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toonysnn 01-14-2010 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by HondaATC (Post 1955844)
Cool, keep me posted on the eggdrop manager. I'd definitely be interested in it and I bet some other people would be too.

My friend that manages the IRC server I use, and I were just talking last night about trying to possibly setup some checks in the database tables that would require someone to login with their forum name and password before the java applet would load (I use pjirc right now). And then possibly once thats done automatically have their IRC friendly username and password registered via NickServ via some small script. Require that to be done for anyone to join the server. Would cut out a lot of the idiots and trouble makers that come in ours. Sounds like thats pretty much exactly what you guys are working on, which would be awesome. I'll even toss a few bucks your way when its done to help out because I'd love to see something with that kind of implementation on my site.

That's something like what we're doing. EzIRC does allow you to change your name via IRC Options, things like that, but it's currently lacking an authentication method. eg nickserv authentication. hmmm I have plans. but for now, off to backport this mod to 3.x

aaronrand 01-15-2010 12:25 AM

was easy to install, thanks. my first mod :)
There isnt a way to retain forum usernames and passwords when you log in?
my friend has that option on his vbulletin site, using mibbit to connect.

toonysnn 01-15-2010 02:00 PM

You can use your username when you login, but this modification allows users to use their own nicknames. When you click on the Live Chat or IRC Chat tab (I forget which is default) there is another option under neath of it (when you're on the page) that says IRC Options. This allows users to specify a nickname of their choice, which is autoformatted to fit IRC standards.

sKippah 01-16-2010 09:06 AM

Hi. is it possible to get the Chat as a single one, own Window, not integrated in the Forum?

toonysnn 01-16-2010 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by sKippah (Post 1957206)
Hi. is it possible to get the Chat as a single one, own Window, not integrated in the Forum?

It is possible, but is currently not built in. I'll do that for the next release. :)

sKippah 01-18-2010 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by toonysnn (Post 1957443)
It is possible, but is currently not built in. I'll do that for the next release. :)

Thank u very much

Skyrider 01-21-2010 10:32 AM

toonysnn, is there any way you can alter this?


To connect to IRC manually, open your favorite irc client and type: /server webirc.gamesurge.net:6007 .. and once that's completed, type /join .. or click here.
Problem here is that mibbit blocks GameSurge users using the normal irc.gamesurge.net server, hence the need for webirc.. But it seems the whole plugin takes over that server and uses it everywhere on the page. I only wish to use the webirc for mibbit, and the URL irc:// connect should use a different server link including the java link.

I also found an issue with this plugin.. At the GameSurge server, using the channel name in the AdminCP:


gives me the error for mibbit:

No server tab, and no channel specified.
And when I use it without # it says unvalid channel to join.

HansMuenchen 01-22-2010 11:01 AM


in the 3.7 version of this Mod, it was possible to use the Membername for the Chat. I want ask if it will be planned to implement this again?

Maybe it would be also a nice idea to give the User the Possibility to set his Username and (if used) Nickserv password by itself into his own settings.

Thnx for the answer.


RDX1 01-23-2010 08:45 PM

I've found a few bugs.


Does not exist. It's on line 67, 204, 217, 284, 328.

Bug #1
Manual connection rules, displays .. instead of the channel.

Find: (Line 67)


          To connect to IRC manually, open your favorite irc client and type: <strong>/server {vb:raw vboptions.ezircvb4_server}</strong> .. and once that's completed, type <strong>/join {vb:raw vboptions.ezircvb4_templatefriendlychan}</strong> .. or click <a href='irc://{vb:raw vboptions.ezircvb4_server}/{vb:raw vboptions.ezircvb4_chan}'>here</a>. </div><br />


          To connect to IRC manually, open your favorite irc client and type: <strong>/server {vb:raw vboptions.ezircvb4_server}</strong> .. and once that's completed, type <strong>/join {vb:raw vboptions.ezircvb4_chan}</strong> .. or click <a href='irc://{vb:raw vboptions.ezircvb4_server}/{vb:raw vboptions.ezircvb4_chan}'>here</a>. </div><br />

Bug #2
When you try and join a channel via PJIRC you get "JOIN not enough parameters".

FIND: (Line 217)


<param name="command1" value="join {vb:raw vboptions.ezircvb4_templatefriendlychan}">


<param name="command1" value="join {vb:raw vboptions.ezircvb4_chan}">

Bug #3
Username isn't forum username when using PJIRC.

FIND: (Line 211)


<param name="nick" value="{vb:raw bbuserinfo.ezircvb4_username}">


<param name="nick" value="{vb:raw bbuserinfo.username}">


<param name="alternatenick" value="{vb:raw bbuserinfo.ezircvb4_username}???">

Feature #1
Unable to select own codebase path.

