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-   -   OakGallery 2.0 Released ! [Great image gallery] (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=51255)

v0nreagan 04-25-2003 05:20 AM

Bug report:
I have reports that people with unpatched IE 6.0 (Internet Explorer v. 6.0.2600.0000) that is shipped with Win XP can't see pictures in showimage.php (OG 2.01).
They can see thumbnails, but upon clicking the whole page is displayed with no picture at all. This problem wasn't present in v.1.0, and I personally can't repeat it on any IE6 SP1 box but obviously it's not my place to force potential gallery users to upgrade their browsers....

Logikos 04-26-2003 09:13 PM

Works good but one prob

i get this while trying to upload

Error moving file - Please contact system administrator

Bergman 04-28-2003 09:17 AM

[]\[]emesis, the solution for your problem is already in this thread.

Ver 2.01 which solves the path-problem is done bur we are waiting with the release until some more features is included.

Logikos 04-28-2003 11:41 AM

sorry i have already fixed that, i should have edit my post. Again sorry :)

Bergman 04-28-2003 12:28 PM

Nemesis, no problem. Please post you gallery link also ... ;)

Logikos 04-28-2003 02:10 PM

Its needs alot of work, ive been going back and forth with moding the php and templates and adding my own to fit with my board. Heres the link of what i have so far. http://www.thenemesis.net/Forums/gallery/

The thumbnails arn't showing up so im in the middle of fixing it.

winky6 04-28-2003 02:52 PM


I tried to get your thumbs to show up by pasting the image path in the browser, and it still says page not found.

Check your paths, or perms... It may be thinking it's creating it, but it's not.

Also, for future releases.......

user permissions, or group permissions for posting of images would be nice...

Also, sub-catergories should be seperated so that only one picture in that sub shows up in the main cat.

Is anyone else having probs with the random.php. I can get it to work no matter what I do.
It keeps giving me a mysql error

Littlebit 04-28-2003 03:00 PM


Today at 06:17 AM by Bergman
Ver 2.01 which solves the path-problem is done bur we are waiting with the release until some more features is included.

Hi Bergman, I'm interested in installing this. Will the release be out today? ALso, what exactly is the error that is happening with vB's 2.3.0?

Littlebit 04-28-2003 03:25 PM

Oops, I have a few more little questions.
*Are admin options available to set that only registered and logged in members can submit an image or make a comment?
*Will I be able to modify the code so that the image doesn't get so large that its page needs to be framed and scroll to the left or down with a frame?
Hope that last question made sense!
Oh, and
*are members having each their own gallery page in the works?

Highlander 05-02-2003 07:37 PM

i read all 12 pages to find an answer on my question..

i dont know if i got image magic .. and i think its the problem that my thumbs are not showing up..

so.. i read many times.. to tipe "wich convert" if i have root access..but i havent root access only thing i can read is my php.info ..there are some lines named like X11R6 .. ..

what i want to aks..is..there any other wys to find out the path of image magic? or to see it in phpinfo..like an module?


Willard Reece 05-02-2003 08:11 PM


Today at 01:37 PM Highlander said this in Post #170
i read all 12 pages to find an answer on my question..

i dont know if i got image magic .. and i think its the problem that my thumbs are not showing up..

so.. i read many times.. to tipe "wich convert" if i have root access..but i havent root access only thing i can read is my php.info ..there are some lines named like X11R6 .. ..

what i want to aks..is..there any other wys to find out the path of image magic? or to see it in phpinfo..like an module?


try something like
/usr/bin/X11/mogrify thats the most common path to it

Highlander 05-02-2003 08:28 PM


Today at 10:11 PM Willard Reece said this in Post #171
try something like
/usr/bin/X11/mogrify thats the most common path to it

/usr/bin/X11/mogrify/convet <--after?

i will test.. does the path shows up in phpinfo? there i saqw somehting like this

usr/X11R6/ <--it wont work also ..but maybe i can try some path :)

Willard Reece 05-02-2003 08:31 PM

it doesn't clearly show up in phpinfo,, but I found that path installing another program,, and thought it might help you...
It seems to be a common path link

Highlander 05-02-2003 08:33 PM

no the "mogrifi" after wont work also.. .. damn iam in real trouble when i wont manage this to work.. i need it..really

Willard Reece 05-02-2003 08:39 PM

ask your host for the path to it...

also did you put the real name of ImageMagick after it

Highlander 05-02-2003 08:42 PM

no.. please.. post it here so i see it :)

i just try out these till now:

1. /usr/bin/X11/mogrify
2. /usr/bin/X11/mogrify/convert -or- composite
3. /usr/X11/convert -or- composite
4. /usr/bin/X11/convert -or- composite
5. /usr/X11R6/convert -or- composite
7. /usr/bin/X11R6/convert -or- composite

Willard Reece 05-02-2003 08:50 PM

imagemagick is what i know the name

Willard Reece 05-02-2003 08:52 PM




Highlander 05-02-2003 08:52 PM

directly in the path ?

/usr/X11/imagemagick/convert ?

