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Pseudomizer 09-16-2004 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by pagekeeper
i was going to ask wether it was possible, to add a modertor login page ?
and maybe remove guest access ?

basically you have to be a member to access chat ... haha im soo evil :D

Sure you can. This is why i have added the file "chatconfig.php". In this file YOU define who will get access to which resource. So disable the guest access in that file and add the number of the moderator group to the allow chatmaster/admin applet group. All set all done !!!


pagekeeper 09-20-2004 01:26 AM

hey, no problem glad i can help ... ok well i havent got digichat just yet cause i need a
server ... can you access chatmaster on linux ?
just curious can i change the adspace also ? for example if i wanted to add javascript into the space ... i thought you may know since you've used it so long.

Wential 09-20-2004 04:40 AM

I am purchasing Digi-Chat AV/IM next month and really look forward to this hack integration in to VB. Thank you!

Pseudomizer 09-20-2004 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by pagekeeper
hey, no problem glad i can help ... ok well i havent got digichat just yet cause i need a
server ... can you access chatmaster on linux ?
just curious can i change the adspace also ? for example if i wanted to add javascript into the space ... i thought you may know since you've used it so long.

All my servers are running on either SuSe or Debian Linux. I would never run a windows server in the DMZ and spend my time patching windows. Sorry.

With adspace you talk about the advertising via banners? If yes, then the answer is NO to your question. You can not use javascript to implement a banner rotation because DigiChat have already a banner rotation implemented. You have to upload the files in the server/banners directory and then you define the order of the banners in the DigiChat GUI.


dellow 09-25-2004 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by Pseudomizer
Hi @LL,

@dellow: I have users with all kind of special characters in chat and it works fine. What you are describing sounds like they click on "Go to chat" and they are automatically connected as guest? If yes, then your members have cookie problems.


I will give you example to see how my problem with spicial characters comes :

in this forum see this member profile ( Member name : #01 ) :

but the chat script send the data in this format so it will not apear and will be login as guest :

but your name in this forum will apear if i replace #01 with Pseudomizer to be like this :

this is the problem so any user with special characters will not login as member but as guest .



Pseudomizer 09-25-2004 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by dellow
I will give you example to see how my problem with spicial characters comes :

in this forum see this member profile ( Member name : #01 ) :

but the chat script send the data in this format so it will not apear and will be login as guest :

but your name in this forum will apear if i replace #01 with Pseudomizer to be like this :

this is the problem so any user with special characters will not login as member but as guest .



Hi dellow,

this is an HTML problem. The username is given in the URL and special characters can not be processed correctly. If you need a fix for this you have to implement "htmlentities" into the code, so the username will be transformed into a URL friendly information.

Currently i do not have the time to implement this. If you are familiar with HTML you should be able to implement this in a very small amount of time. Otherwise you will have to wait for the next update of this hack because you are the first person who has problems with this and to be honest users should use correct names and not special characters. ;-)

Hope this helps.


pagekeeper 09-27-2004 08:33 PM

will there be a newer version ?

would it be possible for only premium members can create new rooms in chat ...?

seems like it could be a difficult task ...

RobAC 09-28-2004 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Xabbu
Cheaper to set up an IRC server and a free java chat client.... they obviously aren't marketing to the small forum ops...

Yes, but how do you successfully do this? I've tried to connect to various IRC servers in order to set up a chat room, and I've never been successful at it.

Do you have to find someone with an IRC server??

Pseudomizer 10-29-2004 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by pagekeeper
will there be a newer version ?

would it be possible for only premium members can create new rooms in chat ...?

seems like it could be a difficult task ...

Hello pagekeeper,

this is not possible because the DigiChat user administration is independant. There is only one guest account. So you can only set the permission for all guest users which are your members from your forum. Sorry, but there is no way for me to integrate this unless DigiChat offers such a feature.

And yes, there will be a new version but it will take some time to finalize it. At the moment i have so many things to do. It is overwhelming. But the new version will not offer any special great features unless someone is requesting some new features which are not implemented yet AND they can be implemented.


