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obmob 02-09-2010 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1977492)
Sorry, I was probably being a bit obscure.

Take a look at LDM/admin/settings, at the file_icons_dir setting. The default in this version of LDM should be images/ldm-silk-icons/, which is not the same as with the previous version. Also check that this directory contains about 63 icons - if not, upload them from the release file.

OMG... I never thought that O.o

Thanks, I'll redo my templates now u.u

Alfa1 02-09-2010 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1931114)
I have no formal plans, but I suspect this is the list of priorities:

a) Get LDM working with its current functionality with VB4. So far, this seems mainly a matter of dealing with all the templates and template calls.

b) Tidy things up so that LDM follows (e.g.) the new css practices and stylevars

c) Integrate with the CMS, including widgets to replicate the previous vbadvanced addons

I'm not sure about vbadvanced support yet. Will have to see what is forthcoming.

d) Only then will I start thinking about new features/suggestions

With Integration with the CMS, do you mean making LDM a CMS content type?

obmob 02-09-2010 05:27 PM

I think Andrew refers to those modules that work with vbAdvanced. :p

How can i rebuild this link to work with vB4? I was able to do the resize on my images, but can't figure how to do this particular link OO


I want the image to point into the single view before downloading.
You can see the online test here.

AndrewD 02-10-2010 03:35 AM


Originally Posted by obmob (Post 1978450)
I think Andrew refers to those modules that work with vbAdvanced. :p

How can i rebuild this link to work with vB4? I was able to do the resize on my images, but can't figure how to do this particular link OO


I want the image to point into the single view before downloading.
You can see the online test here.


href="./local_links.php?catid={vb:raw linkcatid}&linkid={vb:raw linkid}"
should do it.

obmob 02-10-2010 04:38 PM

Thanks Andrew!

Unfortunately, for some reason, my link is not showing. This is my SHORT template could you take a look and tell me what is wrong?

Basically, the main difference is trying to resize the image, maybe it has too much code, don't know, took it from the MAGNIFY template if I recall.



<vb:if condition="!$linkexpired or $show['ldm_view_hidden']">
<tr id="linkid{vb:raw linkid}">
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="0">
    <td width="250" align="right" valign="top">
    <vb:if condition="$linkimglink"><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr>
<td align="right" valign="top"><vb:if condition="$linkimg"><div style="padding:10px;"<a href="./local_links.php?catid={vb:raw linkcatid}&linkid={vb:raw linkid)"><img class="inlineimg" src="{vb:raw vboptions.bburl}/{vb:raw LDM_scripts.RESIZE_SCRIPT}.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}linkid={vb:raw linkid}<vb:if condition="isset($entityid)"><vb:if condition="$entityid">&amp;entityid={vb:raw entityid}</vb:if></vb:if>&amp;size=275" alt="{vb:raw linkname}" border="0" /></a></div></vb:if>
</td> </tr></table>
    <td align="left" valign="top"><div class="smallfont" style="padding-top:10px;">{vb:raw linknewbit} {vb:raw linkfavbit} {vb:raw linksendtofriendbit} {vb:raw linkreportlinkbit} {vb:raw linkeditbit}</div>
        <div class="smallfont" style="padding-top:10px;"><b>{vb:raw linkurllink}</b> </div>
        <div class="smallfont">~{vb:raw linkusername}</div>
        <div class="smallfont">{vb:raw linkdate}</div> 
    <vb:if condition="$show['ldm_view_hits']"><div class="smallfont">{vb:rawphrase ll_hits} {vb:raw linkhits}</div></vb:if>

<vb:if condition="$linkraters"><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_rating}/rating-15_{vb:raw linkrate}.png" border="0" alt="{vb:raw linkrate} *" /></vb:if>

AndrewD 02-11-2010 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by obmob (Post 1979244)
Thanks Andrew!

Unfortunately, for some reason, my link is not showing. This is my SHORT template could you take a look and tell me what is wrong?

Basically, the main difference is trying to resize the image, maybe it has too much code, don't know, took it from the MAGNIFY template if I recall.


There were a couple of bugs in your template, which are fixed below. Please be aware that you will need to make some more (minor) changes with LDM 3.0.2, - e.g. RESIZE_SCRIPT will beome LDM_RESIZE_SCRIPT.