Highlander 05-02-2003 09:03 PM

no i did not manage it..

muchas grazias.. i will call my server admin and ask him.. if he has installed the imagemagick :)

Guidster 05-17-2003 03:03 AM

You can throw my site in as a production site:


Highlander 05-17-2003 06:52 AM

many people dont have image maigc..and many of them could not install it cause they dont gt an own server .. so the standart for thumbnails and picture galleries is GD 1.0 or higher.also the most of them dont got GD2.0 ..the most providers..dont let the webmaster control the php.ini or installing new software like upgardes or imagemagik..
..so it would be nice..if there would be support for GD1.0 GD2.0 or image magik..so the users who installed this software can choose what they have istalled to show the images correctly.. and also an instant access ti php.ini inst normally for most of us .. there should be another way to include the files..cause editing the php.ini is not allowed to most of us..

are you planning to make updates for users like me?

greets Highlander

www.spieleplanet.com <- installed an alternatiove gallery, wich was written for phpBB ..this gallery supports GD1,2 and Image Magic..and as addin phpBB users can choose the correct user database to make it work like this gallery..

gmarik 05-17-2003 07:13 AM

Highlander, I can only agree with you - I would use this hack, if it would have GD2 support, but now - it's useless. What is that phpBB hack - can you show it in action?

Stud_Muffin 05-19-2003 10:48 AM

Can you just use a precompiled version of ImageMagick's convert and composite and point to them? This is assuming you don't have full access to install it properly.

Highlander 05-19-2003 11:04 AM

this is it:

it uses only phpBB if you got this.. but it support GD1.0 GD2.0 and ImageMagik ..it goit Slideshows, e-Cards an all comfot a expensive tool Like Photo Posts meets..

the only thing i turned the user registering off..cause i got my users of vb in the forums.. so oak galerry is the same..but it only supports imageMagik..and ImageMagik only is preinstalled if you install it.. or you can get root rights.. but 90% of webmasters host their sites on some preinstalled servers without root rights..and known issues of paths to imagemagik..so most of them really did not got GD2.0 just GD1.0 support..cause many Server companies have to pay much money that their users could user things like this..

if oak gallery would dupport all 3 kinds of image compresison like GD1 and 2 and imageMagik..it would be really better than the 120$ expensive PhotoPost :)

@Muffin .. i cant install imageMagic..cause i dont got root rights..to look below my home diretories. So its unpossible for me to user THIS GREAT hack..if it would support gd it would be better than PhotoPost!..

..i really just thought to install Photopost..but a test and first look showed me it only support imageM;agic too.. so a software 120$ expensive dont works for me....till a better way coems up i have to use this version i insatlled on my site:

winky6 05-19-2003 09:01 PM


I don't agree with you.

1st, most of the people who write hacks here at vbulletin.org do so for FREE , and share them with the public without any compensation.

They then spend the rest of their time answering, and re-answering question about installation that was covered in the install instructions.

NOW, if you want to spend some of your free time, why dont you write a hack that has all those beni's that you want in your forums.

Now, if some of you are using a host that doesn't have Imagemagick, I would suggest you switch to higher quality hosting company.

Personally, I use venturesonline.com, and they have GD 2, and Imagemagick.

cinq 05-20-2003 12:22 AM

Use 4images if u wish , theres a mod in their forums for vB integration too.
Supports GD and imagemagik and netbpm too.

just fyi

Rodney 05-23-2003 07:04 PM


04-14-03 at 04:45 AM kuska said this in Post #116
This php script will automaticly pick a random image from OakGallery 2.0 thumbnails section and display it on your forum homepage or any other non VB site. I use it, easy to install, just edit path to your OakGallery 2.0 Thumbnails folder and upload. It attracts more people to chceck out the gallery - worked wonders for me. Try this out, looks real nice on the home page.

Install time 1 MIN :)


1) Edit the path to the thumbnails folder in randomimage.php

2) Save and upload randomimage.php and chomod it to 775

3) Open forumhome template in your Admin CP and place the call out code anywhere desired by your likes.

PHP Code:

<img src="url/randomimage.php"height="125"width="125"

*** End Install ***

Hi I cant get this to work..... I did exactly as the instructions said...
all I get is this when I call the script : Parse error: parse error, unexpected '<' in /var/www/htdocs/randomimage.php on line 8

( http://cancan.mine.nu/randomimage.php )

PHP Code:

//Stop editing, that is all. Call the image with: 
<img src="http://cancan.mine.nu/randomimage.php"height="125"width 

customtemplate 2
PHP Code:

<tr><td bgcolor="$getbgrow"><smallfont>
img src="http://cancan.mine.nu/randomimage.php"height="125"width="125">

plz help..... I'm so bad at php

cyrus 05-27-2003 11:47 AM


Im getting a few errors :-

Warning: main(sql-mysql.php) [function.main]: failed to create stream: No such file or directory in /home/cyrus/public_html/forum/gallery/include/sql.php on line 5

