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-   -   Add-On Releases - vBSSO - vBulletin Single Sign-On (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=270517)

nando99 03-02-2012 01:46 PM

question, i have an active wordpress blog and just installed a vbulletin forum for it, will this make my wordpress registered members registered members on the forum?

Hostboard 03-02-2012 05:21 PM

Sorry if I missed this but is it possible for this to allow one to login from 1 vb site into another across 2 domains?

xeagle 03-02-2012 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by nando99 (Post 2305345)
question, i have an active wordpress blog and just installed a vbulletin forum for it, will this make my wordpress registered members registered members on the forum?

Not really, vBSSO makes vBulletin registered members registered members on wordpress.

xeagle 03-02-2012 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Hostboard (Post 2305409)
Sorry if I missed this but is it possible for this to allow one to login from 1 vb site into another across 2 domains?

Yes, it works in case if you have vBulletin and WordPress installed on different domains, however it is not able to to connect two vBulletin forums yet.

Hostboard 03-02-2012 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by xeagle (Post 2305424)
Yes, it works in case if you have vBulletin and WordPress installed on different domains, however it is not able to to connect two vBulletin forums yet.

I have sent you a simular message via your site. Would like to start a conversation to see if this is something you would be willing to explore and do either through here or as a paid project. I am not sure the vbnetwork modification is being supported anymore and or I would like some additional functionality but what "it" does is along the lines of what I am hoping for.

Thanx for the quick reply :)

nando99 03-07-2012 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by xeagle (Post 2305423)
Not really, vBSSO makes vBulletin registered members registered members on wordpress.

Ok... so how exactly would that work or what do you have to do? Besides installing the plugin and adding the wordpress instance...

Like do they have to register on wp with the same email they have in vb or?

BWG22 03-07-2012 08:07 PM

Got a reply from my hosting provider.


“I am trying to figure out the problem with your application not working correctly. I cannot seem to replicate it or diagnose it further....

We are using a WHM/Cpanel setup. Your last post to him said it was attempting to curl his wordpress site and receiving a 403 Forbidden error. I have setup a page in his vbulletin site that attempts to access the connector url, which is http://mysite/wp-content/plugins/vbsso/vbsso.php

I set up a demo page to test it. It uses curl to grab the above link and output the result. It seems to work fine.

I would appreciate any help you might be able to give me. If you have an example I can upload to the site for easier troubleshooting, I would appreciate it. I have been using Google to search for ideas, but haven't found any others posting about this..”

Amaca 03-09-2012 11:09 PM

First of all, thank you for this awesome plugin! finally a strong solution to connect vbulletin and worpdress!!! i hope to see you grow up soon and i m looking forward for your next plugin releases!!!

now the questions: how can i set the link to vbulleting profile in the WP comments? now, thanks to your avatar feature, i have the avatar...but i really need to create a link on the nickname and the avatar as well to the user's vbulletin profile...can you help me to do this?

the second one: i have a website with a lot of articles and comments...after vbsso installation the users avatars who commented the news before the upgrade with this bridge, has disappeared. Instead with new comments work like a charm. how can i refresh all the old comments with updated avatars? Do you know some tips, tool, or sql snippets to refresh it all?

Please, i need help :(

STronic 03-12-2012 06:20 PM

Can i pass usergroup ID or another custom profile fields from vBulletin to Wordpress with VBSSO?

studify 03-18-2012 05:34 PM

Hey, you guys.
Unfortunatly I've experienced a few problems. I'm running vB 4.1.11 under boards.example.com and WordPress 3.3.1 under blog.example.com. vB is my "Core-System", so registration should only be available on it, but users need to be able to access WordPress as well (using ClassiPress Premium Theme).

After I found your great vBSSO Plugin I've installed it instantly ;)

Everything worked fine, the system established the connection and wordpress was fetching the users logging in to vB (they show up in WPs users list). But they are not logged in to wordpress automatically and cannot login via WPs login form (password error).

Another problem is, that I can't sign out of my wp admin account anymore. WP redirects me straight back to WP Dashboard after clicking the Sign out button keeping me logged in.

