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Wordplay 09-16-2004 09:47 AM

anybody tried this on 3.0.3?

TTG 09-16-2004 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Wordplay
anybody tried this on 3.0.3?

Did you read the above post ?

akirauk 09-17-2004 06:57 AM

Is there a fix for the background problem or a way to change the colour of the text?

Harley D 09-23-2004 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by xTerMn8R
I had a lot of these types of problems with my hacks after upgrading from 3.01 to 3.03. How i fixed it was looked at the error and went into phpmyadmin and dropped and entries that continued to come up.(ie. in ur case here the "Usergroup" table 'shoutboxpermissions' entry

After finally getting rid of all the Table Modifications associated with the hack was I able to do fresh installs of the hacks... Its a time consuming process, but it works and can turn out to be less time consuming then other methods.

***Note*** Here's a tip .. If ya drop a table entry error and try and install the hack and it errors at a new point further along then the previous error spot then you'll probably need to drop BOTH table Mods again and so on and so forth for as many as there are. SO I just Copy and pasted them into a txt file and then I had the Hack Table Mods on file.

Good luck

Thanks, This did help alot, However the table additions that the install script errored on still have to be installed manually in order for the hack to work.
So If someone that is MYSQL talented could help us add these frases manually in th ADMINCP by properly wording and formatting the SQL table additions, this would be all that is left to get my clients Shout Box working.

Evething is showing on the page, but the Shot Box iss empty, I believe its due to PERMISSIONS, I cannot edit them in the ADMINPC because there is nothing under USERGROUPS, and it just happens that this is where the install script errored. I removed 2 table edits from the install script to get it to complete the install as instructed above.

Here is the installs table edits that I had to remove in order for the install script to complete.

ALTER TABLE . TABLE_PREFIX . usergroup ADD shoutboxpermissions INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER forumpermissions


"ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "language ADD phrasegroup_shoutbox MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL, ADD phrasegroup_shoutmanager MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL",

I need these typed so I can cut and paste it into the ADMINCP's Execute SQL Query box.
This should add the Shout Box in my user groups, so I may change the permissions, so It can be viewed.

Am I making sense?? LOL

TTG 09-23-2004 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by Harley D
Evething is showing on the page, but the Shot Box iss empty, I believe its due to PERMISSIONS, I cannot edit them in the ADMINPC because there is nothing under USERGROUPS, and it just happens that this is where the install script errored. I removed 2 table edits from the install script to get it to complete the install as instructed above.

Did you complete the manual file edits, in particular the file edits for admincp/usergroup.php

Harley D 09-24-2004 03:04 AM

Yes, went through them at least 3 times.

I try running these commands in MYSQL and keep receiving errors

ALTER TABLE . TABLE_PREFIX . usergroup ADD shoutboxpermissions INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER forumpermissions

gives error

"An error occurred while attempting to execute your query. The following information was returned.
error number: 1064
error desc: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '. "language DROP phrasegroup_shoutbox, DROP phrasegroup_shoutma"


"ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "language ADD phrasegroup_shoutbox MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL, ADD phrasegroup_shoutmanager MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL",

gives error

"An error occurred while attempting to execute your query. The following information was returned.
error number: 1064
error desc: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'language INSERT phrasegroup_shoutbox MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL, INSER"

and its Shout Box Permissions that I'm have problems with "my best guess anyways"

I will go through the manual file edits once again tonight, never know might have missed something :)

Harley D 09-24-2004 04:02 AM

O.K. Went through each file mod again, still blank Shout Box, which I believe is due to, no permissions. Also get this error when I click on the SHOUT BOX link on top left of box its self.
"you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation."

Now I have set permissions in the Administrator Permissions Manager to YES, only after fixing the errors in the install in the file adminpermissions.php.

