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datoneer 07-25-2011 06:33 PM

Can this work with 3.8.3?

archet1337 08-10-2011 09:52 AM

This works great for attachments that are inserted inline into the post, but it does not re-size them if they are uploaded using the "Image" button.

Any ideas on how to fix this?

I'm using 4.1.5

jackspratt 08-11-2011 01:47 AM

Thanks, works with 4.1.5


Originally Posted by masterross (Post 2189360)
Here it is guys.

NTMID8 09-03-2011 03:25 AM

Anyone know of a highslide mod that works with attachments and albums?

Ideally, I would love to figure out how to make this mod work with these as it looks great.

Baja 09-06-2011 12:04 AM

^Yes, I'm wondering the same thing.

This works beautifully on external images using Masterross update here, but it does not resize attached images that are stored locally.

Skyrider 09-10-2011 07:29 AM

This does NOT WORK with Google Chrome! It maximizes the image in to a tiny tiny one.

Littlerocket 09-11-2011 10:33 PM

Great mod.

Is it possible to disable it for images which did not need resized? Just so I can remove the image being clickable and appearing in the box the same size.


NTMID8 09-11-2011 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider (Post 2244180)
This does NOT WORK with Google Chrome! It maximizes the image in to a tiny tiny one.

I use Chrome and have no issues. Mod works great.

Skyrider 09-25-2011 08:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This is my issue NTMID8.

See the middle image, it shrinks completely in chrome.

billstelling 09-26-2011 06:34 AM

I have it working with attachment.. In talks with Marco about it now as to whether I can post it up or not.. Let me tell you, it was a real pain in the ass to get done and I spent days on it. It works great in ff and ie, haven't tried any other browsers though. It took finding someones older edit of the mod as well as new highslide files along with a bit of editing.

If you want, you can check it out on my site at www.thewindowscenter.com

NTMID8 09-26-2011 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by billstelling (Post 2250113)
I have it working with attachment.. In talks with Marco about it now as to whether I can post it up or not.. Let me tell you, it was a real pain in the ass to get done and I spent days on it. It works great in ff and ie, haven't tried any other browsers though. It took finding someones older edit of the mod as well as new highslide files along with a bit of editing.

If you want, you can check it out on my site at www.thewindowscenter.com

That's awesome! Hope you can release it!

billstelling 09-27-2011 12:43 AM

as soon as he shows up and reads the pm i sent him we will know..

FReeSTER 11-07-2011 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by billstelling (Post 2250410)
as soon as he shows up and reads the pm i sent him we will know..

WoW mate that will be a life saver. I need to this when I reopen my board in few days. :D

mirajane 11-15-2011 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider (Post 2250022)
This is my issue NTMID8.

See the middle image, it shrinks completely in chrome.

maybe you are using adblock.. :D

dippetas 01-05-2012 02:54 PM

has anybody used it in to vbulletin 4.1.9?

bperkins88 01-14-2012 07:48 PM

Is there any way to set this up to be the default Resizer? with vBulletin 4.1.9 it doesn't quite work properly. Sometimes it will work, but othertimes it will just show the Default 4.1.9 slideshow. I Prefer this AJAX MARCO1 slider. It looks way more visually appealing than the vBulletin Standard one

bperkins88 01-17-2012 02:02 AM

Anybody have any Input ???

billstelling 01-17-2012 07:16 AM

The one I posted about works In 4.1.10
It has beed working with all the versions so far since I got it working.. There are a few little issues like it picking up on attached sigs but all and all I love using it. I spend a good bit of time on the Highslide site figuring things out.

Oh and you have to have the settings correct with the default picture viewer, it needs to be off and a few other settings. Pm me and I will send you what I came up with.

NTMID8 01-18-2012 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by billstelling (Post 2288893)
The one I posted about works In 4.1.10
It has beed working with all the versions so far since I got it working.. There are a few little issues like it picking up on attached sigs but all and all I love using it. I spend a good bit of time on the Highslide site figuring things out.

