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VeoMorphine 12-12-2002 07:39 PM

Hey, It all installed great the only problem im having is that when sompone has a weapon it still considers the person to not have a weapon and makes them use there fist in battle.

i try ed difrent weapons, and updated rpg stats. I also tryed reloading the items data, and that dint work.

my board is at http://www.ugnet.net/forums/

corsacrazy 12-12-2002 07:42 PM

VeoMorphine read here to use weapons


VeoMorphine 12-12-2002 07:46 PM

Thank you COrsacrazy, I also found another pretty big problem.

User can steal points from each other by putting a negative number of points in the points feild.

I think i may have a fix for this though. Gimme a few minutes and ill confirm this.

corsacrazy 12-12-2002 07:51 PM

^ lol if thats tru

Bitsys 12-12-2002 09:18 PM


Originally posted by VeoMorphine
Thank you COrsacrazy, I also found another pretty big problem.

User can steal points from each other by putting a negative number of points in the points feild.

I think i may have a fix for this though. Gimme a few minutes and ill confirm this.

Yes, that has been a known bug since the original itemshop. I am adding a fix in v0.56.

perrera 12-12-2002 11:45 PM


Originally posted by Bitsys

Do you have any personal itemshops? Did you do an upgrade, or did you do a clean install?

If you have personal itemshops, try deleting them in the admin cp. If you did an upgrade, go look for the modifications that had to be made to showthread.php in upgrade.txt and make sure you did them for each instance of the code in showthread. It is easy to find and replace the first instance, but you may have accidentally missed the second instance.

If you don't have and personal itemshops, and you didn't upgrade, then I will need to know which options you have selected for the itemshop.

Ok.. I did a clean reinstall an the problem was solved.. BTW when i tried to create a thread:

Database error in vBulletin 2.2.9:

Invalid SQL: SELECT FROM userfield WHERE userid=1
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'FROM userfield WHERE userid=1' at line 1

mysql error number: 1064


Mrpolish 12-13-2002 12:47 AM

When i install it on vb 2.2.8 it does not give me any errors but when i try to view posts the page never loads.

Bitsys 12-13-2002 12:47 AM

Did you run "install_itemshop_items.php"?

How many itemshop categories do you have?

Mrpolish 12-13-2002 12:54 AM

Oka i fixed the post problem and everything is fine now and you are able to post but each time when i post my exp is on 99% and ap on 100%.

geniuscrew 12-13-2002 02:13 AM

Just a little tip

It's a hell of a lot easier to use vBhacker, when installing for the first time.

If upgrading, replace the modified files, then install the new version using vBhacker again!

It's not as time consuming as you think - Takes about 5 minutes!

On my board it's working beautifully :)

Graphics 12-13-2002 08:07 AM

I had some problems with my mods refilling their HP/PP etc. They'd click the link, and see the url and change the last number to a higher number, and it'd turn out to be 999/32 HP etc...
Also, you can donate a negative number, which takes the money away from the person your donating to and gives it to you

VeoMorphine 12-13-2002 11:04 AM

ok, i got a fix done for the donate bug.
I'm at school right now so sadly i cannot upload it but as soon as i can get home, ill put it up.

Im going to work on a small system that i should put up today also that will allow mods and admins to give and take money away from users.

Also may i ask what we might see for the next version?

Also this hack has my vote for hack of the month/year!

perrera 12-13-2002 11:12 AM


Originally posted by Bitsys
Did you run "install_itemshop_items.php"?

OK, when I run it...

Invalid SQL: ALTER TABLE items_user
ADD item1 char(250) NOT NULL default 'No Item',
ADD points1 int(5) NOT NULL default '0',
ADD description1 char(250) NOT NULL default 'No Description Available',
ADD icon1 char(250) NOT NULL default '',
ADD itid1 int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
ADD item2 char(250) NOT NULL default 'No Item',
ADD points2 int(5) NOT NULL default '0',
ADD description2 char(250) NOT NULL default 'No Description Available',
ADD icon2 char(250) NOT NULL default '',
ADD itid2 int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
ADD item3 char(250) NOT NULL default 'No Item',
ADD points3 int(5) NOT NULL default '0',
ADD description3 char(250) NOT NULL default 'No Description Available',
ADD icon3 char(250) NOT NULL default '',
ADD itid3 int(11) NOT NULL default '0'
mysql error: Duplicate column name 'item1'

mysql error number: 1060


VeoMorphine 12-13-2002 11:30 AM

Make sure that table items_user is created, and empty.

And i also have a request. Can you add a function where admins can ajust the ammount of items that are in stock, and be able to refuill them at any time?

Strider Xero 12-13-2002 12:39 PM

Is there any way to make an Element, Alignment, or Class only allowed to be chosen by an Admin/Moderator??

perrera 12-13-2002 01:16 PM


Originally posted by VeoMorphine
Make sure that table items_user is created, and empty.

