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speedracer68 03-06-2005 06:47 PM

I had the same question. I installed it this morning and replaced both. For me, it works. I really wish people could add the number of guests they are brinigng.

speedracer68 03-06-2005 06:50 PM

I too have the same question.



Originally Posted by joeychgo
Any idea how we could make it so users who are bringing someone can add a +1 or +2 so we get an accurate count?

I have users who might bring a girlfriend or wife (or both :D) to an event - but there isnt a way to indicate that they are bringing extras.

FleaBag 03-06-2005 09:51 PM

Wow, I'd never even thought of this before! Sweet...

Benj 03-10-2005 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by benj
would it be possible to have a section on the users profile page saying what events they will be attending ??

anyone got the coding skills for this, the unicode is in this thread as well so its bassically just a moderate programmer we need now :) Please :)

robert_2004 03-18-2005 01:07 PM

i also think this should be updated with some extra features :)
i've been using for quite some time now, and love it.

Sarvoth 03-20-2005 03:07 PM

Having some issues.

When I try to add the hacks to the calendar.php, it is not finding a few of the things you list.



        eval('print_output("' . fetch_template('calendar_edit') . '");');

Replace it with

        $useroll = iif($eventinfo['useroll'],"checked","");
        eval('print_output("' . fetch_template('calendar_edit') . '");');


                        UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "event
                        SET event = '".addslashes($message) . "',
                                recurring = '" . addslashes($pattern) . "',
                                recuroption = '" . addslashes($patoptions) . "',
                                dateline_from = $dateline_from,
                                dateline_to = $dateline_to,
                                title = '" . addslashes($title) . "',
                                allowsmilies = $allowsmilies,
                                customfields = '" . addslashes($customfields) . "',
                                utc = '" . addslashes($timezoneoffset) . "'
                        WHERE eventid = '$eventid'

Replace it with

                        UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "event
                        SET event = '".addslashes($message) . "',
                                recurring = '" . addslashes($pattern) . "',
                                recuroption = '" . addslashes($patoptions) . "',
                                dateline_from = $dateline_from,
                                dateline_to = $dateline_to,
                                title = '" . addslashes($title) . "',
                                allowsmilies = $allowsmilies,
                                customfields = '" . addslashes($customfields) . "',
                                utc = '" . addslashes($timezoneoffset) . "',
                                useroll = '$useroll'
                        WHERE eventid = '$eventid'


                if (($show['candeleteevent'] OR $show['canmoveevent'] OR $show['caneditevent']) AND !$show['holiday'])
                        $show['eventoptions'] = true;

                eval ('$caldaybits .= "' . fetch_template('calendar_showeventsbit') . '";');

Replace it with

                if (($show['candeleteevent'] OR $show['canmoveevent'] OR $show['caneditevent']) AND !$show['holiday'])
                        $show['eventoptions'] = true;

                if ($eventinfo['useroll'])
                        // Roll for this event
                        $show['userattending'] = false;
                        if (($roll = @unserialize($eventinfo['roll'])) && is_array($roll))
                                if (array_key_exists($bbuserinfo['userid'], $roll))
                                        $show['userattending'] = true;
                                foreach ($roll as $rollusername)
                                        eval ('$rollbits .= "' . fetch_template('calendar_rollbit') . '";');   
                                $eventinfo['roll'] = "";
                        eval ('$eventinfo[roll] = "' . fetch_template('calendar_roll') . '";');
                        // End Roll
                        $eventinfo['roll'] = "";

                eval ('$caldaybits .= "' . fetch_template('calendar_showeventsbit') . '";');

What am I doing wrong? This file has never been touched before, I am using V 3.0.7.

Any ideas?

Sarvoth 03-20-2005 03:08 PM

I just noticed the version for this hack :( Is lower then the recent one.

Any idea if this will ever be updated? Thanks in advance :D

Marco van Herwaarden 03-20-2005 03:10 PM

Just searched in a clean 3.0.7 calendar.php for the:
PHP Code:

eval('print_output("' fetch_template('calendar_edit') . '");'); 

and i can even find it twice.

Creed 03-20-2005 03:16 PM

Is it possible this could be modified to keep track of who does show up at the events? So we have a list of people who did attend, and the people who were no-shows? This would be awesome for my site, as we have gaming events.

James Goddard 03-22-2005 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by joeychgo
Any idea how we could make it so users who are bringing someone can add a +1 or +2 so we get an accurate count?

