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Kars10 03-20-2003 07:47 PM

@ Logician, is there a way to make a condition for Forumhome Moderators?
I want to add the moderators under Forum-description like here on vb.org [moderated by: xxx, xxx, xxx].
But when the forum isnĀ“t moderated the [moderated by: xxx] is gone... is there a way to do this with this hack??

Thanks in advance

Logician 03-21-2003 08:45 AM


Yesterday at 11:47 PM Kars10 said this in Post #161
@ Logician, is there a way to make a condition for Forumhome Moderators?
I want to add the moderators under Forum-description like here on vb.org [moderated by: xxx, xxx, xxx].
But when the forum isn?t moderated the [moderated by: xxx] is gone... is there a way to do this with this hack??

Thanks in advance

Not tested but building up a conditional depending on $moderator[userid] variable should do the trick. eg.

Moderated by:....

Kars10 03-21-2003 08:53 AM

@ Logician, do you mean i should place this codition in forumhome_forumbit_level2_post with the userids of my moderators? Can you show me a examble, please?


Boofo 03-21-2003 08:57 AM

I tried that one and a few others and could never find one that worked. I ended up having to put code in the index.php to catch it. ;)

Logician 03-21-2003 09:56 AM


Today at 12:57 PM Boofo said this in Post #164
I tried that one and a few others and could never find one that worked. I ended up having to put code in the index.php to catch it. ;)
ok please give the code then so that Kars can use it too :)

Code hacking is a better solution in this example anyway since forumhome templates are usually long and frequently called templates. So apply the hack into the code is more performance friendly than applying into the template, especially for large traffic boards..

Kars10 03-21-2003 10:09 AM

Thanks Logician!!
I have PM?t Boofo about that!!

Kars :)

Boofo 03-21-2003 10:10 AM


Today at 05:56 AM Logician said this in Post #165

ok please give the code then so that Kars can use it too :)

For you, Sinan, gladly. ;)


Code hacking is a better solution in this example anyway since forumhome templates are usually long and frequently called templates. So apply the hack into the code is more performance friendly than applying into the template, especially for large traffic boards..
I didn't know that. My forumhome templates are pretty coded up with your conditionals. I might have to take a look at some of them. Thanks. ;)

Mr. Brian 03-22-2003 05:12 PM

Hi Logician,

Thanks for your reply, but omehow I still getting the same error.


03-19-03 at 04:05 PM Logician said this in Post #160
I say check step 1.. After you applied it, the line should look like this:

PHP Code:

//Logician Advanced Templates Hack
if (substr_count($template,'[[/(')>=1) {$template advanced_templates($template);}
//Logician Advanced Templates Hack
if ($gethtmlcomments and $addtemplatename) { 

Not like this:
PHP Code:

//Logician Advanced Templates Hack
if (substr_count($template,'[[/(')>=1) {$template advanced_templates($template);}
//Logician Advanced Templates Hack if ($gethtmlcomments and $addtemplatename) { 

More info here

Thats exactly what I did. :(

Logician 03-22-2003 05:30 PM


Today at 09:12 PM Matthew Lam said this in Post #168
Hi Logician,

Thanks for your reply, but omehow I still getting the same error.

You are using notepad for editing, right?

Mr. Brian 03-23-2003 02:21 PM

Ya, last time I used to use notepad. But I've already no longer using notepad but using editplus instead. :bored:

Mr. Brian 03-23-2003 07:17 PM

Hi Logician,

Ya, last time I used to use notepad. But I've already no longer using notepad but using editplus instead.

BTW, I'd like to take this opportunity to thanks you by keep giving support to me as whenever there's a need(s) and there's always a will from you .

Anyway, I think my forum already gone case or maybe can said close shop soon. It had been almost a week, till now still can't even figure out any anythings.. Really in a lost! :hurt:

Logician 03-23-2003 10:20 PM


Yesterday at 11:17 PM Matthew Lam said this in Post #171
Hi Logician,

Ya, last time I used to use notepad. But I've already no longer using notepad but using editplus instead.

BTW, I'd like to take this opportunity to thanks you by keep giving support to me as whenever there's a need(s) and there's always a will from you .

Anyway, I think my forum already gone case or maybe can said close shop soon. It had been almost a week, till now still can't even figure out any anythings.. Really in a lost! :hurt:

sorry dont have a clue then.. If this is really important hack for you and you can give me FTP and Admin CP access, I can take a look at it.

winky6 03-30-2003 06:56 PM

:banana: I can only dream of being so creative..
Outstanding hack.
Thank You :banana: :banana:

lowtaxbaby 04-01-2003 01:11 PM


First of all, this is a wonderful hack and I love you to death for it, as it's very useful. I have one quick question for you: I'm trying to make it so that a certain message is displayed to a user if they do not have a custom title. In showthread.php, I believe this is a boolean named "$avatarenabled". How would I be able to make this message appear if they do not have an avatar enabled? I tried this:

You do not have an avatar enabled.

But it simply threw up:

You do not have an avatar enabled.

What stupid error am I making here? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Once again, thank you very much!

Boofo 04-01-2003 01:16 PM

Try this:

You do not have an avatar enabled.

