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sv1cec 12-02-2004 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by JimpsEd
Yes sv1 - I thought you included it in your past ZT's additons.

Your work currently is fantastic :)

Not me, that was one of the features of ZT's hack, which I removed, due to the complications arising from the Hierarchical option. I guess it's time to bring it back, so please give me some time and some help here.

How do you want this handled? I mean, if you are using the hierarchical option, every group can be warned (except for admins), even the super mods (by an admin) or the mods (by the admins or a supermod). In this case, if you define more protected groups, they would be treaded as admins (if you use the hierarchical) or to the management groups (if you do not). Is that what you want? I mean, wouldn't it be silly to be able to warn the super mods or the mods and not to be able to warn other groups? Let me know if that's what you want.


sv1cec 12-02-2004 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by JimpsEd
What happens when someone gets given a warning for X points, and the X points happens to also be the limit, and the user is temp banned, and the warning maturity is set to longer than what the user gets temp-banned for?

Nothing much, his warning points remain in his account, until they are removed automatically. If he doesn't get another warning, he remains active but if he gets even one more point he is banned again.


SamirDarji 12-02-2004 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by sv1cec
Nothing much, his warning points remain in his account, until they are removed automatically. If he doesn't get another warning, he remains active but if he gets even one more point he is banned again.

Sweet! I thought of this scenario when we were discussing expiring warnings and bans, but I never posted it.

sv1cec 12-02-2004 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by SamirDarji
Sweet! I thought of this scenario when we were discussing expiring warnings and bans, but I never posted it.

It's nothing new, that's how I have it working since the beginning, the only thing that I changed is that now I do not round down the warning points to the maximum, I leave them at whatever they are.

Where is JimpsEd? I need his answer about the protected groups, so that I can go to bed. It's already 3:00 am here.


alkatraz 12-02-2004 11:28 PM

glad to see this hack progressing so quickly! I agree, a must have for any decent size site.

I'll keep checking back, waiting for the updates to slow down before I install it. (yeah im lazy)

sv1cec 12-03-2004 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by alkatraz
glad to see this hack progressing so quickly! I agree, a must have for any decent size site.

I'll keep checking back, waiting for the updates to slow down before I install it. (yeah im lazy)

You are forgiven (LoL), but I think that it will slow down. I just got an idea that I need to implement in my site, and the hack I found is not exactly well supported, so I have a lot of work to do myself.

So, I am sure this will not be updated as often as now. But then again, it all depends on what other ideas I'll get.


SamirDarji 12-03-2004 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by sv1cec
Where is JimpsEd? I need his answer about the protected groups, so that I can go to bed. It's already 3:00 am here.

You see, not even the users of the hack check this thread as much as the owner. Kudos John, I only wonder how you eat and go to the bathroom while keeping on top of this hack. :) Great work. My pick for hack of the month.

Torqued 12-03-2004 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by SamirDarji
You see, not even the users of the hack check this thread as much as the owner. Kudos John, I only wonder how you eat and go to the bathroom while keeping on top of this hack.

I bet he has a wireless connection! ;)

sv1cec 12-03-2004 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by Torqued
I bet he has a wireless connection! ;)

I have a wireless connection to my mobile, but that's not what I use for this thing! I would go bananas, if I were to use that one. Unfortunatelly gentlemen, I am at home with several hours to spend, during the week-days in the morning, when the twins are at the nursery school. The weekends are a different story though.

Wish me luck in getting some employment soon, or else......

Time to work on that other hack.


j_86 12-03-2004 03:54 PM

Many thanks sv1 :) A great addition.

Maybe some ideas to consider; when a post is warned, have the option to display at the end of the post/highlight it in some way saying what it was warned for, by who, how many points and so on. "Public" warning, as such, to "teach" users a lesson before they do it themselves.

sv1cec 12-03-2004 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by JimpsEd
Many thanks sv1 :) A great addition.

Maybe some ideas to consider; when a post is warned, have the option to display at the end of the post/highlight it in some way saying what it was warned for, by who, how many points and so on. "Public" warning, as such, to "teach" users a lesson before they do it themselves.

This is hard to do. For example, you may warn a thread, because it was posted in the wrong forum. Obviously, the moderator will move it to the proper forum, so if you put a message saying "This thread was warned because it was posted in the wrong forum", it will have no meaning after the mod moves it.


rh2004 12-03-2004 10:26 PM

Hello, I had this installed the other day and its install on a few templates default,
satellite and xmas style now they all was working but I have been adding some new
stuff over the last day or so and its now giving me a blank white page when I try
and click on warnings etc.