Oh and you have to have the settings correct with the default picture viewer, it needs to be off and a few other settings. Pm me and I will send you what I came up with.

I'd like to know as well.

SᴩiDᴇЯ 01-22-2012 02:58 PM

Great Mod, keep up the good work.

With the mod on my site using vB 4.1.5 the pictures are really small,
look here: http://screensnapr.com/v/TJBLwy.png

and the slider looks nothing like yours?
look here: http://screensnapr.com/v/sCxZAf.png

Any idea why this is happening? please let me know.

Thank you in advance.

billstelling 01-23-2012 06:32 AM

<a href="http://www.thewindowscenter.com/showthread.php/8699-Image-Resizer-with-Highslide?highlight=highslide" target="_blank">http://www.thewindowscenter.com/show...ight=highslide</a>

billstelling 01-24-2012 07:08 PM

It has been working flawlessly for me but now one 4.1.10 the first picture in a cms post will hang. If I click on the second pic or later it will work.. strange.. no problems in the forum and it works without a hitch there.
I will mess with it when I get a chance and see if I can figure out what is causing it, but we all know how twitchy the cms can be.. they changed the user pic posting options and split it up so it more than likely has something to do with that. The cms has been wacked with the newest build in other regards as well. like if you show more than 5 articles it breaks the themes.. even vb default. So I don't think the problem is with highslide but vb..

billstelling 01-24-2012 07:09 PM

oh, works flawlessly with 4.1.8 and under, I skipped 9..

BUDIMAN 01-28-2012 08:48 AM

its does not work on VB4.1.10 full version

bperkins88 01-28-2012 06:21 PM

The images are almost full size for me. How can i make the External Attachment sizes smaller?

billstelling 01-28-2012 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by BUDIMAN (Post 2293376)
its does not work on VB4.1.10 full version


it works on my site. vB4.1.10... It is working in the cms as well. the glitch I mentioned about in the previose post had to do with just one picture in a group of them posted in a single post.

You have to follow the instructions to the letter that are in the download on my site as well as set the folder for it to 0777 on the server.

If you have any left over files from other picture viewers it can mess it up. I know of a couple sites that have had that problem. I go to great lengths on my server to not leave leftovers from removed mods. It can cause problems for allot of things, not just this mod.

I would post it here but Marco has not said that it is ok. He has this version that I created and I gave it to him awhile ago, but as he said he is not supporting any of the free mods at this point. He did say he would take a look at it but I have yet to hear anything from him.

rjmjr69 02-11-2012 01:31 AM

Does this work with cms?

Emeralda 02-13-2012 08:45 PM

The warning.gif image was really... ugly. Where could I edit it to make it look better? It looks as if it was using a table with 2 rows to that. And the space between the warning and resized image doesn't add to the looks.

Syxguns 04-14-2012 01:45 AM

Many thanks for the work you did on this Mod! I was fighting with this thing for a long time, and almost gave up on it! Keep us posted on any updates!

vnairp11 04-16-2012 08:13 PM

It doesn't resize album pictures..

billstelling 04-28-2012 06:12 PM

I suppose I should start working on it again to try and get it to work all the time. The hit or miss with sites have me wondering what the problem is and I would like to get it fixed for everyone.
Needless to say, this is a complicated mod and I spent day and days on it to get it working on my site. I spent many hours on the Highslide site figuring it all out and I has to say that it is an awesome addition to any site.
It has been way easier to code in Highslide to web sites(html) than what is involved with this mod for vB..
To be honest, I wish vB would use Highslide for the forum instead of lightbox.
If anyone has a really good grasp of the inner workings of vB you would be a big help in figuring out why some site have a problem with it.

