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-   -   Add Who's Online locations from Admin CP (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=32849)

FleaBag 09-03-2002 01:32 PM

Works great on 2.2.7, thank you. :)

chad777 09-08-2002 03:44 AM

When I goto view who's online after adding about 6 locations.
I get this error

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/snarfpro/public_html/forums/online.php on line 128

Any Ideas ?

Actually I have found out exactly when it does this.

If a member is viewing a profile anyone else trying to see "who's Online" gets that error any idea what could be wrong here is

lines 126-134 of online.php

case 'getinfo':
$userid = explode('userid=', $userinfo[location]);
$user = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT username FROM user WHERE userid = ".intval($userid[1]));

if ($user[username]) {
$userinfo[where] = "Viewing Profile of <a href=\"member.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=getinfo&userid=$user[userid]\">$user[username]</a>";
} else {
$userinfo[where] = "Viewing Profile of a Forum Member";

FleaBag 10-29-2002 09:57 PM

Working with 2.2.8. Nice addition to my site. :D

Chris M 10-29-2002 10:03 PM

Gamer - https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...&postid=316171


DrkFusion 10-29-2002 10:11 PM

Of corse, please do not post that same message over again, because we all know most hacks work with 2.2.x perfectly

It really gets annoying.

Littlebit 10-29-2002 10:41 PM

Anyone who can help,
If I have a file called: index.php that is not in my forums directory, what would I use for the filename ?
the file uses global.php, but how will it work correctly with files in different folders with the same name?

NTLDR 10-29-2002 10:46 PM

Simple answer, you can't :(

Any files called index.php are given the same location on the WOL, as with all the other pages. To get around this I've created a redirect page which is index.php and the real page that is the "index" if you see what I mean.

Alternativly you could add this line into a .htaccess file:


DirectoryIndex index2.php index.php index.html index.htm
Then it will use index2.php if it exists before it tries index.php

Littlebit 10-30-2002 01:40 AM

NTLDR, thanks for answering. :)
I don't think I fully understand what you mean. Well, I've never had to add a redirect. I'll give it try...thank you

NTLDR 10-30-2002 12:18 PM

I'll try and explain more clearly :)

Limitation of this hack:

It will only check for the file name, eg abc.php, if you have abc.php?a=bc they will count for the same, whereas if you edit online.php you can give them different locations.

Posible Limitation of vB, as it stands you can only have one file with the same name recogised, with hacking you should be able to get it to recognise paths as well.

SpeedStreet 11-05-2002 02:06 AM

I've read this thread cover to cover, and do not have a definintive answer as to whether or not this will work with session hashes.

I am using shoutbox, which returns a sessionhash in it's URL. I have tried all the various tips and tricks in this thread, to no avail.

Should I just give up and forget this?

Erwin 11-05-2002 02:36 AM

What do you mean? Forget about the sessionhashes.

Put "shoutbox.php" in the field for the file name, and that's it. It will work.

yetdog11 11-14-2002 04:23 PM

Erwin, will that also work for pages outside of the vB directory? For example, my forums are at www.antsmarching.org/forum/

However, lets say I want to add www.antsmarching.org/setlists/Viewshow.php to the mix, afer including global.php on viewshow (with the full path), what do I put in the location box in ACP to point to that file and have it work correctly?

Jesus Chio 11-15-2002 09:19 AM

I installed it and seems to work fine, I can add filenames and descriptions but the Whos online page still shows the unknown path like:

Unknown Location: /photopost/showphoto.php?photo=140&papas&sort=1

I added these filenames:




and non of them seem to make it change.

My forums are at http://www.jeeperos.com/foros

and the photopost is at http://www.jeeperos.com/photopost

When I place the mouse over the path for the files like by example on photopost/showphoto.php

it shows on the explorer bar


how do I make it get rid of the "foros" prefix?

thanks in advance for your time

NTLDR 11-15-2002 09:44 AM

This hack doesn't take into account directory names, it only takes filename.php, everything else is stripped off.

BigCheeze 11-20-2002 04:58 AM

I just installed it. It's easy, and works as advertised. Just wish I could make it so that it would read a little more details besides the filename.php.

