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-   -   Major Additions - [DBTech] vBShop v3 (vB3) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=246497)

beni 08-11-2012 02:22 PM

thanks brother. perfect features

CoffeeLovesYou 09-13-2012 11:13 PM

This is not working correctly in IE9. I had a complaint from a user so I tried it myself on IE9 and it looks like this (the shop)

removed img

When in my Firefox, it looks like this;

removed img

In IE9, when he clicks on Purchase, it does nothing, does not even add it to the cart. On Firefox, it works correctly. Same with Chrome, Safari, etc. Why isn't it working? Is it not compatible?

DragonByte Tech 09-13-2012 11:28 PM

Have you tried turning off the IE7 Compatibility Header in the vBulletin Options?


CoffeeLovesYou 09-14-2012 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2365233)
Have you tried turning off the IE7 Compatibility Header in the vBulletin Options?


Oh hey. Pretty sure that worked! It looks normal now in IE. Will test buying something tomorrow. Thanks Fillip!

CoffeeLovesYou 09-14-2012 01:29 PM

Can you help now?
For the User Title Style Options (add a glow/shadow/colour/bold/underline/italic), this bugged the 10 users usertitles that purchased it.


So like, it's still showing up as the color/bold/italic (in this case, purple, bold, and italic) but it shows the excess HTML code. I fixed it on one user by going to her edit profile and just re typing in her user title back to "Leader" and the excess went away.. but what could have caused this and how to prevent it?

DragonByte Tech 09-14-2012 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by CoffeeLovesYou (Post 2365370)
Can you help now?


Originally Posted by CoffeeLovesYou (Post 2365370)
For the User Title Style Options (add a glow/shadow/colour/bold/underline/italic), this bugged the 10 users usertitles that purchased it.


So like, it's still showing up as the color/bold/italic (in this case, purple, bold, and italic) but it shows the excess HTML code. I fixed it on one user by going to her edit profile and just re typing in her user title back to "Leader" and the excess went away.. but what could have caused this and how to prevent it?

After you've removed the excess, what steps reproduce the issue?


CoffeeLovesYou 09-14-2012 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2365371)
After you've removed the excess, what steps reproduce the issue?


Not sure what reproduces it... or produced it for that matter.

When I went into the Admin CP Edit Profile, the one guys user title looked like this;

<span style="font-weight:bold; color:purple; ">Purpleeee</span>

I just removed the spans and left the Purpleeee and it was fine. I don't know why or how the code showed up.

This only happened to about 6 of the 10 who purchased the user title color.

DragonByte Tech 09-14-2012 01:52 PM

So it's fine now, and it's not happened again?


CoffeeLovesYou 09-14-2012 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2365377)
So it's fine now, and it's not happened again?


Yes, it's only fine because I had to go back, see who purchased it, and then edit theirs manually. I so hope it doesn't happen again. Right now the item is out of stock and only 10 purchased it, but if over 100 purchase it and it does this again, I do not want to go back into the database log, find the user ids who purchased it, then go into my user table, find the user id that matches up to the user name, type in their username, see if their user title is broken or not, and then repeat. Would get exhausting after a while! Will let you know if it occurs again and tell you how to repeat (if possible)

Also, a suggestion. Would be cool if you could automate the restock. I had it so only 10 could purchase, right now its at 0 (out of stock). If we could set it to every Sunday, it'd restock back to 10 or whatever amount, that'd be really neat!

CoffeeLovesYou 09-15-2012 07:09 PM

Hey, it happened again randomly. The user hasn't even been online to do anything to change his user title.. On his post it just randomly shows his user title bugged again.

DragonByte Tech 09-16-2012 02:35 PM

Do you have any other mods installed that could conceivably be updating user titles?

I don't see a way this mod can be the cause of the issue, it can only happen if another mod tries to update the user title after the "fetch markup username" function has been ran.


CoffeeLovesYou 09-16-2012 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2365916)
Do you have any other mods installed that could conceivably be updating user titles?

I don't see a way this mod can be the cause of the issue, it can only happen if another mod tries to update the user title after the "fetch markup username" function has been ran.


hi.. how can you check what mod could be running the fetch markup username?

DragonByte Tech 09-22-2012 11:54 AM

There's a hook location called fetch_musername that you can check for in the Plugin Manager.


