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-   -   welcome/login panel on non-vB page (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=37134)

tomjinx1 03-09-2003 08:42 PM

Ok... don't know if this is right. but I have installed this and on a seperate php file named home2.php, I have put in the required code. When I bring it up in IE, the page is blank. If I look at the source it to is blank.

So, what am I doing wrong here? I've made sure the template files are created and coding for them work. The page however is blank.



tomjinx1 03-09-2003 11:25 PM

ok... got it workin... sorta... if you go to the link above you will notice that it's showing an X for where the avatar should be. That's it. If you put your mouse cursor over it and look at the link it's trying to go to http://server945.gisol.com/forums/me...?s=yadayada...

It needs to go to http://server945.gisol.com/~nurv/for...?s=yadayada...

How can I fix this.

where at do I need to change it to pull it from http://www.nurv-clan.com/forums/members.php yada yada...?

geniuscrew 03-21-2003 10:23 PM

How can I add the who's online bits on a different part of the page?


Marulatree 04-11-2003 10:58 AM

I'm sure this will help someone along the line with Darren's hack.

All credit goes to Boofo (thanks dude)
A huge Thanks goes to Darren and everyone whom got involved in this hack:

(Keyword search: referrer - refferer - nonvb - non-vb)

Marulatree wrote:

I'm using Darrin Lewis's Webwelcome login - nonvb script.

You know when you log out of a non vb page and it automatically goes to this page:

All cookies cleared! Please click here to etc...etc..

What code can I replace the following with in order to send the logged out visitor to the last non vb page he was on before logging out or even to my home page?

here's the original from template - error_cookieclear:


All cookies cleared! Click <a href="index.php?s=$session[sessionhash]">here</a> to return to the forums index.
Boofa's Answer:


Try this:

1) Open members.php and find


and replace it with


2) Add a template called redirect_logout and put

<center>All cookies cleared. Please wait ...</center>

Super Ted 05-10-2003 09:45 PM

I have had this hack installed for several months now. But I have noticed that the new threads part brings up the number of new posts in private forums. How can I stop it from doing this?

Darren Lewis 05-11-2003 07:28 AM


Yesterday at 11:45 PM Super Ted said this in Post #165
I have had this hack installed for several months now. But I have noticed that the new threads part brings up the number of new posts in private forums. How can I stop it from doing this?


Super Ted 05-11-2003 10:07 AM

Thanks Darren.

Dave Rosteck 05-15-2003 02:56 AM

Can someone help me out here? The welcome panel comes up just fine but I can't get rid of the following error message:

Warning: chdir() [function.chdir]: No such file or directory (errno 2) in /home/davesmk/public_html/v3.php on line 2

Any ideas? Also, the welcome panel won't display my online status even though I have my forums at /forums. Help is much appreciated. The page is located at http://www.davesmk.com/v3.php

Dave Rosteck 05-17-2003 03:11 AM

Can anyone help?

gmarik 05-17-2003 07:19 AM

Has anybody it got it working on 2.3.0 final now?
If so, I'll install it too.

Dave Rosteck 05-18-2003 02:27 AM


05-14-03 at 08:56 PM Dave Rosteck said this in Post #168
Also, the welcome panel won't display my online status even though I have my forums at /forums. Help is much appreciated.[/url]
I take that back, it appears to be working now. When you are logged in, are you not supposed to view who else is currently online? I noticed when you are a guest, you can view who is online.

Marulatree 05-19-2003 05:57 AM

Hey guys, me again!

I have successfully installed this hack, but I have one problem:

When I shut the board down for maintenence, anyone that tries to go to my front page (the one with this "welcome/login panel on non-vB page" hack installed, they get the vb error page that tells the vistor that the board is down/closed for maintenence.

Therefore the layout and front page reflects this message and it's all screwed up for new visitors. I hope this makes sense.

Can anyone help me here.

Is there a way to make it show my front page as normal but if someone tries to go to the forum/boards or tries to log on they get directed to the standard board under maintenence message?


Annonymous 05-24-2003 09:50 AM

I got this error

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare stripslashesarray() (previously declared in /home/dns-12a3/public_html/forum/global.php:31) in /home/dns-12a3/public_html/forum/global.php on line 31

what am i doing wrong :ermm:

Splitfyre 06-07-2003 07:55 AM

My main site is Futurelooks.com and I want to be able to put up the login on the front end of the site. However, my forums are at Futurelooksforums.com/forums

How can I ensure they get pointed to the right domain?

