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skido 04-07-2012 10:28 PM

Very nice, thank you very much ! Installed and works great :D Integrated with the chatbox and vbexperience so far working perfectly. Tested donations with friends and worked with no problems. More than enough features in the lite version for me ..but i may buy the pro to show my thanks for all the hard work i am sure that went into this.

Thanks again!

CoZmicShReddeR 04-08-2012 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by Hostboard (Post 2317735)
Again this is NOT Adams any more and NOT his responsibility thus there is nothing for him to talk about or defend.
The company he works for BOUGHT HIM OUT lock stock and barrel.

The only association now is he WAS the original owner and probably will be the coder to make an update for the new owner if and when the new owners allow him.

It is the companies responsibility to support this NOT Adams.

Do you work on company protects and do things that your boss/company do not ask you to do then present them to their clients being unapproved?

I completely understand the frustration levels but feel the finger pointing is in the wrong direction.

On a bright note, I did speak to Adam and I believe he is trying to get the company to allocate some time to this so he can push out an update. But when this might happen is anyones guess at the moment...

Wow, you really don't get it? But on a lighter note I switched to http://donationspro.com Seems to be better suited to working without any issues with pointing fingers in wrong directions... Thanks!

thecore762 04-08-2012 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by Hostboard (Post 2317735)
Again this is NOT Adams any more and NOT his responsibility thus there is nothing for him to talk about or defend.
The company he works for BOUGHT HIM OUT lock stock and barrel.

The only association now is he WAS the original owner and probably will be the coder to make an update for the new owner if and when the new owners allow him.

It is the companies responsibility to support this NOT Adams.

Do you work on company protects and do things that your boss/company do not ask you to do then present them to their clients being unapproved?

I completely understand the frustration levels but feel the finger pointing is in the wrong direction.

On a bright note, I did speak to Adam and I believe he is trying to get the company to allocate some time to this so he can push out an update. But when this might happen is anyones guess at the moment...

Empty promises, did you even read his latest post on his site?
He announced a month ago that he would be releasing an update, he has yet to do that.
You don't announce things if you are not sure if you are going to do it.

I own the paid mod + branding free, but eventually I will move on to a new mod because this project has been on hold for way too long.

dawges 04-08-2012 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by Hostboard (Post 2317735)
Again this is NOT Adams any more and NOT his responsibility thus there is nothing for him to talk about or defend.
The company he works for BOUGHT HIM OUT lock stock and barrel.

The only association now is he WAS the original owner and probably will be the coder to make an update for the new owner if and when the new owners allow him.

It is the companies responsibility to support this NOT Adams.

Do you work on company protects and do things that your boss/company do not ask you to do then present them to their clients being unapproved?

I completely understand the frustration levels but feel the finger pointing is in the wrong direction.

On a bright note, I did speak to Adam and I believe he is trying to get the company to allocate some time to this so he can push out an update. But when this might happen is anyones guess at the moment...

Does that excuse him from ripping off his customers? Me being one of them? I lost $200.00 to Adam and there is no way to recover it. that might not seem like much but it would cover the cost of other mods and addons.

thecore762 04-26-2012 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by dawges (Post 2318111)
Does that excuse him from ripping off his customers? Me being one of them? I lost $200.00 to Adam and there is no way to recover it. that might not seem like much but it would cover the cost of other mods and addons.

If you want, use the lite version, the pro version is a risk since the owner is not providing support on a consistent basis.
Last time he updated: was back in 2010.

dot. 04-28-2012 05:51 AM


Originally Posted by CoZmicShReddeR (Post 2317881)
Wow, you really don't get it? But on a lighter note I switched to http://donationspro.com Seems to be better suited to working without any issues with pointing fingers in wrong directions... Thanks!

Does donationspro have automatic confirmation or manual confirmation? That is my main concern/why I am not using AWCoding lite.

Doctor Death 04-28-2012 11:53 AM

Dont waste your money. DS/AWC isnt supporting their mods and have not updated them for recent versions of VB.

They will, however, gladly take your money.

tnsgaming 05-04-2012 02:17 PM

Does anyone know if it's possible to build this into SourceBans? Willing to pay if someone can add this feature!

Derwin 05-21-2012 03:41 PM

I just installed this on our vb4 forum, and it shows up and works great.

The only problem I'm having, though, is that it is causing a TON of database errors with pages not loading and the site running much slower.

Has anybody else encountered this, and what is the solution?

If there is no resolution, I'll be forced to uninstall.

zapiy 05-26-2012 09:19 PM

I installed this but how do i get the Sideblock to work?