DragonByte Tech 01-24-2013 08:55 PM

vBShop v3.0.1 / v3.0.2
Feature: DragonByte Tech Affiliation Program integration
Fix: In certain cases, attempting to gift an item would result in an "invalid item" message
Fix: Fixed issues with updating shopping cart with the Enter key
Fix: Users with HTML characters may not have been PM-able
Fix: Beneficiary setting in shops would not work correctly
Fix: Now correctly flags gifted items as coming from the gifter
Change: Guests can no longer view the Profile settings page, as was intended
Change: (vB3) Removed reference to the old Hover script for shop / item details
Change: Removed Profile Music template from the Lite version


CoffeeLovesYou 02-23-2013 12:19 AM


Do you know when or if the icon addition will be coming?


DragonByte Tech 02-27-2013 02:37 PM

Sorry, I don't know what you're referring to. If you have posted a Feature Request, ensure it's posted on our forum so that when we're planning a new version it will get taken into consideration. We cannot go back and review feature requests posted on vBulletin.org because (as evident by this post) the requests get buried with no way of recovering them :)


DragonByte Tech 04-05-2013 06:14 PM

vBShop v3.1.0 Gold
New Item Type: Custom Icon
  • Choose icon from filesystem
  • Choose icon position from built-in hooks, or custom position
  • Choose icon group for custom position purposes
  • Limit the number of icons displayed per item

General / Other
  • Improved logging details for Control Panel actions
  • Changed the Branding display method to inject itself into the copyright footer (underneath vBulletin copyright) instead of the page footer.
  • Changed the Branding Free Key to a more secure key.


DragonByte Tech 08-03-2013 04:12 PM

vBShop v3.1.0 Patch Level 1

  • vBShop was not compatible with Threaded or Hybrid thread display modes


DragonByte Tech 09-13-2013 03:55 PM

vBShop v3.1.1

General / Other
  • Change: The "Items Per Page" will now work for all categories in a shop, leading to a more intuitive interface.


That One Guy 09-26-2013 08:32 AM

Hello there. Thanks for the great mod. :)
Everything works fine except for 1 minor problem.
When I go to my PMs or when my members check their PMs, we'd see our forum currency and with a 0 on it.
No matter how many points we have in currency (on forum post count), it'll still display as 0 in PMs.
Currently, we're using a Pokemon 3.8.7 theme and only have your mod working.

It's not a big problem but I wanted to ask for help on how to fix this (if possible).
I'd also like to ask if the vBShop currency can be removed from the PM area as an alternate solution.

DragonByte Tech 10-02-2013 07:29 PM

I'll look into it for a future version, thanks :)


DragonByte Tech 10-11-2013 09:58 PM


Hotfix: PHP 5.4 Compatibility fixes

This does not guarantee the mod is error free on PHP 5.4, but it will take care of the reported errors. Thank you all for your reports :)


DragonByte Tech 05-02-2014 09:55 PM

vBShop v3.1.1 Patch Level 1

Bug Fixes And Issue Fixes:
  • Currencies stored in tables other than the "user" table will now work as intended in the AdminCP and the front-end


Rlad78 11-02-2014 02:26 PM

A few questions:

1) Is there a way to make it so a member's first purchase in the vBShop is free then all later purchases cost the normal amount? If not, is it possible for members to start out with a certain number of points upon registration?

2) Can you make the shop give more points depending on post length?

3) Is there a way to fix the visual glitch where points owned shows as 0 when quick replying/quick editing a post? I know refreshing makes it show normally again but it's a little bothersome.

4) Any way to disable members getting points in one board? We don't want our members getting points from the Forum Games section.

DragonByte Tech 11-03-2014 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by Rlad78 (Post 2521003)
1) Is there a way to make it so a member's first purchase in the vBShop is free then all later purchases cost the normal amount? If not, is it possible for members to start out with a certain number of points upon registration?

Unfortunately neither of these things are possible in vBShop at this time, sorry :(


Originally Posted by Rlad78 (Post 2521003)
3) Is there a way to fix the visual glitch where points owned shows as 0 when quick replying/quick editing a post? I know refreshing makes it show normally again but it's a little bothersome.

As you can understand, it isn't a high priority for us to fix since it doesn't actually impact the functionality of the mod.


Originally Posted by Rlad78 (Post 2521003)
4) Any way to disable members getting points in one board? We don't want our members getting points from the Forum Games section.