His install states to put
" 'canadmincron' => $vbphrase['can_administer_cron'],
'canadminshouts' => $vbphrase['can_administer_shouts']
'canadminmaintain' => $vbphrase['can_run_maintenance'],"

But it should look like
" 'canadmincron' => $vbphrase['can_administer_cron'],
'canadminshouts' => $vbphrase['can_administer_shouts'],
'canadminmaintain' => $vbphrase['can_run_maintenance'],"

Note the missing "," after the "]"

Now like I have been suggesting, I believe the lack of permissions and the ability to edit them in the user Group Manager "not showing anything that says Shout Box" is due to the Install Script erroring out at the 2 areas mentioned above. and If I could get somebody to write the edits with the proper SYNTAX so I can install them manually without errors, this should get "might" this darn thing working.

Thanks In advance.

Harley D 09-25-2004 03:34 AM

Maybe I'm off in left field, or just mis-understood, but could the TABLES that the install errors on, be keeping the ShoutBox fields from showing up in the Group Permissions?


blubber12 09-26-2004 12:32 AM

ok part of your problem is that you can't manually add that query as written "table prefix" is catchall relating to whatever your table prefix is. Run this instead

ALTER TABLE usergroup ADD shoutboxpermissions INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER forumpermissions


ALTER TABLE language ADD phrasegroup_shoutbox MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE language ADD phrasegroup_shoutmanager MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL

Now, if your tables DO have a prefix...you must add it to the table name ie prefix.language or whatever it is you use. Most probably don't have a specific prefix and just use the server default..so you should be ok to run the above

Harley D 09-26-2004 02:06 AM

First off, THANK YOU for responding. :o)

I ran the Queries, and it looks like they are already installed.


ALTER TABLE usergroup ADD shoutboxpermissions INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER forumpermissions

An error occurred while attempting to execute your query. The following information was returned.
error number: 1060
error desc: Duplicate column name 'shoutboxpermissions'

ALTER TABLE language ADD phrasegroup_shoutbox MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL

An error occurred while attempting to execute your query. The following information was returned.
error number: 1060
error desc: Duplicate column name 'phrasegroup_shoutbox'

ALTER TABLE language ADD phrasegroup_shoutmanager MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL

An error occurred while attempting to execute your query. The following information was returned.
error number: 1060
error desc: Duplicate column name 'phrasegroup_shoutmanager'
I'm dumbfounded now, I have read, searched and still havn't been able to get this to work, or should I say, show in my AdminPC's Usergroup permissions.
From the above errors, I have to assume that the tables are correct, or should I remove and re-install them? I'm at a loss.

N00BIE 09-26-2004 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by cashpath
OK the permissions were set right in the cp but I had to go in set them to NO and then back to YES for it to work.. wierd...

Same Here very strange i also had to set permission to NO update then back to YES and it all works fine now :ermm: :ermm:

TheComputerGuy 09-27-2004 02:17 PM

I have this hack installed...and I do not see a place where it allows for Admins to see the shouts. This really sucks because they should be able to no problem

Flow Fusion 09-27-2004 02:48 PM

You need to edit your "index.php" to see the shoutbox shouts.

TheComputerGuy 09-27-2004 04:43 PM

I just made my Admins primary and then registered usergroup an extra it worked out !

bspiller82 09-29-2004 12:09 AM

How you go about uninstalling this?

Harley D 09-29-2004 02:53 AM

O.K. I know when to say enoughs enough, no help from the coder, I've removed this puppy!

Fking 09-29-2004 11:39 PM

i guess i did wrong installing this hack, but i read the thread after i installed it...

well it works fine, and i'm going to keep it
but need to touch a thing or two

how i can set a font size of the time? [30-09-2004 03:32 AM]
i want to make it smaller

TheComputerGuy 09-30-2004 01:13 PM

Invalid SQL:
SELECT s.*, u.username
FROM shout s
LEFT JOIN user u ON (u.userid = s.userid)
ORDER BY dateline , shoutid LIMIT

What this mean?

TheComputerGuy 09-30-2004 01:16 PM

How do you uninstall this hack safely?

Fking 11-05-2004 11:13 PM

the IE started crashing, may this hack be the reason?
the weird is that it crashes only when i load the url with www. in front

Vman 11-05-2004 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by Fking
the IE started crashing, may this hack be the reason?
the weird is that it crashes only when i load the url with www. in front

Weird you are saying this...Im using another shoutbox and I too have noticed that all shotboxes are crashing or just giving a black box whent hey are set to iFrame. Disable iFrame and your box with the posts will appear again...this is what I had to do on another shoutbox hack by Zero T!

