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-   -   Spell Checker: PungoSpell for vBulletin3 Standard and WYSIWYG modes (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=65737)

corvettecrew 07-13-2004 04:05 AM

That did it. Thanks

Boofo 07-13-2004 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by corvettecrew
That did it. Thanks

You could have pm'd me there and I would have told you this. ;)

Wifey 07-13-2004 07:38 PM

Installed and working perfectly!

/me clicks install

rsuplido 07-28-2004 01:27 AM

When I click on Spell Check, it opens a window with just nothing in it -- just plain white. There must be a conflict somewhere. Can anyone help out? Thanks.

pixelpunk 08-09-2004 12:59 PM

Is there a way to limit this function for only one usergroup? Say... my donating usergroup?

tamarian 08-09-2004 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by pixelpunk
Is there a way to limit this function for only one usergroup? Say... my donating usergroup?

You can use template conditionals, like:

<if condition="$bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 2 OR $bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 26">
.....spellcheck template code....

kall 08-13-2004 07:36 PM

Will the lack of aspell cause 404 errors?

I'm getting those when I click the button.

Upon checking phpinfo, pspell is indeed enabled, but I see no mention of aspell.

psehgal 08-20-2004 04:23 PM

Could somebody please help me - I am not the root on the host machine, and so, I cannot go in and make changes to the pspell data/dictionary files. The phpinfo() output shows that pspell is indeed enabled, but I keep getting all kind of errors!

If I set the language to "en", then the spell check page in the small window just times out after trying to reload for a few minutes. If I set the language to anything else, then the page displays correctly, get the error saying -


Warning: PSPELL couldn't open the dictionary. reason: I'm sorry I can't find any suitable word lists for the language-tag "english".
Is there any way to install the dictionary files to my local directory, and make pspell read it from there?

Code Monkey 08-22-2004 08:41 PM

This worked for me in every way except it doesn't update the post. It corrects the words in the pop up and when it closes on completion the original post remains the same. :(

paul41598 08-28-2004 03:07 PM

How do I "recompile PHP with the "--with-pspell" paramater" My site is hosted by ace-host.net do they have to install aspell or do I. I can't figure this out.

Thanks in advance,

tamarian 08-29-2004 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by paul41598
How do I "recompile PHP with the "--with-pspell" paramater" My site is hosted by ace-host.net do they have to install aspell or do I. I can't figure this out.

Thanks in advance,

It really depends on the hosting setup. Some hosts give you root access and let you do your own thing, some are anal and require they do things their way. If you have a dedicated server, you should be able to install whatever you want, if it's a shared server, they will probably have to install it.

m0h2 09-11-2004 06:20 PM

just installed it & I'm getting this error

An error occured, please notify your administrator.

m0h2 09-11-2004 07:09 PM

I get this error when checking a PM every thing else is working fine!

Jing 10-06-2004 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by SteveK
I get this error when attempting to spell check:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: pspell_new() in /home/profit/public_html/forums/checkspelling.php on line 26

Line 26 is:

PHP Code:

    $pspell_link pspell_new ("$my_lang"""""""PSPELL_FAST|PSPELL_RUN_TOGETHER); 

Tried changing custom.pws from "en" to "english", no luck
I do have pspell installed, but unsure of dictionary location the aspell.conf file. How do I edit the aspell.conf file using SSH so that it points to the right dictionary file?


I had got the same error. After some checkings, I noticed that PSpell was not compiled correctly with php. I did a re-compilation, and it got rid of the error after that. I compiled it initially with --enable-pspell, while it should have been --with-pspell instead. Check if you compiled it wrongly too.

I couldn't fix this problem here though, which was mentioned by Chris on Page 8 I think. The spellcheck ignores all the spacings and just inserts the text as a long paragraph when spellchecking, then outputs them as one long paragraph too. I tried re-uploading in Binary, or even saving it with VI, it just doesn't work. I am quite sure that it has to do with the codes of pulling the text from the text area.

