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JJR512 10-23-2001 06:53 AM

In the "Exclude vbStats URL" part of what's installed into the Admin CP, I put my URL in (as "jjr512.com", no quotes), but when I check it, it once again says "domain.com". It seems this field is not saving. Any ideas?

JJR512 10-23-2001 06:57 AM

Also, about the setting for "Date Statistics Begin" setting. The default is "952001". What is the format for this field...is it MDYYYY (Sept. 5, 2001) or DMYYYY (May 9, 2001) or something else? How would I put in October 22, 2001?

JJR512 10-23-2001 07:00 AM

Another question. On the stats page, on the Top Posters section, how are the numbers generated? I ask because in the "Ever" part, for me it says my post count is 9873. My post count is 9553; if you click on the link of my name to see my profile, that's the number it shows. It looks like everyone's post counts are wrong.

fury 10-23-2001 07:02 AM

Forgive me if this error has already been pointed out, but I just skimmed through the posts in this thread.

I tried installing, and got a mysql error and an internet explorer crash, so I couldn't copy down the error.

I called the script again, hit uninstall, and here's what I got:

Database error in vBulletin Control Panel: Invalid SQL: ALTER TABLE user DROP INDEX referrerid
mysql error: Can't DROP 'referrerid'. Check that column/key exists
mysql error number: 1091
Date: Tuesday 23rd of October 2001 02:55:11 AM
Script: /forum/admin/install_vbstats.php?s=&step=2
Referer: http://localhost/forum/admin/install_vbstats.php?

So then I tried to reinstall it. Here's what I got:

Database error in vBulletin Control Panel: Invalid SQL: CREATE TABLE vbstats_counter (
type varchar(80) NOT NULL,
var varchar(80) NOT NULL,
count int(10) unsigned NOT NULL
mysql error: Table 'vbstats_counter' already exists
mysql error number: 1050
Date: Tuesday 23rd of October 2001 02:53:02 AM
Script: /forum/admin/install_vbstats.php?s=&step=3
Referer: http://localhost/forum/admin/install_vbstats.php?

It will not go any further in the install process, so I'm pretty much stuck. The board still works, so I'm sure the database hasn't been corrupted.

Note: This is on a different board than the one in my sig.

patvdv 10-23-2001 09:22 AM

I would have to second JJR512's remarks. The number of posts on my stats page are also wrong. vbstats is showing more than posts than the actual number????

I noticed in second instance that it is only for myself. Could this be linked to posts that have been deleted? Is vbstats showing the total number of posts ever made, regardless whether they still exist or not?

amykhar 10-23-2001 10:28 AM


Originally posted by JJR512
In the "Exclude vbStats URL" part of what's installed into the Admin CP, I put my URL in (as "jjr512.com", no quotes), but when I check it, it once again says "domain.com". It seems this field is not saving. Any ideas?
It is saving :) Check your database. That field will allow you to enter more domains to exclude. For example, my forums have two domains. I can exclude both of them.


amykhar 10-23-2001 10:29 AM


Originally posted by JJR512
Another question. On the stats page, on the Top Posters section, how are the numbers generated? I ask because in the "Ever" part, for me it says my post count is 9873. My post count is 9553; if you click on the link of my name to see my profile, that's the number it shows. It looks like everyone's post counts are wrong.
I believe it is looking at actual posts for a given period. Do you have some forums where posting doesn't count towards the post counts? That would cause the problem you are seeing.


amykhar 10-23-2001 10:32 AM

Go to phpmyadmin, and manually delete the extra tables that were created. Then, go to your control panel and manually delete the new templates. Then try to reinstall :)


Bane 10-23-2001 11:15 AM


Originally posted by JJR512
In the "Exclude vbStats URL" part of what's installed into the Admin CP, I put my URL in (as "jjr512.com", no quotes), but when I check it, it once again says "domain.com". It seems this field is not saving. Any ideas?
This is saving, it just allows you to put in multiple domains, I really need to work on the entry method :(


Originally posted by JJR512
Also, about the setting for "Date Statistics Begin" setting. The default is "952001". What is the format for this field...is it MDYYYY (Sept. 5, 2001) or DMYYYY (May 9, 2001) or something else? How would I put in October 22, 2001?
Whatever you want it to, It is just used for a couple of "Since 09-04-2001" type things, for display only so whatever format you like.


Originally posted by JJR512
Another question. On the stats page, on the Top Posters section, how are the numbers generated? I ask because in the "Ever" part, for me it says my post count is 9873. My post count is 9553; if you click on the link of my name to see my profile, that's the number it shows. It looks like everyone's post counts are wrong.
Right now it is counting the number of posts in forums that dont increment post counts. For example if you have a testing forum where post counts dont go up with posts it will count that too.