With the modules.php in phpPortals it would be nice if it could read more of that line to tell what their doing... For example I have the weather hack installed, but if their checking the weather, or reading the FAQ, they still will only display one location.... O'well Not that big of a deal, but would be a nice upgrade.

Thanks guys!!!

Erwin 11-20-2002 05:03 AM

A tip - ignore the directories - this hack looks for the filename - any file name in any directory.

So just put:




Even though it's in a different directory. The Who's Online will still work. :) It's a great hack! Still using it!

Cyberhouse 11-21-2002 06:47 AM

Very nice hack, Installed and works great :D

Great work ;)

eggz 12-02-2002 06:59 PM

Sorry - I may just be dumb asking this!! If this has already been answered then please forgive me... :squareeyed:

Basically I'm trying to install this hack on the forums. We are using 2.2.9. We also have PhotoPost and PHPMyChat installed in seperate directories, which we would like to include in the WOL.

My main questions are:

What's the easiest way to make it 'see' the gallery and chat in whos online? I've added the chat, gallery main index, show photo and show gallery urls in the WOL CP with descriptions but I have not yet managed to get the


to work.

I inserted it at the top of the page, after the comment, looking at a page that already 'required' global.php to guess where to put it, and got a 'fatal error'. So.. trial and error being my plan, I moved the 'require' code down immediately below the include code and now when I go to the gallerys a blank page stares back at me. :cry: I can just presume that the require command stops the computer proccessing the code after it in some way? If this is the case... where the flippin' nora do I put it??? :ermm:

Oh and whilst I'm on the case can I just rename index.php and change the .htaccess in the photopost directory to galley.php to avoid the 'confusion' between the two index.phps or will this screw everything up... If you're following this then god bless you cos I'm now confusing myself.... :ermm:

Many thanks in advance.

996 12-28-2002 05:28 AM

eggz I'm getting that same problem as you, so I moved the require code down to the bottom of the page. Getting a weird error now on the WOL page, it keeps on listing my server ip address....

I was trying to get http://www.dss50.tv/top/toplist.php to show up in the WOL

I've had no luck so far getting this page to register properly :(

anyone have any ideas?

Axe 12-31-2002 06:54 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Erwin
Even though it's in a different directory. The Who's Online will still work. :) It's a great hack! Still using it!

Axe 12-31-2002 07:27 PM

Okies, I found the post I was talking about...


But not working for diff subdomains.

NTLDR 12-31-2002 08:03 PM

This hack won't do that, and I for one have never managed to hack it in so I can have more than one index.php.

Axe 12-31-2002 08:18 PM


I wonder if there's a way to hack it so it stores the complete path to the file instead of just the filename, then just mod the online.php to go with full paths.

StangMan91GT 12-31-2002 09:13 PM

I was able to get the Who's Online to track users across many of the main section pages of our site, but I had to hack the online.php myself to make it function the way I wanted. I couldn't find any pre-existing hack that would do it.

Axe 12-31-2002 09:25 PM

Well, that's what I'm tryin' to figure out how to do :)

So what hacks did you make to online.php? And does it work for complete URLs? Not just filenames & relative paths?

StangMan91GT 12-31-2002 11:54 PM

The who's online code has a variable called strpos($userinfo[location]), what I did was modify the existing case structure logic to both look for additional filenames and use the above variable, under a default case statement, within a large if - elseif structure to also parse for URL paths. Then you set up additional $userinfo[activity] value tags. In another case structure in the online.php code, it uses these activity labels/tags to determine what to output on the who's online listing.

View the attached code that I am currently running and you'll see what I did. Just duplicate what I am doing, but with your own filenames or URL paths on your site. Then you just include the following SSI tag at the end of each HTML file on your site. For this to work correctly without having to change all your file extensions to .shtml, just edit your Apache config or your IIS script/ISAPI configuration to make it parse all .html files for SSI commands in addition to .shtml files.