I have users who might bring a girlfriend or wife (or both :D) to an event - but there isnt a way to indicate that they are bringing extras.

Yea, I just coded this up for another board. Here you go:

calendar_roll template:

PHP Code:

<else />
a href="calendar.php?$session[sessionurl]do=attend&e=$eventinfo[eventid]">I will be attending this event</a>]

Replace with
PHP Code:

<else />
form action="calendar.php" method="post">
input type="hidden" name="do" value="attend" />
input type="hidden" name="e" value="$eventinfo[eventid]/>
I will be attending this event with <input type="text" name="guests" value="0" size=/> guests. <input type="submit" value="Submit" />]


PHP Code:

$roll[$bbuserinfo['userid']] = $bbuserinfo['username']; 

Replace with
PHP Code:

$info $bbuserinfo['username'];
$guests intval$_REQUEST['guests']);
if (
== $guests)
$info .= ' (' $guests ' guest)';
else if (
$guests 0)
$info .= ' (' $guests ' guests)';
$roll[$bbuserinfo['userid']] = $info

98EXL 03-22-2005 12:50 PM

damn...I installed the mod, and I get this when I try to edit an event:

"There are no calendars to move this event to."

any ideas?

alkatraz 03-23-2005 01:49 AM

Thanks James! mod works great

Ted S 03-23-2005 04:00 AM

When I asked James to take a look at adding to this addon, I thought he might come back with an idea but no, we get an actual working solution! Thanks James!

jamiepryer@hotm 03-26-2005 01:04 PM

well, after 3 hours i have just installed my first ever hack :)
its awesome, thanks so much
- pleased -

CocteauBoy 04-10-2005 04:52 AM


Originally Posted by 98EXL
damn...I installed the mod, and I get this when I try to edit an event:

"There are no calendars to move this event to."

any ideas?

I am having the same issue after installing this hack:

When I go to edit, delete, or move an event, I get the error message, "There are no calendars to move this event to"

Has anyone found a fix for this?


SamirDarji 04-10-2005 08:36 PM

What version of vb? I'd check that first. Then double check the file edits.

Benj 04-12-2005 10:04 AM

any one interested in the events im attending block (or something) in the user profile ???

SamirDarji 04-12-2005 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by benj
any one interested in the events im attending block (or something) in the user profile ???

I am. That would be neat.

Oblivion Knight 04-12-2005 03:40 PM

Thank you for that addon James Goddard.

Unfortunately, it breaks the "Event Options" menu.. :(

Benj 04-12-2005 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by SamirDarji
I am. That would be neat.

well the SQL is there earlier in this thread it just a case of finding a programmer willing to do it ! ill personnally pay towards this ! anyone up for it ?

SamirDarji 04-12-2005 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by benj
well the SQL is there earlier in this thread it just a case of finding a programmer willing to do it ! ill personnally pay towards this ! anyone up for it ?

If it was a badly needed feature on my site, I'd do it. But at this point, it would just be a nice feature to have. I'm sure there are other out there that need something exactly like this.

Benj 04-12-2005 06:15 PM

Just need to find them hopfully one of them has the skills :D

Oblivion Knight 04-13-2005 02:40 PM

I'll try it out later tonight, I have to go to work (!!!) shortly..

Thanks for coming back and providing a fix! ;)


Awesome, it worked.! :D

Moncha 04-18-2005 06:50 AM

Would there be an easy answer to having this "pre-checked" (Defaut on) so the member hase to uncheck it to not use it.. I find they can't read instructions, therefore they forget to check the option and no one signs up for the event.

Nick0r 04-18-2005 06:52 AM

Is it possible to make people only be able to register to the event, say 4 hours before it starts?

kobescoresagain 04-18-2005 12:25 PM

Can you set the times for the event. Example: I have a trade night. I would like for it to allow them only to sign when they are attending the trade night. When it is over then they can't sign it. Thanks

SamirDarji 04-18-2005 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Moncha
Would there be an easy answer to having this "pre-checked" (Defaut on) so the member hase to uncheck it to not use it.. I find they can't read instructions, therefore they forget to check the option and no one signs up for the event.

I have done that. You have to change a template or one of the php files, but I don't remember exactly which one. Basically, there is some html that makes the check box and sets it unchecked. Change it so it always sets it checked.