Logician 04-01-2003 01:17 PM


Today at 05:11 PM lowtaxbaby said this in Post #174

First of all, this is a wonderful hack and I love you to death for it, as it's very useful. I have one quick question for you: I'm trying to make it so that a certain message is displayed to a user if they do not have a custom title. In showthread.php, I believe this is a boolean named "$avatarenabled". How would I be able to make this message appear if they do not have an avatar enabled? I tried this:

You do not have an avatar enabled.

But it simply threw up:

You do not have an avatar enabled.

What stupid error am I making here? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Once again, thank you very much!

You do not have an avatar enabled.
will do the trick provided that your variable is correct (I didnt check it but it seems correct according to your outcome)

Logician 04-01-2003 01:18 PM

you are fast Bob! (and invisible) hehe

Boofo 04-01-2003 01:23 PM


Today at 09:18 AM Logician said this in Post #177
you are fast Bob! (and invisible) hehe
LOL Sorry about that, Sinan. Just thought I'd lend a hand. ;)

Being invisible sometimes has it's advantages. Chen taught me that trick. ;)

lowtaxbaby 04-01-2003 01:33 PM


Today at 03:16 PM Boofo said this in Post #175
Try this:

You do not have an avatar enabled.

Thank you very much for your quick response, but apparently I have the wrong variable. Here is what I am attempting to accomplish, and if anybody could reveal which variable I am looking for, I would be forever in your debt.

What is the variable that determines if a user has a custom title or if the user simply has the default user title that shows up for X posts? That is, by default, people have their custom titles changed when they reach X posts. However, an admin can give them a custom title that does not change despite the number of posts they make.

Does anybody know what variable this is or how I could possibly find it? I'd like to make the postbit layout slightly different for people who have been given a custom title by the admins, which is why I'm asking.

Thank you very much!

Logician 04-01-2003 04:13 PM


Today at 05:33 PM lowtaxbaby said this in Post #179

What is the variable that determines if a user has a custom title or if the user simply has the default user title that shows up for X posts? That is, by default, people have their custom titles changed when they reach X posts. However, an admin can give them a custom title that does not change despite the number of posts they make.

if user has a custom title, variable $post[customtitle] gets value 2 and his custom title is saved in variable $post[usertitle]

so conditional is
PHP Code:

you have a  custom title which is $post[usertitle]



Just thought I'd lend a hand.
yes please be my guest anytime.. :)

Boofo 04-01-2003 04:27 PM

How would that custom title condition work in the getinfo template (profile)?

Logician 04-01-2003 05:04 PM

$userinfo[customtitle] $userinfo[usertitle]

Boofo 04-01-2003 05:06 PM

Thank you. sir. ;)

I had to use ==1 to make it work, though. ==2 didn't do anything for some reason.

lowtaxbaby 04-01-2003 06:08 PM


Today at 07:06 PM Boofo said this in Post #183
Thank you. sir. ;)

I had to use ==1 to make it work, though. ==2 didn't do anything for some reason.

==1 worked for me as well.

However, the result isn't exactly what I was attempting to accomplish. What I'm looking to do is the following:

When a person without a custom title posts, I would like his postbit information to include a link that says "please click here to get your custom title."

The current suggested method displays that "please click here" message on the posts for *everybody* who lacks a custom title, that is, if Person A is logged in to the forums and lacks a custom title (and starts a thread), Person B replies and he lacks a custom title as well, both posts will read "please click here to get your custom title" to both person A and B. Is there any way for person A to see the message under only person A's post, and not everybody else who lacks a custom title as well?

Sorry for the incoherency of this post, I'm having a difficult time explaining myself. Also, once again, thank you VERY much for your time, help, and patience.

Logician 04-01-2003 06:58 PM


Today at 10:08 PM lowtaxbaby said this in Post #184
When a person without a custom title posts, I would like his postbit information to include a link that says "please click here to get your custom title."

ok try this one:

[[($post[customtitle]==0 AND $post[userid]==$bbuserinfo[userid])]]
please click here to get your custom title
[[/($post[customtitle]==0 AND $post[userid]==$bbuserinfo[userid])]]

lowtaxbaby 04-01-2003 08:16 PM


Today at 08:58 PM Logician said this in Post #185

ok try this one:

[[($post[customtitle]==0 AND $post[userid]==$bbuserinfo[userid])]]
please click here to get your custom title
[[/($post[customtitle]==0 AND $post[userid]==$bbuserinfo[userid])]]

That worked like a charm! Thank you very much for your hack and your support!

Boofo 04-11-2003 12:42 AM

Sinan, how could I make it so it would show [high]Subscribe[/high] to a user if they are NOT subscribed to a thread and show [high]Unsubscribe[/high] if they ARE subscribed to a thread? I think it can be done but I'm not sure of the exact conditional to use. ;)

Logician 04-11-2003 06:47 AM


Today at 04:36 AM Boofo said this in Post #187
Sinan, how could I make it so it would show [high]Subscribe[/high] to a user if they are NOT subscribed to a thread and show [high]Unsubscribe[/high] if they ARE subscribed to a thread? I think it can be done but I'm not sure of the exact conditional to use. ;)
Actually you can't do it with conditionals. Because vb does not check if thread reader has a subscription to that thread. This is why we have a hack for this.. ;)


Please do not email or PM me for Logician's hacks. Post in the Requests Forum and he will help you as best I can.
lol Bob! What is that all about? Do you really get emails and PMs for my hacks? I didnt understand why people mail you.