I just have no idea what to do... Would be great to hear from you, I need your help :/


xeagle 03-18-2012 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by studify (Post 2310700)
Hey, you guys.
Unfortunatly I've experienced a few problems. I'm running vB 4.1.11 under boards.example.com and WordPress 3.3.1 under blog.example.com. vB is my "Core-System", so registration should only be available on it, but users need to be able to access WordPress as well (using ClassiPress Premium Theme).

After I found your great vBSSO Plugin I've installed it instantly ;)

Everything worked fine, the system established the connection and wordpress was fetching the users logging in to vB (they show up in WPs users list). But they are not logged in to wordpress automatically and cannot login via WPs login form (password error).

Another problem is, that I can't sign out of my wp admin account anymore. WP redirects me straight back to WP Dashboard after clicking the Sign out button keeping me logged in.

I just have no idea what to do... Would be great to hear from you, I need your help :/


Alex, try please to back to your vBulletin, try to sign out there first. It should sign out all the connected platforms and start working next time as soon as you are logged in.

xeagle 03-18-2012 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by STronic (Post 2308912)
Can i pass usergroup ID or another custom profile fields from vBulletin to Wordpress with VBSSO?

Unfortunately WordPress vBSSO plugin doesn't support it.

xeagle 03-18-2012 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Amaca (Post 2308089)
First of all, thank you for this awesome plugin! finally a strong solution to connect vbulletin and worpdress!!! i hope to see you grow up soon and i m looking forward for your next plugin releases!!!

now the questions: how can i set the link to vbulleting profile in the WP comments? now, thanks to your avatar feature, i have the avatar...but i really need to create a link on the nickname and the avatar as well to the user's vbulletin profile...can you help me to do this?

the second one: i have a website with a lot of articles and comments...after vbsso installation the users avatars who commented the news before the upgrade with this bridge, has disappeared. Instead with new comments work like a charm. how can i refresh all the old comments with updated avatars? Do you know some tips, tool, or sql snippets to refresh it all?

Please, i need help :(

Hi Amaca, thanks for the trying vBSSO :) Sol, regarding the first your question, this feature requires to modify both vBSSO plugins for WordPress and vBulletin to support correct redirect to profile. The 2nd feature starts working if you create new accounts in vBulletin for people who left older comments and associate an avatar with account in vBulletin.

xeagle 03-18-2012 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by nando99 (Post 2307217)
Ok... so how exactly would that work or what do you have to do? Besides installing the plugin and adding the wordpress instance...

Like do they have to register on wp with the same email they have in vb or?

There is no needs to create user accounts in WordPress, if person has account in vBulletin and logs in, vBulletin vBSSO creates account in WordPress automatically.

BWG22 03-19-2012 05:04 AM

No answer for me?

xeagle 03-19-2012 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by BWG22 (Post 2310895)
No answer for me?

You are a special case :) We were busy recently and were not able to leave post answers, so we will send you the updated vBSSO file with additional logging to try detect the cause in your case.

studify 03-20-2012 02:12 PM

Hey xeagle,
thank you for your answer, but it didn't solve my problem...

I've been trying it for hours, but when I log in to vBulletin and go to my blog afterwards, I'm not logged in to wordpress and even cannot log in manually because it says "wrong password".

But when I log in to my blog with my admin account I see my vBulletin Account in the wordpress user list.

After that I can't even log out of Wordpress anymore, it just redirects me (saying "Logging you out.") back to the page I'm currently viewing.

What can I do?


mekmike 04-02-2012 11:08 PM

hi i have a problem... when i run vbsso, it doesnt allow me to open my threads?.. i tried playing with the user groups settings but it doesnt help.. please help thanks

nando99 04-03-2012 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by studify (Post 2310700)
Hey, you guys.
Everything worked fine, the system established the connection and wordpress was fetching the users logging in to vB (they show up in WPs users list). But they are not logged in to wordpress automatically and cannot login via WPs login form (password error).