Pseudomizer 10-29-2004 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by RobAC
Yes, but how do you successfully do this? I've tried to connect to various IRC servers in order to set up a chat room, and I've never been successful at it.

Do you have to find someone with an IRC server??

Sorry, but this is not the right thread for such questions. Please go to the corresponding IRC integration threads.


pagekeeper 10-29-2004 09:54 PM

i have seen this done before it is possible... but i suspect its complicated.

can you access chatmaster on a linux server? if not how do you administer digichat ?

you can access it remotely ? such as accessing chatmaster on my windows computer to get it to communicate with the linux server ...?

Pseudomizer 10-30-2004 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by pagekeeper
i have seen this done before it is possible... but i suspect its complicated.

can you access chatmaster on a linux server? if not how do you administer digichat ?

you can access it remotely ? such as accessing chatmaster on my windows computer to get it to communicate with the linux server ...?

Hello pagekeeper,

this is totally independant of the operating system. The chat will run on the same or on a remote machine and you can administer everything remotely. You have to create the corresponding accounts in the DigiChat Admin GUI.

What you are talking about is, to run a remote shell script which uses the commander function ( only if you have licensed the commander feature ) to create these accounts in the DigiChat application with the corresponding rights.

This is a loooot of work to offer a premium service for some members and these premium members will have a blue color in chat. So you will have no way to differenciate between chatmaster accounts who can kick users and premium users. This will cause more confusion then it would help you. I would NOT recommend to go for this configuration.

But if you are interested in this, please read the DigiChat Manual. The section Commander function explains all remote features.


docvader 11-30-2004 05:29 AM

I've installed your wonderful hack with success, and I'm really impressed with it. However, I've got a problem whereby I had VBChat installed first. VBChat, https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...ghlight=vbchat works really well, but I like my Digichat much better, especially since I discovered your hack. The problem is now, for some reason, your hack won't work if the VBChat is working. I installed your hack after VBChat (and it worked great), then tried to make VBChat work (was successful, but it disabled your hack. Trying to uninstall VBChat without much success, there was some database modification. For some reason, VBChat has somehow integrated, and interferes, with the Digichat log in through your hack (my regular Digichat log in page works fine; this is just some sort of issue with your hack and VBChat).

My Digichat is at http://x.russbo.com/vb/chat.php Do you have any suggestions?

Appreciate it. Had your integration working, and I absolutely loved it.


docvader 11-30-2004 06:54 AM

OK, figured it out. The VBChat hack overwrites the "chat" template in its automatic install (and calls it CHAT). Got it working again.

Pseudomizer 12-01-2004 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by docvader
OK, figured it out. The VBChat hack overwrites the "chat" template in its automatic install (and calls it CHAT). Got it working again.



mattster2002 12-18-2004 12:03 AM

Good hack, worked fine on my DigiChat v5.0 installation at http://m1.mumsweb.com just had to edit all the applet's so that it directed to the right cab file, then was running swiot :)


Pseudomizer 12-18-2004 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by mattster2002
Good hack, worked fine on my DigiChat v5.0 installation at http://m1.mumsweb.com just had to edit all the applet's so that it directed to the right cab file, then was running swiot :)


Correct. But this is due to the latest updates and you will have to update them again as soon as you install the Flash AV Version of DigiChat. But i would wait until all the small bugs are flushed out.

Enjoy the hack!

P.S.: Be careful with the chat_who if you upgrade DigiChat because the commander has changed and due to this the output as well. I am working on the update of the chat_who template/file.


docvader 12-18-2004 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by mattster2002
Good hack, worked fine on my DigiChat v5.0 installation at http://m1.mumsweb.com just had to edit all the applet's so that it directed to the right cab file, then was running swiot :)


Have you used digichat 4? Can you compare the two for us? I'm using 4 with this hack, which works superbly by the way. Just wondering.

mattster2002 12-18-2004 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by Pseudomizer
P.S.: Be careful with the chat_who if you upgrade DigiChat because the commander has changed and due to this the output as well. I am working on the update of the chat_who template/file.