Amy: Thanks for the help :D

amykhar 10-23-2001 11:31 AM


Originally posted by Bane

Amy: Thanks for the help :D
What can I say? I'm a morning person. :D


GenSec 10-23-2001 01:13 PM

There are templates for vbstats_styles :)

Bane 10-23-2001 01:18 PM

Do you have it in use somewhere? I changed it around a bit (the code) I have mine up and running finally at http://www.talkloud.net/forums/vbsta...?action=styles can I see yours?

GenSec 10-23-2001 01:31 PM

It's here It works. And you can try any style by one click

Bane 10-23-2001 01:33 PM

Very nice! The only thing I will change is to use the bars from the rest of vbStats. Thanks for the style :D

GenSec 10-23-2001 01:44 PM


Originally posted by Bane
The only thing I will change is to use the bars from the rest of vbStats.
Sure you are! I also changed some codes. ;)
I added banned users

        // Banned
    $bannum = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select * from user WHERE usergroupid=39"));

And new users today

$getnewusertoday=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM user WHERE joindate>='$tltoday'");

patvdv 10-23-2001 01:56 PM

Hi Amy,

I think the posts problem is indeed explained by forums that do not count towards the post count. Thanks for sharing that insight :)

GenSec 10-23-2001 02:14 PM

There is simle solution

            $topposters1.="<tr><td width=100% bgcolor=$bgcolor><smallfont><a href=\"member.php?action=getinfo&userid=$user1[userid]\">$result1[username]</a></td><td bgcolor=$bgcolor align=right nowrap><smallfont>$user1[posts] / </smallfont></td><td bgcolor=$bgcolor align=right><smallfont>$threads1</smallfont></td></tr>";
replace $user1[posts] with result1[posts]

amykhar 10-23-2001 02:18 PM

Something I would love to see added:

I have seen some tracking systems be able to tell what people searched for on the various search engines in order to find my site. Anyone know how to go about doing this?


Bane 10-23-2001 02:29 PM

Right now I am adding tracking for full URLs other than some weird issue with the vbPortal front page not logging the full URL statement and hitting everything else fine that seems to be in order.

The search engine thing will be harder. I will look at it though.

GenSec: I will change that in the new version :) Thanks for the tips! =D Also I'm going to add patvdvs site to the listing, is it ok if I add yours?

GenSec 10-23-2001 02:35 PM

Sure! If anyone decide to learn Russian :D

GenSec 10-23-2001 02:43 PM

I use the external service which provide this info.
You can try to use the stats of your hosting server

Bane 10-23-2001 04:48 PM

Wondering what I'm doing? hehe.. working hard on the next version.. thats what.

Some people asked for full url tracking, so I'm putting it in. For a preview go here:


Description Follows
http://talkloud.net/images/stats/red_dot.gif - Disabled Pressing this will delete the referral
http://talkloud.net/images/stats/green_dot.gif - Mouse over to get the date and time of the referral
http://talkloud.net/images/stats/urlgo.gif - click here to get a group listing of the hits this site has sent you.

Listing of the URL refferer - Click here to go to the page that referred to you.
(link) - Click here to view the page they linked to!

JJR512 10-23-2001 05:27 PM


Originally posted by GenSec
There is simle solution

            $topposters1.="<tr><td width=100% bgcolor=$bgcolor><smallfont><a href=\"member.php?action=getinfo&userid=$user1[userid]\">$result1[username]</a></td><td bgcolor=$bgcolor align=right nowrap><smallfont>$user1[posts] / </smallfont></td><td bgcolor=$bgcolor align=right><smallfont>$threads1</smallfont></td></tr>";
replace $user1[posts] with result1[posts]

Should the replacement be result1[posts] as you said, or should it have the $ symbol, so $results1[posts]?

Also, none of my forums are set up to not count towards post totals.

CoolaShacka 10-23-2001 11:50 PM

Great! I love this "full url tracking" funktion. :)

Now I have some vbstats settings Requests:

1. 24h reloadblocking would be great. (1 IP should count just one time/day)
2. Including User Groups and Permissions. (not anybody should be able to see the vbstats. Just Admins, Mods, and some Usergroups)

CoolaShacka 10-23-2001 11:51 PM

*hicks* :D

Animaniac1217 10-24-2001 01:44 AM


Originally posted by Bane

I wasnt aware they were still showing up, if they are it should be a pretty simple fix, I'm not sure what would have taken you "a lot of time" and what something exactly are you trying to "work out"?

What you ahd done (in a later version, that I didn't modify) was that you allowed certain forums to be blocked. I wrote code that will only show if you have access. So if you have access you will see the forum and it's threads, if not you will not see them, and you see everything else just the same. This is for the top 10.

