![]() |
I installed it and anything seems to work fine but now i recognised a problem!
After a users returndate he is still away! No changes.. Hmm any suggestions would be nice :D Greetings StarBuG |
Admin CP editing a user gets this message Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.2.1: Invalid SQL: SELECT *,FROM_UNIXTIME(joindate) AS joindate,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastvisit) AS lastvisit,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastactivity) AS lastactivity,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastpost) AS lastpost,FROM_UNIXTIME(awaydate) AS awaydate avatar.avatarpath,NOT ISNULL(customavatar.avatardata) AS hascustomavatar FROM user LEFT JOIN avatar ON avatar.avatarid=user.avatarid LEFT JOIN customavatar ON customavatar.userid=user.userid WHERE user.userid=1 mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'avatar.avatarpath,NOT ISNULL(customavatar.avatardata) AS hascustomavatar ' at line 2 mysql error number: 1064 Date: Tuesday 22nd of January 2002 06:43:14 PM Script: http://buffy.phpwebhosting.com/forum...=edit&userid=1 Referer: http://buffy.phpwebhosting.com/forums/admin/? Could you tell me what I need to edit.. i tried the suggest you have earlier on page 5 of this thread, but it didn't seem to make a difference. Cheers. |
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Russ
But.... Admin CP editing a user gets this message Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.2.1: Invalid SQL: SELECT *,FROM_UNIXTIME(joindate) AS joindate,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastvisit) AS lastvisit,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastactivity) AS lastactivity,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastpost) AS lastpost,FROM_UNIXTIME(awaydate) AS awaydate avatar.avatarpath,NOT ISNULL(customavatar.avatardata) AS hascustomavatar FROM user LEFT JOIN avatar ON avatar.avatarid=user.avatarid LEFT JOIN customavatar ON customavatar.userid=user.userid WHERE user.userid=1 mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'avatar.avatarpath,NOT ISNULL(customavatar.avatardata) AS hascustomavatar ' at line 2 mysql error number: 1064 Date: Tuesday 22nd of January 2002 06:43:14 PM Script: http://buffy.phpwebhosting.com/forum...=edit&userid=1 Referer: http://buffy.phpwebhosting.com/forums/admin/? Could you tell me what I need to edit.. i tried the suggest you have earlier on page 5 of this thread, but it didn't seem to make a difference. Cheers. |
I know this is a long thread, but can someone answer my question?
I am having the same problem as a few others with the away icon not showing in post. Online status is on and everything else seems to be ok.. Ijust dont see the icon.. Great hack though.:)
My mistake on the last error but now I'm getting this error when I go to user options at the bottom of members profile..
Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.2.1: Invalid SQL: SELECT *,FROM_UNIXTIME(joindate) AS joindate,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastvisit) AS lastvisit,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastactivity) AS lastactivity,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastpost) AS lastpost,FROM_UNIXTIME(awaydate) AS awaydate avatar.avatarpath,NOT ISNULL(customavatar.avatardata) AS hascustomavatar FROM user LEFT JOIN avatar ON avatar.avatarid=user.avatarid LEFT JOIN customavatar ON customavatar.userid=user.userid WHERE user.userid=27 mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'avatar.avatarpath,NOT ISNULL(customavatar.avatardata) AS hascustomavatar ' at line 2 mysql error number: 1064 Date: Tuesday 29th of January 2002 08:40:47 AM Script: http://www.a2zautoforums.com/admin/u...edit&userid=27 Referer: http://www.a2zautoforums.com/admin/i...%26userid%3D27 I noticed a couple of other post with the same problem. Has anyone created a fix yet or figured out how to fix this? Thanks:) Please disregard this post the problem was the coma after: FROM_UNIXTIME(awaydate) AS awaydate was missing. Hasn't been updated in the install script. |
I upgraded to 2.2.2 and tried twice install this hack twice. I backed up my php files before i started installing the hack so I had fresh files each time. I couldn't get anything to show at all anywhere. I know I'm seeing 2.2.2 at the beginning of this post, lol.. I managed to get it installed on 2.2.1 and it worked perfectly.. Its a real nice addition. Just not for me right now.:(
[QUOTE]Originally posted by PhotoGenie
