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BirdOPrey5 01-08-2014 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by PAPPACLART (Post 2472331)
the register buttom is grayed out when I test so it is nit possible to register?

For it to ungrey you must enter valid info in the username and email box and agree to the rules if that opion is shown.

If you still have issue please post a link to your site.


Originally Posted by webmastersitesi (Post 2472957)
how to make this mod check, vbstopforumspam plugin to work together? it allows spammers otherwise

Did you try enabling the hook in the mod options?

hurricane_sh 01-09-2014 06:52 AM

I still use the old version, not sure if there are any changes about how passwords are generated.

I had a member who doesn't know how to copy&paste and mistyped 1(number) and l (letter). It would be great to exclude certain numbers (0 and 1) and letters (o, l), they often cause confusions.

BirdOPrey5 01-09-2014 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by hurricane_sh (Post 2473186)
I still use the old version, not sure if there are any changes about how passwords are generated.

I had a member who doesn't know how to copy&paste and mistyped 1(number) and l (letter). It would be great to exclude certain numbers (0 and 1) and letters (o, l), they often cause confusions.

Interesting- I will put in some code to not use confusing characters in passwords the next release.

PAPPACLART 01-12-2014 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2472989)
For it to ungrey you must enter valid info in the username and email box and agree to the rules if that opion is shown.

If you still have issue please post a link to your site.

Did you try enabling the hook in the mod options?

Yes done all of that. Have it disable for now so will send a link with it activated shortly. Thanks

jimsflies 01-22-2014 08:42 AM

I posted this on your site Joe, hopefully I can get a tip from someone here. Hoping to get a quick answer since it looks bad and is on my live site (trying to avoid taking it off because I know it worked on my test site and on my 3.8 site).

For some reason, on my newly upgraded (from 3.8 to 4.2.2) the human verification element is showing all the time below the RFR box. Any idea how to fix this? It works fine on my test site and I think I have all the settings the same.

BirdOPrey5 01-22-2014 12:45 PM

Hey Jim,

The problem is you are using keycaptha and on VB4 each human verify option had a unique div id because different CSS was required for each, so keycapthca wasn't included since I never used it.

To fix add this code to the template: bop5_reallyfastreg.css


#bop5rfrhv_KeyCAPTCHA {
  background: {vb:stylevar bop5rfr_main_background};
  margin-left: -300px;
  margin-top: -130px;
  width: 600px;
  height: 260px;
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  border: 4px inset black;
  background-color: white;
  z-index: 999;
  display: none;

I'll include it in future versions.

jimsflies 01-22-2014 05:54 PM

Thanks Joe...I thought I had that keycaptcha on my test site. But I guess I only had it on my vb3 site... it was working fine on there though. But your css fix, got it looking pretty again!

ku-med 01-24-2014 02:26 PM

How to change the title (bop5_rfr_really_fast_reg_join_now) background same as my custom style color?

Edit: Nevermind I've figured it out :D

I've noticed the mod is still appearing even after you log in .. is that a bug?

And Thanks for this awesome mod :)

BirdOPrey5 01-26-2014 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by ku-med (Post 2476608)
I've noticed the mod is still appearing even after you log in .. is that a bug?

And Thanks for this awesome mod :)

If you're an Administrator account there is an option in settings to always show it to Admins. For regular users it should not be visible once logged in.

You are welcome. :)

ahobilam 01-27-2014 03:44 PM

I have changed the background of Title, Title font color to match my custom style.
There is no stylevar found for "Register Now" button background color
and font color.
How to change it?
Can any one help me?!

ahobilam 01-28-2014 11:18 AM

Members are reporting that VB's Password reset system is very hard to follow and reset password.
Can BOP5 consider making an alternate password resetting mod as used a part of this Really Fast Registration Mod.
This new Mod can ask the user to fill one of his stored data like date of birth as proof to show the password on screen.
Thanks in advance.

jimsflies 01-28-2014 06:24 PM

I think that defeats the purpose of this mod. By emailing the password, it verifies that they are indeed the person with access to that email (verifying the email address). It eliminates all the back and forth with confirming an email when you register.

What you might consider doing is editing the password email that is sent and have a clear link to the settings page where they can change their password.

To change your button add this line to your additional css template (substitute your favorite color for the instead of #000):

#bop5rfrnext {background:#000}

BirdOPrey5 01-29-2014 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by jimsflies (Post 2477550)
To change your button add this line to your additional css template (substitute your favorite color for the instead of #000):

#bop5rfrnext {background:#000}

This is correct. Thanks, Jim. :up:

ahobilam 01-30-2014 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2477799)
This is correct. Thanks, Jim. :up:


#bop5rfrnext {background:#0202B1}
#bop5rfrnext {color:#FFEB87}
#bop5rfrnext {font-weight:bold;}

I was required to change all the above to get it perfect for my custom style.
Marked as Excellent!
Thanks a lot.

jimsflies 02-08-2014 02:01 PM

I'm using this mod: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=236069 for my forum rules.