TruthElixirX 11-07-2004 12:42 AM

I jsut downlaoded the installer. When I installed the first step iand click continue, nothing ever happens...

Fking 11-07-2004 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by BBCVman
Weird you are saying this...Im using another shoutbox and I too have noticed that all shotboxes are crashing or just giving a black box whent hey are set to iFrame. Disable iFrame and your box with the posts will appear again...this is what I had to do on another shoutbox hack by Zero T!

how to disable to iframe?
what i can use instaed of iframe?

taffy056 11-08-2004 11:30 PM


I get the following when I install this hack, I know this error message has been posted before, but there has been no direct reply to the fix for the error message, does anyone know of a fix?



Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:
Invalid SQL: UPDATE usergroup SET

### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
title = 'Administrators',
description = '',
usertitle = 'Administrator',
opentag = '',
closetag = '',
passwordexpires = '180',
passwordhistory = '360',
attachlimit = '0',
avatarmaxwidth = '80',
avatarmaxheight = '80',
avatarmaxsize = '20000',
profilepicmaxwidth = '100',
profilepicmaxheight = '100',
profilepicmaxsize = '65535',
pmquota = '200',
pmsendmax = '5',
canaddshout = '1',
candropshout = '1',
candropothershout = '1',
caneditshout = '1',
caneditothershout = '1',
canreadshouts = '1',
forumpermissions = '393215',
pmpermissions = '3',
calendarpermissions = '31',
wolpermissions = '31',
adminpermissions = '3',
genericpermissions = '4194239',
genericoptions = '31',
hivepermissions = '15',
petzpermissions = '1',
arcadepermissions = '31'
WHERE usergroupid=6
mysql error: Unknown column 'canaddshout' in 'field list'

mysql error number: 1054

Date: Tuesday 09th of November 2004 02:23:55 AM
Script: http://mydomain.uk/vbforum/admincp/usergroup.php
Referer: http://mydomain.uk/vbforum/admincp/u...&usergroupid=6
Username: admin
IP Address: 84.*.*.*

Sooner95 11-09-2004 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by Fking
how to disable to iframe?
what i can use instaed of iframe?

like to know this too... each shout i do , doesnt post completly. I have to either refresh the page myself or reload it manually then the shout is there..

lange 11-09-2004 07:39 AM

Thanks. I'll test it.

taffy056 11-11-2004 02:42 PM


I was wondering if anyone has any answers to the above problem? It is effecting me making any changes in the usergroups, so I really need an answer if possible. otherwise I will attempt to uninstall it because it is not supported!



Harley D 11-12-2004 05:16 AM

I figured out why I can't see anything in the ADMINCP. Its due to a failed install.
So I'm having to manually install phrases, and MYSQL Queries.
Now I've managed to install the phrases, but am really lost when it comes to the Queries!
Would someone please be so kind as to take this text and make the queries in it a cut and paste for MYSQL?

PHP Code:

 if ($_REQUEST['step'] == 6)


$DB_site->reporterror 0;
$DB_site->query("ALTER TABLE " TABLE_PREFIX "language DROP phrasegroup_shoutbox, DROP phrasegroup_shoutmanager");
$DB_site->reporterror 1;

$DB_site->query("DELETE FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "phrasetype WHERE fieldname = 'shoutbox' OR fieldname = 'shoutmanager'");
$DB_site->query("DELETE FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "settinggroup WHERE grouptitle = 'shoutbox'");
$DB_site->query("DELETE FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "phrase WHERE varname = 'settinggroup_shoutbox'");

    foreach (
$phrases AS $phrasetype => $phrasebit)
        foreach (
$phrasebit AS $varname => $text)
            if (!empty(
$phraselist .= ',';
$phraselist .= "'$varname'";
$DB_site->query("DELETE FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "phrase WHERE varname IN ($phraselist)");

    foreach (
$settinggroups AS $settinggroup => $settings)
        foreach (
$settings AS $varname => $vars)
            if (!empty(
$settinglist .= ',';
$settinglist .= "'$varname'";
$DB_site->query("DELETE FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "setting WHERE varname IN ($settinglist)");

    foreach (
$phrases AS $phrasetype => $blabla)
        if (!empty(
$fieldname .= ", ";
$fieldname .= "'$phrasetype'";

