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Mr_P 08-14-2002 07:26 PM

works a dream - i never thought it mattered that much but obvious it does

Well done NTLDR (me bangs me head on wall only few times mind ya)

Mr_P 08-14-2002 07:27 PM


Originally posted by NTLDR

If you want to talk like that then don't expect any more support on this hack. All I am trying to do is help.

sorry m8 was taken out of context - it was meant to mean i done it and what an idiot i had been.

NTLDR 08-14-2002 07:29 PM


Originally posted by Mr_P
sorry m8 was taken out of context - it was meant to mean i done it and what an idiot i had been.
Sorry, I miss-understood what you said ;)

It makes a great deal of diffenence that it goes there, even though it doesn't look like it. Glad its working for you :D

Mr_P 08-14-2002 07:31 PM

and thanx to you for all your help and feedback NTLDR

DWZ 08-15-2002 03:19 AM


Originally posted by NTLDR
Nice suggestion there DWZ :)

And add $lastposter in your home_newsbit template where you want the username to appear ;)

I may also add this in to the new version.

Worked great :)

But I just ran into a problem :\

I went to add a user-group to my board today, and I got this message:


Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.2.5:

Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO usergroup (usergroupid,title,usertitle,cancontrolpanel,canmodifyprofile,canviewmembers,canview,canviewvbindex,showgroup,cansearch,canemail,canpostnew,canmove,canopenclose,candeletethread,canreplyown,canreplyothers,canviewothers,caneditpost,candeletepost,canusepm,canpostpoll,canvote,canpostattachment,ismoderator,canpublicevent,canpublicedit,canthreadrate,cantrackpm,candenypmreceipts,maxbuddypm,maxforwardpm,canwhosonline,canwhosonlineip,cangetattachment)
        VALUES (NULL,'News Reporter','',0,1,1,,,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,5,5,1,0,1)
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ',1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,5,5,1,0,1)' at line 2

mysql error number: 1064


any idea what's wrong?

NTLDR 08-15-2002 09:40 AM

I would guess that you made a error changing your usergroup.php file, check the change that you made to it.

DWZ 08-15-2002 09:47 AM


Originally posted by NTLDR
I would guess that you made a error changing your usergroup.php file, check the change that you made to it.
Yeah, that was my first guess. I used vBhacker to do the changes origanaly, and I just went over it again now, and it looks fine.

Audionuts 08-15-2002 04:45 PM

hum small problem...trying to install this, and i it seams i got it semi workinfg then i went to admin to add the home template and noticed my temples are gone? everything else works in the CP but when i try to add or modify or just view the tmplates, alli see is a white page :(

Mr_P 08-15-2002 07:07 PM

NTLDR below link is not your hack but i am trying to get it to show the stats from it on VBindex but having no luck at all.
I had to revert to backup copy as totally screwed up forum.
If you get time can u check it out,i know its a bit of a long shot as its another hack by Bane and not made by you.

NTLDR 08-15-2002 07:08 PM


Originally posted by Audionuts
...noticed my temples are gone? everything else works in the CP but when i try to add or modify or just view the tmplates, alli see is a white page :(
Sounds like your using PHP 4.2.x and a lower version of vB then 2.2.6. Could you post a screenshot?

NTLDR 08-15-2002 07:11 PM


Originally posted by Mr_P
NTLDR below link is not your hack but i am trying to get it to show the stats from it on VBindex but having no luck at all.
I had to revert to backup copy as totally screwed up forum.
If you get time can u check it out,i know its a bit of a long shot as its another hack by Bane and not made by you.

This installs a treat with vBindex, however it does add quite a few queries to the page.

Check out my sites home page some of the statistics there are taken from vBstats, which ones in particular did you want? They are very easy to add.

Mr_P 08-15-2002 07:19 PM

ok if poss i would like to call these 2 boxes in under the welcome box

[Posters] [Forums/Threads]

i can put links on vbindex to them but they look better if automatically shown.

Edit Small Note

Do you have to reg on your site to see the stats as no pages are showing to me ? regardless of what link i click on

NTLDR 08-15-2002 07:26 PM


Originally posted by Mr_P
Do you have to reg on your site to see the stats as no pages are showing to me ? regardless of what link i click on
Nope, there at the top right on the page that I gave you the link for. The server load is really high due to someone running a perl script :( which maybe why you couldn't get it.

Mr_P 08-15-2002 07:28 PM


these 2 boxes if at all possible?