Warning: main() [function.main]: Failed opening 'sql-mysql.php' for inclusion (include_path='') in /home/cyrus/public_html/forum/gallery/include/sql.php on line 5

Warning: main(getuser-vbulletin.php) [function.main]: failed to create stream: No such file or directory in /home/cyrus/public_html/forum/gallery/include/getuser.php on line 6

Warning: main() [function.main]: Failed opening 'getuser-vbulletin.php' for inclusion (include_path='') in /home/cyrus/public_html/forum/gallery/include/getuser.php on line 6

Warning: main(thumb.php) [function.main]: failed to create stream: No such file or directory in /home/cyrus/public_html/forum/gallery/include/showthumbs.php on line 5

Warning: main() [function.main]: Failed opening 'thumb.php' for inclusion (include_path='') in /home/cyrus/public_html/forum/gallery/include/showthumbs.php on line 5

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: sqlconnect() in /home/cyrus/public_html/forum/gallery/index.php on line 10

Also, I dont know the path to imagemagick, do I need to install it first ??


--- Everything now ok thanks to version 2.01 and imagemagick. Thanks Oakgallery satff ! ---

limey 05-28-2003 03:48 AM

Parse error: parse error in /www/forums/gallery/config/galleryconfig.php on line 95

Fatal error: Failed opening required './include/sql-.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php') in /www/forums/gallery/include/sql.php on line 10

And I've tried the fix posted on oakgallery site.

limey 05-28-2003 04:21 AM

Ok error fixed. Stupid really. Line 126 and 95 don't write something like "Johnny's Gallery" make it "Johnnys Gallery".

My silly mistake.

cyrus 05-28-2003 09:14 AM

Hi all,

Ive got everything in place (so I think) but I am getting "Error moving file - Please contact system administrator" when I try uploading a file. I know people have come across this problem before and I know someone will say chmod 770 to images and thumbnails (777 is 770 doesnt work) but I have done that and do not see where the problem may be.

I have a slight hunch it may be that I have not specified a tmp directory (step 7 of installation) and not chmodded it. Where do I create this directory if I need to ???


// Cyrus

limey 05-28-2003 05:24 PM

Whats your path settings?

is your forums: http://www.foo.com/forum/gallery ?

if so you need to add forum in front of gallery in the config.

cyrus 05-28-2003 06:57 PM

OMG !!! Limey, ur an angel in disguise ... THANNKKSSS ITS WORKED !!!

THANKS AKE AND BERGMAN for this release.

*runs off to play with gallery*

cyrus 05-30-2003 07:42 AM

Is it possible to change the date/time for the gallery of when image is postted, because right now mine is incorrect and I dont know how to fix it.

NeilMcRae 06-25-2003 06:23 AM

I've found the issue with missing thumbnails. If you are getting this its because imagemagick hasn't been installed correctly and has no way to process the image that you are trying to work on.
The program will be exiting with an error message like this:

convert: No decode delegate for this image format (/data/html/www.z4roadster.org.uk/gallery/images/3-1627537269-Z4_E85_RO_maincar.jpg)

Also check that your comments or messages have no spaces in them as that confuses the script.

If you want to check if this is your problem then its pretty easy, but you need system admin to the box that you are using:

do the following:

cd /usr/local/bin [or wherever your binary for convert is]
mv convert convert.old
create a script called convert [vi convert or emacs convert]
echo $0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 > /tmp/test2

Then try to upload a file using oakgallery.

Once you have done this you can look at the file /tmp/test2:

/usr/local/bin/convert -geometry 160x120> -comment www.z4roadster.org.uk - Gallery /data/html/www.z4roadster.org.uk/gallery/images/3-1627537269-Z4_E85_RO_maincar.jpg[0] /data/html/www.z4roadster.org.uk/gallery/thumbnails/4.jpg

you should try to run that on the command line and see what happens. If you get the same error as I did above then its because that imagemagick hasn't been installed with all its components properly.

The fix that for FreeBSD is to use the imagemagick in the ports part of FreeBSD, on NetBSD I'm just about to test the imagemagick thats in that section.

hope this helps.


Highlander 06-25-2003 06:52 AM

why does no one includes a support for GD 1.6/1.8 or higher ? ..everyone ..really every server has this feature..but imagemagick is a feature only own server admins can include or install..so it means that we as simple webpage admins never can use this great script :(

..why no one who got the abbility works this simple feature out?..so after installation may choose GD or IM suport .. if this would be integrated it woudl be better than Photopost andevery other script.. without that a big usergroup cant use this script! and thats also the reason, whay after moth only 14 pages of answer are placed in this thread..

NeilMcRae 06-25-2003 07:25 AM

highlander you pay for what you get!

Highlander 06-25-2003 08:57 AM

thats no matter .. paying or not paying..but why dont using standarts like GD this is defintifely installed on 90% of all Webserver (linux and windows!) ... imagemagic is for free but is installed on a few percent of webservers..

paying is not the role of my question :)

NeilMcRae 06-25-2003 09:08 AM

highlander yes, I think you just need to be more patient :D

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