$phrasetypeidQuery $DB_site->query("SELECT fieldname, phrasetypeid FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "phrasetype WHERE fieldname IN ($fieldname)");
    while (
$fetchedPhrasetypeID $DB_site->fetch_array($phrasetypeidQuery))
$phrasetypeids[$fetchedPhrasetypeID['fieldname']] = $fetchedPhrasetypeID['phrasetypeid'];

print_install_description_row("Importing Shoutbox Phrase Types...");
$phrasetypeids['shoutbox'] = add_phrase_type('shoutbox''Shoutbox');
$phrasetypeids['shoutmanager'] = add_phrase_type('shoutmanager''Shout Manager');

$ordercheck $DB_site->query_first("
        SELECT displayorder
        FROM " 
TABLE_PREFIX "settinggroup
        ORDER BY displayorder DESC

$displayorder $ordercheck['displayorder'] + 10;

print_install_description_row("Importing Shoutbox Setting Groups...");
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO " TABLE_PREFIX "settinggroup (grouptitle, displayorder) VALUES ('shoutbox', $displayorder)");
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO " TABLE_PREFIX "phrase (languageid, phrasetypeid, varname, text) VALUES (-1, " PHRASETYPEID_SETTING ", 'settinggroup_shoutbox', 'Shoutbox')");

    foreach (
$phrasetypeids as $name => $phrasetypeid)
$phrasetypes[$phrasetypeid] = $name;

print_install_description_row("Importing Shoutbox Phrases...");
    foreach (
$phrasetypes as $phrasetypeid => $name)
        foreach (
$phrases[$name] as $varname => $text)
            if (!empty(
$phrasequery .= ', ';
$phrasequery .= "('$varname', '$text', $phrasetypeid)";
    if (!empty(
$phrasequery "INSERT INTO " TABLE_PREFIX "phrase (varname, text, phrasetypeid) VALUES " $phrasequery;


print_install_description_row("Importing Shoutbox Settings...");
    foreach (
$settinggroups as $grouptitle => $settings)
        foreach (
$settings as $varname => $vars)
            if (!empty(
$settingquery .= ', ';
$settingquery .= "('$varname', '$grouptitle', '$vars[value]', '$vars[defaultvalue]', '" addslashes($vars['optioncode']) . "', '$vars[displayorder]', 0, 0)";
    if (!empty(
$settingquery "INSERT INTO " TABLE_PREFIX "setting (varname, grouptitle, value, defaultvalue, optioncode, displayorder, advanced, volatile) VALUES " $settingquery;


// build languages
$class fetch_row_bgclass();
"<tr valign=\"top\">\n\t<td class=\"$class\" align=\"center\">\n");

$languages fetch_languages_array();
$languages as $languageid => $language)
"<li>Building Language: $language[title]</li>\n");
"<p><strong>Language imported sucessfully!</strong></p>\n");


// build settings
print_install_description_row('Building settings...');


Thanks in advance.

taffy056 11-13-2004 12:33 AM


It looks as if I will have uninstll this hack! Are the steps bitg mentions all the steps you have to take to uninstall? I am very wary about going into my database deleting items, if I delete everything else will it matter that these are still in the database? I plan to install a different shoutbox, am I going to get a problem by leaving the previous shout table there?




Originally Posted by bitg
To uninstall, you need to

Delete the following files
shoutbox.php = forum root directory
shout.php = admincp directory
shout_install.php = admincp directory

Execute these three MySQL commands

ALTER TABLE language drop phrasegroup_shoutbox
ALTER TABLE language drop phrasegroup_shoutmanager
ALTER TABLE usergroup drop shoutboxpermissions

Remove the "shout" table" in your database.

Remove everything in your database referring to the word "shoutbox". (They are pretty much in the "phrase, phrasetype & template" tables.