Was about to get that working but decieded not to yet. Good thing i read this. Looking forward to seeing what you can do in a new template sort of thing (and possibly a CPMS module?)


Pseudomizer 12-18-2004 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by docvader
Have you used digichat 4? Can you compare the two for us? I'm using 4 with this hack, which works superbly by the way. Just wondering.

I am DigiChat User since Version 2.04. But my first Integration from me was done with 3.5 which was never published. My Version 4 hack was published.

The comparison is very easy:

Version 4:
- vulnerable because User can kick even admins
- can do HTTP Tunneling with Tomcat on Linux

Version 5:
- HTTP Tunneling does not work ( workaround to start chat on port 443 )
- you have an Audio/Video in Chat


Pseudomizer 12-18-2004 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by mattster2002
Was about to get that working but decieded not to yet. Good thing i read this. Looking forward to seeing what you can do in a new template sort of thing (and possibly a CPMS module?)


This is depending on your version of DigiChat. If you use and above then you will run into the chat_who problem, not before.

My update would just fix the chat_who output which does not work any more for the newer versions.

And sorry, no plans for CPMS yet.


mpadc 12-19-2004 12:26 PM

Amazing Hack Quite a Genuis!

thanks for that it works like a gem!

one thing though why are some users getting this error message:

Welcome Guest
You will be logged into the chat with a random user name.
Please be patient. The loading can take 1 or 2 minutes.

If you wish to use your own name then please register here,
and you will get access to all chat functions.

The digital signed applet is NOT a dialer.
It just verifys that this software is not freeware.


is it something to do with the Version of Java?

Pseudomizer 12-19-2004 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by mpadc
Amazing Hack Quite a Genuis!

thanks for that it works like a gem!

one thing though why are some users getting this error message:

Welcome Guest
You will be logged into the chat with a random user name.
Please be patient. The loading can take 1 or 2 minutes.

If you wish to use your own name then please register here,
and you will get access to all chat functions.

The digital signed applet is NOT a dialer.
It just verifys that this software is not freeware.


is it something to do with the Version of Java?

Hello mpadc,

no, this has nothing to do with the java version. This is the guest login. Users who did not register does not have the $bbuserinfo[userid] set.

Due to this they will get the guest access which can be enabled or disabled in the chatconfig.php. Per default the guest user gets a name "guestXXX" where XXX is a random number. In the DigiChat usermanagement the guest account has no rights to change neither name, icon nor any other chat settings. This is all done through my integration in vbulletin. So you can define that only registered users can choose their icons, etc and guest users get a given random name with a standard icon. This is to motivate the users to register on your site to gain full access to all chat settings.

Hope this helps.


docvader 12-20-2004 02:38 PM

Pseudomizer, have you done any work towards integrating Hubz with the VB user base? I've been looking, and trying, but I can't seem to find anything that will allow my Hubz to draw vb names out, as you've so successfully done with Digichat.

Here's one attempt (relevant parts of java script code only):


document.write("<APPLET CODEBASE=http://x.russbo.com/xx/xxxxx/hubz/");
document.write(" CODE=com.diginet.hubz.applet.Hubz.class ");
document.write(" WIDTH=100 ");
document.write(" HEIGHT=100 ");
document.write(" MAYSCRIPT ");
document.write(" ARCHIVE=HubzApplet.jar ");
document.write(" name=Hubz> ");
document.write(" <param name = cabbase value = HubzApplet.cab>");
document.write(" <param name = nickname value = '$fileusername'>");
document.write(" <param name = profileURL value = 'http://x.russbo.com/vb/member.php?&action=getinfo&userid=$fileuserid'>");
document.write(" <param name = editProfile value = no>");
document.write(" <param name = persistent value = yes>");
document.write(" <param name = autoStartup value = no>");
document.write(" <param name = webpageimg value = webpageStatsImg.gif>");
document.write(" <param name = webpageChannelLoc value = '65,24'>");
document.write(" <param name = webpageSiteLoc value = '65,40'>");
document.write(" <param name = chatroomURL value = 'http://x.russbo.com/digichat.html'>");
document.write(" <param name = passProfileChatroom value = true>");
document.write(" <param name = chatEmptyColor value ='218,218,218'>");
This is based off of Pgowder's post, which can be found here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....60&postcount=8



pgowder 12-20-2004 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by docvader
Pseudomizer, have you done any work towards integrating Hubz with the VB user base? I've been looking, and trying, but I can't seem to find anything that will allow my Hubz to draw vb names out, as you've so successfully done with Digichat.