Thanks, now is working fine...but, with one detail... the RPG Name is duplicated in the USER PROFILE.. :cry:

Bitsys 12-13-2002 01:28 PM

version 0.56 will fix the "steal money from other users using a negative number in the donate screen" bug.

VeoMorphine (first time):
The next version will include:
  • Items will have a level associated with them. If you are not a high enough level, then you can't buy the item.
  • A Healing Center. At the healing center, you can get back HP and MA by spending money.
  • User's will be able to gain experience based on if they won the battle they were in.
There are a lot of bug fixes and minor additions too.

VeoMorphine (second time):
You want an input box in the admin cp that displays the stock of an item that you can change at will, correct? I think that would be easy to do, I just need clarification.

Strider Xero:
I don't think I will be able to include that in this version. That would involve user group IDs.

I have noticed that on most boards, the RPG Name is duplicated. However, on my board it is not. I will look at the install files and see where there is a deviation.

Strider Xero 12-13-2002 01:45 PM

Well hopefully you'll be able to include it in .57 =)

It kinda sucks if a member decides to keep changing elements, alignments, classes, races, etc. So I was wondering if you could include a feature where they'd have to Pay in order to change elements, alignments, classes, races etc. For example:

In order to change Elements, they'd have to pay 200 points or whatever. And to change alignments, they'd have to pay 300. Stupid idea? Yes..no? Well hopefully you'd at least consider the idea.

Bitsys 12-13-2002 01:50 PM


Originally posted by Strider Xero
Well hopefully you'll be able to include it in .57 =)

Also, I was wondering about the Classes. I don't want that little picture showing when a member chooses a Class. Instead I want it to display Text. For example if they choose an archer class, it will display 'Archer'.

From install.txt:
~Display the user's Class name: $rpgclass2

Originally posted by Strider Xero
Oh yeah, one more thing. It kinda sucks if a member decides to keep changing elements, alignments, classes, races, etc. So I was wondering if you could include a feature where they'd have to Pay in order to change elements, alignments, classes, races etc. For example:

In order to change Elements, they'd have to pay 200 points or whatever. And to change alignments, they'd have to pay 300. Stupid idea? Yes..no? Well hopefully you'd at least consider the idea.

I am looking into some options like this.

Davey 12-13-2002 04:21 PM

Okay I get this error when making the first thread in a forum:

Database error in vBulletin 2.2.9:

Invalid SQL: SELECT field5 FROM userfield WHERE userid=1
mysql error: Unknown column 'field5' in 'field list'

mysql error number: 1054

Date: Friday 13th of December 2002 06:01:49 PM
Script: http://localhost/rpg/rpg/newthread.php
Referer: http://localhost/rpg/newthread.php?a...read&forumid=3
Any ideas?


PS: I did this on a clean install of vBulletin 2.2.9.

VeoMorphine 12-13-2002 04:22 PM


Originally posted by Bitsys
version 0.56 will fix the "steal money from other users using a negative number in the donate screen" bug.

VeoMorphine (first time):
The next version will include:
  • Items will have a level associated with them. If you are not a high enough level, then you can't buy the item.
  • A Healing Center. At the healing center, you can get back HP and MA by spending money.
  • User's will be able to gain experience based on if they won the battle they were in.
There are a lot of bug fixes and minor additions too.

VeoMorphine (second time):
You want an input box in the admin cp that displays the stock of an item that you can change at will, correct? I think that would be easy to do, I just need clarification.

Strider Xero:
I don't think I will be able to include that in this version. That would involve user group IDs.

I have noticed that on most boards, the RPG Name is duplicated. However, on my board it is not. I will look at the install files and see where there is a deviation.

Yes thats what i think would be great, to be able to ajust the max and current items in stock. I allready modifyed it to do that on my board and its very easy.

And for the healing station in the next version, why not make it like an inn? Restores all stats. Ill help make it once i get home.

with perreras problem. He should just need to delete one of the profile fields, and change the field it uses in the config.

Im also working on a system were mods and admins can take away and give money to users, along with intregrating lusanes store with this.

Bitsys 12-13-2002 05:00 PM


Originally posted by Davey
Okay I get this error when making the first thread in a forum:

Any ideas?


PS: I did this on a clean install of vBulletin 2.2.9.

Did you run "install_itemshop_items.php"?

I will add the stock boxes in the next version. Admins can give money to users in the admin control panel.

VeoMorphine 12-13-2002 05:38 PM

yes but, mods cant. Im gona put that in to.

VeoMorphine 12-13-2002 06:28 PM

Use the donate hack attached to this post.
This hack was made by GameZilla, its a really great hack.
Just needs a bit of template work(a VERY little bit)

Bitsys 12-13-2002 07:20 PM


Originally posted by VeoMorphine
Use the donate hack attached to this post.
This hack was made by GameZilla, its a really great hack.
Just needs a bit of template work(a VERY little bit)

Hmm...how does this hack add anything extra that is not already included in my hack?

geniuscrew 12-13-2002 07:36 PM


Originally posted by Bitsys

The next version will include:
  • User's will be able to gain experience based on if they won the battle they were in.


