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FleaBag 01-05-2004 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
If you have either TWT's Shoutbox, or vBindex 2.x install the shouts will be converted to the vBindex 3 format during the installation :)

That is outstanding thank you sir, amazing hack here. Just waiting on a couple of others to see their conversions and I will finally switch to vB3. :D

Chris Blount 01-05-2004 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
Yes, only monday to friday are supposed to show, otherwise the calendar becomes rediculously wide in comparision with the other blocks. Events will only show after the cron job for vBindex has run, this is added during the install and listed as vBindex Event Cache in the Schedualed Task Manager.

That did the trick. I forgot about the task manager. Thanks!

BTW: So far most of the users on my forum love the new home page. You did a great job! Do you take donations for your trouble?

kcradio 01-05-2004 04:23 PM

Can I please get advise on where to change the post icon path? I thought I set it correctly but instead of the normal path, I get this:


Also, the login box at the top of my vbindex page is not letting people log in. What file would I modify to make sure that worked?

Thank you for all your help in advance.

PGU 01-05-2004 06:31 PM

<a href="http://xpunge.net/vbindex.php" target="_blank">http://xpunge.net/vbindex.php</a>

i fixed my first problem, now im getting "Warning: krsort() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /home/xpunge/public_html/vbindex.php on line 965

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/xpunge/public_html/vbindex.php on line 966

NTLDR 01-05-2004 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Chris Blount
BTW: So far most of the users on my forum love the new home page. You did a great job! Do you take donations for your trouble?

Thanks, I'm glad you and your members like it. Donations can be made via paypal to eldorado @ coreforums.net but of course arn't required to use vBindex :)


Originally Posted by kcradio
Can I please get advise on where to change the post icon path? I thought I set it correctly but instead of the normal path, I get this:

The icon paths don't need to be changed to work, they should be similar to /images/icons/iconX.gif


Originally Posted by PGU
i fixed my first problem, now im getting "Warning: krsort() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /home/xpunge/public_html/vbindex.php on line 965

Disable the Ascending shoutbox option untill you have made some shouts, I'll correct this for the next release.

JoeBiscuit 01-05-2004 09:03 PM

FInally. After a lot of work, I got the portal to run. I have only one problem left. The header (the default vbulletin head that has user cp, FAQ, member list, etc) is not going to the right url. For some reason it isn't tagging "/forum/" onto it, so when I click user cp, it goes to http://www.synergysanctum.com/usercp.php instead of http://www.synergysanctum.com/forums/usercp.php. Any help would be wonderful. THanks.

NTLDR 01-05-2004 09:05 PM

You haven't edited the navbar template correctly, make sure all URLs are prefixed with $vboptions[bburl]

JoeBiscuit 01-05-2004 10:05 PM

Sorry, i'm pretty new at implementing portals. I check the vbindex_templates2 and the links are prefixed with $vboptions[bburl]. Not sure if i'm even looking at the right file. Thanks again.

NTLDR 01-05-2004 10:13 PM

The navbar template, all the vBindex templates work fine as is:

Admin Control Panel -> Style Manager -> Expand The Style -> Navagation & Breadcrumb Templates -> navbar -> Edit Template

Schorsch 01-05-2004 10:35 PM

how can I place the shoutbox on my forums index?

NTLDR 01-05-2004 11:11 PM

Instructions on adding the shoutbox, users online today, new posts/threads since last visit and ACP navigation will be provided after I've released RC3 this week :)

JoeBiscuit 01-05-2004 11:13 PM

Awesome. THank you very much NTLDR. That fixed it. Now one last thing. How do i get the drop down menus to work with search and quick links?

NTLDR 01-05-2004 11:19 PM

Edit the headinclude template, there are two lines with Javascript files in them:

HTML Code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/vbulletin_global.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/vbulletin_menu.js"></script>

Both need to be edited to use the full URL.

JoeBiscuit 01-05-2004 11:23 PM

Thank ya. Works perfectly now. http://www.synergysanctum.com/ Just gotta get the smilies workin. ;)

cnczone 01-06-2004 03:08 AM

Can someone post the query I need to run to add the shout_box to my data base.

deathemperor 01-06-2004 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
I can't help people with image folders, if you don't know the URL to your own image folder there is no way on earth I'm going to. It should be a full URL containing no variables, suitable examples include:

Considering I have no others style, just using the default and the image url of my banner is: http://www.mydomain.com/forum/images...logo_white.gif ( same for others ) then how can I make vbindex understand ?
As I said I've put my full url in headinclude, navbar, put in anything needs, but nothing displayed correctly except the post icons.

Nmidia 01-06-2004 10:33 AM

<a href="Http://legionsofloki.com/Forum/vbindex.php" target="_blank">Http://legionsofloki.com/Forum/vbindex.php</a>

any ideas why it is asking for log in?

corsacrazy 01-06-2004 10:38 AM

put vbindex.php and vbconfig.php in the root directory NOT /forums and if it says / forums/admin in vbconfig delete that

JamesFrost 01-06-2004 11:11 AM


Yes, only monday to friday are supposed to show, otherwise the calendar becomes rediculously wide in comparision with the other blocks
My forum (www.martialartsplanet.com) has most dates at the weekend - is there any way of putting this on a parameter?

Also, it would be nice to be able to put some items (apart from latest news) in the centre column. Perhaps this could solve the calendar width issue if it was put in the centre?

BTW great hack - will definitly be using when we upgrade to VB3 (am running on a test site at present).

TLfuRy 01-06-2004 03:36 PM

I think you have to rename vbindex.php to index.php. And I got mine working...I had an old 'admin' folder as well as 'admincp' and I was uploading the files to the wrong dir. duh.

peterska2 01-06-2004 04:07 PM

nice one.

