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mewgood 09-03-2002 11:01 PM

check out this post..

mewgood 09-03-2002 11:01 PM

PLease help out~!

I got an error when I trying to view who is online..

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/wcgalaxy.com/httpdocs/vbb/online.php on line 624

mewgood 09-04-2002 12:00 AM

As well when I play the game which I add it ( not the ones come with the zip file) It will not redirect you where you put comments and your score after you finish the game...

NuclioN 09-04-2002 12:13 AM

It seems obvious that the swf files must have instructioncode to do this. You can't just fill in the same codes that you need for the files futureal has put in here, the fla (original flashfile) must be altered to communicate with the php files.

mewgood 09-04-2002 12:28 AM

I think it is .swf

2 X Viverridae 09-04-2002 01:07 AM


Originally posted by futureal
So far, there are FIVE GAMES that work correctly with this hack. They are:

Space Invaders

All five .SWF files are included in the release archive.

If anybody finds any good games out there that use a scoring system, and you can get the source code (the .FLA file) please PM me or post them here and I will see if I can adapt it for use with the arcade.
Obviously you will have to send him the source code files for the flash games to work with the arcade. Merely loading in the compiled .swf modules won't work.

BTW - installed this puppy in about an hour (manually) and it all seems to be working OK!

Great hack, thanks a lot!

VietSoil 09-04-2002 02:19 AM

Great hack futureal! Thanks a lot for your efforts in making this!

I have one question though. How come the file tetris.swf became too darn big - 198,880 bytes, 4X the original size which is ~50,000 bytes ???

If possible, can you release all the modified .fla files also?

Again, thanks for making and releasing this great hack! :banana: :banana: :banana:

futureal 09-04-2002 03:03 AM

I need to get the FLA files back from the guy who did the sound modifications for me, and he is in the process of moving at the moment. If and when I get the FLAs, I will post them.

mewgood: As I stated, Frogger is not compatible with the arcade (yet, anyway). I am working on fixing the bugs in the arcade first before modifying any more games. Patience, my friend.

As for your question about online.php, it has been answered a couple times. You need to add the line:

PHP Code:

global $DB_site

Above the affected line in online.php.

Lovaboye 09-04-2002 03:21 AM

does this work with vb 2.6.6?

futureal 09-04-2002 03:27 AM

Yup, sure does.

Lovaboye 09-04-2002 03:33 AM

not for me! the stuff to change in adminfunctions and showthread arent their... can we talk over aim or msnm real quick, unless u have a quick solution??? thx

futureal 09-04-2002 03:36 AM

I don't use IM stuff, normally, otherwise I'd try to help you directly.

The code should be there, though. I installed this hack (Beta 1) on a clean vBulletin 2.2.6 2 days ago and it went off without a hitch. If you are trying to use vbHacker, you *may* have to make some of those code edits yourself. Just open up the .php files in an editor and find the stuff manually...

Lovaboye 09-04-2002 03:46 AM

ok i did all the files, but the flash files dont load, is the default location for the games, "forum/admin/games" or "forum/games"

If is "forum/games" wat else could be the probbie?

futureal 09-04-2002 03:59 AM

The default is /games/ (not under the forum hierarchy at all).

You could, of course, put the games in /forum/games/ -- you just have to change the setting in the vbProArcade General Options to reflect that.

Lovaboye 09-04-2002 04:09 AM

ok it workz now

Lovaboye 09-04-2002 04:26 AM

aww, but now when i look under "whos online" i get "
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/lovaboy/public_html/test/online.php on line 616

futureal 09-04-2002 04:39 AM

See this: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...155#post295155

That will be fixed in the zipfile as soon as I finish this safe mode coding.

mewgood 09-04-2002 04:53 AM

I htink all flash games are not working... Not the one come with the zip..
not just frogger..

futureal 09-04-2002 04:59 AM

Give me a URL (and a guest account, if needed) and I'll take a look at it for you.

I should have the safe mode fix up in a few minutes, for anybody that might be looking for that.

futureal 09-04-2002 05:46 AM


If you were getting errors before related to safe mode (open_basedir restriction in effect, etc.) then please, replace your admin/proarcadeadmin.php file with the one attached to this post. Once you have done so, try adding icons and let me know if it works or if you get errors.

If you are not running BETA 1, do not use this file!

I am unable to test this on my own, since I don't have a safe mode server available to me. I have tested this new version on my servers and it works in normal mode.

If your server is not in safe mode, there is no need to update since no features have been added, BUT for the sake of having the newest version, you may want to. I cleaned up the code a bit and actually reduced the number of lines by about 50.


mewgood 09-04-2002 05:57 AM

I got the same error when I try to upload images for the hack..

futureal 09-04-2002 06:18 AM

Try it one more time -- I just made a small change to the file.

Tell me what it says at the top of the options screen -- it should say something like:

safeupload is: ...
tmppath is: ...