My mistake on the last error but now I'm getting this error when I go to user options at the bottom of members profile.. Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.2.1: Invalid SQL: SELECT *,FROM_UNIXTIME(joindate) AS joindate,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastvisit) AS lastvisit,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastactivity) AS lastactivity,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastpost) AS lastpost,FROM_UNIXTIME(awaydate) AS awaydate avatar.avatarpath,NOT ISNULL(customavatar.avatardata) AS hascustomavatar FROM user LEFT JOIN avatar ON avatar.avatarid=user.avatarid LEFT JOIN customavatar ON customavatar.userid=user.userid WHERE user.userid=27 mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'avatar.avatarpath,NOT ISNULL(customavatar.avatardata) AS hascustomavatar ' at line 2 mysql error number: 1064 Date: Tuesday 29th of January 2002 08:40:47 AM Script: http://www.a2zautoforums.com/admin/u...edit&userid=27 Referer: http://www.a2zautoforums.com/admin/i...%26userid%3D27 I noticed a couple of other post with the same problem. Has anyone created a fix yet or figured out how to fix this? Thanks:) Please disregard this post the problem was the coma after: FROM_UNIXTIME(awaydate) AS awaydate was missing. Hasn't been updated in the install script. |
[QUOTE]Originally posted by bira
sorry, try adding a coma , after "FROM_UNIXTIME(awaydate) AS awaydate" |
Yep Linus.. My problem too.. I corrected it the first time I installed it but the second time I had forgotten it... Seems thats really the only problem in the installer.. Mine is working now though :) .. I really like this hack.
Database error in vBulletin 2.2.2:
Invalid SQL: UPDATE user SET birthday='1979-6-21',signature='Tim Wheatley, Racesim Central Administrator, Experienced Finest Cider Taster. \"<a href=\"http://forum.racesimcentral.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=13465\">Oh the gingerbread men are comming for me take me away mother. lock me in the basement and feed me pins.</a>\" - Guvnor, 22.JAN.02<br>',customtitle='0',usertitle='Administ rator',email='tim.wheatley1@ntlworld.com',parentem ail='',coppauser='0',homepage='http://forum.racesimcentral.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=15014',icq='1087280 3',aim='',yahoo='',usergroupid='6' ,away='0',awaydate='',returndate='',awayreason='' WHERE userid='2',country='England' WHERE userid='2' mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'country='England' WHERE userid='2'' at line 1 mysql error number: 1064 Date: Saturday 02nd of February 2002 03:42:33 AM Script: http://forum.racesimcentral.com/member.php Referer: http://forum.racesimcentral.com/memb...on=editprofile Any ideas? |
Obviously it's this line, and it's this hack and the 'country' hack conflicting, but I have NO idea how I need to put them to have them both functioning... anyone?
$DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET birthday='".addslashes($birthday)."',signature='". addslashes($signature)."',cust omtitle='$customtitle',usertitle='".addslashes($cu stomtext)."',email='".addslash es(htmlspecialchars($email))."',parentemail='".add slashes(htmlspecialchars($pare ntemail))."',coppauser='$coppauser',homepage='".ad dslashes(htmlspecialchars($hom epage))."',icq='".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($icq ))."',aim='".addslashes(htmlsp ecialchars($aim))."',yahoo='".addslashes(htmlspeci alchars($yahoo))."',usergroupi d='$bbuserinfo[usergroupid]' $awaysql WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]',country='".addslashes($country)."' WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'"); |
Great hack bira so usefull to my forums since they are for a gaming clan..thanx :)
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Tim Wheatley
Database error in vBulletin 2.2.2: Invalid SQL: UPDATE user SET birthday='1979-6-21',signature='Tim Wheatley, Racesim Central Administrator, Experienced Finest Cider Taster. \"<a href=\"http://forum.racesimcentral.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=13465\">Oh the gingerbread men are comming for me take me away mother. lock me in the basement and feed me pins.</a>\" - Guvnor, 22.JAN.02<br>',customtitle='0',usertitle='Administ rator',email='tim.wheatley1@ntlworld.com',parentem ail='',coppauser='0',homepage='http://forum.racesimcentral.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=15014',icq='1087280 3',aim='',yahoo='',usergroupid='6' ,away='0',awaydate='',returndate='',awayreason='' WHERE userid='2',country='England' WHERE userid='2' mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'country='England' WHERE userid='2'' at line 1 mysql error number: 1064 Date: Saturday 02nd of February 2002 03:42:33 AM Script: http://forum.racesimcentral.com/member.php Referer: http://forum.racesimcentral.com/memb...on=editprofile Any ideas? |
Works awesome with 2.2.2
Just Installed the Hack. And It seems all worked fine, except for the fact that for some reason in posts where it should show the Pic if member is away it shows nothing.