Jing 10-11-2004 07:30 AM

no one is going reply?

Arsenik 12-05-2004 01:42 AM

It doesnt change the text when wysiwyg is used... =/ it does work for the standard/basic editor. Any idea on how to make it work correctly with the wysiwyg? (vb 3.0.3)

docvader 12-05-2004 05:51 AM


I noticed that PSpell was not compiled correctly with php. I did a re-compilation, and it got rid of the error after that. I compiled it initially with --enable-pspell, while it should have been --with-pspell instead. Check if you compiled it wrongly too.
I've "installed" aspell and pspell, as directed, but it's not showing up on my PHP page. I didn't compile it, I don't think. Don't know how, lol.

Can anyone just write down some directions to compile pspell with php? I have root access, on an OS X server, running PHP 4.34


peterska2 12-09-2004 11:15 PM

Little help please.


<br />
<b>Warning</b>: PSPELL couldn't open the dictionary. reason: I'm sorry I can't find any suitable word lists for the language-tag "en". in <b>/home/virtual/site3/fst/var/www/html/forum/checkspelling.php</b> on line <b>32</b><br />
<br />
<b>Warning</b>: 0 is not a PSPELL result index in <b>/home/virtual/site3/fst/var/www/html/forum/checkspelling.php</b> on line <b>85</b><br />
<br />

<b>Warning</b>: 0 is not a PSPELL result index in <b>/home/virtual/site3/fst/var/www/html/forum/checkspelling.php</b> on line <b>88</b><br />
<br />
<b>Warning</b>: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <b>/home/virtual/site3/fst/var/www/html/forum/checkspelling.php</b> on line <b>90</b><br />
<br />
<b>Warning</b>: 0 is not a PSPELL result index in <b>/home/virtual/site3/fst/var/www/html/forum/checkspelling.php</b> on line <b>85</b><br />

<br />
<b>Warning</b>: 0 is not a PSPELL result index in <b>/home/virtual/site3/fst/var/www/html/forum/checkspelling.php</b> on line <b>88</b><br />
<br />
<b>Warning</b>: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <b>/home/virtual/site3/fst/var/www/html/forum/checkspelling.php</b> on line <b>90</b><br />
<br />

<b>Warning</b>: 0 is not a PSPELL result index in <b>/home/virtual/site3/fst/var/www/html/forum/checkspelling.php</b> on line <b>85</b><br />
<br />
<b>Warning</b>: 0 is not a PSPELL result index in <b>/home/virtual/site3/fst/var/www/html/forum/checkspelling.php</b> on line <b>88</b><br />
<br />
<b>Warning</b>: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <b>/home/virtual/site3/fst/var/www/html/forum/checkspelling.php</b> on line <b>90</b><br />
this is taken from the source of my spell window when it opens.

I've tried renaming 'en' to 'english' in custom.pws and that has had no effect. pspell is enabled. PHP version 4.3.3

tamarian 12-13-2004 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by peterska2
Little help please.

this is taken from the source of my spell window when it opens.

I've tried renaming 'en' to 'english' in custom.pws and that has had no effect. pspell is enabled. PHP version 4.3.3

It appears that the dictionary is screwed up.

I can't help with this, as I'm encountering the same problem. I've upgraded my PHP and aspell/pspell packages. Only to find out PHP no longer supports newer versions of aspell/pspell. So Instead of downgrading my PHP version and recompiling, I've switched to PHPSpell.

If I do find a way to make it work, I'll post the details, but for now, it's in the hands of pspell developers, as their name changes caused the PHP folks to not support newer version, from what I've read.

Boofo 12-13-2004 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by tamarian
It appears that the dictionary is screwed up.

I can't help with this, as I'm encountering the same problem. I've upgraded my PHP and aspell/pspell packages. Only to find out PHP no longer supports newer versions of aspell/pspell. So Instead of downgrading my PHP version and recompiling, I've switched to PHPSpell.

If I do find a way to make it work, I'll post the details, but for now, it's in the hands of pspell developers, as their name changes caused the PHP folks to not support newer version, from what I've read.