<vb:if condition="!$linkexpired or $show['ldm_view_hidden']">
<tr id="linkid{vb:raw linkid}">
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="0">
    <td width="250" align="right" valign="top">
    <vb:if condition="$linkimglink"><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr>
<td align="right" valign="top"><vb:if condition="$linkimg"><div style="padding:10px;"><a href="./local_links.php?catid={vb:raw linkcatid}&amp;linkid={vb:raw linkid}"><img class="inlineimg" src="{vb:raw vboptions.bburl}/{vb:raw LDM_scripts.LDM_RESIZE_SCRIPT}.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}linkid={vb:raw linkid}<vb:if condition="isset($entityid)"><vb:if condition="$entityid">&amp;entityid={vb:raw entityid}</vb:if></vb:if>&amp;size=275" alt="{vb:raw linkname}" border="0" /></a></div></vb:if>
</td> </tr></table>
    <td align="left" valign="top"><div class="smallfont" style="padding-top:10px;">{vb:raw linknewbit} {vb:raw linkfavbit} {vb:raw linksendtofriendbit} {vb:raw linkreportlinkbit} {vb:raw linkeditbit}</div>
        <div class="smallfont" style="padding-top:10px;"><b>{vb:raw linkurllink}</b> </div>
        <div class="smallfont">~{vb:raw linkusername}</div>
        <div class="smallfont">{vb:raw linkdate}</div> 
    <vb:if condition="$show['ldm_view_hits']"><div class="smallfont">{vb:rawphrase ll_hits} {vb:raw linkhits}</div></vb:if>

<vb:if condition="$linkraters"><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_rating}/rating-15_{vb:raw linkrate}.png" border="0" alt="{vb:raw linkrate} *" /></vb:if>

lovevn 02-11-2010 05:51 AM

When I upgraded i got this


Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/myaccount/public_html/forum/includes/class_core.php on line 780
But it seems that it was upgraded. Should I do anything?

And how can I change the name of it on my forum tab?


lovevn 02-11-2010 06:04 AM

I tried editting the phrase but after my edit, the text on my tab disappeared!

obmob 02-11-2010 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1979735)
There were a couple of bugs in your template, which are fixed below. Please be aware that you will need to make some more (minor) changes with LDM 3.0.2, - e.g. RESIZE_SCRIPT will beome LDM_RESIZE_SCRIPT.

Thank you very much Andrew! :)


Originally Posted by lovevn (Post 1979771)
I tried editting the phrase but after my edit, the text on my tab disappeared!

Try uploading the phrases_en inside the development folder.

Quirin 02-17-2010 05:50 PM

Will there be an update to the 4.0.2? The templates are in after the update no longer.

AndrewD 02-18-2010 11:41 AM

There's been a change in the latest version of vb, 4.0.2, which breaks the layout of LDM pages. This will be corrected for in the forthcoming new release of LDM (3.0.2) which I will get out just as soon as I've tested it properly with vb 4.0.2. In the meantime, fixing the layout problem involves simple edits to these templates:

a) links_header
b) links_iframed
c) links_play_naked
d) links_play_standalone

In each case, you need to find *all* occurrences of {vb:var vbcsspath} and replace this by {vb:raw vbcsspath}, i.e. change vb:var to vb:raw

Quirin 02-18-2010 12:06 PM

Thanks that has worked wonderfully

obmob 02-18-2010 09:40 PM

Hmm... and they said vb4 was a gold version, will wait for your release before upgrading, thanks! :D

Dadoo 02-22-2010 02:22 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Andrew, we have updated french xml translations files to 3.0.1.

Sorry, i forgot to send you :-(

Btw, i'm waiting for 3.0.2 link for updating again.. (at this moment, only 3.0.1 and translation files are available)

AndrewD 02-22-2010 02:47 PM

I've uploaded LDM 3.0.2, which fixes a number of bugs (including the problem created by vb 4.0.2) and adds some new features:

+ vbCMS

vbCMS modules provided, equivalent to those for forumhome and LDM sidebar (hot/new/random, thumb/text)

+ Admin/bandwidth
Extended the bandwidth controls to allow admins to specify per-usergroup maximum transfer rates for downloads

+ Extras
Patch to forumbit construction has become an 'extra' because of need for template edit in vb4
New 'admin-chart-logjumps' extra adds graphics to hits analysis

+ Bug fixes
Fixed patch-forumhome-newlinks extra
Fixed patch-forumhome-recententries extra
Fixed sql error with special searches when 'can_view_hidden/expiry days' apply
Fixed vanishing images (workaround for change in vb code)
Fixed subcategory indenting in catbits

+ Other
Moved 'extras' directory up a level and out of 'release'
More minor tweaks to templates
Tweaks to php code to speed page rendering
Fixed code to work correctly with vb 4.0.2

I've also made the location of the Links/Download menu item a configurable option (but you have to edit the file includes/local_links_defns.php to change this option).