I uploaded the files to the module folder.


cravendale 06-04-2012 12:53 PM

I'm posting this here because AWCoding site is offline. More issues.

Adam, I'm getting sick and tired of problems where something happens on your server(s) and I'm not able to use the software I paid you for.

Once again I'm locked out of the admin end of the Donation system. I can't change diddly squat.

This has happened numerous times before and I'm complained to you and so has many other people on your forum. And you still insist to keep control over the back end panel.
We've paid you the money. It's not a subscription. So why keep this level of control?

If you needed to force updates in some way.. fair enough. But to stop us from being able to even change settings.. senseless!

Pure Dope 06-12-2012 11:33 AM

fix your screenshots!

oldlock 07-10-2012 09:20 AM

Really - this and all the other mods from this developer should be moved to the graveyard. The developers site has been down for days after nil support for months.

Crotan 07-19-2012 04:41 PM

1 Attachment(s)
hmm, I've been using this mod for awhile now, but I'm having problems with the Payment dropdowns not appearing. And the checkout button not loading.

Thought it might be something with offloading YUI or caching, but I've been unable to narrow it down. Anybody ever experience this?

EasyEazy 02-01-2013 09:40 PM

Can this be moved to the Mod Graveyard. The host website has been hacked.

Just in case those who have installed it want to make the changes given.

kapii 02-18-2013 07:33 PM

Yup it's a shame, but a excellent alternative is this mod, https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...hreadid=287053 It was voted Mod of the month for January I have been using the pro version since it was released and it's awesome.

Ncturnal 05-08-2013 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by bashy (Post 2171930)

Just installed a test VB 4 site using my DB from VB3.8 that has the 3.8 version of this script. I want to go to VB4 and and use this script and not loose any donators in the process so basically i am doing a test run...

When trying to import the product i am getting this error, btw i only have 1.0.0 of this hack installed....


Database error in vBulletin 4.1.2:

Invalid SQL:
INSERT IGNORE INTO `adv_modules` VALUES( 2000, 'Donation LITE Support SideBar', 'dsl_adv_cmps_sb', 'dsl_adv_cmps_sb.php', 'php_file', 'awcl_dsl_block', '4,6,9,7,10,2,5,1,3', '', 1, 0, '', 1, '', '', 0, '' );

MySQL Error  : Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Error Number  : 1136
Classname    : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.54

Any ideas please?

Has anyone figured out a work-around for this issue?

kronnos 05-11-2013 07:34 PM

Anyone have any idea what this error could mean on top of the page?

Warning: Illegal string offset 'ds' in [path]/awcoding/plugins/awc.php on line 296

Its showing up for only on top of threads that have a donation award image.

Here is what line 296-300 of the awc.php looks like:

if ( $awc_goal['extra'] == 2 ){
print_description_row( $vbphrase['awc_goal_extra_2'], 0, 2, 'thead', $stylevar['left'] );
} else {
print_yes_no_row( $vbphrase['awc_goal_extra'], 'extra_'.$awc_goal['id'], $awc_goal['extra'] );

BTW - I think this started to happen after I updated server to latest php version.


cravendale 06-28-2013 06:55 PM

Is there a way to remove this mod completely and all the tables.
But keep the awards (usergroups given by script) as they are now?

skol 06-28-2013 07:15 PM

The mod is marked as not supported,but it could be supported..Depends on how the coder feels.Then again seeing he took a lot of money from people including me and the boat sank,I doubt you'll see him here again..

Why shite like this has never been moved to the graveyard I really don't know..Then again I'm not a coder,so they must have their own rules here.

Alfa1 07-14-2013 02:51 PM

Does anyone know of a way to export/import AWC subscriptions into vbulletin stock subscriptions?

kronnos 07-14-2013 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 2433655)
Does anyone know of a way to export/import AWC subscriptions into vbulletin stock subscriptions?

This was actually a long and painful process for me.

What I did was export the 3 awc database tables (awc_subscriptions_data, awc_users, awc_payments) in csv format then manually transformed them into the default vb tables(subscriptionlog, paymenttransaction, paymentinfo). I had to use a few different vlookups, create new columns, delete some, rename, etc. After I was done transforming everything in excel, I truncated the 3 vbulletin tables and imported the new ones I created.

In the end, everything worked out perfect! I felt like I finally got rid of a virus that was slowly breaking my system.

Rich 07-15-2013 12:38 AM

I hate it when people host images for a mod somewhere other than vbulletin.org. It seems they always end up moving them or deleting them and the mod then has no images. That is currently the case here. smh

katie hunter 10-07-2013 06:53 PM

I installed the new version for vb 4.x but now i can't get it to work :l when i try to visit the donation page and click on "pay with paypal" i don't get redirected to paypal but i get a normal browser refresh of my forum page.