I checked every thing and seems everything was setup right. The rest of it works fine, can set away in UserCP and it sets and if PM is sent it sends the auto reply. So it seems everything else is working. Just nothing shows under the Avatars in posts..... Any clues? Thanks though |
Read back a few post about the missing coma, that will fix it for you..
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Wolf42
Thx, great hack, ... but one question: What changes do I have to make in the "showgroups.php" to the forum-staff is away or not? |
Great Hack.. Only problem I seem to have is everytime I go through members on the main page to edit user options I find an away since date in their options of 1969-12-31 18:00:00 .. I have no idea where its coming from but I have to remove it before I can save anything or I get errors.. Does anybody know what might be causing this.. Other than that it works perfect.. Thanks for a great hack!
Getting these two errors:
Parse error: parse error in /home/teenaged/public_html/admin/functions.php on line 810 Fatal error: Call to undefined function: vbsetcookie() in /home/teenaged/public_html/admin/sessions.php on line 181 |
Thx for this hack Bira
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Tim Wheatley
Obviously it's this line, and it's this hack and the 'country' hack conflicting, but I have NO idea how I need to put them to have them both functioning... anyone? $DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET birthday='".addslashes($birthday)."',signature='". addslashes($signature)."',customtitle='$customtitl e',usertitle='".addslashes($customtext)."',email=' ".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($email))."',parentem ail='".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($parentemail)). "',coppauser='$coppauser',homepage='".addslashes(h tmlspecialchars($homepage))."',icq='".addslashes(h tmlspecialchars($icq))."',aim='".addslashes(htmlsp ecialchars($aim))."',yahoo='".addslashes(htmlspeci alchars($yahoo))."',usergroupid='$bbuserinfo[usergroupid]' $awaysql WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]',country='".addslashes($country)."' WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'"); |
Being new to vBulletin (just got it installed last month), I have to admit I was darn well terrified getting through that long list of manual code changes -- lol, I barely breathed until I was finished! :D
But your instructions were impeccable and the feature is fantastic. Thanks so much! My users are going to love this. :) Jennie |
I have a Problem, using 2.2.4
In admin/user.php there is no $DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET birthday='$birthday' just a $DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET birthday='$birthday',options='$options',usergroupi d='$usergroupid',username='".a ddslashes(htmlspecialchars($ausername))."'$pwdincl ude,email='".addslashes(htmlsp ecialchars($email))."',styleid='$userstyleid',pare ntemail='".addslashes(htmlspec ialchars($parentemail))."',coppauser=$coppauser,ho mepage='".addslashes(htmlspeci alchars($homepage))."',icq='".addslashes(htmlspeci alchars($icq))."',aim='".addsl ashes(htmlspecialchars($aim))."',yahoo='".addslash es(htmlspecialchars($yahoo))." ',signature='".addslashes($signature)."',adminemai l=$adminemail,showemail=$showe mail,invisible=$invisible,usertitle='".addslashes( $usertitle)."',customtitle=$cu stomtitle,joindate=$joindate,cookieuser=$cookieuse r,nosessionhash=$nosessionhash ,daysprune='$daysprune',lastvisit=$lastvisit,lasta ctivity=$lastactivity,lastpost =$lastpost,posts='$posts',timezoneoffset='$timezon eoffset',emailnotification=$em ailnotification,receivepm='$receivepm',emailonpm=' $emailonpm',ipaddress='".addsl ashes($aipaddress)."',pmpopup=IF(pmpopup=2 AND $pmpopup=1,pmpopup,'$pmpopup') WHERE userid=$userid"); so I changed it to $DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET away='$away',awaydate=$awaydate,returndate='$retur ndate',awayreason='".addslashe s(htmlspecialchars($awayreason))."',birthday='$bir thday',options='$options',user groupid='$usergroupid',username='".addslashes(html specialchars($ausername))."'$p wdinclude,email='".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($em ail))."',styleid='$userstyleid ',parentemail='".