If there are no serious problems reported in the next week, we'll take this mod out of Beta status.

AndrewD 02-22-2010 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by finereader (Post 1988804)

Andrew, we have updated french xml translations files to 3.0.1.

Sorry, i forgot to send you :-(

Btw, i'm waiting for 3.0.2 link for updating again.. (at this moment, only 3.0.1 and translation files are available)

Thanks - and sorry - we just overlapped with each other.

Dadoo 02-22-2010 03:23 PM

1 Attachment(s)
No problem :-)

Translation in progress..


Done !

Trek 02-22-2010 04:30 PM

I just installed the new version, it's working very well, thanks!

I do have one problem though.

I cleared out the display of the navbar link as I have a manual link to it through a submenu. However, when doing this, it clears out the subnav links as well, so there's no way to add new files, get to the admin, etc.

All I wanted to do was remove the primary navbar link to save some space there, but keep the subnav. Is this possible?

ShawnV 02-22-2010 05:18 PM

Thanks Andrew, great update.

obmob 02-22-2010 05:29 PM

Nice, will test upgrading now :D

E.T. 02-22-2010 05:52 PM

Thanks Andrew, it's working with my style in 4.0.2.

But I've the following error after the upgrade after select a download:


- Local file system functions disabled via php's disable_functions - Local downloads not available
I don't think I've disabled something..

Could you please help me out with this ?

obmob 02-22-2010 08:54 PM

Testing locally, upgraded to 4.0.2, then uploaded the new files and imported the product. Everything seems fine.

I did configure my init and defns the link is ok in the navbar, clicked on it and then got this error.


Fatal error: Call to undefined function ldmstandard_error() in D:\local\website\mysite\links.php  on line 255
I use links.php instead of local_links.php

What did i do wrong? :(

AndrewD 02-23-2010 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by E.T. (Post 1988952)
Thanks Andrew, it's working with my style in 4.0.2.

But I've the following error after the upgrade after select a download:


- Local file system functions disabled via php's disable_functions - Local downloads not available
I don't think I've disabled something..

Could you please help me out with this ?

This is to warn you that your system admin has disabled some or all or the following php functions: fread, fpassthru, fopen, fclose: in your php.ini (the php configuration file). These functions are needed to access files on the local server.

Have you recently changed host?

AndrewD 02-23-2010 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by obmob (Post 1989121)
What did i do wrong? :(

Nothing - I'd forgotten to test with renamed scripts, and there's a bug. Will fix it today.

E.T. 02-23-2010 05:30 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1989374)

Have you recently changed host?

No same host, same forum, nothing changed, just upgraded.

Will ask the hosting company to check this.


AndrewD 02-23-2010 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by obmob (Post 1989121)
Testing locally, upgraded to 4.0.2, then uploaded the new files and imported the product. Everything seems fine.

I did configure my init and defns the link is ok in the navbar, clicked on it and then got this error.


Fatal error: Call to undefined function ldmstandard_error() in D:\local\website\mysite\links.php  on line 255
I use links.php instead of local_links.php

What did i do wrong? :(

Reuploaded the release with a fix for file renaming - everything else unchanged.

AndrewD 02-23-2010 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by Trek (Post 1988882)
I just installed the new version, it's working very well, thanks!

I do have one problem though.

I cleared out the display of the navbar link as I have a manual link to it through a submenu. However, when doing this, it clears out the subnav links as well, so there's no way to add new files, get to the admin, etc.

All I wanted to do was remove the primary navbar link to save some space there, but keep the subnav. Is this possible?

I'm not sure how easy this is to do - the vbulletin infrastructure keeps the navbar link and its submenus together.

One option would be to display the navbar entry only when inside LDM (I assume you've got a way to get into LDM in the first place). If this would suit you, I'll post an explanation.

E.T. 02-23-2010 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by E.T. (Post 1989410)

Will ask the hosting company to check this.


Hosting provider told me there is nothing changed...., will install a 4.0.1 forum with LDM to check if that is working. I'm pretty sure the LDM 3.0.1 was working with 4.0.2, only the style was terrible, that was fixed with LDM 3.0.2

So I'm lost and the only way to check is to install a test forum to see were it goes wrong.

keep you informed

obmob 02-23-2010 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1989649)
Reuploaded the release with a fix for file renaming - everything else unchanged.

