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Recon0303 07-18-2012 01:27 AM

I'm using Vbulletin 4.2.0 CMS , blog suite


DragonByte Tech 07-18-2012 01:33 AM

I provided the following fix for Reycer earlier and he has responded that it fixed the problem, so here goes.

Ok, in the file /dbtech/vbslider/actions/widget.php, on or around line 456, find the following:


$static .='<a href="' . $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/content.php/'




Do the same for line 466 (or around that).

I'll have to see if something changed recently (perhaps the friendly URL bug in the CMS) which caused that to change. If so, it'll be fixed in the upcoming release.


iadventure 08-06-2012 04:04 PM

new version ETA??

YOODA230 08-06-2012 05:16 PM

I try to install this mod my forum final version of course...
He does not display messages
It only displays a white image
I also tried to create coustom content and it does not display anything

DragonByte Tech 08-07-2012 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by iadventure (Post 2354998)
new version ETA??

I had hoped it would be out by now, but unfortunately, real life has been getting in the way a lot. :( I am still working on it, so hopefully in the next few weeks.


Originally Posted by YOODA230 (Post 2355012)
I try to install this mod my forum final version of course...
He does not display messages
It only displays a white image
I also tried to create coustom content and it does not display anything

Can you PM me a link to your site so I can see what is going on? Thanks!


steeler7 08-10-2012 12:46 PM

Any chance of getting a couple options in a future release?

1. Option to allow only Threads started by specified usergroups to go in the slider?

2. Option to allow Threads with specified "Pre-Fixes" to go in the slider (so if someone has a heavy use or Prefixes they could choose to only have something like "news" go in there.

3. Option to allow certain content on Specified Forums. (Different forums have different topics so instead of something that was more "global" this would allow for you to choose which content is see specifically in that forum's slider.

In any case, #1 would be huge for me since I could eliminate my CMS and #2 and #3 would help me eliminate the blog feature and compete with other Blogs

DragonByte Tech 08-10-2012 02:47 PM

I will look into #1 and #2 for a future release, as those a good ideas. I am working on the ability to have multiple instances of the slider available for the next release, and I will see if I can make it so an instance of a slider in a particular forum will only pull content from that particular forum.


steeler7 08-11-2012 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2355994)
I will look into #1 and #2 for a future release, as those a good ideas. I am working on the ability to have multiple instances of the slider available for the next release, and I will see if I can make it so an instance of a slider in a particular forum will only pull content from that particular forum.


Oh wow, that would be excellent! I'll certainly be on the look out for the next/future release

Recon0303 08-13-2012 04:21 AM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2349123)
I provided the following fix for Reycer earlier and he has responded that it fixed the problem, so here goes.

Ok, in the file /dbtech/vbslider/actions/widget.php, on or around line 456, find the following:


$static .='<a href="' . $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/content.php/'




Do the same for line 466 (or around that).

I'll have to see if something changed recently (perhaps the friendly URL bug in the CMS) which caused that to change. If so, it'll be fixed in the upcoming release.


sorry I been real busy and have not posted back, but with that change, I get the same error as before.

DragonByte Tech 08-13-2012 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by Recon0303 (Post 2356566)
sorry I been real busy and have not posted back, but with that change, I get the same error as before.

I'll try to take a look at it tonight and see if I can figure it out w/o having FTP access.


Recon0303 08-15-2012 06:05 AM

Thanks let me know.

DragonByte Tech 08-16-2012 09:41 AM

Unfortunately, I don't see why it's not working, as it matches the URL pattern. Can you perhaps enable the slider temporarily so I can look at the links that are being displayed? Thanks.


Recon0303 08-16-2012 04:13 PM

I'm still getting /hermes/bosweb/web176/b1762/ipg.dividedallegiancecom/vbulletin/dbtech/vbslider/includes/class_install.php appears to be missing!

I would love to get this mod working it is what I had when I had my old forum, sadly I just can't get some of the mods to work with 4.2 CMS, regret getting it to be honest and I see others complain, I have many mods that just don't work some crash the site even, yours hasn't I just get that error.

I hear people that have 4.1.9 have been fine, so i'm a bit lost here... I love to finsh my site and get the mods working that I want to but I can't seem to. Sigh. So any help I would be great ful.