Splitfyre 06-07-2003 08:21 AM

For the path since it's a different location would it be:



funfone 06-07-2003 01:15 PM

I'm getting this too has anyone managed to solve....I've seen three people getting this now but no answers in the threads...

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare stripslashesarray() in /home/webcities/public_html/portal/forums/global.php on line 31

JUST found the problem

Make sure the call for global.php is not placed twice on the same page.

funfone 06-07-2003 02:04 PM

I've managed to get all this working now however one last small problem.

My forums are installed under a subdirectoy portal/forums/ etc...

But the login options etc all point to forums/

Where can I change the variable to point to the correct location I've looked through webwelcome.php and managed to change the avatar locations but can't see where to channge the others


Splitfyre 06-13-2003 02:50 AM

Can this:


<?php include ("webwelcome.php"); ?>
be refrenced as this:


]<? include ("webwelcome.php"); ?>

Splitfyre 06-13-2003 02:57 AM

I get Cannot Select Database ARGH!

Ryne 06-13-2003 02:08 PM

I have couple questions:
1. STAGE 2 - Create the templates

In your vBulletin Admin panel, create the follwing 10 new custom templates.
I've included some example templates in the zip file. You can modify these any way you wish to get your desired effect.

Where do you create the Custom Templates? Do you go to Custom vB Codes then add, or Templates Add.

2- Would anyone be willing to set it up for some money?

tomjinx1 06-13-2003 05:00 PM

Just go down to the last thing on your Admin CP which is your temples section. Click on add. Then give the template the appropriate name, select the style that the template is for, and then copy and paste the coding into the new template.

dano 06-18-2003 08:05 PM


05-15-03 at 04:56 AM Dave Rosteck said this in Post #168
Can someone help me out here? The welcome panel comes up just fine but I can't get rid of the following error message:

Warning: chdir() [function.chdir]: No such file or directory (errno 2) in /home/davesmk/public_html/v3.php on line 2

Any ideas? Also, the welcome panel won't display my online status even though I have my forums at /forums. Help is much appreciated. The page is located at http://www.davesmk.com/v3.php

I was having the same issue and I looked everywhere for help. I basically just played with it and I got it to work. Not sure if it will screw things up, but I just changed it to:


And it worked like a charm. I have tested it out, by logging in and out and with others, and there is no glitches that I can see. Maybe this will work for you.

Also, I am using 2.3.0 for those who want to know.

Splitfyre 06-21-2003 09:31 PM

Cannot seem to get it to work. I get the following error:


Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object
It points to: error in webwelcome.php on line 24

So I look at line 24 and this is what it shows:


$getnewthread=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS threads FROM thread WHERE lastpost > '$bbuserinfo[lastvisit]'");
Anyone know how I get this login to show up?!?

M4g!k 06-23-2003 09:03 AM

Hey! Im new to all this, IF i install this to my web-site, can i edit it so that if doens't show the avatar and fits in with my pages design?


I only want the log-in and regester links to work.

VeoMorphine 07-27-2003 12:33 AM

i get this error when i try to use it on my site. Everything is right.

Database error in vBulletin 2.3.0:

Invalid SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS threads FROM thread WHERE lastpost > '0'
mysql error:

mysql error number: 0

Date: Saturday 26th of July 2003 08:31:16 PM
Script: http://www.elite-network.net/forums/index.php
Referer: http://www.elite-network.net/

vnboy 08-03-2003 10:29 AM

Hi, I just downloaded this hack and it works just fine to me. In fact, I found some small mistakes in his codes, many of you have got these mistakes and couldn't figure it out, here's what you need to know:

for example, this is your site: http://yoursite.com/
--> your forum: http://yoursite.com/forums/
- your home.html now has been changed into home.php
- At the top of the page home.php, you MUST add these lines:

chdir("./forums/"); // Darren is wrong when he wrote 2 dots (../), change "forums" to whatever directory your forum is!
- Whenever in your page you wanna add welcome panel, just add as Darren said:

<?php include ("webwelcome.php"); ?>
that's all folks,

Good luck you guys!