Another problem is, that I can't sign out of my wp admin account anymore. WP redirects me straight back to WP Dashboard after clicking the Sign out button keeping me logged in.

I just have no idea what to do... Would be great to hear from you, I need your help :/


some of my members and I are having the same problem, we're logged into vb but not logged in to wp - and we cant login to wp... another thing thats happening, everytime some1 logs in to vb a duplicate user is created in wp but they still cant login... i have a member with over 10 accounts on the wp...

any help is appreciated...

markp_2000 04-09-2012 10:19 PM

I'm having a similar issue as above. When I am logged into vb and try and log into wp I cycles four or five times saying log in successful with the vb page.


Amaca 04-19-2012 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by xeagle (Post 2310727)
The 2nd feature starts working if you create new accounts in vBulletin for people who left older comments and associate an avatar with account in vBulletin.

i don't understand...how can i associate an avatar with account in vbulletin? is there a feature that can do that?


Originally Posted by nando99 (Post 2316459)
some of my members and I are having the same problem, we're logged into vb but not logged in to wp - and we cant login to wp...

recently my system is doing the same thing...

And other bug: some new users after registration aren't recognized by wordpress, and you can't see them in the users list of wp. Or sometimes the user's avatar doesn't work in wordpress, but only in the forum.

can you help me? have you some tips?

They are big problems and i m thinking to delete the bridging method...but it's a very bad thing.:(

hhumas 04-20-2012 01:51 PM

i am getting this error


We have detected account duplicates w.glatze@web.de. Duplicated accounts should be removed or merged before installing or upgrading this product!

BWG22 04-25-2012 06:24 PM

Still waiting... lol

speedytwenty 04-26-2012 04:22 PM

We are having many issues already described as well. When can we expect a new release of VBSSO that addresses these?

The biggest issue we have had is not being able to logout through Wordpress.

[edit] We are looking to purchase your license if/when we get these issues resolved. No sense in paying for a plugin that doesn't work!

SiteTalkZone 04-30-2012 12:43 PM

Hi, These are the list of issues on my site.

1) I cannot login to wordpress using the account on vbulletin
2) clicking the 'login' link on wordpress will redirect to forumhome
3) wordpress/wp-admin will redirect to forumpage, the user must login the forum before they can access to wp-admin
4) when i try login from widget (using login widget plugin) it stuck at redirect page, can't stop directing from that page.
5) when i am logged in, in my vbulletin and i go to http://www.mysite.com/wp-admin/ it keep direct me to redirect page that can't stop directing and stuck again in that page
6)Is there are server requirements for this mods? seems its not working on my development site.


MikeF 04-30-2012 03:43 PM

Can two or more vBulletin forums be bridged with this product?

chrisbjax 05-07-2012 05:54 PM

Do you have any documentation that shows how the vbulletin user groups map to the wordpress usergroups? I've tried testing with my vbulletin admin group, however, I have been unsuccessful giving my vbulletin admin user, level 10 access in wordpress? (atleast, not without manually making changes within mysql)

insidegames 05-15-2012 08:09 AM

do this also works with vBulletin 4.1 and vBulletin 3.6

doubleclick 05-19-2012 11:48 AM

I'm trying to understand how this works. The description says:

Single Sign-On
Log to third party applications through vBulletin
Log out of third party applications through vBulletin
Register to third party applications through vBulletin
Recover password to third party applications through vBulletin

I have a number of scripts on my site that I'd like to be able to use this, but don't know how to accomplish this.

Is there documentation somewhere to explain this? If not, can you provide an outline of the basic process to accomplish this (files to copy to other script's directory, which files to edit, etc.)?

xeagle 05-25-2012 06:52 PM

Could you please drop me a private message and we would try to solve this.


Originally Posted by studify (Post 2311371)
Hey xeagle,
thank you for your answer, but it didn't solve my problem...

I've been trying it for hours, but when I log in to vBulletin and go to my blog afterwards, I'm not logged in to wordpress and even cannot log in manually because it says "wrong password".

But when I log in to my blog with my admin account I see my vBulletin Account in the wordpress user list.