For some reason, the RFR mod isn't registering the accepted rules when people use it to register.

Is there anyway to configure RFR to work with the other rules mod?

BirdOPrey5 02-19-2014 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by jimsflies (Post 2479810)
I'm using this mod: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=236069 for my forum rules.

For some reason, the RFR mod isn't registering the accepted rules when people use it to register.

Is there anyway to configure RFR to work with the other rules mod?

Honestly not familiar with how that rule mod works... Looked through the source code and not seeing any easy way to integrate them.

jimsflies 02-19-2014 08:13 PM

No problem. I ended up disabling the rules from the RFR mod and added some verbage about needing to accept the rules prior to posting (which it redirects them to do anyways) in the email they get with their password. (Not that anyone reads any of it anyways.)

So now its an even faster RFR with no rules. :)

Jennifer2010 04-12-2014 09:19 PM

This looks awesome. I'd love to see this with the ability to add a password field as well so they don't have to remember their random password or go through the trouble of changing it. As is, our members use the "forgot password" function a ton and I'm sure with this, it'd go through the roof.

BirdOPrey5 04-13-2014 08:51 AM

Hello Jennifer- The lack of a password field is the main point of this fast registration. I would encourage people who used it to change their password to something custom after registering - that would be good practice anyway - I do not intend to add a password field, sorry.

reesev 05-20-2014 06:43 PM

users are not recieving their passwords.. any idea what could be blocking these emails from being sent? i changed it from php_mail() to smtp still no luck.

BirdOPrey5 05-20-2014 07:24 PM

Are any board mails going out? If you look in your Admin CP on the main page at the table on top, under the news, how many emails are in your queue? Link to site?

addamroy 05-21-2014 05:17 PM

That snippet of code to use this 'anywhere' doesn't seem to work in the under navbar advertising location.

Although, I like the way the registration bar on the homepage stops before the sidebar, so I don't want to lose that by turning on the 'everywhere' feature. Would be nice to have that box showing on the homepage like it does, as its own option, since it lines up nice. That way if we decide to use the box somewhere else in the templates, (such as under the navbar where an ad would be) the homepage display still looks sweet.

Can you tell me where to put the use anywhere code to have it show up on the main page like it does by default? I suppose I can add the code to the navbar myself to have it show in the same location as an advertisement, but I want to maintain the way the homepage looks with this mod when the anywhere option is set to no.

EDIT** Figured it out, for anyone who is curious, I put the code snippet right above the above_forums hook location code in the FORUMHOME template. Also managed to add the snippet to the proper location in other templates as well.

BirdOPrey5 05-21-2014 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by addamroy (Post 2498823)
That snippet of code to use this 'anywhere' doesn't seem to work in the under navbar advertising location.

It does on my site- tested in the ad_global_below_navbar template. You do need to disable any ad-blocker on your browser though since it will be hidden like it is an ad.


Although, I like the way the registration bar on the homepage stops before the sidebar, so I don't want to lose that by turning on the 'everywhere' feature. Would be nice to have that box showing on the homepage like it does, as its own option, since it lines up nice. That way if we decide to use the box somewhere else in the templates, (such as under the navbar where an ad would be) the homepage display still looks sweet.

Can you tell me where to put the use anywhere code to have it show up on the main page like it does by default? I suppose I can add the code to the navbar myself to have it show in the same location as an advertisement, but I want to maintain the way the homepage looks with this mod when the anywhere option is set to no.
The default location on forumhome is this built in hook-

{vb:raw template_hook.forumhome_above_forums}
You can find it in the FORUMHOME template. You can paste the anywhere code right above this line in the template.

leemart44 07-08-2014 05:15 PM

How do I shut off the main register and just use this?

Edit: Never mind I turned it off and this still works, just changed phrase on turned off message to use this
thanks great mod I'm getting 40 new members a day with this and limit guests mod.
Before got 5 members a day

BirdOPrey5 07-09-2014 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by leemart44 (Post 2505945)
How do I shut off the main register and just use this?

Edit: Never mind I turned it off and this still works, just changed phrase on turned off message to use this
thanks great mod I'm getting 40 new members a day with this and limit guests mod.
Before got 5 members a day


For those who are unsure you can simply go to Admin CP -> Settings -> Options -> User Registration Options, and turn off Registration to disable the built in VB Registrations and this mod still works.

Be sure you update your default guest notice to inform them about readlly fast registration instead of clicking the register link.

Twikitero 07-10-2014 03:07 PM

Thanks, this mod is fantastic.
I've edited it a bit to my liking for best display on my forum.
My forum is in spanish,sorry jeje

He pointed with a red arrow

Click for view

Thank you very much, I put it mark as installed and mod of the month voting.

interfx 07-12-2014 07:19 PM

Any plans on adding a VB5 version of this mod?