Here's one attempt (relevant parts of java script code only):

This is based off of Pgowder's post, which can be found here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....60&postcount=8


It works great for me. Are you trying to use it and having problems?

pgowder 12-20-2004 02:49 PM

Put this line in your phpinclude_start:

PHP Code:

$fileusername "$bbuserinfo[username]";
$fileemail "$bbuserinfo[email]";
$fileuserid "$bbuserinfo[userid]"

docvader 12-24-2004 06:56 AM

Thanks. But I think I'm missing something. I'm still getting $fileusername in the hubz panel.

This is my relevant portion of phpinclude_start, as per your suggestion:


// Example of how to include a seperate file:
// ob_start();
// require("yourheader.html");
// $header = ob_get_contents();
// ob_end_clean();
$fileusername = "$bbuserinfo[username]";
$fileemail = "$bbuserinfo[email]";
$fileuserid = "$bbuserinfo[userid]";
eval('$navbar2 = "' . fetch_template('navbar2') . '";');
if (defined('VBA_PORTAL')){
$postthumbnail = implode("", file("http://x.russbo.com/photopost/thumbincluder11.php"));
This is the relevant portion of my hubz.js, also as per your hack, adjusted to fit within my hubz java script:


document.write("<APPLET CODEBASE=http://x.russbo.com/hubz/");
document.write(" CODE=com.diginet.hubz.applet.Hubz.class ");
document.write(" WIDTH=100 ");
document.write(" HEIGHT=100 ");
document.write(" MAYSCRIPT ");
document.write(" ARCHIVE=HubzApplet.jar ");
document.write(" name=Hubz> ");
document.write(" <param name = cabbase value = HubzApplet.cab>");
document.write(" <param name = nickname value = '$fileusername'>");
document.write(" <param name = email value = '$fileemail'>");
document.write(" <param name = pushContent value = yes>");
document.write(" <param name = editProfile value = no>");
document.write(" <param name = profileURL value = 'http://x.russbo.com/vb/member.php?&action=getinfo&userid=$fileuserid'>");
document.write(" <param name = persistent value = yes>");
document.write(" <param name = autoStartup value = no>");
document.write(" <param name = webpageimg value = webpageStatsImg.gif>");
document.write(" <param name = webpageChannelLoc value = '65,24'>");
document.write(" <param name = webpageSiteLoc value = '65,40'>");
document.write(" <param name = chatroomURL value = 'http://x.russbo.com/digichat.html'>");
document.write(" <param name = passProfileChatroom value = true>");
document.write(" <param name = chatEmptyColor value ='218,218,218'>");
I'm assuming that I'm missing something pretty obvious (as usual).

Greatly appreciate the assistance. I've wanted to get this working for quite a long time now.


Pseudomizer 01-19-2005 04:23 PM

Hi @LL,

if any of you are experiencing problemes with the chat_who page then please post it here. If you are running DigiChat or above you should get some errors.


mattster2002 01-20-2005 11:03 AM

Hey Pseudomizer,
once again, thank you for your continued work and support with this hack. we do appriciate it.
Now with the chat_who page, how is work going on a chat_who page for users of or above, I have a few members on my site requesting this addition. I know your very busy this would help alot :)

Thanks alot !!

Pseudomizer 01-20-2005 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by mattster2002
Hey Pseudomizer,
once again, thank you for your continued work and support with this hack. we do appriciate it.
Now with the chat_who page, how is work going on a chat_who page for users of or above, I have a few members on my site requesting this addition. I know your very busy this would help alot :)

Thanks alot !!

Hello Mattster,

attached you will find the new chat_who.php file. But again this is only for DigiChat version and above. It fixes the corrupted lines for users in chat and the room names.