I'm using PHP v4.3.9 and it works fine for me.

tamarian 12-13-2004 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
I'm using PHP v4.3.9 and it works fine for me.

What versions are you using for

and dictionary?

Are they installed from source, or from RPM's?

Boofo 12-13-2004 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by tamarian
What versions are you using for

and dictionary?

Are they installed from source, or from RPM's?

All I know for sure is when he compiles Apache to update it or change anything, he recompiles PSPELL with it and it is still working fine. Always has. I can't get to it to check the versions, sorry. ;)

But here is what I am running if it helps at all:

Apache v1.3.33
PHP v4.3.9
MySQL v4.0.22-standard

GraphicW 12-17-2004 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by Arsenik
It doesnt change the text when wysiwyg is used... =/ it does work for the standard/basic editor. Any idea on how to make it work correctly with the wysiwyg? (vb 3.0.3)

I have noticed this same problem. I have a feeling this spell checker will not work with VB 3.03 the way it is supposed to. Let me know if you should discover something. I will so the same should I discover a way to get it working.

T3MEDIA 12-17-2004 09:04 PM

What happens if you the phpspell installed and want to use this. any ideas on a smooth exit?

GraphicW 12-18-2004 01:19 PM

You would simply undo the steps you took to install PHP Spell and then install this hack. If you have a PHP Spell that is working now though, I would suggest leaving well enough alone because this hack does not work with the WYSIWYG mode of Vbulletin 3.03. It only works with standard mode correctly.

JohnBee 12-19-2004 12:56 PM

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: pspell_new()
in /home/server/www/forum/checkspelling.php on line 32

Any ideas?

Boofo 12-20-2004 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by tamarian
What versions are you using for

and dictionary?

Are they installed from source, or from RPM's?

I switched servers and we were using PHP 4.3.9 on the new server and PungoSpell was broken. We upgraded to version 4.3.10 of PHP and it is now working fine again. All we did was compile Apache with PSPELL when we rebuilt it. I'm not sure what version it uses doing it that way.

Mark.B 01-01-2005 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by peterska2
Little help please.

this is taken from the source of my spell window when it opens.

I've tried renaming 'en' to 'english' in custom.pws and that has had no effect. pspell is enabled. PHP version 4.3.3

I am suddenly getting these errors too, it wasn't doing it yesterday and the hosts have not changed anything. Odd.

Stranger still, the spellchecker still actually works, it just spews all those errors out.

DTC 01-01-2005 12:17 PM

Same here...was working great for months then wack, getting errors. Tried all that was listed here, no go, even after an update to 4.3.10 :(
All files are good and intact...


Warning: PSPELL couldn't open the dictionary. reason: I'm sorry I can't find any suitable word lists for the language-tag "en". in /home/dctdg/public_html/forums/checkspelling.php on line 32

Warning: 0 is not a PSPELL result index in /home/dctdg/public_html/forums/checkspelling.php on line 85

Warning: 0 is not a PSPELL result index in /home/dctdg/public_html/forums/checkspelling.php on line 88

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/dctdg/public_html/forums/checkspelling.php on line 90

DTC 01-03-2005 05:02 PM

Just an FYI, aspell is working correctly..tried it at the comand line and it had no problems using aspell -c "filename"....found the dictionary NP...

Using Aspell .33.7.1 and Pspell .12.2 (standard Cpanel rpm versions).

Was working NP with PHP 4.3.9, then crapped out...went to 4.3.10 and still the same errors...

DTC 01-03-2005 06:04 PM

OK, figured it out! We were missing the .pwli file in the pspell data directory. Cpanel had to wack it at one point...go figure...

Here's what ya need to do:

Check the pspell data directory. If you don't know where that is type:

pspell-config pkgdatadir

That should tell you where to look. In my case it was /usr/share/pspell/

You need to create a file in that directory called en-aspell.pwli (I use english) and the only thing that is in the file is the path to your dictionary. In my case the file contains one line as below:


Bingo, it works again...