SamirDarji 04-18-2005 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by kobescoresagain
Can you set the times for the event. Example: I have a trade night. I would like for it to allow them only to sign when they are attending the trade night. When it is over then they can't sign it. Thanks

This was requested here too:

I'd like this too, so that makes 3 of us. Anyone have an idea how to do it? I might spend some time tinkering pseudocode if someone gives me a direction.

SamirDarji 04-18-2005 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by kobescoresagain
Can you set the times for the event. Example: I have a trade night. I would like for it to allow them only to sign when they are attending the trade night. When it is over then they can't sign it. Thanks

Coding this would use a lot of the logic of the reqeust above for the ability to add or remove from the list to be gone once the event passes.

Moncha 04-18-2005 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by SamirDarji
I have done that. You have to change a template or one of the php files, but I don't remember exactly which one. Basically, there is some html that makes the check box and sets it unchecked. Change it so it always sets it checked.

Thanks I saw all of that when messing around with it but, couldn't get it to work.. I'll keep playing.

Thanks for the additions to a great hack!

Crypticel 04-18-2005 10:30 PM

Alright, newbie question time. :p

I know nothing about PHP, SQL, or any sort of coding really. I really need this calendar hack for what I'm planning on doing. I had a go at installing it, and found that some things the file tells me to replace don't even exist. Perhaps a version difference? I'm using 3.0.7. Yet people are saying they have it working on there.

In trying to install it, I managed to destroy my forum (thankfully not even open yet), which was quite a hassle. I've wasted hours now... I say wasted, because I've really not managed to get anywhere.

I had a look at one of the threads created for newbies in another forum here, but the SQL tool it links to is from 2002, and the stuff in one of the php files it tells me to change doesn't exist!

I do not understand how to use the "Execute SQL Query" tool. I updated the config.php file so I can use it, but once I am there, I have no idea what to do next. And nothing I can find on this site seems to tell me. Plus, there seem to be all sorts of little changes people have made in this thread, and I just don't know what I need to do to get this working anymore.

Is there anyone who's installed this on 3.0.7 who'd be willing to post a step-by-step guide as far as what needs to be done? I can generally figure things out if I'm given a few hints, but I'm really lost on this one.

Moncha 04-18-2005 10:35 PM

Found it,, had to add checked="checked" to the html code of the form..

Now the hard part, trying to get the total # of members attending that was posted in #116 to work on the FORUMHOME and my portal pages.. Not even sure of where to start... Only need the count so it would need to make the whole call like the script does. Just a call to what eventid and count how many are marked to attend. Hmmmm.

Moncha 04-18-2005 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Crypticel
I do not understand how to use the "Execute SQL Query" tool. I updated the config.php file so I can use it, but once I am there, I have no idea what to do next. And nothing I can find on this site seems to tell me. Plus, there seem to be all sorts of little changes people have made in this thread, and I just don't know what I need to do to get this working anymore.

Is there anyone who's installed this on 3.0.7 who'd be willing to post a step-by-step guide as far as what needs to be done? I can generally figure things out if I'm given a few hints, but I'm really lost on this one.

First and foremost ALWAYS MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR DATABASE! Also any files that you change. If you are not sure then search here or vb.com and read the threads on how to do this..

The script works in 3.0.7 as I have it working in mine. It would probably be easier if you post what you can't find than someone trying to help you through the parts you already have done or know. I can help you through Pm if you'd like so as not to jam up the thread. It's a very easy hack to install.

ricker 05-03-2005 05:26 AM

I'm trying to figure out how to add the rollcount to the monthly calendar view ... so users will know before clicking on the event if the event cap has been met. This seems like it's just about there, but I'm missing something to call it up on the monthly view:


SamirDarji 05-09-2005 12:17 AM

The $rollcount variable will work on that particular event, but for it to work on every event on a monthly calendar view, there will have to be a lot more coding. Coding that I have a basic understanding of what needs to be done, but no clue on the implementation details. :( Hopefully someone will chime in here.

Moncha 05-09-2005 03:20 AM

I'm working on a way to put the rollcount on different (non-vB) pages, maybe that will help.

Benj 05-09-2005 08:30 AM

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=81009 please please please :D :D lol i need this

nice one

SamirDarji 05-10-2005 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by Moncha
I'm working on a way to put the rollcount on different (non-vB) pages, maybe that will help.

Cool! How are you going about it?

ricker 05-10-2005 03:25 PM

Good luck with the new code! I have a simpler request that I can't seem to get right: How would I link a username to their profile?


Moncha 05-10-2005 09:26 PM

Simple DB query but we'll see

Ricker.. Post 24

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