Sorry forgot to say i got on your site after a few mins


NTLDR 08-15-2002 07:35 PM


Originally posted by Mr_P
ok if poss i would like to call these 2 boxes in under the welcome box

[Posters] [Forums/Threads]

Add before:

PHP Code:

// posts info
// ------------------------- 

The contents of vbi-stats-addon.txt and change and add and modify the HTML in forum-threads-html.txt and posters-html.txt to suit your needs.

Mr_P 08-15-2002 07:37 PM

cheers NTLDR will try it now and let u know outcome

Mr_P 08-15-2002 07:45 PM

stuck lol

sorry to say

Do i make 2 new templates and call them this ?


and also where do i copy the contents of vbstats addon to ?

i cant find that ?

// posts info
// -------------------------

Sorry if i overlooked something staring me in eyes NTLDR ;)

NTLDR 08-15-2002 07:48 PM


Originally posted by Mr_P
Do i make 2 new templates and call them this ?

Add the HTML from these to files into your home template (you may need to change them as I only stripped them out of the vBstats hack.


and also where do i copy the contents of vbstats addon to ?

i cant find that ?

PHP Code:

// posts info
// ------------------------- 

Its right at the top of the file, after the variables, line 50 to be exact ;)

Mr_P 08-15-2002 07:56 PM

ok got 2 boxes on main page but im stuck as i aint sure what file to look for // posts info
// -------------------------

i have done a search though all templates and it aint showing and even searched in vbindex and even stats.php with no luck

Easy hacks are not for me (joke m8)

NTLDR 08-15-2002 07:59 PM

It should be on Line 50 of vBindex.php (I probably didn't make it clear what file you were supposed to be adding it to).

Mr_P 08-15-2002 08:05 PM

ok added the contents from vbstats addon after line 50

added the contents of the 2 texts files into the home template

Its shows the 2 boxes but no stats inside ?

Mr_P 08-15-2002 08:07 PM

this is how it is in vbindex

// -------------------------
// end variables

// posts info
// stats
// -------------------------
// top posters
// -------------------------
if ($action=="topposters") {

etc etc

NTLDR 08-15-2002 08:13 PM

My fault, I didn't look at the code properly, try this instead of the code you inserted into vBindex.php

Mr_P 08-15-2002 08:17 PM

Parse error on line 121 which is }

NTLDR 08-15-2002 08:41 PM

OK, third time lucky :ermm:

This should work, I think I've been spending too long looking at code and vB :classic:

Mr_P 08-15-2002 08:48 PM

u deffo must be m8

Works like a dream - i just need to sort colors as they red and green for some reason but excellant m8

Over last few days you have been patient and given me loads of help on quite a few different hacks and like to give something back in return

Do u have a paypal account ? if so pm me m8 and will send something.End of day i know you do this cause you like helping others but you have gone out of your way a few times and that i appreciate a lot.

NTLDR 08-15-2002 08:58 PM


Originally posted by Mr_P
u deffo must be m8

Works like a dream - i just need to sort colors as they red and green for some reason but excellant m8
Do a quick find and replace in the code I uploaded and change {firstcolor} to { firstaltcolor} (minus the space after {) and {secondcolor} to { secondaltcolor} (minus the space again) this will use your boards default colors instead of red and green :D


Do u have a paypal account ? if so pm me m8 and will send something.End of day i know you do this cause you like helping others but you have gone out of your way a few times and that i appreciate a lot.
Thank you, its comments like that which makes it worth while being part of this community and reasing hacks and providing help and support to others. I'll send you a PM ;)

Mr_P 08-15-2002 09:04 PM

expect something 2morrow at 2pm when i get back from work
and all in all excellant work.

I may ask the daft questions but i wonder how many more are reading this and installing the addons

LOL just thought this has got quite a few addons on now aint it.

NTLDR 08-15-2002 09:21 PM


Originally posted by Mr_P
[B]expect something 2morrow at 2pm when i get back from work
and all in all excellant work.
Many thanks :banana:


I may ask the daft questions but i wonder how many more are reading this and installing the addons
I remember when I first got vB and started adding hacks, I didn't even know what a template was, let alone where to find it and add/edit etc, lol


LOL just thought this has got quite a few addons on now aint it.
Thats the beauty of this hack, anything that was made for vB can be inegrated with it. I may do a addon pack in the near future :)

Mr_P 08-15-2002 09:32 PM

nice one goes to show does`nt it what is possible from a vbb board.

half the hacks on here have nothing to do with a board really and yet make the board every bit as unique to that person with the hacks installed.

