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-   -   Anti-Spam Options - reCAPTCHA v2 Human Verification (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=315960)

kh99 09-02-2015 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by cduguay (Post 2554097)
I'm confused with step 2:

2) Import the product XML file from the Product Manager.

Do I install the file (product-kh99_new_recaptcha_v1_0) in the "Includes" directory as well?

Thanks, Carl

No, you just need to put the xml file somewhere on your local computer, then when you use the product manager you will select that file to import.

J45PER 09-14-2015 02:45 PM

I'm having an issue where it fails to find the php file in forums/includes/class_humanverify_new_recaptcha.php'. with the error Did you forget to upload?

kh99 09-17-2015 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by J45PER (Post 2555053)
I'm having an issue where it fails to find the php file in forums/includes/class_humanverify_new_recaptcha.php'. with the error Did you forget to upload?

Sorry for the delay, I was away for part of the week. Anyway, are you still having that problem? If so it means the file is not in the right place, or else maybe the owner or permissions is not the same as the other php files.

Cjl313 10-08-2015 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by kh99 (Post 2555214)
Sorry for the delay, I was away for part of the week. Anyway, are you still having that problem? If so it means the file is not in the right place, or else maybe the owner or permissions is not the same as the other php files.

Hi kh99, Is this mod compatible with this current mod: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=248042 Spam O Matic. Or would you use I would say I would be better off installing this system and using this new reCAPTCHA v2 Human Verification? This just seems so much simpler and better for the site. Would love to hear your feedback. Thanks

kh99 10-08-2015 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by Cjl313 (Post 2556608)
Hi kh99, Is this mod compatible with this current mod: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=248042 Spam O Matic. Or would you use I would say I would be better off installing this system and using this new reCAPTCHA v2 Human Verification? This just seems so much simpler and better for the site. Would love to hear your feedback. Thanks

I don't know if they are compatible, but I don't see hwy they wouldn't be. As for which is better, I don't know that either. There are those who say that recaptcha is useless, but others seem to get along OK with recaptcha. I know a lot of people recommend spam-o-matic. I don't actually use either mod myself (but I also don't run a forum myself), I just created this interface to the new version of recaptcha because people were requesting it.

Cjl313 10-08-2015 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by kh99 (Post 2556610)
I don't know if they are compatible, but I don't see hwy they wouldn't be. As for which is better, I don't know that either. There are those who say that recaptcha is useless, but others seem to get along OK with recaptcha. I know a lot of people recommend spam-o-matic. I don't actually use either mod myself (but I also don't run a forum myself), I just created this interface to the new version of recaptcha because people were requesting it.

Thank you for such a quick answer. It's very much appreciated kh99. I'm going to go ahead and install and hope for the best. If you don't hear from me that means it incorporated correctly. Hope you have a great rest of your day! :)

rory2000 12-16-2015 07:48 PM

Great mod... will it be available for VB 5 ? A friend wants it but cant :(

KyleSmith 12-24-2015 09:06 AM

I have this enabled on my forum but still, bots are able to bypass it.

EvoDarrenshan 01-08-2016 12:07 PM

vBulletin Message

XML Error: Invalid document end at Line 251

kh99 01-08-2016 03:51 PM

When is that happening, when you import the product xml? No one else reported that so I don't think it's the file. Try downloading a new copy.

Dotox 01-27-2016 11:32 AM

Great! Thank You

marysnow786 02-18-2016 04:55 PM

its not displaying on user registration any idea

BadgerDog 02-19-2016 09:16 AM

Installed with thanks ... :)

Working fine with 4.1.3PL8


dumanyack 03-05-2016 02:26 PM

i am tried "product-kh99_new_recaptcha_v1_0.xml" worked admincp. Please , "class_humanverify_new_recaptcha.php" edit the file for Vb Version 3.7x?
(turkce bilen arkadaslara da sorayim. Bu dosya 3.7.4 un admincp modulunde calisti. Ancak includes'e atilan php dosyasi 3.7 ye gore olmadigindan satirlara hata veriyor. Bunu duzenleyebilecek, yada yardim edebilecek biri var mi? Tesekkurler )

Nat47 03-06-2016 08:46 PM

I tried Test Configuration and got this error:

- cURL must be enabled, and any curl_ functions must be removed from disable_functions in php.ini
1 Configuration Error(s) Found

Does anyone know how to fix this?

djbaxter 03-07-2016 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by Nat47 (Post 2566656)
I tried Test Configuration and got this error:

- cURL must be enabled, and any curl_ functions must be removed from disable_functions in php.ini
1 Configuration Error(s) Found

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Contact your host. Curl is a PHP option. They need to add it to your server.

Nat47 03-07-2016 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 2566671)
Contact your host. Curl is a PHP option. They need to add it to your server.

I'm running a VPS, is there an easy way I can do this myself?

In Omnibus 03-07-2016 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Nat47 (Post 2566720)
I'm running a VPS, is there an easy way I can do this myself?

You'll need root server access. You can research how to install a LAMP stack on Google. You'll only need to know the P portion of the LAMP stack installation instructions. You can find detailed information at php.net

djbaxter 03-07-2016 07:56 PM

You may be able to do it through WHM if you have access to that. What you'll need to do is recompile Apache / PHP... if you have WHM and Easy Apache, that may allow you to do it.

But I suspect your host would prefer you let their tech support people do it.