DragonByte Tech 08-16-2012 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by Recon0303 (Post 2357432)
I'm still getting /hermes/bosweb/web176/b1762/ipg.dividedallegiancecom/vbulletin/dbtech/vbslider/includes/class_install.php appears to be missing!

Are you sure all the files are uploaded to the proper location? When I goto www.divided-allegiance.com/vbulletin/dbtech I get a 404 error, which basically means the directory doesn't exist. If that directory doesn't exist, then nothing else is going to exist either and therefore the installer won't work.

addamroy 08-17-2012 12:33 AM

No option to completely remove your branding even in the pro version?? that's unfortunate.

DragonByte Tech 08-17-2012 02:03 AM

All of the Dragonbyte Tech mods have the option of a Branding Free license, but that is a separate cost, and can be purchased for both the Pro and Lite versions of the mod.


Recon0303 08-18-2012 08:40 PM

I unstalled it as of now brad since it was causing me errors. So thats why you would get that. But when I add the XML, I get those files missing.

UKCE_Hitman 08-19-2012 10:51 AM

data base error when installed

DragonByte Tech 08-19-2012 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by UKCE_Hitman (Post 2358126)
data base error when installed

Can you expand on that a little to see if I can help solve the issue?


DragonByte Tech 08-19-2012 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Recon0303 (Post 2358003)
I unstalled it as of now brad since it was causing me errors. So thats why you would get that. But when I add the XML, I get those files missing.

Ok. If you ever get around to wanting to install it again, let me know and I'll work with you to figure out what is going on.

Recon0303 08-21-2012 11:33 AM

I will mess with it this week . I will let you know, thanks

Recon0303 08-24-2012 08:47 PM

Brad I got it working myself, and it was an error on my part, Thanks for all your help.

Last question, will this show up on the CMS as a slider and if so, how do you add it, I have it on my forums like your demo, but wondering if I can add it to my home page which is my CMS.


Check Home and you will see what I'm talking about, I like it to show up there as well, I check some settings and did not see where I can get it to show in the CMS. Thanks

DragonByte Tech 08-25-2012 03:18 AM

To install it on the CMS, you just need to go to the Layout Manager in the ACP and drag the vBSlider widget wherever you want it, just like any other widget you place.

Glad to hear you got it all working, though!

Recon0303 08-26-2012 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2359799)
To install it on the CMS, you just need to go to the Layout Manager in the ACP and drag the vBSlider widget wherever you want it, just like any other widget you place.

Glad to hear you got it all working, though!


How do I get to show a image here?? Unsure where to add it etc Thanks. I tried to edit the content and there was no where to add any since it was the slider so I looked for somewhere to add an image and did not see anything.

DragonByte Tech 08-26-2012 09:10 PM

Can you PM me a test account, as the page you linked to requires me to be logged in to view. If you are pulling content from the CMS, Forum, or Blog, the image comes from the content itself. If the article, thread, etc doesn't have an image associated with it, then the default image is going to be displayed.

Recon0303 08-27-2012 12:47 PM

Dur my bad, I will make you a test account

Recon0303 08-29-2012 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Recon0303 (Post 2360421)
Dur my bad, I will make you a test account

I sent you a test account through a PM any word yet?

DragonByte Tech 08-29-2012 04:32 PM

I don't have permission to view the link you posted, even with the account. But, I did look at your site and I did see a slide with no image. Looking at the page source via Firebug, it is an invalid attachment that it's trying to load (attachment.php?attachmentid=48&cid=24). You might check your database and try to get more info about attachment ID 48 and see why it isn't loading. Everything else seems to be working just fine though. The thread that links to that attachment currently has a different attachment with it, so perhaps it originally had attachment 48, but was deleted and replaced? If that attachment is still associated with the thread, that might be the problem. I'll see if I can recreate it...


Recon0303 08-30-2012 01:48 AM

there is nothing because there is nothing to add....I do not see anywhere to add anything to it, and you should have rights because all other users can, and your in that group. Maybe sign up with an account on your own.

Recon0303 08-30-2012 04:47 AM

I realized your looking at the wrong image as well. Look under Game design tab on the CMS, you can see the slider with nothing, when I went to edit , I did not see anywhere to add anything but the title. So I thought that was Odd. That first one you where looking at, I took it out and never added another yet since I been testing things to make sure they where working, I used that for the main forum slider part anyways.