FIND: (Line 209)


<applet codebase="./pjirc/" code="IRCApplet.class" archive="irc.jar,pixx.jar" width=640 height=400>


<applet codebase="{vb:raw vboptions.ezircvb4_pjirccodebase}" code="IRCApplet.class" archive="irc.jar,pixx.jar" width=640 height=400>
FIND Line 462 add after </setting>


                <setting varname="ezircvb4_pjirccodebase" displayorder="20">

FIND Line 392, ADD After


                        <phrase name="setting_ezircvb4_pjirccodebase_desc" date="1262982807" username="William E." version="2.0.1"><![CDATA[Where are your PJIRC files located? Use: http://www.yourdomain.com/path/to/pjirc]]></phrase>
                        <phrase name="setting_ezircvb4_pjirccodebase_title" date="1262982807" username="William E." version="2.0.1"><![CDATA[PJIRC Codebase Path]]></phrase>

HansMuenchen 01-26-2010 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by RDX1 (Post 1964740)
I've found a few bugs.


Does not exist. It's on line 67, 204, 217, 284, 328.


can you tell me where to replace it exactly?

Thank you for the Answer


toonysnn 01-27-2010 12:01 PM

RDX1, vboptions.ezircvb4_templatefriendlychan does actually exist. It's not a user-selectable option. It's a backend-parsed option. Check the PHP file.
I don't remember exactly how I parsed this but I'll look into the bugs you mentioned.

I've had a hard drive failure and it took quite some time to get a replacement drive, I'm just now back online (obviously)

"Bug #1" This may be a problem with 4.0.1, I'll have to look into it.
"Bug #2" That's not supposed to happen, so something is not being parsed.
"Bug #3" Not a bug. Nicknames are parsed by EzIRC. Not the forum. Otherwise IRC standards are not put into place.
"Feature #1" I'll be adding settings to that to select either local or remote codebase.

toonysnn 01-27-2010 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider (Post 1962210)
toonysnn, is there any way you can alter this?

Problem here is that mibbit blocks GameSurge users using the normal irc.gamesurge.net server, hence the need for webirc.. But it seems the whole plugin takes over that server and uses it everywhere on the page. I only wish to use the webirc for mibbit, and the URL irc:// connect should use a different server link including the java link.

I also found an issue with this plugin.. At the GameSurge server, using the channel name in the AdminCP:


gives me the error for mibbit:

And when I use it without # it says unvalid channel to join.

I'll be implementing this into a phrase, and making it easily editable by users.
I'll add in manual connection information type of optionset. That should fix the problems.

I might provide a "pre-set" list of IRC servers (which set your connection information automatically based on the server chosen.) Feedback anyone?

toonysnn 01-27-2010 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by HansMuenchen (Post 1963274)

in the 3.7 version of this Mod, it was possible to use the Membername for the Chat. I want ask if it will be planned to implement this again?

Maybe it would be also a nice idea to give the User the Possibility to set his Username and (if used) Nickserv password by itself into his own settings.

Thnx for the answer.


Yes, this is actually implemented, but I do not believe it's automatic. I forget. I'll have to look at it.

It currently has the IRC Options to allow users to edit their nickname. I'll be adding a optionset for this as well, IRC Nicknames & Changeability.

HansMuenchen 01-27-2010 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by toonysnn (Post 1967905)
Yes, this is actually implemented, but I do not believe it's automatic. I forget. I'll have to look at it.

It currently has the IRC Options to allow users to edit their nickname. I'll be adding a optionset for this as well, IRC Nicknames & Changeability.

That would be nice if that will be possible :) And makes life more easy :)


Edrondol 01-28-2010 03:28 PM

This has been working like clockwork until today. If you choose PJIRC it works fine, but mibbit simply cycles with a message it's "waiting for the IRC server".

Anyone else getting this? Seems to be something Mibbit changed.

toonysnn 01-28-2010 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by Edrondol (Post 1969053)
This has been working like clockwork until today. If you choose PJIRC it works fine, but mibbit simply cycles with a message it's "waiting for the IRC server".

Anyone else getting this? Seems to be something Mibbit changed.

I'll look into that. But, it shouldn't be hanging.

Edrondol 01-30-2010 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by toonysnn (Post 1969404)
I'll look into that. But, it shouldn't be hanging.

You know, I thought the same thing!

If you want to see what it looks like, my site is http://www.halforums.com

toonysnn 01-30-2010 04:43 AM

I got the Mibbit hanging thing earlier today, but it seems to have worked itself out. Anyone confirm?

RDX1 01-30-2010 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by toonysnn (Post 1967898)
RDX1, vboptions.ezircvb4_templatefriendlychan does actually exist. It's not a user-selectable option. It's a backend-parsed option. Check the PHP file.
I don't remember exactly how I parsed this but I'll look into the bugs you mentioned.