Boofo 04-11-2003 09:48 AM

What I am trying to do is have a Subscribe link (Next to the Moderated By link) that will change to Unsubscribe and Subscribe according to the user's subscription. This will be on the forum home and forumdisplay and it will be for forums.


lol Bob! What is that all about? Do you really get emails and PMs for my hacks? I didnt understand why people mail you.
That is my tribute to you, sir. No, nobody has ever written me about your hacks. Except maybe where to find them on here. I set that up to see how long it would take for anyone to notice that I wasn't talking about my own hacks. You're the first. If it bothers you, I can take it down. ;)

Logician 04-11-2003 06:24 PM


Today at 01:42 PM Boofo said this in Post #189
What I am trying to do is have a Subscribe link (Next to the Moderated By link) that will change to Unsubscribe and Subscribe according to the user's subscription. This will be on the forum home and forumdisplay and it will be for forums.

sorry not possible without hack because vb does not save your subscription status in a variable that you can use in a conditional. You need a hack for this and there is one for forum subscriptions too.


That is my tribute to you, sir. No, nobody has ever written me about your hacks. Except maybe where to find them on here. I set that up to see how long it would take for anyone to notice that I wasn't talking about my own hacks. You're the first. If it bothers you, I can take it down. ;)
lol thx.. no it does not bother me at all. I hope you'll get pms about your own hacks too but I dont know if you'll like it when you start to get a lot of pms about that so that I don't wish. :knockedout:

Boofo 04-11-2003 06:29 PM


Today at 02:18 PM Logician said this in Post #190
sorry not possible without hack because vb does not save your subscription status in a variable that you can use in a conditional. You need a hack for this and there is one for forum subscriptions too.

I tried to use the forum subscription hack that is out and it added an extra query for each forum on the forumhome. Is there a way to do it in one query for all forums or at least a few less queries?


lol thx.. no it does not bother me at all. I hope you'll get pms about your own hacks too but I dont know if you'll like it when you start to get a lot of pms about that so that I don't wish. :knockedout:
My hacks really aren't worth pm-ing anyone about. At least with yours, I might get a pm or two. ;)

Logician 04-11-2003 06:41 PM


I tried to use the forum subscription hack that is out and it added an extra query for each forum on the forumhome. Is there a way to do it in one query for all forums or at least a few less queries?
No easy way unless you are ready to hack more and have a new field in user table where you save user's subscribed forumids there. Then it would be automatically availability to your without querying the DB.

Boofo 04-11-2003 06:48 PM


Today at 02:35 PM Logician said this in Post #192
No easy way unless you are ready to hack more and have a new field in user table where you save user's subscribed forumids there. Then it would be automatically availability to your without querying the DB.
That'll work. Would you help me with it, sir? ;)

irn-bru 04-21-2003 01:30 PM

I wonder if this can be done.

[[($bbuserinfo[usergroupid]==2 $bbuserinfo[usergroupid]==3 OR
$bbuserinfo[usergroupid]==4 OR $bbuserinfo[usergroupid]==5 OR $bbuserinfo[usergroupid]==6 OR $bbuserinfo[usergroupid]==7)]]


[[/($bbuserinfo[usergroupid]==2 $bbuserinfo[usergroupid]==3 OR
$bbuserinfo[usergroupid]==4 OR $bbuserinfo[usergroupid]==5 OR $bbuserinfo[usergroupid]==6 OR $bbuserinfo[usergroupid]==7)]]

In doing this I would like to show all members the $forumbits
and just visitors the rest of the forum home. I know I could just code the index.pho with.

if ($bbuserinfo[userid]==0) {

But I would like guest to see the shoutbox and whos online
and not just the nopermission please register template. Also
the show_nopermission I would like that to replace the $forumbits
for guests only.

Logician 04-21-2003 02:52 PM

yeah seems applicable, why dont you give a shot?

irn-bru 04-21-2003 02:54 PM

With a few changes it worked. :)

Just one more question can I do this.


" I want to get a template from the database
and not put my html in here. How would I do that?"


Thanks for the help. I have attached my forumbits

Logician 04-21-2003 05:32 PM


Today at 05:54 PM irn-bru said this in Post #196
" I want to get a template from the database
and not put my html in here. How would I do that?"

no way without hacking. ;)

CRego3D 05-12-2003 02:16 AM

Let me ask you if this is possible

I have a custom profile entry "profilefieldid=5"

I want to have a different template based on what the user puts there, example

if the user puts: rabit or Rabit = template A / ckicken or Chicken = template b

(if they put something it's not defined, then shows nothing of course)

can it be ?

Logician 05-12-2003 07:06 AM

Template A
Template B

CRego3D 05-13-2003 04:44 AM


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