* hits install


Actually now I can't post posts :confused:

I can get onto the new post page but cannot fill anything in the main posting box. I get a yellow warning icon in the corner of my browser too.

the url is www.peterska2.co.uk


Mellow 01-06-2004 04:26 PM

Does this work on RC2 yet? I had a different portal that didn't transition over very nicely. I got it to work but I'd rather use vBindex... I haven't seen anyone's sites yet that have updated with VB RC2 and RC3 of vBindex. And I did a search... LOL


Mellow 01-06-2004 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by peterska2
nice one.

* hits install


Actually now I can't post posts :confused:

I can get onto the new post page but cannot fill anything in the main posting box. I get a yellow warning icon in the corner of my browser too.

the url is www.peterska2.co.uk


The warning icon is because some of the images didn't load, look at the properties of the images and you'll see two urls there.


peterska2 01-06-2004 04:31 PM

Ok well I can fix that.

I can post with my test account but not my real one.

Is this gonna be a problem?

Mellow 01-06-2004 04:41 PM

I was able to register, log in and post to your board... not sure what the problem is you're having..

peterska2 01-06-2004 04:43 PM

it's just my main admin account that the problem is with. I can post with my test account.

I can't find the place to fix thouse images either though * looks dumb *

peterska2 01-06-2004 05:03 PM

right here we go.

See what you make of this

I've taken admin status off my account and changed my password.

The user name is peterska2

The password is test

Log in and see what you make of it. I can't understand it myself. :(

JamesFrost 01-06-2004 05:07 PM


Does this work on RC2 yet? I had a different portal that didn't transition over very nicely. I got it to work but I'd rather use vBindex... I haven't seen anyone's sites yet that have updated with VB RC2 and RC3 of vBindex.
not yet live with it, but it's working fine on my test board. have a look at www.martialartsplanet.com/rc1 (it is RC2 software - I just didnt update the link!)

NTLDR 01-06-2004 05:23 PM

For those of you who get the ACP login when viewing vBindex there was a small bug that caused incorrect text be to shown for the edit to vbiconfig.php, make sure the path there doesn't have admin or admincp or whatever your admin folder is at the end.

Image paths, for a standard vB style would be http://www.mydomain.com/forums/images/button (where button is the type of image directory) assuming your forum is at http://www.mydomain.com/forums if you didn't do this via the installer, you'll need to goto the style manager and change them all.

peterska2, if you can't post on your forums then its a problem with vB and this isn't the correct thread for it :)

Wayne Luke 01-06-2004 05:27 PM

What if someone wants to install for the first time and not upgrade. There are not any instructions and the vbiconfig.php files references an install script.

NTLDR 01-06-2004 05:32 PM

All the install/upgrade instructions are within the installer, ie, they upload the files start the installer as instructed in the first post of this thread and then the first step tells them exactly howto edit vbiconfig.php (and which templates need editing). This file only needs to be edited for vBindex to work and not the installer.

peterska2 01-06-2004 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
peterska2, if you can't post on your forums then its a problem with vB and this isn't the correct thread for it :)

The problem only started after I installed this hack. Therefore, IMO, it is related to this.

NTLDR 01-06-2004 05:39 PM

I beg to differ. This addon doesn't modify any vB files and certainly has nothing to do with any of the files used to post.

peterska2 01-06-2004 05:48 PM

peterska2 hits uninstall.

Nmidia 01-06-2004 05:57 PM


Ok, I ahve managed to get the forum working thanks to your help!

However, I am unable to get it to display some images. Please could somene let me know what these files are, and where I should locate them. The style folder is at the following path


would appreciate some help on this:)

NTLDR 01-06-2004 05:59 PM

Admin Control Panel -> Style Manager -> All Options (for each different style) -> Image Paths

Wayne Luke 01-06-2004 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
All the install/upgrade instructions are within the installer, ie, they upload the files start the installer as instructed in the first post of this thread and then the first step tells them exactly howto edit vbiconfig.php (and which templates need editing). This file only needs to be edited for vBindex to work and not the installer.

Just curious because it doesn't mention anything about the xml files and I don't have an eventcache.php...

Also wouldn't it be better and less confusing to upload the upgrade/install files to the install directory instead of mucking up the admin directory?

Okay just went through your installation and all I got was a bunch of errors and it kept saying borked.... And this is considered the best portal front-end for vBulletin? Would hate to try anything else if the best one doesn't even work.

NTLDR 01-06-2004 06:23 PM

You probably have an out dated zip Wayne. I've just check the latest attachment and eventcache.php is definatly there and the text file has been updated to include the XML files. I know the documentation needs some work and I do plan to do it once vB3 and vBindex 3 become final and I know I'm not going to be changing it every few days.

I'll take on board your suggestion of using the install directory, it would be more sensible thinking about it. Thanks for the feedback :)


Re your edit: You definatly have a rather old copy of the zip file, the new one shouldn't give any errors.

Nmidia 01-06-2004 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
Admin Control Panel -> Style Manager -> All Options (for each different style) -> Image Paths

I may be being completely useless here, but the header image path is


I have replaced this image with the one I want to show (the one on the main forum), using the same file name. The main forum picks up this image with no problems. However, it will not show it on the vbindex.php. The main forum also has the missing cascade images, which will not show on the vbindex.php.

the shady style has a heading image called hereyah_logo_clear.gif. I have replaced this with the image I want to show, and before I install vbindex this was the file shown. Do you think this could be the cause?

sorry for being a muppet, please be patient with me:)

MindTrix 01-06-2004 06:41 PM

If the images aint showing properly on the vbindex.php just edit the templates for it :)

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