I've had a hard drive failure and it took quite some time to get a replacement drive, I'm just now back online (obviously)

"Bug #1" This may be a problem with 4.0.1, I'll have to look into it.
"Bug #2" That's not supposed to happen, so something is not being parsed.
"Bug #3" Not a bug. Nicknames are parsed by EzIRC. Not the forum. Otherwise IRC standards are not put into place.
"Feature #1" I'll be adding settings to that to select either local or remote codebase.

As far as bug #3, when I was logging in I didn't even get anything close to what the forum username was. It was "Unspecified" or something.

toonysnn 01-31-2010 11:10 PM

You have to set the username from the IRC Options.

RDX1 02-03-2010 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by toonysnn (Post 1971733)
You have to set the username from the IRC Options.

I just went through all the settings again, didn't see any option for it.

Floris 02-04-2010 03:25 PM

Feature request:

the vbirc network now supports an API for remote usage. Have the ezirc plugin for vb 3.x and vb 4.x support this. So when the default profile is used, the frontpage can properly show (cached??) the following:

- which network they're on, what chat channel, and link to the live chat,
- the amount of users in the chat, and which usernames.
- topic to channel, perhaps link to channel rules?
- optionally, graphs of activity?
- link back to http://stats.vbirc.com/ and their channel (for more detailed statistics)

Documentation can be found here:


Statistics are automatically generated but PER channel detailed statistics are done via statserv bot that we can provide. This is something we offer our chat channels - everybody can request it.

Thank you; I hope we can help you enhance the ezirc plugin :)

Floris 02-04-2010 03:27 PM

Offtopic, users using this ezirc plugin and the vbirc network can get listed on http://vbirc.com/sites if they want.

TheMeanBish 02-05-2010 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by Floris (Post 1974744)
Feature request:

the vbirc network now supports an API for remote usage. Have the ezirc plugin for vb 3.x and vb 4.x support this. So when the default profile is used, the frontpage can properly show (cached??) the following:
- which network they're on, what chat channel, and link to the live chat,
- the amount of users in the chat, and which usernames.
- topic to channel, perhaps link to channel rules?
- optionally, graphs of activity?
- link back to http://stats.vbirc.com/ and their channel (for more detailed statistics)
Documentation can be found here:
Statistics are automatically generated but PER channel detailed statistics are done via statserv bot that we can provide. This is something we offer our chat channels - everybody can request it.
Thank you; I hope we can help you enhance the ezirc plugin :)

This would sweet. I'm looking forward for this to be added. :3

monoxide1717 02-06-2010 03:29 AM

I am noticing that the Mibbit Widget isn't working on the chat addon. It isn't working on www.massivesoft.org either. So it is something wrong with the Mibbit Widget or the Addon? I know that the Mibbit Widget is very unstable and messes up all the time. Just trying to make sure

monoxide1717 02-06-2010 03:37 AM

Oh, was also wondering if it is possible to change the size of the PJIRC widget inside the page and if so how do I do that?

Kingdombuilder 02-06-2010 07:57 AM

I have had the opportunity to try this out and I am overwhelmed with this chat room. i think that it is very awesome. Thank you for providing it for VB4... This should help my site greatly...

Floris 02-06-2010 03:50 PM

I don't see any evidence of outage on the networks vbirc or mibbit. No users on my network complained that it wasn't loading. Maybe you've done something wrong?

monoxide1717 02-07-2010 04:37 AM

Yeah I figured out the problem that I was having with the Widget. It's all fixed and working now. Now does anybody know if it is possible to change the size of the PJIRC applet? I would like to make it as large as the Mibbit widget. Anybody know how to do that?

And btw thanks for the help Floris :)

toonysnn 02-07-2010 10:28 AM

2.0.2 BF1
BF = Bug Fix release
  • File (Not Required to Upload, recommended that you do)
    • Fixed ?select=X bug (user now has to abid by administrator choice
    • RegEx is now working properly, if it wasn't already
    • Forces Username before connect (Strongly advised to update for this... Mibbit will cease to load!)
  • Product XML (Required Upload)
    • Updated Mibbit Template (New Code / Additions
    • Updated PJIRC Template (Additions)
    • Custom Width / Height under EzIRC: Misc. Displays (Rules, IRC connect info...)
    • Version Check URL Updated (version.massivesoft.org)
  • Release Notes
    • Mibbit now works, along with forced Nickname selection. If you do not upload the file (ezirc.php) it will cease to force nickname selection, and autoconnect will not work.

monoxide1717 02-07-2010 11:42 AM

awesome man thanks for fixing this. how would i go about upgrading to this?

monoxide1717 02-07-2010 11:44 AM

argh nevermind i am such an idiot sometimes

sKippah 02-07-2010 01:18 PM

Hello. Where is the username saved? And is it possible to have an always used Username too? Like User12 and so on?
On more Question... I would like to use the chat as a Standalone, so that u can browse throug the board and chat. Thanks