DWZ 08-15-2002 10:35 PM


Originally posted by DWZ
Yeah, that was my first guess. I used vBhacker to do the changes origanaly, and I just went over it again now, and it looks fine.
*bump* :(

NTLDR 08-15-2002 11:06 PM

Sorry DWZ, I thought that you meant that you looked over it and its fine.

Have you added any other hacks that require changes to usergroup.php as that may be what the problem is. The code you should have is:

PHP Code:

// ###################### Start insert #######################
if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['action']=="insert") {

//vbindex addon
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO usergroup (usergroupid,title,usertitle,cancontrolpanel,canmodifyprofile,canviewmembers,canview,canviewvbindex,showgroup,cansearch,canemail,canpostnew,canmove,canopenclose,candeletethread,canreplyown,canreplyothers,canviewothers,caneditpost,candeletepost,canusepm,canpostpoll,canvote,canpostattachment,ismoderator,canpublicevent,canpublicedit,canthreadrate,cantrackpm,candenypmreceipts,maxbuddypm,maxforwardpm,canwhosonline,canwhosonlineip,cangetattachment)


"<p>Record added</p>";

Under the
PHP Code:

// ###################### Start insert ####################### 

Section, if thats for an unhacked 2.2.6, if you have that and it doesn't work you must have hacked usergroup.php before:

If so I hope you have a backup, restore that and the changes for the $DB_site->query bits make sure you add canviewvbindex after canview on all of them and $canviewvbindex after $canview in the second part.

NeRilkA 08-16-2002 08:33 PM

Hi everyone

i translate vbIndex 2 in French so i post my modifications :)

Enjoy :bunny: :cool:

ExAvIoUr 08-16-2002 10:27 PM

hey... i need to know.. will this work if i dont have the default Style as the one vbb comes with.. cuz like i have changed around the default style and stuf..?

NTLDR 08-16-2002 10:46 PM


Originally posted by ExAvIoUr
hey... i need to know.. will this work if i dont have the default Style as the one vbb comes with.. cuz like i have changed around the default style and stuf..?
Yes, this will work if you have changed the style. Check out the demo site which shows how easy you can make it look like your forums.

drives fast 08-17-2002 06:28 AM

has anyone thought of changing the news to have a $maxchars option and it inserts a "read more" link at the bottom?

if someone makes a lenghtly post and someone makes another long one after that the center colum becomes quite long if set to show 5 and makes the left and right colums look out of place because they are now super short in comparrison.

also maybe a way to make a stickey thread stay on top on the vbindex and have the news post return to the top if it is replied to (on vbindex)

I noticed that if a post is made in the news forum it shows on top on vbindex and if someone makes another new thread it then shows on top but if the previous one is replied to it remains second in order on vbindex never to return to the top as it does in the forum itself.

same thing when you make a post stickey....in the forum it goes to the top of the list but on vbindex it moves down as other threads are posted.

just some thinking I was doing during testing


NTLDR 08-17-2002 05:14 PM


Originally posted by drives fast
has anyone thought of changing the news to have a $maxchars option and it inserts a "read more" link at the bottom?
I plan to properly integrate this in a later version of the hack ;)


also maybe a way to make a stickey thread stay on top
It would probably be easier to set vBindex to display a certain thread(s) in a block you specify.


I noticed that if a post is made in the news forum it shows on top on vbindex and if someone makes another new thread it then shows on top but if the previous one is replied to it remains second in order on vbindex never to return to the top as it does in the forum itself.
It seems to me at least very illogical to have the latest news in any other order then it was posted in.


same thing when you make a post stickey....in the forum it goes to the top of the list but on vbindex it moves down as other threads are posted.
Thats the point, to show the lastest threads posted. Although you could specify a block to have sticky threads from specific forum ids.

Donkeyballz 08-17-2002 06:19 PM

Hey, I have a problem with installing this hack, I get the next error:


start vBulletin original code
Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/endoria/frontwor/public_html/community/vbindex.php:1) in /home/endoria/frontwor/public_html/community/admin/functions.php on line 1604

I'm not very in coding with vB, so can you help me please :)


NTLDR 08-17-2002 06:35 PM

Does this line:


start vBulletin original code
Have 2 // in front of it in the PHP file? and can you post a few lines before and after that line for me to see?

drives fast 08-17-2002 08:31 PM

you are correct in all your answers about the logical way it works.

however on my forum in the news forum there are news that we want to stay on top for certain periods of time and with the present situation the only way to get it back on top is to delete it and re-post it.

thank you for your reply...I will be looking forward to the $maxchars addition. I tried to do it myself but wasn't able to get it to work.

thanks again.

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