This, along with #1 and #2 are best left to a dedicated points mod such as vBCredits II Deluxe :)


DragonByte Tech 12-21-2014 09:35 PM

vBShop v3.2.1

New Features:

Buy Items During Thread Creation
  • Per-item flag whether they can be bought during thread creation
  • Grouped by item type
  • Automatically configured with the new thread's thread ID if the item supports this

"Move Thread" Item Type
  • Allow buyers to move threads to any forum they have access to
  • Optionally restrict source & destination forums
  • Optionally only allow buyer to move threads they own

Thread Bump
  • Automatically bumps a thread during purchase
  • Works with "Buy Items During Thread Creation" & "(Pro) Buy Items On Thread Page"

(Pro) Automatic Thread Bump
  • Automatically bumps a thread on a scheduled task
  • Works with "Buy Items During Thread Creation" & "(Pro) Buy Items On Thread Page"

(Pro) Buy Items On Thread Page
  • Per-item flag whether they can be bought on thread page
  • Grouped by item type
  • Automatically configured with the new thread's thread ID if the item supports this

(Pro) "Delete Thread" Item Type
  • Optionally only allow buyer to delete threads they own


DragonByte Tech 03-16-2015 09:24 PM

vBShop v3.2.1 Patch Level 1

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where "only giftable" items that had not yet been gifted could be deactivated


lonewolf224 04-08-2015 10:26 PM

Will this lite version work with the credits pro i am using

DragonByte Tech 04-13-2015 07:23 PM

vBShop v3.2.1 Patch Level 2

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue with the "User Title Style" item when editing the user title


DragonByte Tech 04-13-2015 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by lonewolf224 (Post 2542650)
Will this lite version work with the credits pro i am using

It will indeed :)


DragonByte Tech 04-20-2015 07:25 PM

vBShop v3.2.2

New Features:

"Item Hover Popup"
  • Split into its own template for compatibility with other locations
  • (Pro) Shows on items buyable during thread creation
  • (Pro) Shows on items buyable on the Show Thread page


DragonByte Tech 06-01-2015 05:27 PM

vBShop v3.2.2 Patch Level 1

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where the "Thread Bump" item would not correctly update the display in the forum list


DragonByte Tech 06-15-2015 05:59 PM

vBShop v3.2.3

Changes To Existing Features:

Transaction Log
  • User search now uses an input box instead of a drop-down
  • Partial username matching supported
  • Matches both sender and receiver of a transaction


DragonByte Tech 10-26-2015 09:04 PM

vBShop v3.2.3 Patch Level 1

Bug Fixes:
  • Forum Password item would not work as intended


DragonByte Tech 11-23-2015 08:08 PM

vBShop v3.2.3 Patch Level 2

Bug Fixes:
  • A "Sellback" event would not get added to the transaction log in certain scenarios


DragonByte Tech 12-07-2015 06:15 PM

vBShop v3.2.3 Patch Level 3

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where the "View Feedback" link would show even if the shop owner did not have permission to receive feedback


DragonByte Tech 01-01-2016 12:09 AM

vBShop v3.2.4

New Features:

Profile Music
  • A new option has been added to control whether the profile music should auto play


DragonByte Tech 01-18-2016 06:50 PM

vBShop v3.2.5

New Features:

  • A new hook has been added to allow for custom post-purchase actions

Bug Fixes:
  • The currency amounts in the postbit will now display correctly when posting via Quick Reply


DragonByte Tech 02-01-2016 08:04 PM

vBShop v3.3.0

New Features:

Real-World Currencies
  • Define a primary currency and multiple other currencies
  • Automatic exchange rate configuration
  • Prices are automatically converted to other currencies

Per-Shop Real World Charges
  • Define a price (in the primary currency) per-shop
  • Lets you give discounts to members that can access special shops
  • Uses vBulletin's Payment API code for maximum compatibility with 3rd party payment APIs


DragonByte Tech 04-12-2016 11:43 AM

vBShop v3.5.1

New Features:

Embeddable Item Purchases
  • Items are given a unique embed code after they have been added
  • Can be added to virtually any template
  • Look & feel similar to the Thread Buy feature

New Item: Thread Highlight
  • Highlights the thread(s) in the Forum Display list
  • User can configure their own gradient colour

New Item: Thread Highlight (Pre-Defined)
  • Highlights the thread(s) in the Forum Display list
  • Administrators configure the gradient colour

New Item: Postbit Highlight
  • Highlights the user's profile area in the Show Thread display
  • User can configure their own gradient colour

New Item: Postbit Highlight (Pre-Defined)
  • Highlights the user's profile area in the Show Thread display
  • Administrators configure the gradient colour

Item Expiration Dates in Inventory
  • Items with limited duration show their expiration dates in the inventory

Changed Features:
  • Messages added to item gifts are now censored

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed missing phrases for the PayPal item purchase notification that could result in a blank email being sent


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