I've checked throught everything and they all seem to be there, now it works fine
on default vbulletin template and I can do everything but on the others I get the
blank page...

Do you know whats wrong, I read through some of the topic and other people had
a problem but that was with the one template....


rh2004 12-03-2004 10:37 PM

Hello, I had this installed the other day and its install on a few templates default,
satellite and xmas style now they all was working but I have been adding some new
stuff over the last day or so and its now giving me a blank white page when I try
and click on warnings etc.

I've checked throught everything and they all seem to be there, now it works fine
on default vbulletin template and I can do everything but on the others I get the
blank page...

Do you know whats wrong, I read through some of the topic and other people had
a problem but that was with the one template....


mcyates 12-03-2004 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by rh2004
Hello, I had this installed the other day and its install on a few templates default,
satellite and xmas style now they all was working but I have been adding some new
stuff over the last day or so and its now giving me a blank white page when I try
and click on warnings etc.

I've checked throught everything and they all seem to be there, now it works fine
on default vbulletin template and I can do everything but on the others I get the
blank page...

Do you know whats wrong, I read through some of the topic and other people had
a problem but that was with the one template....


Are you sure the templates are acutally in the satellite and zmas styles!!! The blank page would suggest not. Have another check.

rh2004 12-03-2004 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by mcyates
Are you sure the templates are acutally in the satellite and zmas styles!!! The blank page would suggest not. Have another check.

Yeah they are there I just checked ... :disappointed:

sv1cec 12-04-2004 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by rh2004
Yeah they are there I just checked ... :disappointed:

I am sory, but as I explained before, I have no alternative styles on my forums, so I have no idea how that works. I wish I could help you, but without a testing system, it's hard to do. If the system is working on the default style, it's definitely something missing in the rest.


Revan 12-04-2004 10:27 AM

v2.1 now huh? :) Yeah I think this is stable enough for me to install now :)
I didnt read all this template bs too careful, but I hope the fact that I have Child Styles wont come and bite me in the anus ;)
If it does, then I suggest to create a dropdown select menu for the template part of the installer, where the user can choose what style he wishes to install his templates in.


j_86 12-04-2004 10:30 AM

I had problems with the install (blank) of V2.00 - a problem with the entry of the options into the options table (invalid coloumn ID or something), so I tried entering them myself, and then tried deleting the entry in the table and using the form to create it's own, which worked.

However, all of a sudden, each Yes/No etc. selection has 3 options; Yes Yes No (if it was set to Yes before) and No Yes No (if it was set to No before).

Is this a problem, if it is - any idea how to fix it / what SQL command to use to fix the options table?

Revan 12-04-2004 10:45 AM

I had hoped I could just edit my post but meh gotta bump it now :p
I am in the process of installing this hack, and I must say I don't like having a table of its own for the warning_options. Im in the process of creating $vboptions for it all, then edit every part requiring this query to use $vboptions instead.
If you want, sv1, I can write up an installer part for adding into the datastore to help reduce query load for this hack (having 1 extra query ran every time I access the ACP just wont do for me ;))


Originally Posted by JimpsEd
I had problems with the install (blank) of V2.00 - a problem with the entry of the options into the options table (invalid coloumn ID or something), so I tried entering them myself, and then tried deleting the entry in the table and using the form to create it's own, which worked.

However, all of a sudden, each Yes/No etc. selection has 3 options; Yes Yes No (if it was set to Yes before) and No Yes No (if it was set to No before).

Is this a problem, if it is - any idea how to fix it / what SQL command to use to fix the options table?

I am in the process of cleaning up the files, and this will be one of the issues I am fixing.

If you want, sv1, I can send you the files once Im done cleaning them up. It will be issues like the one quoted here, plus coding style I will be tampering with, Im not trying to make my own version of this ;)

sv1cec 12-05-2004 04:22 AM


Originally Posted by Revan
I had hoped I could just edit my post but meh gotta bump it now :p
I am in the process of installing this hack, and I must say I don't like having a table of its own for the warning_options. Im in the process of creating $vboptions for it all, then edit every part requiring this query to use $vboptions instead.
If you want, sv1, I can write up an installer part for adding into the datastore to help reduce query load for this hack (having 1 extra query ran every time I access the ACP just wont do for me ;))

EDIT: I am in the process of cleaning up the files, and this will be one of the issues I am fixing.