Would be nice if u could do a complete Package, including the Chat Software too. Appreciate

Edit: Well i have tried following, uploaded your php to the Main forum Folder. Uploaded the Pjirc also to the main forum and called it pjirc.... but i get this and have no clue what i have to do. http://pastebin.com/m5a1c6fa5

toonysnn 02-07-2010 02:04 PM

Ah crap I'm a idiot. Now I know why the zip seemed too small when I made it... you'll get that error when you don't have the full pjirc files. Hold on...

toonysnn 02-07-2010 02:06 PM

First post updated with the full install. Sorry for any trouble this has given anyone.

sKippah 02-07-2010 02:12 PM

You are my man. Appreciate ;) Cheers

Edit: Seems there is an Error now. Try to add a Username but it wont save it. The side where u have to enter the Username is still open

Edit2: Just when u go back and and use the IRC Tab again it works


Unable to connect : java.net.ConnectException : Connection timed out: connect

Solved: Maybe just a space or something similiar ;)

toonysnn 02-07-2010 02:21 PM

Could you link me to your website?

sKippah 02-07-2010 02:47 PM

First off all, just to thank u for the very nice Support on iRC ;)

A "few" ideas i have for Noobs like me ;)

- Maybe it would be a good idea to get a Menu item in ACP, so u dont need to go through the Setting-Options-EzIRC: all

- My Forum is Multilingual - Is it possible to add a Flag, or similiar, system above the Chat to Switch between two or more Languages?

- I would like to use the Chat as a standalone Addon. Maybe u could implement a check where u can choose between integrated or standalone Chat.

- The Username Option: What if u type a wrong Username? Would?nt it be better to type in a (new) Username all the Time u join the Chat(s) . And what if someone is using your Name but u dont want it. Maybe a "forbidden Usernames" Part?

- Can i set mode +x?

- I set Do you wish for guests to be able to access this script? to yes but i does not work, means no IRC-Tab

Thank u very much.

toonysnn 02-08-2010 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by sKippah (Post 1976686)
First off all, just to thank u for the very nice Support on iRC ;)

A "few" ideas i have for Noobs like me ;)

- Maybe it would be a good idea to get a Menu item in ACP, so u dont need to go through the Setting-Options-EzIRC: all

Doing that now.

Originally Posted by sKippah (Post 1976686)
- My Forum is Multilingual - Is it possible to add a Flag, or similiar, system above the Chat to Switch between two or more Languages?

I would have to find language translations. Maybe I could provide them in a extras folder or something in the release.

Originally Posted by sKippah (Post 1976686)
- I would like to use the Chat as a standalone Addon. Maybe u could implement a check where u can choose between integrated or standalone Chat.

Standalone? O_o
Do you mean still integrated with vBulletin but a popup window?

Originally Posted by sKippah (Post 1976686)
- The Username Option: What if u type a wrong Username? Would?nt it be better to type in a (new) Username all the Time u join the Chat(s) . And what if someone is using your Name but u dont want it. Maybe a "forbidden Usernames" Part?

Typing the username every time you join could get repetitive. And as far as the forbidden usernames, I'll be integrating the "bad names" from vBulletin registration, and the "word filter."

Originally Posted by sKippah (Post 1976686)
- Can i set mode +x?

I'll have a modes option in the next release.

Originally Posted by sKippah (Post 1976686)
- I set Do you wish for guests to be able to access this script? to yes but i does not work, means no IRC-Tab

This is a known bug with the newest release.

Originally Posted by sKippah (Post 1976686)
Thank u very much.

Your welcome :)

toonysnn 02-10-2010 05:12 AM

Bad news about Multi-channel (with password support) .. it'll only work with PJIRC. Due to a bug in Mibbit's auto connect method, it'll only support one single password (which I've yet to test even that)

But, on the bright side, I've implemented a multi-channel manager, network manager (preset list of networks, default vbirc.com) and the ability to add your own networks to the preset list (locally only, of course)
Statistics and such will be built in, but I'm looking into cron based checking and how to do such thing. Opinions on this would be greatly appreciated.

Without much more to do, the development will crawl this back to vB3.6+ unless anyone has more features and I skipped over them?

Also, +x is (by default) set on most servers, and I don't think I can do on-connect modes in Mibbit. pjirc is doable, but I'd prefer to keep the features the same unless otherwise majority prefers otherwise.

And finally, there is now a admincp section on the left. You no longer will have to go through the vBulletin options to select and edit things, it's all from the left. There are more files, of course.
  • admincp/
    • ezirc.php
  • includes/
  • cron/
    • ezirc.php
    • xml/
      • cpnav_ezircvb4.xml
With the latest upgrade, you'll have to reset your options, so please wait on upgrading until you can properly configure the modification.

2.0.3 is expected to be released on Sunday, February 14th, 2010.

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