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($pare ntemail))."',coppauser=$coppau ser,homepage='".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($homep age))."',icq='".addslashes(htm lspecialchars($icq))."',aim='".addslashes(htmlspec ialchars($aim))."',yahoo='".ad dslashes(htmlspecialchars($yahoo))."',signature='" .addslashes($signature)."',adm inemail=$adminemail,showemail=$showemail,invisible =$invisible,usertitle='".addsl ashes($usertitle)."',customtitle=$customtitle,join date=$joindate,cookieuser=$coo kieuser,nosessionhash=$nosessionhash,daysprune='$d aysprune',lastvisit=$lastvisit ,lastactivity=$lastactivity,lastpost=$lastpost,pos ts='$posts',timezoneoffset='$t imezoneoffset',emailnotification=$emailnotificatio n,receivepm='$receivepm',email onpm='$emailonpm',ipaddress='".addslashes($aipaddr ess)."',pmpopup=IF(pmpopup=2 AND $pmpopup=1,pmpopup,'$pmpopup') WHERE userid=$userid"); but the Birthday now is stuck at 01.01.1970... |
i installed and everything appears to work fine but it won't show the away thing in the user cp under "profile"? ideas? tips? thanks
never mind...got it :) nice hack
I'm having a problem, I didn't install this hack, but I uploaded that file to my file manager...after I did that I can't get into my CP.
Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/xxxbo/public_html/admin/sessions.php:399) in /home/xxx-bo/public_html/admin/global.php on line 136 Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/xxx-bo/public_html/admin/sessions.php:399) in /home/xxx-bo/public_html/admin/global.php on line 162 Hang on a sec and then it brings me back to the login page... Any ideas on what's wrong?? |
I have a Problem, using 2.2.4 also!
about 3 files did not have the code requested to be change... Can you fix, I really like to have this hack, is very interesting. members.php functions.php admin.php |
*rolls eyes* all it takes is some common sense
i get this wrong
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: gettemplate() in /home/opticacr/public_html/vbulletin/upload/member.php3 on line 324 what have i done for fault ? |
my member.php3 looks like this
} else { $awaystatus = "select whether you are away or not"; $away0checked = "checked"; } eval("\$awaytext = \"".gettemplate("modifyprofile_away")."\";"); eval("dooutput(\"".gettemplate("modifyprofile")."\ ");"); // ############################### start update profile ### |
Bira I Installed this hackand I get the message when I try to edit my users in the CP, (Im kinda new at vbulletin)
Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.2.4: Invalid SQL: SELECT *,FROM_UNIXTIME(joindate) AS joindate,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastvisit) AS lastvisit,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastactivity) AS lastactivity,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastpost) AS lastpost,FROM_UNIXTIME(awaydate) AS awaydate avatar.avatarpath,NOT ISNULL(customavatar.avatardata) AS hascustomavatar FROM user LEFT JOIN avatar ON avatar.avatarid=user.avatarid LEFT JOIN customavatar ON customavatar.userid=user.userid WHERE user.userid=10 mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'avatar.avatarpath,NOT ISNULL(customavatar.avatardata) AS hascustomavatar ' at line 2 mysql error number: 1064 Date: Monday 25th of March 2002 03:42:38 PM |
Bump :D My Users are still set to 1970... is it possible that it has something to do with the above I noted??
i am having the same proibem that nicksaunders had. anyone help?
i coudn't find the getinfo template or the modifyprofile template*
*EDITED* Ok, this really screwed up my Admin CP, I cant even acess somethings now. How can i unistall it the link at the php doesnt work. This is killing my site. |
ok, now i am so pissed. I can't even access my Admin CP, at all. I really really need somones help now. THIS IS URGENT! I HAVE to be able to access my admin CP. Please help me. I really really really need it.
please I despartly need help
can someone please tell me how to uninstall this thing?
if no one knows, can you tell me who does, I can't express the importance of this, how would you like to be w/o access ro you Admin CP???
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