P.S.: Go to line 157 and edit the buffer variable to point it to your txt output file from your commander. The second variable below is for your staff to make them colored on the chat who page. Just a gimmik. ;-)


Redclan 01-26-2005 09:40 PM

Great hack dude. I run www.bahamascope.net and worked perfectly for me. Compliments of the season lol, and thanks again dude, you should contact DigiChat staff and try to integrate your ideas and scripts into their program.

Pseudomizer 01-26-2005 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by Redclan
you should contact DigiChat staff and try to integrate your ideas and scripts into their program.

Already in progress. ;-)


mattster2002 01-29-2005 01:51 AM

Another quick question Pseudomizer,
I have the latest digichat, yet it comes with the documentation for version 4. This is particularly confusing when trying to implement the chat_who function. Here's my current code for my whos_onilne.sh file


/usr/local/java1.3/bin/java -classpath /home/chat/DigiChat_5.0/Commander.zip com.diginet.digichat.commander.Commander users siteID 1000 &> /www/chat/DigiChat/DigiClasses/Resources/Default/stats/digiakt1000.txt
however after this I am getting this error in my digiakt1000.txt file

Could not connect to the DigiChat Server because there is no site with the specified ID.
java.io.IOException: Stream closed
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.ensureOpen(BufferedInp utStream.java:123)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(BufferedInputStre am.java:202)
at java.io.DataInputStream.readInt(DataInputStream.ja va:338)
at com.diginet.digichat.network.m.<init>(DashoA11*..)
at com.diginet.digichat.commander.Commander.connect(D ashoA11*..)
at com.diginet.digichat.commander.Commander.processCo mmandLine(DashoA11*..)
at com.diginet.digichat.commander.Commander.<init>(Da shoA11*..)
at com.diginet.digichat.commander.Commander.main(Dash oA11*..)
Is there a different way to call the siteID variable using the commander function in v5?


Pseudomizer 01-29-2005 08:43 AM

Hello Mattster,

i hope you have a typo in your last thread. Java 1.3? The minimum version for DigiChat is 1.4.2_06.

Please upgrade the Java version and then we talk again.

Step by Step. ;-)


Pseudomizer 02-02-2005 10:49 AM


i do not know who is spreading this information but i am getting a lot of emails from people asking me to provide my hack via email because everything is for free. Who is doing this?

Just to make it clear:

- VBulletin is NOT for free ( Pricing: http://www.vbulletin.com )
- DigiChat is NOT for free ( Pricing: http://www.digichat.com )
- My Hack to incorporate DigiChat into VBulletin is for FREE

Hope this helps to understand everything and to avoid misunderstandings.

Best regards,

Wential 02-05-2005 12:37 AM


I am only going to purchase Digi-Chat V5 ($569 ouch) if I can use your hack. Is this weekend a good time to buy it or should i wait? Any secret info on getting a discount, LOL!

Pseudomizer 02-05-2005 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by Wential

I am only going to purchase Digi-Chat V5 ($569 ouch) if I can use your hack. Is this weekend a good time to buy it or should i wait? Any secret info on getting a discount, LOL!

Hello Wential,

you can use my hack without any problems. It will work. Regarding your question about when to buy, i have to answer it depends. If you are looking for the AV feature then you should wait 2-3 weeks. If you heading just for the chat itself, then buy it now. Hope this helps.


Wential 02-05-2005 06:04 PM


Pseudomizer 04-01-2005 08:16 AM

Hi @LL,

just for your information:

This hack also works with the latest Version of DigiChat and In order to get it running just replace the library versions in the applet code in 3 Templates and in the chatlauncher.php from 5.0.1.x to and 5,0,1,x to 5,1,0,2.

If you have problems with the AV part please visit the DigiChat community board for support. I do not give support in this thread here about the AV part of DigiChat.



Wential 04-01-2005 11:46 PM

I'm starting to regret buying Digichat now. I deleted all my old Custom Profile Field Names (ex: field1) but they keep on counting like I never deleted them. I can't get chaticon to be field1, etc....

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