BirdOPrey5 07-13-2014 10:18 AM

No, sorry, it isn't likely to come to VB5 anytime soon.

I would invite anyone else interested to try their hand at a VB5 version, it would likely need to be recoded from scratch anyway- so there wouldn't be any issue on copying code. The idea free to anyone.

Paul. 07-30-2014 09:37 PM

For the UPLOAD folder, may I have a guide for dummies on where exactly they go?
It's been a while!

smeaglegolum 08-04-2014 10:30 PM

Excellent mod. Worked right out of the box.

maupassant 08-17-2014 03:47 AM

I like this mod. But I do have a problem with it. Because it bypasses the usual registration options, all e-mails addresses or providers that I have banned over the years are not active anymore. It's not about the spam for me. It's about members I have chosen to delete rather than ban, who are using the same e-mail address to register again. It's also about people using "10 minute mail" addresses to register. Why would I want to encourage that ? If I need to send an e-mail to my forum members or some usergroups, my e-mail won't reach them ! So I have it installed, and I like the fact that I'm getting more members because of it, but ... it could be better.

BirdOPrey5 08-17-2014 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by maupassant (Post 2511614)
I like this mod. But I do have a problem with it. Because it bypasses the usual registration options, all e-mails addresses or providers that I have banned over the years are not active anymore. It's not about the spam for me. It's about members I have chosen to delete rather than ban, who are using the same e-mail address to register again. It's also about people using "10 minute mail" addresses to register. Why would I want to encourage that ? If I need to send an e-mail to my forum members or some usergroups, my e-mail won't reach them ! So I have it installed, and I like the fact that I'm getting more members because of it, but ... it could be better.

Thanks for the feedback. :up:

addamroy 10-29-2014 07:14 PM

Can you PLEASE add an option to redirect users to a specific URL after registration?

IE with your mod the best way to achieve this might be, redirect them the first time they log on...

I would say redirect them after confirmation but your mod does not allow an email confirmation for some odd reason... (If this is due to an auto-generated password, this could be solved by adding an optional password field to the registration form if the confirmation option is selected)

BirdOPrey5 10-30-2014 12:32 PM

It doesn't allow for email confirmation because it isn't necessary. If the email isn't valid they can never log in.

If you regularly prune users who have never posted or logged in in x-months or years these accounts will just get deleted- and if not- they don't hurt anyone.

I will see about redirecting to a URL- what page do you imagine redirecting them to?

addamroy 10-30-2014 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2520617)
It doesn't allow for email confirmation because it isn't necessary. If the email isn't valid they can never log in.

I will see about redirecting to a URL- what page do you imagine redirecting them to?

1 - If invalid email addresses are used, you increase bounced emails and emails that go to nowhere (or to the wrong person). This is bad for the deliverability of emails from a domain. Unconfirmed email addresses do not get automated forum emails (which is good).

Especially on some boards where all members are automatically subscribed to certain threads/forums.

With your system, speaking in a somewhat extreme circumstance, all it would take is a blast from a spam bot (or registrations over time) and next thing you know your forum has 100's of email addresses in the database that receive forum emails. This could also result in spam complaints. It has FAR more to do with just whether or not they can log-on, there are negative effects to bypassing the email confirmation step.

I've had members registered for several months and even 1+ years before ever making their first post, so generally speaking I won't prune users out just because of their post count, as there is some content for registered members only which some people might register to access.

2 - I would like to redirect to any URL I choose. Could be an offer for an upgraded membership, could be a link to a rules thread, could redirect to the introduction forum, etc.

I was using the register redirect mod for a while but it's incompatible with your mod. I will most likely be uninstalling it soon however until improvements are made.

pityocamptes 11-19-2014 03:20 AM

BOP - I disabled all the human verification since it really does no good, and have some mods that check for spam. In any event I am receiving this under the Really Fast Registration:

Its a banner under the input boxes that says HUMAN VERIFICATION and a CANCEL button underneath this. How do I get rid of this banner and button? Thanks.

BirdOPrey5 11-20-2014 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by pityocamptes (Post 2523379)
BOP - I disabled all the human verification since it really does no good, and have some mods that check for spam. In any event I am receiving this under the Really Fast Registration:

Its a banner under the input boxes that says HUMAN VERIFICATION and a CANCEL button underneath this. How do I get rid of this banner and button? Thanks.

Not sure what went wrong but add this to addtional.css template:


#bop5rfrhv_0 { display: none; }

concepts 12-19-2014 01:18 PM


My only issue the after disabling human verification (Only because the "I'm not a robot" box shows up on page load making it look "odd")

Even after disabling (and adding the above to the additional CSS) the "cancel" human verification option still shows

BirdOPrey5 12-19-2014 07:17 PM

i'd need a link to see the page where it is happening to suggest the CSS to fix it.

iraqiboy90 01-18-2015 03:14 PM

I'm getting this all the time:
The answer given for human verification did not match what was expected. Please try again.

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