SPVB 04-13-2016 10:50 PM

It works, but sets the usergroup to Banned even after the user clicks the activation link in the registration email. When the user goes to the forum, he/she is told they are banned. What have I done wrong??

kh99 04-14-2016 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by SPVB (Post 2568904)
It works, but sets the usergroup to Banned even after the user clicks the activation link in the registration email. When the user goes to the forum, he/she is told they are banned. What have I done wrong??

Are you sure you posted this in the right mod thread? This one doesn't do anything to user groups.

SPVB 04-14-2016 09:15 PM

We are running 4.2.2 patch level 4. I had previously set up recaptcha and decided to upgrade to the v2. The recaptcha portion of this works, but when the user follows the email activation link and then tries to log in, you have been banned message appears.

I tested with a bogus registration. After I followed the link, I did not try to log in (logged into admincp with my admin account in another browser). I did a search for my bogus user, and found that the Usergroup was set to banned. I changed this to registered, then returned to the other browser window and logged in with no problem as the bogus user.

The old recaptcha set the initial usergroup to Administrators without granting any admin permissions.

It has to be something that needs to be changed in the admincp?

SPVB 07-16-2016 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by kh99 (Post 2568981)
Are you sure you posted this in the right mod thread? This one doesn't do anything to user groups.

I disabled plugins, and the ban disappeared, so I am guessing there is a conflict with one of my plugins.

rory2000 09-05-2016 10:07 PM

Thanks for a great mod !

Is it possible to update the mod to include the reCAPTCHA on the contact us form as well ?

I get spam via the contact us form on my forum...


Mattwhf 09-12-2016 11:10 AM

Hi kh99,

This mod didn't work on vBulletin 4.2.5 alpha 2 + PHP7

can you update your codes/ mod?

This mod is really useful for vbulletin 4.x.x


Palidino76 09-28-2016 05:27 PM

Not working with 4.2.4 Beta 2

EDIT: Figured it out. I have vbsocial 10 installed, which is a topbar that follows the page and includes links and what not. It has a login dropdown with a forgot your password option that uses human verification. More than 1 human verification on a page only loads the human verification for whichever requests it first.

thincom2000 11-07-2016 06:16 PM

The product ID is longer than 15 characters, so the templates do not stay associated with this product. This can cause issues when upgrading or uninstalling the product (such as the template not being uninstalled).

b3nw 11-17-2016 11:24 PM

I'm stuck.

Have the error "- cURL must be enabled, and any curl_ functions must be removed from disable_functions in php.ini" but cURL is installed. Ubuntu. ngnix + php-fpm.

Suggestions on how to troubleshoot?

Doughboy1 11-29-2016 01:02 PM

Hi was anyone able to add this to your contact us form?

In Omnibus 11-29-2016 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Doughboy1 (Post 2578880)
Hi was anyone able to add this to your contact us form?

You don't need to "add" this product to your contact form. If you turn on human verification for "Contact Us" in the Human Verification Options in the AdminCP under Settings / Options / Human Verification Options it works just fine.

Doughboy1 11-29-2016 01:30 PM

strange i have done that and nothing shows only on registration it is an untouched contact us form also

Doughboy1 11-29-2016 01:37 PM

lol dumb mistake on my part it doesnt show when your logged thanks for the help

In Omnibus 11-29-2016 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Doughboy1 (Post 2578884)
lol dumb mistake on my part it doesnt show when your logged thanks for the help

I think we've all made that mistake once or twice. :)

rory2000 12-17-2016 04:55 AM


On vb 4.2.5 Beta 1 the mod does not work and throws this error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method vB_HumanVerify_Abstract::vB_HumanVerify_Abstract() in /home/volkswag/public_html/includes/class_humanverify_new_recaptcha.php on line 14

do we have an update to fix this please ??

Thanks in advance for a great MOD.

Domenico 12-20-2016 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by rory2000 (Post 2579533)

On vb 4.2.5 Beta 1 the mod does not work and throws this error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method vB_HumanVerify_Abstract::vB_HumanVerify_Abstract() in /home/volkswag/public_html/includes/class_humanverify_new_recaptcha.php on line 14

do we have an update to fix this please ??

Thanks in advance for a great MOD.

On line 14 replace:


That's it. :)

rfaridm 12-25-2016 05:46 AM

Is this plug in valid for Vbulletin 5 ?

IggyP 12-25-2016 10:22 AM

dont need it...in there by default ;)

djaychela 02-02-2017 07:14 PM


I've installed this and I'm having some issues - it appears to be correctly configured with the right keys, and the test works fine in the admin control panel - both the initial config and the test verification work, reporting back that the verification has succeeded.

However, when applying this, attempting to register generates a 500 error on the server, and in the log I get the following:

PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method vB_Input_Cleaner:: parse_url() in /var/www/vhosts/antique-locks.com/httpdocs/includes/class_vurl.php on line 707, referer: http://www.antique-locks.com/register.php

I've looked in class_vurl at that line, and can't see any reference to the vb_Input_Cleaner method in there (I was hoping for a fix as mentioned by Domenico a couple of posts above.

Any clue as to how I can fix this? The site is currently using keyCAPTCHA which is less than desirable.

djaychela 02-06-2017 01:19 PM

OK, just to close this off - there was an incorrect version of class_vurl.php installed; no idea why (I've just been tasked with a few jobs on the site), but putting the right version of it onto the site has fixed it.

Thanks for a great plugin. :-)

5noopz 03-01-2017 08:41 AM

<a href="http://i.imgur.com/JS344Z8.png" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/JS344Z8.png</a>

It works, but it is broke and look not good.

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