Did anyone tried installing this version on Adam's website ? http://www.forumcoding.com/

Bluefin221 10-20-2013 01:04 PM

I uninstalled this and now i have this error on my site


Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2:

Invalid SQL:

                        SELECT varname, value
                        FROM `blank_vforumsawc_settings`;

MySQL Error  : Table 'blank_vforums.blank_vforumsawc_settings' doesn't exist

Where it says blank I have masked my proper database name.

I have disabled hooks in the config file and my site is working but now I have been absolutely inundated with spam bots registering for the site, I tried to install this product again and while it was successfully installed the error persists, I realise this is a dead thread but can anyone help?

CoZmicShReddeR 10-20-2013 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by Bluefin221 (Post 2454879)
I uninstalled this and now i have this error on my site


Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2:

Invalid SQL:

                        SELECT varname, value
                        FROM `blank_vforumsawc_settings`;

MySQL Error  : Table 'blank_vforums.blank_vforumsawc_settings' doesn't exist

Where it says blank I have masked my proper database name.

I have disabled hooks in the config file and my site is working but now I have been absolutely inundated with spam bots registering for the site, I tried to install this product again and while it was successfully installed the error persists, I realise this is a dead thread but can anyone help?

Make sure you wiped all the Aw Donations files in your forum folders and there is nothing regarding the AW Donations in your plugins

Delete your forums cache when done...

This Plugin should be removed from vbulletin.org since DragonByte took it over fixed it made it better and renamed it...

keith455 01-05-2014 05:08 PM

is this still working? looks like the website expired. http://www.forumcoding.com/ is there something else that people are using now.?

ozzy47 01-05-2014 05:43 PM

This mod, https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=287053

Alfa1 08-21-2014 02:27 PM

I moved my site from http to https.
The donation awards are still being served from http. Does anyone know where / how to fix this?

D4nny 11-06-2014 01:08 PM


is there an update for vbulletin 5 available?


ozzy47 11-06-2014 01:36 PM

Nope, the developer stopped updating this mod in 2012

You could use this for vB5, https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=292766

InFi[D]eL 11-26-2014 10:53 AM

Can you change the currency from USD? Or better; allow donations in multiple currencies?

ozzy47 11-26-2014 11:03 AM

This is majorly outdated, you would be better off using, [DBTech] vBDonate Donations - PayPal Donate Manager v1 (vB4)

InFi[D]eL 11-26-2014 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by ozzy47 (Post 2524190)
This is majorly outdated, you would be better off using, [DBTech] vBDonate Donations - PayPal Donate Manager v1 (vB4)

Noted. Thanks

ozzy47 11-26-2014 11:10 AM

Yeah this was a good mod when it was actively developed, but the coder stopped working on it in 2012. :(

rockerzteam 08-26-2015 05:15 AM

For those of us using VB 3.8.x this mod still works with the minor fixes we had to make. Best mod ever for vb 3.8.x

Alfa1 09-10-2015 09:18 PM

Paypal IPN changes are coming September 30th.

"Paypal Service Upgrades:

As we have previously communicated to you, PayPal is upgrading the certificate for www.paypal.comto SHA-256. This endpoint is also used by merchants using the Instant Payment Notification (IPN) product.

This upgrade is scheduled for 9/30/2015; however, we may need to change this date on short notice to you to align to the industry security standard.

You’re receiving this notification because you’ve been identified as a merchant who has used IPN endpoints within the past year. If you have not made the necessary changes, we urge you to do so right away to avoid a disruption of your service!

Because these changes are technical in nature, we advise that you consult with your individuals responsible for your PayPal integration. They will be able to identify what, if any, changes are needed. Please share this email and the hyperlinks below with your technical contact for evaluation.

Testing in the Sandbox is one of the best ways to make sure your integration works. Sandbox endpoints have been upgraded to accept secure connections by the SHA-256 Certificates.

Full technical details can be found in our Merchant Security System Upgrade Guide. In addition, our2015-2016 SSL Certificate Change microsite contains a schedule of our service upgrade plan.

Thanks for your patience as we continue to improve our services."

TheAdminMarket 09-11-2015 02:28 PM

If I understood well reading their announcement (but English is not my best), it effects only Website Payments PRO and not Website Payments. The difference is that with website payments PRO you must have your own merchant account and payments are done in your own site. In PRO there is no redirection to PayPal that's why they want the access to their API to be SHA-256. For this reason there is that "Merchant.....". But again I can be mistaken.

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