Remove all the shoutbox templates and phrases. Youc an do this in the database with the above step or do them one at a time in the vb ACP.

Modify you FORUMHOME template and remove the shoutbox code. It is easily identifiable. It begins right after the line that says "$navbar" and ends when you see the <!--/shoutbox code.

Harley D 11-13-2004 04:29 AM


Originally Posted by Harley D
I figured out why I can't see anything in the ADMINCP. Its due to a failed install.
So I'm having to manually install phrases, and MYSQL Queries.
Now I've managed to install the phrases, but am really lost when it comes to the Queries!
Would someone please be so kind as to take this text and make the queries in it a cut and paste for MYSQL?

PHP Code:

 if ($_REQUEST['step'] == 6)


$DB_site->reporterror 0;
$DB_site->query("ALTER TABLE " TABLE_PREFIX "language DROP phrasegroup_shoutbox, DROP phrasegroup_shoutmanager");
$DB_site->reporterror 1;

$DB_site->query("DELETE FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "phrasetype WHERE fieldname = 'shoutbox' OR fieldname = 'shoutmanager'");
$DB_site->query("DELETE FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "settinggroup WHERE grouptitle = 'shoutbox'");
$DB_site->query("DELETE FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "phrase WHERE varname = 'settinggroup_shoutbox'");

    foreach (
$phrases AS $phrasetype => $phrasebit)
        foreach (
$phrasebit AS $varname => $text)
            if (!empty(
$phraselist .= ',';
$phraselist .= "'$varname'";
$DB_site->query("DELETE FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "phrase WHERE varname IN ($phraselist)");

    foreach (
$settinggroups AS $settinggroup => $settings)
        foreach (
$settings AS $varname => $vars)
            if (!empty(
$settinglist .= ',';
$settinglist .= "'$varname'";
$DB_site->query("DELETE FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "setting WHERE varname IN ($settinglist)");

    foreach (
$phrases AS $phrasetype => $blabla)
        if (!empty(
$fieldname .= ", ";
$fieldname .= "'$phrasetype'";

$phrasetypeidQuery $DB_site->query("SELECT fieldname, phrasetypeid FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "phrasetype WHERE fieldname IN ($fieldname)");
    while (
$fetchedPhrasetypeID $DB_site->fetch_array($phrasetypeidQuery))
$phrasetypeids[$fetchedPhrasetypeID['fieldname']] = $fetchedPhrasetypeID['phrasetypeid'];

print_install_description_row("Importing Shoutbox Phrase Types...");
$phrasetypeids['shoutbox'] = add_phrase_type('shoutbox''Shoutbox');
$phrasetypeids['shoutmanager'] = add_phrase_type('shoutmanager''Shout Manager');

$ordercheck $DB_site->query_first("
        SELECT displayorder
        FROM " 
TABLE_PREFIX "settinggroup
        ORDER BY displayorder DESC

$displayorder $ordercheck['displayorder'] + 10;

print_install_description_row("Importing Shoutbox Setting Groups...");
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO " TABLE_PREFIX "settinggroup (grouptitle, displayorder) VALUES ('shoutbox', $displayorder)");
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO " TABLE_PREFIX "phrase (languageid, phrasetypeid, varname, text) VALUES (-1, " PHRASETYPEID_SETTING ", 'settinggroup_shoutbox', 'Shoutbox')");

    foreach (
$phrasetypeids as $name => $phrasetypeid)
$phrasetypes[$phrasetypeid] = $name;

print_install_description_row("Importing Shoutbox Phrases...");
    foreach (
$phrasetypes as $phrasetypeid => $name)
        foreach (
$phrases[$name] as $varname => $text)
            if (!empty(
$phrasequery .= ', ';
$phrasequery .= "('$varname', '$text', $phrasetypeid)";
    if (!empty(
$phrasequery "INSERT INTO " TABLE_PREFIX "phrase (varname, text, phrasetypeid) VALUES " $phrasequery;


print_install_description_row("Importing Shoutbox Settings...");
    foreach (
$settinggroups as $grouptitle => $settings)
        foreach (
$settings as $varname => $vars)
            if (!empty(
$settingquery .= ', ';
$settingquery .= "('$varname', '$grouptitle', '$vars[value]', '$vars[defaultvalue]', '" addslashes($vars['optioncode']) . "', '$vars[displayorder]', 0, 0)";
    if (!empty(
$settingquery "INSERT INTO " TABLE_PREFIX "setting (varname, grouptitle, value, defaultvalue, optioncode, displayorder, advanced, volatile) VALUES " $settingquery;