If you want, sv1, I can send you the files once Im done cleaning them up. It will be issues like the one quoted here, plus coding style I will be tampering with, Im not trying to make my own version of this ;)


Your idea of using $vboptions is a solid one, I didn't think of that, as I used ZT's original structure and I just used that table for my hack as well. The query for the options is indeed a pain. I wish I had thought about it, because now, I have to go back and edit all the files (not too ddifficult) and all the templates (gosh I hate that)! Darn!!!

And indeed, the code needs some cleaning work. Now that I've finished installing the other hack I mentioned above (the Inline Moderation Hack, great one), I think I'll spend some time cleaning up the mess.

Of course, your help is welcome, don't forget I started this from ZT's code, so a lot of the code is not mine either. An installer which will take into consideration the styles thing would be a great help, as I do not have any additional styles and I can't even help users with this issue. I just do not know how to handle them.

As for the Yes/No/Yes thing on the drop down menus, I am not sure I can do something about it, I am using vB's standard method, and that's how they show up after you set the value once.

Revan 12-05-2004 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by sv1cec

Its Revan damit :p


Originally Posted by sv1cec
Your idea of using $vboptions is a solid one, I didn't think of that, as I used ZT's original structure and I just used that table for my hack as well. The query for the options is indeed a pain. I wish I had thought about it, because now, I have to go back and edit all the files (not too ddifficult) and all the templates (gosh I hate that)! Darn!!!

I have already done this, the hack is now working 100 % using $vboptions :)


Originally Posted by sv1cec
And indeed, the code needs some cleaning work. Now that I've finished installing the other hack I mentioned above (the Inline Moderation Hack, great one), I think I'll spend some time cleaning up the mess.

I just need to clean the 800 lines in Warn.php, and then make the templates XHTML compliant, and this will be done too :)


Originally Posted by sv1cec
Of course, your help is welcome, don't forget I started this from ZT's code, so a lot of the code is not mine either. An installer which will take into consideration the styles thing would be a great help, as I do not have any additional styles and I can't even help users with this issue. I just do not know how to handle them.

I offered to write a datastore installer, not template installer. And the installer as-is did take my substyles into consideration, it installed in the default style (parent style), and this auto added templates to the child styles :)


Originally Posted by sv1cec
As for the Yes/No/Yes thing on the drop down menus, I am not sure I can do something about it, I am using vB's standard method, and that's how they show up after you set the value once.

Is that so... Weird, seeing as I already fixed it ;)
Its not vB standard at all mate :p
PHP Code:

    $permoption "
        <option value=\"No\" " 
iif($warn['warn_permban'] == 'No''selected="selected"') . ">No</option>
        <option value=\"Yes\" " 
iif($warn['warn_permban'] == 'Yes''selected="selected"') . ">Yes</option>
$typoption "
        <option value=\"No\" " 
iif($warn['warn_type'] == 'No''selected="selected"') . ">No</option>
        <option value=\"Yes\" " 
iif($warn['warn_type'] == 'Yes''selected="selected"') . ">Yes</option>

This works like a charm :)

I'll get back to you about this once Im done with the cleanup :)


sv1cec 12-05-2004 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by Revan
Its Revan damit :p

I have already done this, the hack is now working 100 % using $vboptions :)

I just need to clean the 800 lines in Warn.php, and then make the templates XHTML compliant, and this will be done too :)

I offered to write a datastore installer, not template installer. And the installer as-is did take my substyles into consideration, it installed in the default style (parent style), and this auto added templates to the child styles :)

Is that so... Weird, seeing as I already fixed it ;)
Its not vB standard at all mate :p
PHP Code:

    $permoption "
        <option value=\"No\" " 
iif($warn['warn_permban'] == 'No''selected="selected"') . ">No</option>
        <option value=\"Yes\" " 
iif($warn['warn_permban'] == 'Yes''selected="selected"') . ">Yes</option>
$typoption "
        <option value=\"No\" " 
iif($warn['warn_type'] == 'No''selected="selected"') . ">No</option>
        <option value=\"Yes\" " 
iif($warn['warn_type'] == 'Yes''selected="selected"') . ">Yes</option>

This works like a charm :)

I'll get back to you about this once Im done with the cleanup :)



Sorry for the name mixup! I know I shouldn't type, before I have a full glass of coffee in my system.

Re. vboptions, good work, let's see it. I did some maintenance work on my site, and moved the warn_options query to the global.php file, in that way it is executed only once, that should help reduce the queries counter.

