumdisplay.php?f=4" ; it should link to "teamprivtearea.php?do=forumdisplay&teamid=3"

**$root/Search.php: for the private team forum to users with team access only. (currently: anyone can search and find thread titles but not view the content)

** add search dropdown to do "quick searches" in the team forum.

Xtrato 04-02-2005 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by Scerina
HELP ME!!!...

After the file modifications and as I attempted to enter my forum's main index page to edit the templates, I came upon this error message:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.6:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT teams.*, teams.name AS username,

COUNT(user.userid) AS totalmembers,
sum(user.posts) AS posts,
sum(user.reputation) AS reputation
FROM vb3teams AS teams
LEFT JOIN vb3user ON(teams.teamid = user.teamid)
WHERE teams.teamid =1
GROUP BY teams.teamid

mysql error: Unknown table 'user' in field list

mysql error number: 1109

Date: Friday 11th of March 2005 12:37:55 AM

Can someone please help me here???

L'o guys, im having the same error i have a prefix such as dbvb_vbusers

I dont know if thats a huge problem. but I would like some help here.

croft 04-04-2005 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by croft
man i cant find this code ANYWHERE at all in newreply. ?????


                        if (($tview = fetch_bbarray_cookie('thread_lastview', $threadinfo['threadid'])) != $threadinfo['lastpost'])
                                $url = "showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]p=$newpost[postid]&amp;posted=1#post$newpost[postid]";
                                $url = "showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]p=$newpost[postid]#post$newpost[postid]";

Hey guys if anyone been succesefull with newreply.php can you please explain how you did it ?? Cause that code is NOWHERE on that file.

miz 04-08-2005 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by Xtrato
L'o guys, im having the same error i have a prefix such as dbvb_vbusers

I dont know if thats a huge problem. but I would like some help here.


          LEFT JOIN user  ON(teams.teamid = user.teamid)
change to :


          LEFT JOIN user AS user    ON(teams.teamid = user.teamid)

KAC 04-17-2005 04:57 PM

Major problems installing this mod.. Does this work on 3.0.7 ? and if it does ..

When I upload sessions.php it brings down the whole forum, database error.
When I upload usercp.php, when I click usercp it give database error.
When I upload forumdisplay.php I am unable to get inside forums.
When I upload profile.php, inside usercp when I click profile I get database error.
When I upload showthread.php, I get database error when posting.

I did the template edits first then uploaded php files, then tried to run install and got database error . removed sessions.php edit and tried to run install . It worked till the end and I got a database error on the install .

Can someone help ?


The hack is half way installed as of now .. I would love to have this working properly if possible since it will be great for my site.

Marco van Herwaarden 04-17-2005 06:52 PM

What editor are you using?

I just checked the install instructions for the sessions.php. No way this can bring your board down if instructions followed accurate.

PS Are you still on 3.0.0 like your profile is showing?

KAC 04-17-2005 11:54 PM

I am at 3.0.7 And when I upload sessions.php I am unable to get to the site .. Even while inside the admincp it comes up database error ... ill check my editing again on session but as far as the other stuff , I have no idea what could be wrong ..

this s the error I get when I upload the edited sessions.php

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: fetch_teaminfo() in /home/virtual/site33/fst/var/www/html/vb/includes/sessions.php on line 316

Marco van Herwaarden 04-18-2005 04:28 AM

Hmm looks like there are some requires of functions_team.php missing from th instructions. Will get back to you later if the hack coder didn't reply first.

PS could be you missed another edit, i didn't go through all instructions yet.

KAC 04-18-2005 02:38 PM

I went over all of my edits and I followed the instructions to the T .. I have a feeling that my forum possibly has another mod or hack that may be messing this one up . Im getting database errors still while replying to posts. so there is another php file that I did not list above that is not correct also ..

Marco van Herwaarden 04-18-2005 03:42 PM

Like i posted before, i have feeling that something is missing from teh isntructions. Surprised nobody mentioned it before now.

I send MIZ a PM asking him to have a look at the instructions.

KAC 04-19-2005 01:17 AM

Well, thanks alot for trying to help marcoH64 .. I have one more day to get this worked out or I have to redo all that I did already . I have about 20,000 hits a day on my site and its just not lookin to good right now for it . I guess maybe Ill retry this mod in the future if nothing is resolved by tommorrow. thanks again

tpr 04-19-2005 06:01 AM

Could someone please tell me whats the status of this hack ?
I really (but really) need a good team hack, i was unable to work around some of the problems that exist in this version and from what i understand from miz comments he is not going to continue supporting this hack.
My question is, Miz, are you planning to come back, i know some ppl here tend to forget that they are not paying for these hacks but i dont think its fair to blame everyone else as well.. :(
Assuming Miz is out of the game will someone be willing to build a new & improved team hack ? i can not do a hack like this alone but im sure with some help its doable...


Marco van Herwaarden 04-19-2005 03:47 PM

Just a quick update:

I installed this hack today on a clean 3.0.7 testboard, and following the instructions (with a litle comon sense) i was able to install it without real problems (not used a table prefix).

I taken the liberty to create a version of this hack that is 100% the same as Miz version, only it has some bugfixes in it so people can at least install this hack (even when using a prefix) and run it secure (fixed some possible SQL injections).

I also updated the install instructions to avoid editing errors.

I plan still to incorporate a fix for the no permission error on post a thread in a private forum (and find out why i can't accept a new member to a group on my testboard). When this is finished (hopefully tomorrow) i will post my version here in this thread.

It is NOT my intention to take over Miz's work, so i will remove my version after Miz returns or withdraw this hack (reading back this thread here makes me wonder if he will want to support this hack more, couldn't blame him if he doesn't).

PS Don't start asking for modifications, i will only fix a few bugs in the current versions that are serious enough to make this hack not functional for some people.

skorzguy 04-19-2005 04:44 PM

Here is an idea somebody suggested to me:

Must have VB teams and Arcade installed:

In the high score list, list the member and what team he or she belongs to:

How would I do this?
Do i just need to edit the templates?

Can someone do this cool feature

KTBleeding 04-19-2005 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by MarcoH64
Just a quick update:

I installed this hack today on a clean 3.0.7 testboard, and following the instructions (with a litle comon sense) i was able to install it without real problems (not used a table prefix).

I taken the liberty to create a version of this hack that is 100% the same as Miz version, only it has some bugfixes in it so people can at least install this hack (even when using a prefix) and run it secure (fixed some possible SQL injections).

I also updated the install instructions to avoid editing errors.

I plan still to incorporate a fix for the no permission error on post a thread in a private forum (and find out why i can't accept a new member to a group on my testboard). When this is finished (hopefully tomorrow) i will post my version here in this thread.

It is NOT my intention to take over Miz's work, so i will remove my version after Miz returns or withdraw this hack (reading back this thread here makes me wonder if he will want to support this hack more, couldn't blame him if he doesn't).

PS Don't start asking for modifications, i will only fix a few bugs in the current versions that are serious enough to make this hack not functional for some people.

When will this be available? I was just going to try this hack out, but if yours fixes bugs/possible SQL injections, I'm very interested.

KAC 04-19-2005 06:50 PM

thank you MarcoH64, cant wait to try it out ..

Marco van Herwaarden 04-19-2005 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by KTBleeding
When will this be available? I was just going to try this hack out, but if yours fixes bugs/possible SQL injections, I'm very interested.

Like i said, hopefully tomorrow.

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