Thanks Andrew, working now! :D

abdelghani68 02-23-2010 06:09 PM

thanks very mush for the update. I have installed "vbcms-viewentries-widget" and I can't saved the modification that I do it in ldm/admin/settings.

I have do the modification in the plugin.

I think, it will be very good if we can choose to display the name's categorie with her entree in the widget. [edit : sorry I have see now there is this option (but doesn't works) vbcms_list_showcatname]

obmob 02-23-2010 07:51 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I bumped into another little issue. When I click the Links/Downloads link in the navbar another one appears selected.

If you are in the CMS, the blogs or the forums, only one Links/Downloads link is shown.
Attached screenshot. :p

AndrewD 02-24-2010 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by E.T. (Post 1989750)
Hosting provider told me there is nothing changed...., will install a 4.0.1 forum with LDM to check if that is working. I'm pretty sure the LDM 3.0.1 was working with 4.0.2, only the style was terrible, that was fixed with LDM 3.0.2

So I'm lost and the only way to check is to install a test forum to see were it goes wrong.

keep you informed

Could you start by going to your vb admincp/maintenance/view php info. Take a look down the display - see if there is an row for disable_functions, and let me know what it says.

AndrewD 02-24-2010 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by obmob (Post 1989890)
I bumped into another little issue. When I click the Links/Downloads link in the navbar another one appears selected.

If you are in the CMS, the blogs or the forums, only one Links/Downloads link is shown.
Attached screenshot. :p

I thought I'd fixed this. Did you re-install the product xml?

If you did, pls go to vb/admincp/products and plugins/plugin manager. Edit the Links and Downloads Manager - Add LDM to main vBulletin menu plugin attached to the process_templates_complete hook. After the line:



echo "<br />";
echo "<br />";

and save.

Run your main ldm script and let me know what gets displayed at the top of the screen. Then undo the edit to the plugin.

andyv72 02-24-2010 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1990163)
Could you start by going to your vb admincp/maintenance/view php info. Take a look down the display - see if there is an row for disable_functions, and let me know what it says.

Hello Andrew
i have same problem...

my php.info say:
disable_functions system, show_source, passthru, shell_exec, exec, pcntl_exec, popen, posix_setuid, posix_seteuid, proc_open, chown, dbmopen, disk_free_space, diskfreespace system, show_source, passthru, shell_exec, exec, pcntl_exec, popen, posix_setuid, posix_seteuid, proc_open, chown, dbmopen, disk_free_space, diskfreespace

E.T. 02-24-2010 11:22 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1990163)
Could you start by going to your vb admincp/maintenance/view php info. Take a look down the display - see if there is an row for disable_functions, and let me know what it says.

Hi AndrewD,

Hereby a screenshot from the disable_functions in the vb admincp/maintenance/view php info.

mitch84 02-24-2010 12:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I can't install this product, after this screenshoot, nothing; I tried several times

AndrewD 02-24-2010 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by andyv72 (Post 1990293)
Hello Andrew
i have same problem...

my php.info say:
disable_functions system, show_source, passthru, shell_exec, exec, pcntl_exec, popen, posix_setuid, posix_seteuid, proc_open, chown, dbmopen, disk_free_space, diskfreespace system, show_source, passthru, shell_exec, exec, pcntl_exec, popen, posix_setuid, posix_seteuid, proc_open, chown, dbmopen, disk_free_space, diskfreespace


Originally Posted by E.T. (Post 1990311)
Hi AndrewD,

Hereby a screenshot from the disable_functions in the vb admincp/maintenance/view php info.

I'm at something of a loss, because the code in question looks very straightforward. (I'm also a bit irritated :) because this check on disable_functions was added to help give other people a more helpful warning when their system configuration blocked access to LDM.)

It would help me greatly to sort this out if I can have full vb admin access to one/both of your sites. If you agree, pls send me a PM.

AndrewD 02-24-2010 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by mitch84 (Post 1990372)
I can't install this product, after this screenshoot, nothing; I tried several times

Are you saying that the vb admincp hangs with this screen displayed?

andyv72 02-24-2010 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1990433)
I'm at something of a loss, because the code in question looks very straightforward. (I'm also a bit irritated :) because this check on disable_functions was added to help give other people a more helpful warning when their system configuration blocked access to LDM.)

It would help me greatly to sort this out if I can have full vb admin access to one/both of your sites. If you agree, pls send me a PM.

hi Andrew...

you have pm...

E.T. 02-24-2010 02:54 PM

And also from me.., you've visit this site before :)

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