Re. Yes/No/Yes issue, what can I say, you are a much better coder than I am. Going to change this now.


Revan 12-05-2004 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by sv1cec
Sorry for the name mixup! I know I shouldn't type, before I have a full glass of coffee in my system.

Hehe no worries mate :)


Originally Posted by sv1cec
Re. vboptions, good work, let's see it.

I'll get to work on the Warn.php right now then :)

Originally Posted by sv1cec
I did some maintenance work on my site, and moved the warn_options query to the global.php file, in that way it is executed only once, that should help reduce the queries counter.

Cool, Im all for query optimisations :D


Originally Posted by sv1cec
Re. Yes/No/Yes issue, what can I say, you are a much better coder than I am. Going to change this now.

Meh, I just entered debug mode, stole the code vB uses to create the "Date Format" (Yesterday/Today etc) and modded it to fit this ;)


mcyates 12-05-2004 07:01 PM

FAO sv1cec
Quality hack,

I installed it perfectly a couple of weeks ago, but i restarted my forum but kept the same database but i can't install the latest version. What i need is some SQL code which i can put in phpmyadmin which will remove them all and let me install it properly.

Or you could just let me know where all the warning database tables / columns are so i can manually remove them. Also i had Zero Tolerance's Warning Hack installed before yours, so some of their tables / columns might need removing.

Thanks in advance, i just need this hack installed again as it was very usefull.

I sit waiting.....

rh2004 12-06-2004 01:40 AM

Hi when I run the install I always get this error?


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO `warning_options` values ('1','Yes', 'No', '','0','7','10','8','6','8','0','Yes','3','All','Yes','Yes','No','Yes','Yes','15')
mysql error: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1

mysql error number: 1136

Date: Sunday 05th of December 2004 10:40:05 PM
Script: /adminpanel/install_warn.php[/url]

Can you help :(

Also what do I ned to do to my other templates, so it works?

+d-cipher 12-06-2004 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by rh2004
Hi when I run the install I always get this error?


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:
 Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO `warning_options` values ('1','Yes', 'No', '','0','7','10','8','6','8','0','Yes','3','All','Yes','Yes','No','Yes','Yes','15')
 mysql error: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
 mysql error number: 1136
 Date: Sunday 05th of December 2004 10:40:05 PM
 Script: /adminpanel/install_warn.php[/url]

Can you help :(

Also what do I ned to do to my other templates, so it works?

Same for me.

sv1cec 12-06-2004 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by +d-cipher
Same for me.

Sorry folks, change that line in install_warn.php, with the one below:

PHP Code:

$install[]="INSERT INTO `".TABLE_PREFIX."warning_options` values ('1','Yes', 'Yes','No', '','0','7','10','8','6', '6','8','0','Yes','3','All','Yes','Yes','No','Yes','Yes','15')"

The difference is one more 'Yes' in the beginning.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

sv1cec 12-06-2004 03:50 AM


Originally Posted by mcyates
FAO sv1cec
Quality hack,

I installed it perfectly a couple of weeks ago, but i restarted my forum but kept the same database but i can't install the latest version. What i need is some SQL code which i can put in phpmyadmin which will remove them all and let me install it properly.

Or you could just let me know where all the warning database tables / columns are so i can manually remove them. Also i had Zero Tolerance's Warning Hack installed before yours, so some of their tables / columns might need removing.

Thanks in advance, i just need this hack installed again as it was very usefull.

I sit waiting.....

The following tables are used by this hack (and Zero's):


If you had installed version 2.0 and above, you would also have a table named pmtext_warned.

Zero was using another table for banned users, called banned_members. All these should be in your database, and should be useable again.

If you want to delete them and start from scratch, just make sure you do not use a TABLE_PREFIX. If you do, add that in the installation script.

I would suggest that you do not start with Zero's hack, go directly to the installation of this one, the installation procedure is much easier.

Let me know if that helps.


Delphy 12-06-2004 10:37 AM


Just found this hack and tried installing from scratch. I get an error:

Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO `warning_options` values ('1','Yes', 'Yes','No', '','0','7','10','8','6','8','0','Yes','3','All','Y es','Yes','No','Yes','Yes','15 ')
mysql error: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1

Looking at the script, the "`max_no_bans` int(5)," column is missing from the insert statement. Adding this back in (Line 208 of install_warn.php) makes it work.