Now I like to get the slider to show on the CMS, which I did but no where to add images is the issue now.

DragonByte Tech 08-30-2012 10:11 AM

You don't "add" images. They are automatically pulled from the thread, article, or blog that is being pulled from the selected sections, forums, or blog categories you have selected from the ACP. If the associated content doesn't have an image in the first post, then there isn't going to be an image in the slider for it.

Recon0303 08-31-2012 11:19 AM

Ya I understand that, which I got working for the forums, but my slider on the cms is blank. It shows the slider, but I guess i'm lost on where to add images to show up on the CMS as a slider like the forums is doing.

Unless this slider does not work on the CMS, ??? meaning looking the same as the forums, I want it to look just like the forum one, but for it to do that on the CMS, is the possible?? I figured it would be since the slider does show up, i'm just unsure where to have the images show??? Because if you look the slider is blank. I hope i'm not confusing you.

I know it would not show if there was not image lol, but as I stated I just can't find where to have it show up the same way as the forums but on the CMS the same way ...

DragonByte Tech 08-31-2012 04:10 PM

Ok, I finally found a slider on your CMS here: http://www.divided-allegiance.com/vb...7-guild-wars-2

And it shows nothing. Have you gone to: ACP->DBTech vBSlider->Options->CMS Settings and selected CMS sections, forums and blog categories, as well as quantities for each of those, that you want to appear in the CMS? The forum and CMS sliders have different settings areas, so if you haven't set both, that is why you aren't seeing anything on the CMS side.

Recon0303 09-01-2012 09:33 PM

Yes, I have thats why I can see the slider on the CMS, I just can't see how where to add images You said I don't add images, but I do not see how to get them to show up, I got the slider to show on my CMS under that page, but as I stated I have no idea which I found wierd on where to add images, or have them show up since you said you don't add them.

The forums slider works perfect since it works off of the CMS, which I understand 100%, I like for it to show up the same way on the CMS which does not work at all other then it shows a blank slider..

Recon0303 09-01-2012 09:49 PM

I just got it working, sadly I just found out it is not working as I thought it did for CMS, I DO love how it works from the CMS to the forums sadly I do not like how it works for the CMS, I thought it would show like 5 images and change every few seconds which I do not see that from this hack, I still plan to use , but sadly I wish it did more.

Anyways thanks for all the help Brad.

DragonByte Tech 09-02-2012 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Recon0303 (Post 2361827)
I just got it working, sadly I just found out it is not working as I thought it did for CMS, I DO love how it works from the CMS to the forums sadly I do not like how it works for the CMS, I thought it would show like 5 images and change every few seconds which I do not see that from this hack, I still plan to use , but sadly I wish it did more.

Anyways thanks for all the help Brad.

It works the same between the Forum and CMS. When you say you thought it show 5 images and change every few seconds, are you talking about 5 images from the same article? Or is it something else that's not working the way you thought? It will only pull the first image from an article/thread/blog. If that's not what you mean, expand further on what you are wanting, as perhaps its just a setting issue.


yjeanrenaud 09-05-2012 07:10 AM

great mod. but please add Justify as an option under "Content Text Alignment".

DragonByte Tech 09-05-2012 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by yjeanrenaud (Post 2362805)
great mod. but please add Justify as an option under "Content Text Alignment".

I will look into it for an upcoming version.


Recon0303 09-06-2012 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2361939)
It works the same between the Forum and CMS. When you say you thought it show 5 images and change every few seconds, are you talking about 5 images from the same article? Or is it something else that's not working the way you thought? It will only pull the first image from an article/thread/blog. If that's not what you mean, expand further on what you are wanting, as perhaps its just a setting issue.


I was hoping I could add images to my CMS like a home page since I use it as my home page with like around 5 images showing certain games and it changes between them on the CMS, I see I have to add it to like an article or blog for it to show, I have not seen how to do it any other way, which I don't really care for, like right now the same images are showing on my forum slider and the CMS. No matter what I do thats what it does, which I want different ones.

Here is an example of what I was looking for


not sure what HACK that is or what. But something like that is what I'm looking for.

But I still love the forum slider part its great and my users like it as well, I just wish the Home worked the way I wanted it to.

DragonByte Tech 09-06-2012 10:12 AM

You can always add custom content items, which will allow you to insert your own pictures, text and links. Guess I didn't fully understand what you were looking for.

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