Good 'ole CPanel....

Hope that helps anyone else that has the problem...

Mark.B 01-06-2005 11:18 PM

My hosts upgraded to php 4.3.10 tonight and it fixed the error.

Dio 01-08-2005 08:44 PM

If I am posting a new thread or replying to a thread life is good, but when I try to respond to a thread that has "quoting" in it I get an error message - it tells me to talk with my administrator. Any ideas how to correct it so that it is available when spell checking is used during a reply with quoting in it?

Wifey 01-10-2005 03:36 AM

All of a sudden my spell check isn't working. I'm not sure if it was from a query I ran a few days ago and I have no idea why. It's at least not getting an error anymore when I try to use it since I had my hosting move me to a newer server, but I just reinstalled this hack and I don't understand why it's not working.

I hit spell check and a blank window pops up saying its done. Any ideas?

Dio 01-13-2005 01:29 AM

Is there anybody out there supporting this hack?

LunaTech 01-13-2005 04:52 AM

I've solved the "An error has occured, ....your administrator" error in my case. I noticed it only happend when the text had a carrige return. If it was only one line of text no problems. So, not surprisingly, it turns out the problem stems from a carrige return being imbedded in the checkspelling.php. If you edit that file, you must not do it in DOS mode. If you edit the file in DOS mode, it'll break the carrige return and mess up your code. Try uploading a fresh copy of checkspelling.php (in binary mode) if you have any trouble.

Dio 01-13-2005 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by LunaTech
I've solved the "An error has occured, ....your administrator" error in my case. I noticed it only happend when the text had a carrige return. If it was only one line of text no problems. So, not surprisingly, it turns out the problem stems from a carrige return being imbedded in the checkspelling.php. If you edit that file, you must not do it in DOS mode. If you edit the file in DOS mode, it'll break the carrige return and mess up your code. Try uploading a fresh copy of checkspelling.php (in binary mode) if you have any trouble.

Thank you for the response!

Where is the carrige return in the checkspelling.php file, is this something that I can delete? I've uploaded a fresh copy of checkspelling.php and it did not correct the problem. :ermm:

LunaTech 01-13-2005 04:56 PM

Line 47, 48, and 49 should look like (note, I've replaced the HEX 0D character, the line break, in with a space so it displays right on this page):


// can't have newlines or carriage returns in javascript string
$mystr = str_replace(" ", "", $mystr);
$mystr = str_replace("\n", "_|_", $mystr);


// can't have newlines or carriage returns in javascript string
$mystr = str_replace("
", "", $mystr);
$mystr = str_replace("\n", "_|_", $mystr);

The problem is most editors won't read it right. I had to use UltraEdit32, in UNIX mode. To see if you're having the same problem as I did, try spell checking a single line of text with no line breaks. Just like 3 words. If that works fine but more text doesn't - that's probably the problem.

Dio 01-14-2005 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by LunaTech
Line 47, 48, and 49 should look like (note, I've replaced the HEX 0D character, the line break, in with a space so it displays right on this page):


// can't have newlines or carriage returns in javascript string
$mystr = str_replace(" ", "", $mystr);
$mystr = str_replace("\n", "_|_", $mystr);


// can't have newlines or carriage returns in javascript string
$mystr = str_replace("
", "", $mystr);
$mystr = str_replace("\n", "_|_", $mystr);

The problem is most editors won't read it right. I had to use UltraEdit32, in UNIX mode. To see if you're having the same problem as I did, try spell checking a single line of text with no line breaks. Just like 3 words. If that works fine but more text doesn't - that's probably the problem.

Hmmm....I made the changes that you suggested but they did not correct the problem. :ermm:

Wifey 01-15-2005 05:41 PM

Alrighty I made those changes and I uploaded a fresh install and I'm still having issues.

It was working LIKE A CHARM before then all of a sudden decided not to anymore.

When I hit check spelling the windo pops up, loads, and it's blank and says it's done.

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