Also, copy the error over one more time if you can.


mewgood 09-04-2002 06:29 AM

I got this now...


safeupload is: 1
tmppath is: tmp

Warning: Unable to create 'tmp/icon-scoreboard.gif': No such file or directory in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/wcgalaxy.com/httpdocs/vbb/admin/proarcadeadmin.php on line 56

Warning: Unable to move '/tmp/phpSe8xsE' to 'tmp/icon-scoreboard.gif' in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/wcgalaxy.com/httpdocs/vbb/admin/proarcadeadmin.php on line 56

Warning: Unable to create 'tmp/icon-crown.gif': No such file or directory in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/wcgalaxy.com/httpdocs/vbb/admin/proarcadeadmin.php on line 56

Warning: Unable to move '/tmp/phpfH35T8' to 'tmp/icon-crown.gif' in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/wcgalaxy.com/httpdocs/vbb/admin/proarcadeadmin.php on line 56
Arcade options updated!
I have set the "tmp" directry to 777

futureal 09-04-2002 06:39 AM

mewgood: Just to satisfy my curiosity, try doing this:

On line 55 of proarcadeadmin.php, replace this line:

PHP Code:

        $path "$tmppath/$vpafile_name"

with this:

PHP Code:

        $path "/$tmppath/$vpafile_name"

I doubt that will help but I can't think of anything else. heh

chad777 09-04-2002 12:06 PM

the edit for showthread. when i do a search to add it. does it go by the first or second find ?

Link14716 09-04-2002 12:10 PM


Originally posted by mewgood
check out this post..

That is giving futureal the .fla code, it is not compatible into hew makes it compatable.

chad777 09-04-2002 12:14 PM

never mind i got it :)

portion 09-04-2002 01:10 PM

I changed the path in the proarcadeadmin.php to find the file proimage.php and I can now see all icons in the admin cp. My proimage.php residedes in the forums directory so I changed this:
(My /admin/ dir is a subdir of my forums, for example /forums/admin/)
PHP Code:

<img src=\"/forum/proimage.php?id=0&name=*****\"> 

to this
PHP Code:

<img src=\"../proimage.php?id=0&name=*****\"> 

***** = icon name (ex: scoreicon, kingicon, etc...)


Hope this helps someone else wit the same situation.


Lovaboye 09-04-2002 02:23 PM

why arent my normal members able to play the games???? I have made them all active! wat is wrong?

portion 09-04-2002 03:15 PM


why arent my normal members able to play the games???? I have made them all active! wat is wrong?

Answers are most likely here to you problems: page 8

Souly 09-04-2002 03:19 PM

This Hack goes "Hack of the Month" :D

Install Process = very good
Templates / Structure = very good
Games & Sounds = very good
my install time = 15 Minutes
my translate time into german = 20 Minutes

all in one: it is very good :laugh:

I am running on a Safe Mode Server and have only one Problem:
I can upload the images and see it correct on the leaderboards, but in the adminarea i see only the follow: [thx]

NTLDR 09-04-2002 03:22 PM


Originally posted by Souly
I am running on a Safe Mode Server and have only one Problem:I can upload the images and see it correct on the leaderboards, but in the adminarea i see only the follow: [thx]
^^^ https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...325#post295325

Just above is the solution ;)

Souly 09-04-2002 03:36 PM


Originally posted by NTLDR

^^^ https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...325#post295325

Just above is the solution ;)

thx. "open your eyes Souly" :ogre:

futureal 09-04-2002 05:53 PM

OK, since nobody responded to it directly -- did the safe mode fixed file I posted work? It sounds like it may have, but mewgood reported another problem, so...

As for the code change in proarcadeadmin.php (the /forum/admin...) that is a code bug, I knew one of those would sneak in there eventually (since I originally didn't plan on releasing it, I wrote the original code based on my forums, which are all in /forum...).

I will correct that in the next release. Thanks for finding that one.

wolfe 09-04-2002 07:53 PM

since i added this i get an error


Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.2.4:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE user SET away='0',awaydate=UNIX_TIMESTAMP('1970-01-01 01:00:00'),returndate='0000-00-00',awayreason='',birthday='0000-00-00',options='15',usergroupid='10',username='rpm',email=useremail@site.com,styleid='14',parentemail='',coppauser=0,homepage='http://www.',icq='',aim='',yahoo='',signature='',adminemail=1,receivebulletin=1,receivebulletin_type=1,showemail,showemail=1,invisible=0,usertitle=<strong>Moderator</strong><br><img src="{stars}/1stars.gif">,customtitle=0,joindate=UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2002-09-04 17:54:20'),cookieuser=1,nosessionhash=0,daysprune='-1',lastvisit=UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2002-09-04 20:35:39'),lastactivity=UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2002-09-04 21:11:46'),lastpost=UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2002-09-04 19:10:38'),posts='20',timezoneoffset='0',emailnotification=1,receivepm='1',emailonpm='0',ipaddress='',pmpopup=IF(pmpopup=2 AND 0=1,pmpopup,'0') WHERE userid=331
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'showemail=1,invisible=0,usertitle=<strong>Moderator</strong><br><img src="{stars' at line 1

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Wednesday 04th of September 2002 09:49:36 PM
Script: http://mysite.com/forums/forums/admin/user.php
Referer: http://mysite.com/forums/admin/user....dit&userid=331

whats that all mean :(

futureal 09-04-2002 08:25 PM

wolfe: I don't think that is related to this hack at all. There are no modifications to admin/user.php, and I don't see anything in that query related to this hack. Since vbProArcade does not modify the user table at all, I don't think it could be related.

wolfe 09-04-2002 08:26 PM


wolfe 09-04-2002 08:26 PM

could you help me any way please :D

futureal 09-04-2002 08:33 PM

wolfe: OK, I'll give it a shot. Create a file called test.php on your server with this code:

PHP Code:

echo 'Current PHP version: ' phpversion();

Then point to it with your browser and tell me what it says.

mewgood 09-04-2002 09:16 PM

this is funny
I have replaced the code you gave me, and it works. No more errors
However I still see a broken image..

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