For Apache:
<!--#include virtual="/Tracker.php"-->

For IIS you might have to use:
<!--#exec cgi="/Tracker.php"-->

This file is in the root of my site and simply contains the following:

  require('X:/Absolute root Path to Vb/global.php');

This was just a quicky hard coded hack to make it do this. I think a much better thing to do, and something that should be in Vb any ways, is added functionality to the admin interface that would let you build a list of URL's and filenames (stored in the database) of locations anywhere on your site (even on subdomains) and a corresponding URL to use as a link. Then if you just include some tracking code, or the global.php file, on all your pages it would have this functionality out of the box. The Who's Online code would just use what it pulls from that database table to compare/parse against its variables. This would make the Who's Online much more flexible and greatly expand it's functionality.

codewebs 01-02-2003 09:30 PM

how would i make it so anything in lets say: archive/ :would say in whos online like viewing archive?

Natch 01-07-2003 01:52 PM

I'm loving this hack - thanks Chen!

Martin64 01-19-2003 10:30 PM

Class hack, saves a lot of work. :)

Thanks FireFly. :D

ethics 01-26-2003 03:16 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by chad777
When I goto view who's online after adding about 6 locations.
I get this error

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/snarfpro/public_html/forums/online.php on line 128

Any Ideas ?

ethics 02-09-2003 10:59 PM

Wondering if it's okay to bump something a week old? :)

Thanks in advance to anyone who takes a look at this.

Spike05 03-18-2003 07:57 AM

I have a Problem with the Hack!

When I activate Email (in Admin CP under User....) the tables are make problem!

See the picture!

I have vbportal also installed! There is a site called modules.php before I update vbulletin and vbportal I have this take: <a href="$userinfo[location]">Module</a>

But the field is empty now?

[sorry for my bad english :confused: )

Spike05 03-21-2003 06:34 AM

Has anyone an idea??? :(

ryancooper 03-31-2003 12:46 PM

Is it possable to get this to work with Logician's [WEBTEMPLATES HACK:]Share your WebTemplates or WebQueries!

Thanks! :nervous:

Nebby 04-07-2003 03:48 AM

Now what are the chances of that happening?

it used the template ID 65535

which is what i randomly typed in for another hack i made... of cvourse, it couldn't insert anything :P stupid me

GZ_Tanis 04-09-2003 12:40 AM

I know you hera this a lot but you can never hear it enough im sure but GREAT Hack. now I am having troubles at the moment tho.

I am running 2.3.0 I installed like you correctly I even went over it 3 times to make sure now the problem I am having is me being the admin of the forums I have the ability to see IP address. The thing is they are showing in the EMAIL slot of the Whos online page.

Everything else worked correctly I made the proper link to the UNKNOWN page i was having. But now Like i said I get the IP #'s in the email Table column, is anyone else havin this trouble? I have added a picture of the screen (i have removed the #'s of course) but you can see where they was.

Thank you for your time

Zaeolos 04-10-2003 06:02 PM

I just installed this hack on VB 2.3.0 and it is working flawlessly.

GZ_Tanis, do you have a hack that shows you the email address in the Who's Online page? That may be what is messing you up. Correct me if I am wrong, but I do not believe that the users email is originally supposed to be there.

GZ_Tanis 04-10-2003 09:13 PM

[QUOTE]03-18-03 at 04:51 AM Spike05 said this in Post #192
I have a Problem with the Hack!

When I activate Email (in Admin CP under User....) the tables are make problem!

See the picture!

I have vbportal also installed! There is a site called modules.php before I update vbulletin and vbportal I have this take: <a href="$userinfo[location]">Module</a>

But the field is empty now?

[sorry for my bad english :confused: )

Zaeolos 04-10-2003 09:17 PM

Where do you enable the email to be shown like that? I was not saying you were wrong, I would just like to recreate it.


Nevermind, I found it. I have never enabled that email function before. But now that I did, it is still working perfectly. I will look into it some more and see why it may be doing what it is doing to you.

GZ_Tanis 04-10-2003 10:00 PM

[QUOTE]Today at 05:11 PM Zaeolos said this in Post #199
Where do you enable the email to be shown like that? I was not saying you were wrong, I would just like to recreate it.


Nevermind, I found it. I have never enabled that email function before. But now that I did, it is still working perfectly. I will look into it some more and see why it may be doing what it is doing to you.

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