After that I can't even log out of Wordpress anymore, it just redirects me (saying "Logging you out.") back to the page I'm currently viewing.

What can I do?


xeagle 05-25-2012 06:54 PM

vBSSO doesn't impact to the opening the threads at all. The cause of your issue is a something else. Please try to see what else you installed on your system, probably you will find a cause.


Originally Posted by mekmike (Post 2316165)
hi i have a problem... when i run vbsso, it doesnt allow me to open my threads?.. i tried playing with the user groups settings but it doesnt help.. please help thanks

xeagle 05-25-2012 06:57 PM

Could you please try to sign out vBulletin and sign in there again and it should start working properly? That looks like an issue, which should be fixed.


Originally Posted by markp_2000 (Post 2318480)
I'm having a similar issue as above. When I am logged into vb and try and log into wp I cycles four or five times saying log in successful with the vb page.


xeagle 05-25-2012 07:00 PM

vBSSO doesn't work with duplicated accounts and you are recommended to clean up accounts to avoid any duplicates before start installing vBSSO. You might have accounts with similar email address or usernames.


Originally Posted by hhumas (Post 2321910)
i am getting this error


We have detected account duplicates w.glatze@web.de. Duplicated accounts should be removed or merged before installing or upgrading this product!

xeagle 05-25-2012 07:01 PM

just sent you PM.


Originally Posted by BWG22 (Post 2323445)
Still waiting... lol

xeagle 05-25-2012 07:02 PM

Could you please contact me via PM to help you solve the issues?


Originally Posted by speedytwenty (Post 2323778)
We are having many issues already described as well. When can we expect a new release of VBSSO that addresses these?

The biggest issue we have had is not being able to logout through Wordpress.

[edit] We are looking to purchase your license if/when we get these issues resolved. No sense in paying for a plugin that doesn't work!

xeagle 05-25-2012 07:04 PM

Could you please contact me via PM to help you solve the issues?


Originally Posted by SiteTalkZone (Post 2324860)
Hi, These are the list of issues on my site.

1) I cannot login to wordpress using the account on vbulletin
2) clicking the 'login' link on wordpress will redirect to forumhome
3) wordpress/wp-admin will redirect to forumpage, the user must login the forum before they can access to wp-admin
4) when i try login from widget (using login widget plugin) it stuck at redirect page, can't stop directing from that page.
5) when i am logged in, in my vbulletin and i go to http://www.mysite.com/wp-admin/ it keep direct me to redirect page that can't stop directing and stuck again in that page
6)Is there are server requirements for this mods? seems its not working on my development site.


xeagle 05-25-2012 07:05 PM

We are working on this.


Originally Posted by MikeF (Post 2324913)
Can two or more vBulletin forums be bridged with this product?

xeagle 05-25-2012 07:11 PM

vBSSO doesn't map vBulletin groups to WordPress groups.


Originally Posted by chrisbjax (Post 2327116)
Do you have any documentation that shows how the vbulletin user groups map to the wordpress usergroups? I've tried testing with my vbulletin admin group, however, I have been unsuccessful giving my vbulletin admin user, level 10 access in wordpress? (atleast, not without manually making changes within mysql)

xeagle 05-25-2012 07:13 PM

It doesn't work with vBulletin 3.x. vBSSO is supported for vBulletin 4.x so far.


Originally Posted by insidegames (Post 2329500)
do this also works with vBulletin 4.1 and vBulletin 3.6

xeagle 05-25-2012 07:16 PM

We would be able to send you programming API document if you contact us via PM.


Originally Posted by doubleclick (Post 2330681)
I'm trying to understand how this works. The description says:

Single Sign-On
Log to third party applications through vBulletin
Log out of third party applications through vBulletin
Register to third party applications through vBulletin
Recover password to third party applications through vBulletin

I have a number of scripts on my site that I'd like to be able to use this, but don't know how to accomplish this.

Is there documentation somewhere to explain this? If not, can you provide an outline of the basic process to accomplish this (files to copy to other script's directory, which files to edit, etc.)?

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