VeoMorphine 12-13-2002 07:45 PM


Originally posted by Bitsys

Hmm...how does this hack add anything extra that is not already included in my hack?

just fixed the donate -negitive points bug.

VeoMorphine 12-13-2002 07:51 PM

another request:

Could you put a feild were we can chose the cost of mana a spell takes? B/c i really dont get how to ajust that. they all take one mana for me right now.

And is there a way to make admin only classes/races? I would think you could do somthing like add a collum to admin in the classes/races and if its marked one it would only be accsesable to admins.

Bitsys 12-13-2002 08:34 PM

Version 0.56 fixes the negative donate bug.

Being able to choose the amount of mana a spell takes would add an extra field to the database table. I am not too keen on doing that at this point. There will be an updated mana cost equation in a future version based on the spell's level.

Again, making only certain classes/races would add another field to the database table. It would also mean I would have to modify member.php to check and see whether or not a user can use a particular class/race. I feel that the time spent doing this does not warrant its addition right now. I might do it later, but it is not feasible at this time.

SHoeSTeR 12-13-2002 08:39 PM

Battle Arena
Proccesing battle

You are ineligible for battle at this time. Please try updating your stats in the User Control Panel.

I get this error when challenging someone, and I filled in all the fields, hit submit then update stats.

VeoMorphine 12-13-2002 08:46 PM

ya but no matter what i do all my spells are going to use the same mana, basicly eliminating the use for them, unless you can tell me ho to make them use more...

rrnolan 12-13-2002 09:50 PM

I just installed this on my VB 2.6 site the install went without a hitch. This seems like an impressive hack.. Great work.. I have never played this game before and I want to test to see if it works with 2.6.

Bitsy or someone that is experienced if you can give me a and setting up classes and such we could test this out.

Does someone know where I can get detailed instructions for setting up classes, allignments etc. The Readme is kind of lite on detail

My MSN messenger is rrnolan100@hotmail.com
or ICQ 129048868
My Site http://www.digigames2.biz

Thanks a lot


VeoMorphine 12-13-2002 10:21 PM

Big bug:

You can press the back button and redo a move and it still counts as a valid move..
So basicly, you can attack like 100 times if the person is afk, and kill him there.

geniuscrew 12-13-2002 10:23 PM


Originally posted by VeoMorphine
another request:

Could you put a feild were we can chose the cost of mana a spell takes? B/c i really dont get how to ajust that. they all take one mana for me right now.

One?! Mine take 30!


There are 2 files in the admin folder included in the zip:

install_rpg_[something or other].php [It's NOT the integration one - I renamed mine so I don't know what it's called lol]



Run them both and you should be set :)

rrnolan 12-13-2002 10:33 PM


Originally posted by geniuscrew


There are 2 files in the admin folder included in the zip:

install_rpg_[something or other].php [It's NOT the integration one - I renamed mine so I don't know what it's called lol]



Run them both and you should be set :)

Ok I see install


When I did the hacker install it ran itemshop_items at the end. So I see all the items. I don't see any elements, or Character types
that type of thing. Does install_rpg_stuff.php install all that?

Bitsys 12-13-2002 10:36 PM

Did you read https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...672#post328672 yet?

VeoMorphine (first time):
You can manually edit the formula. The current formula is meant for characters above level 5. Like I said though, it will be changing in v0.56.

(second time):
That bug is now fixed. The updated file will be included in v0.56. Thanks.

Yup, install_rpg_stuff.php installs all the RPG stuff you need to get going. However, if you have already added anything to the RPG via the admin cp, then this file won't work.

geniuscrew 12-13-2002 10:44 PM

Yup - run that and you get everything ;)

rrnolan 12-13-2002 11:05 PM

Is there a way to give myself and one other points and money so I can test this on vb2.6 Everytime I challange someone on my site it tells me they are not able to do battle. I setup a dummy account but there is no money or points for it so Im guessing that is why we cant fight

Bitsys 12-13-2002 11:20 PM


Originally posted by rrnolan
Is there a way to give myself and one other points and money so I can test this on vb2.6 Everytime I challange someone on my site it tells me they are not able to do battle. I setup a dummy account but there is no money or points for it so Im guessing that is why we cant fight
If you set the wager to 0, then money does not matter. However, make sure you have read https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/show...8672#post328672 to see other reasons why you could be getting that error.

rrnolan 12-13-2002 11:26 PM

Bitsy I think it is working fine, except for this error.
I looked in the Userfield table and there is no field6 just field1 - field9 with no 6 in there. What should I do?

Here is the error

Database error in vBulletin 2.2.6:

Invalid SQL: SELECT field6 FROM userfield WHERE userid='277'
mysql error: Unknown column 'field6' in 'field list'

mysql error number: 1054

Date: Friday 13th of December 2002 06:20:25 PM
Script: http://www.digigames2.biz/forums/for...7&battlekey=hi
Referer: http://www.digigames2.biz/forums/bat...1&battlekey=hi

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