Syxguns 04-29-2012 04:27 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Okay, I can't give a perfect answer for what you are asking for but here is what I did. I was at first having issues with the image size in the post. I could not change it with the Mod, and was a little frustrated. Also when I would select the picture it would open in a new tab, which I didn't like, but it was okay,

I decided to use Firebug and check errors on the page. I noticed that Highslide was missing a file that was being requested. I did a quick google search and found the Index of highslide. What is nice about the index is that you may download only the file that you need to include in the highslide folder on the forum. The one that I was missing was called highslide.min.js I found it on the site I'm about to give you and included it in the highslide folder and now I can size the image on the page using the Mod, and it blows up on the same page.

There are two differences with the way that mine is working right now than the one that you originally reworked. When you hover the mouse over the image it shows a "+" sign inside a magnifying glass. When you select it the image shows full size and the mouse turns into a "-" sign in a magnifying glass. I have not checked out anything else on the use of it with signatures, and it seems to work with the CMS, but my forum is new, so I only have one article on it at this time.

Index of Highslide
Firebug for Firefox, there is a lite version for other browsers

Note: If you are not familiar with Firebug, then watch the video they have on the link I provided above. It should answer almost all of your questions.

Picture provided below. I used a full size image which you will see in the second pic. Also notice that it is still on my forum, and not in a new tab. So far the fix that billstelling made and me adding the missing folder is working nicely. I just don't have some of the button features, but I don't think that it's necessary. You never leave the page you are on and it's just a simple increase in size and decrease in size.

Edit: Forgot to mention that I'm running 4.1.11 PL1. I'm going to update soon, so I will post back if the mod is still working or not.

ibrahimkoky 04-29-2012 05:14 AM

Great work ;)

acast 05-07-2012 10:26 PM

Hi. I have one problem with this hack. When you click in a thumb image, you cant go the larger image where the thumb leads.

Syxguns 05-07-2012 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by acast (Post 2327185)
Hi. I have one problem with this hack. When you click in a thumb image, you cant go the larger image where the thumb leads.

Read post 195 for a fix. You need to upgrade the hack, but still all problems are not solved. MARCO1 didn't update any longer, but with a little work of your own you can have it to your liking. Until I did some work the mod would not function properly. I still don't have buttons but it enlarge without opening a new page.

Vick98 06-14-2012 10:31 AM

Is there another mod like this that is updated for 4.2?

acast 06-20-2012 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by Syxguns (Post 2327189)
Read post 195 for a fix. You need to upgrade the hack, but still all problems are not solved. MARCO1 didn't update any longer, but with a little work of your own you can have it to your liking. Until I did some work the mod would not function properly. I still don't have buttons but it enlarge without opening a new page.

I read it, and i have firebug installed, but i dont know how i will know which file is missed. ?? My problem is that, when i have a thumb and i click in the image, it opens like the other images in the Marco1 plugin frame, but i cant open the real link of the thumb.

With firebug i see this:

<li class="highslide-full-expand">
<a class=" disabled" title="Expand to actual size (f)" href="#">

Perhaps is because it is disabled in that line?

Thank you for your help.

Syxguns 06-21-2012 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by acast (Post 2341601)
I read it, and i have firebug installed, but i dont know how i will know which file is missed. ?? My problem is that, when i have a thumb and i click in the image, it opens like the other images in the Marco1 plugin frame, but i cant open the real link of the thumb.

With firebug i see this:

<li class="highslide-full-expand">
<a class=" disabled" title="Expand to actual size (f)" href="#">

Perhaps is because it is disabled in that line?

Thank you for your help.

PM me your site link unless you want to drop it here. Give me the exact link to a picture so I can check it with Firebug. I think you may be missing a .js folder, and that may fix the problem. I will not know until I have a closer look.

JetLee 07-29-2012 06:02 PM

So is this working for 4.2 PL2, or no?

Does not appear to be working in 4.2 PL2. It doesn't resize the images at all.

drchinh 08-04-2012 03:58 AM


Originally Posted by JetLee (Post 2352525)
So is this working for 4.2 PL2, or no?

Does not appear to be working in 4.2 PL2. It doesn't resize the images at all.

I met the same problems, it didn't work on vBB 4.2. Please help me, everybody!

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