EVO VIII Chris 08-09-2003 03:56 AM

Is there some simple way to make it so when you login you are not directed to the forum main page but instead back to the non-VB page you originally logged in from?


dcevoclub 08-09-2003 05:08 AM

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: gettemplate() in C:\Personal Sites\dcevoclub\vbulletin\webwelcome.php on line 156

eval("\$whosonline = \"".gettemplate('webwelcome_whosonline')."\";") ;

and webwelcome_whosonline template exisits

www.dcevoclub.com/main.php is the test for it

Asso 08-17-2003 11:12 AM

it's possbile to have this hack for vb 3?

livewars 08-20-2003 07:37 AM

I don't know if this has been mentioned yet but.... any chance of getting a mini calendar to work with it in the next version? ;)

harsh 08-27-2003 06:52 PM

hello everyone...

I have installed this and everything seems to be working fine.. Version 2.3 but i get this error...

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/home/yp/htdocs/test/boardadd.php:2) in /usr/home/yp/htdocs/board/admin/functions.php on line 1652

Now i have this on an iframe because i can't have my homepage in a php format...

Any suggestions on how i can integrate this properly with an iframe...

danchuee 08-29-2003 04:56 AM


08-09-03 at 07:08 AM dcevoclub said this in Post #188
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: gettemplate() in C:\Personal Sites\dcevoclub\vbulletin\webwelcome.php on line 156

eval("\$whosonline = \"".gettemplate('webwelcome_whosonline')."\";") ;

and webwelcome_whosonline template exisits

www.dcevoclub.com/main.php is the test for it

Change gettemplate to file_get_contents
Also you may have to go in the webwelcome_files and replace " with '

I have this hack working with vB 3 at the basic level. I'm still working out some tweaks but it is showing the correct information.

harsh 09-02-2003 03:58 PM

Thanks i got this working correctly now.... I guess i can use this with some other hack i have going... I just removed that other one...


Logtenberg 09-05-2003 12:39 AM

Is it possible to get the private message to blink when there is a message?


digitalJE5U5 09-07-2003 10:36 PM

anyone know an easy way to change the layout of this? the font, table colors, tablea heading image, etc? Its hard to imagine the outcome of changes when the table code is spread across so many templates.

make sense?

danchuee 09-09-2003 06:20 AM


Yesterday at 12:36 AM digitalJE5U5 said this in Post #195
anyone know an easy way to change the layout of this? the font, table colors, tablea heading image, etc? Its hard to imagine the outcome of changes when the table code is spread across so many templates.

make sense?

Just make your table in webwelcome.html You can display it how ever you want. Make extra rows, put a background, display the messages in a different way. Where you want the message to be displayed in the table, just put that variable where you want at. The variables are: $avatarimage, $unregwelcomemessage, $welcometext, $logincode, $pminfo, $whosonline


09-05-03 at 02:39 AM Logtenberg said this in Post #194
Is it possible to get the private message to blink when there is a message?


This can be done but it matters which version of vBulletin you use. Version 3.0 has different variables than previous versions. I can try and write something real quick, but without a way to test it on an old version, it may not work properly. I use vB 3.0 so I'm not sure the exacts on earlier versions.

Logtenberg 09-09-2003 04:31 PM

Is it possible to link to the members profile page when they are signed in?

the templates won't give a result when $post[userid] is inserted.

EVO VIII Chris 09-14-2003 10:46 PM

I've got something really wierd goin on here. I used to have my forums at www.vorspann.net/forums but I recently switched them over to forums.vorspann.net Well I got the webwelcome panel working however it is odd because when you log into the main site you are redirected to the www.vorspann.net main page (I am using a hack from someone on here that goes in the member.php file and simply redirects you to the home page and not the forum page when you login) but when you are redirected to the main page it still shows the login form as if you havent logged in. But when you go to the forum mainpage sure enough it shows you as being logged in... Any idea on this and whats going on here?

misterfade 09-20-2003 08:38 PM

Question - I set this hack up no problem in a PHP page, but now I'm using a template-based website, and this means that the code placed at the top of the page will originate on my template. It doesn't work.

So I changed the last part to "include('global.php');" instead of "require". It works great now, but would using "include" screw something up eventually? Just want to make sure.


Kid1412x 10-18-2003 01:40 PM

nice hack! very cool!

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