// build languages
$class fetch_row_bgclass();
"<tr valign=\"top\">\n\t<td class=\"$class\" align=\"center\">\n");

$languages fetch_languages_array();
$languages as $languageid => $language)
"<li>Building Language: $language[title]</li>\n");
"<p><strong>Language imported sucessfully!</strong></p>\n");


// build settings
print_install_description_row('Building settings...');


Thanks in advance.

Can someone make a txt file for a manual install???

taffy056 11-13-2004 01:05 PM


I have uninstalled this hack, but I am left with a number of templates (below) how can I delete them? Revert is greyed out!


Tru Smiles 11-21-2004 05:36 PM

I've properly installed this okay, cept for one thing. It's not a problem as such, but any help would be appreciated :D

You know the iFrame where the text appears? Because of the skin I use, the background for the iFrame uses the background for the skin, which is dark and unreadable. Does anyone know where it is that I can change the background colour to white?

Harley D 11-25-2004 04:28 AM


Originally Posted by Tru Smiles
I've properly installed this okay, cept for one thing. It's not a problem as such, but any help would be appreciated :D

You know the iFrame where the text appears? Because of the skin I use, the background for the iFrame uses the background for the skin, which is dark and unreadable. Does anyone know where it is that I can change the background colour to white?

I' don't know off hand, I was trying to reinstall the ShoutBox on my clients site because it just dissappeared yesterday for no reason I can find. And while removing all instances of ShoutBox from my database, I now have a blank forums/index.php page! and I can't get my backup to load!

I'm really at a loss, I hit a deer tonight with my brand new car, I have the family's thing to do tomorrow, so getting my clients site up again soon is going to be tought to say the least. Specially since I havn't a clue what to do now.

But If some nice coder who knows databases, could PM me I would Gladly let some of my PayPal money slide out of my account to theirs. and then I will find the answer your looking for and post it here.

Harley D 11-25-2004 11:56 PM

True Smiles,
I have managed to get the board back up by updating VB, I will have to reinstall all the Mods. When I get to the ShoutBox, I'll see if I can't answer your question.

Harley D 11-26-2004 04:27 AM

Sorry, I can't get this mod to install properly, I will not be able to help you on this one.

Lionel 11-26-2004 04:56 AM


Originally Posted by Tru Smiles
I've properly installed this okay, cept for one thing. It's not a problem as such, but any help would be appreciated :D

You know the iFrame where the text appears? Because of the skin I use, the background for the iFrame uses the background for the skin, which is dark and unreadable. Does anyone know where it is that I can change the background colour to white?

If you followed the installed instructions, you will find the iframe where you put it: in forumhome, under $navbar :squareeyed:

Tru Smiles 11-26-2004 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Lionel
If you followed the installed instructions, you will find the iframe where you put it: in forumhome, under $navbar :squareeyed:

I've fiddled around with code in the Forumhome, and within the Shoutbox area, and the best I've come up with is this:

Lionel 11-26-2004 07:06 PM

This is one of the easiest hack I ever installed. Since I read a couple of complaints about the iframe, I harcoded it in forumhome and it's fine, placed the validate javascript in the <head>, and changed the redirect back to the forum home... looks good. I made it display only one shout, but that could easily be changed into any amount.

Tru Smiles 11-27-2004 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Lionel
This is one of the easiest hack I ever installed. Since I read a couple of complaints about the iframe, I harcoded it in forumhome and it's fine, placed the validate javascript in the <head>, and changed the redirect back to the forum home... looks good. I made it display only one shout, but that could easily be changed into any amount.

Erm, how would you go about doing that?

mooecow 11-27-2004 03:23 PM

he just took the code im guessing and went about putting it in the FORUMHOME template and then took the redirection and put it in the head area

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