I guessed at a value for max_no_bans - can you tell me what it *should* be?


sv1cec 12-06-2004 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Delphy

Just found this hack and tried installing from scratch. I get an error:

Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO `warning_options` values ('1','Yes', 'Yes','No', '','0','7','10','8','6','8','0','Yes','3','All','Y es','Yes','No','Yes','Yes','15')
mysql error: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1

Looking at the script, the "`max_no_bans` int(5)," column is missing from the insert statement. Adding this back in (Line 208 of install_warn.php) makes it work.

I guessed at a value for max_no_bans - can you tell me what it *should* be?



It was not the max number of bans which was missing, it is the aprotected_usergroups.

Try changing that line to:

PHP Code:

$install[]="INSERT INTO `".TABLE_PREFIX."warning_options` values ('1','Yes', 'Yes','No', '','0','7','10','8','6', '6','8','0','Yes','3','All','Yes','Yes','No','Yes','Yes','15')"

Mind you, I just uploaded a new version, so you may want to download the latest zip.


Delphy 12-06-2004 11:51 AM

Ahh, well I hacked about with it and got it working anyway... I'll grab the latest and take a look.

rh2004 12-06-2004 12:41 PM

Wooooooow it is now working :D

Thank you :D :D :D

SamirDarji 12-06-2004 03:07 PM

Man, what a weekend! I turn around and we're up to verision 2.2? Someone hire John quick or we'll see v5.0 by the end of the year! lol

rh2004 12-06-2004 03:54 PM

Hi I was upgrading the version to the latest 2.2 I think I had 2.1

I get this error when I click apply database changes


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL: alter table warnings
add `warned_status` char(1), add `removed_by` int(15), add `removed_date` int(15)
mysql error: Duplicate column name 'warned_status'

mysql error number: 1060

Date: Monday 06th of December 2004 12:50:18 PM
Script: http://adminpanel/upgrade_warn.php
Referer: http://adminpanel/upgrade_warn.php
Username: w
IP Address:

Did you update just the installer today or did you upgrade to 2.2 as well?

Because I think I downloaded it yesterday and installed....

sv1cec 12-06-2004 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by rh2004
Hi I was upgrading the version to the latest 2.2 I think I had 2.1

I get this error when I click apply database changes


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL: alter table warnings
add `warned_status` char(1), add `removed_by` int(15), add `removed_date` int(15)
mysql error: Duplicate column name 'warned_status'

mysql error number: 1060

Date: Monday 06th of December 2004 12:50:18 PM
Script: http://adminpanel/upgrade_warn.php
Referer: http://adminpanel/upgrade_warn.php
Username: w
IP Address:

Did you update just the installer today or did you upgrade to 2.2 as well?

Because I think I downloaded it yesterday and installed....

Please read the instructions. The script upgrade_warn.php is used only to upgrade from Zero Tolerance's hack to Advanced Warning System (this hack). The upgrade_warn.php is used instead of the install_warn.php script, when doing a new installation, on top of Zero's hack. It is not to be used to upgrade to the latest version of the Advanced Warning System.

To upgrade from version 2.1 to 2.2 of the Advanced Warning System, read and apply the instructions in the UpgradeToLatestVersion.txt file.



sv1cec 12-06-2004 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by SamirDarji
Man, what a weekend! I turn around and we're up to verision 2.2? Someone hire John quick or we'll see v5.0 by the end of the year! lol

Well, you know, I have time and I try to use it as best as I can.

Yes please, someone hire me quickly, or else the twins will have a big problem!!

Too bad not too many people in Greece use vB.


rh2004 12-06-2004 06:16 PM

Okie I have re done the whole mod anyway and its working, I found another error
though, when you have send PM to user (when warned) it gives you the error:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: sendpm() in /home/username/public_html/dis/Warn.php on line 357
If its turned of you don't get the error

Another one I found is:

My adminpanel is called adminpanel instead of admincp so when I click
Complete Removal user it gives me


The requested URL /admincp/admin_warn.php was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Can you help me fix these :D

Thanks :)

Revan 12-06-2004 07:22 PM

Ive just submitted the enhanced version of this hack to sv1, so hopefully soon we will see a cleaner and even less query absorbing version of this :)

Oh, and that error can be fixed by renaming back to /admincp/ ;)


Celtic_Mad 12-06-2004 09:10 PM

I have made a usergroup called 'Site Owner' which I am in and it has everything an adminstrator has but administrators and moderators are still able to warn me, how can I make it that neither of them can warn this usergroup?

Torqued 12-06-2004 10:09 PM

woo. can't wait to see the enhanced version! :)

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