GenSec 10-24-2001 05:22 AM


Originally posted by JJR512

Should the replacement be result1[posts] as you said, or should it have the $ symbol, so $results1[posts]?

Also, none of my forums are set up to not count towards post totals.

It should be $results1[posts], which show the same amount of posts as vB from user's data, not from post database.

JJR512 10-24-2001 05:42 AM

Tried it, had no effect on the post counts displayed.

Bane 10-24-2001 06:05 AM

JJR512: Have you pruned threads? I'm looking at my board and it seems to be just the difference of how many posts in the test board.

Maybe try updating the counters?

GenSec 10-24-2001 06:06 AM

O, sorry. I forgot to say that above this you shoud change


      $result1=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT username FROM user WHERE userid=$user1[userid]");

      $result1=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT username,posts FROM user WHERE userid=$user1[userid]");

Bane 10-24-2001 06:06 AM


Originally posted by Animaniac1217
What you ahd done (in a later version, that I didn't modify) was that you allowed certain forums to be blocked. I wrote code that will only show if you have access. So if you have access you will see the forum and it's threads, if not you will not see them, and you see everything else just the same. This is for the top 10.
Just to be clear.. You are trying to sell a slight mod to my hack?

Bane 10-24-2001 06:08 AM

GenSec: If that works for JJR512 I will put it in the next release :p btw, your link in your sig doesnt work?

JJR512 10-24-2001 06:13 AM


Originally posted by Bane
JJR512: Have you pruned threads? I'm looking at my board and it seems to be just the difference of how many posts in the test board.

Maybe try updating the counters?

Nope, I've never pruned. Updating counters didn't do anything; in fact, I even ran a script provided by someone else here a while ago that updates every member's post count with the actual number of posts on record for that member in the database. Sometimes the post count record does get a bit off. My post count came out to be the same thing, though.


Originally posted by GenSec
O, sorry. I forgot to say that above this you shoud change


      $result1=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT username FROM user WHERE userid=$user1[userid]");

      $result1=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT username,posts FROM user WHERE userid=$user1[userid]");

OK, I did that and now my correct post count is displayed. So thanks! But there is still one problem left: I am at the top of the list, but the second person has more posts than I do.

GenSec 10-24-2001 06:17 AM


Originally posted by Bane
GenSec: your link in your sig doesnt work?
It's common vB problem. Double http://

GenSec 10-24-2001 06:53 AM


Originally posted by JJR512

But there is still one problem left: I am at the top of the list, but the second person has more posts than I do.

Frankly, I like to have 2 type stats:
based on all posts & based on user counted posts
But if you prefer the last one
change in topposters to

    $toppost1=$DB_site->query("SELECT *
                    FROM user
                              ORDER BY posts DESC
                    LIMIT $toppostmax");
    while ($user1=$DB_site->fetch_array($toppost1)) {
        $result_1=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS threads
            FROM thread WHERE postuserid=$user1[userid]");
        $topposters1.="<tr><td width=100% bgcolor=$bgcolor><smallfont><a href=\"member.php?action=getinfo&userid=$user1[userid]\">$user1[username]</a></td><td bgcolor=$bgcolor align=right nowrap><smallfont>$user1[posts] / </smallfont></td><td bgcolor=$bgcolor align=right><smallfont>$threads1</smallfont></td></tr>";
        if ($bgcolor=="{firstaltcolor}") {
        } else {

GenSec 10-24-2001 07:00 AM

Btw this code will count not only posts, but also the threads;)

epi 10-24-2001 12:14 PM

i am new to the vbulliten community and i need some help
i followed the instructions on how to install this hack but it does not show up on my we page.

1. where do i put the code so their is a link to the stats under the view new posts link, and what is the code

2. where do i add websites to exclude from the count

please be specific

Bane 10-24-2001 02:36 PM

Let me answer number 2 first. If you made the changes to the vb Admin CP you click Exclude vbStats URL in your admin CP. If not set your browser to view http://yourdomain.com/forums/admin/v...php?action=add

A screen will come up with Add New Excluded URL simply place the domain you wish to exclude in the text entry box. repeat as needed.

As for where to link it on your site, that is a matter of taste. As an example you could open your forumhome template and find

You last visited: $bbuserinfo[lastvisitdate].
and change it to

You last visited: $bbuserinfo[lastvisitdate].<br>
<a href="vbstats.php">View Forum Statistics</a>

epi 10-24-2001 03:06 PM

thanks a lot that worked great.
another question can you make it display different version of windows instead of all the other operating systems.

DarkReaper 10-24-2001 06:23 PM

What features will the new version contain, and when do you think it'll be released?

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