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Dynamic One 11-23-2002 03:12 PM

Thanks for this hack m8.

Austone 11-28-2002 12:22 AM


Originally posted by Littlebit
Is it an impossible thing to make it so if you have your forums threads post order set to 'newest first' in your adminCP, the post count for the newest post will be post# 99 (for example) or whatever it is instead of 1? post# 1 still being the original first post...
What would be the best way to go about trying this?

I did this... because I have it where each user can select the post order... (that is where $bbuserinfo[postorder]==0 comes from.. I don't know what the variable would be for the whole BBS.. but the structure would be similar)
PHP Code:

 if($bbuserinfo[postorder]==0) {
$post[postcount] = ++$postcount;
 } else {
$postrev $totalposts $postcount;
$post[postcount] = $postrev;


$post[totalposts] = $totalposts

..also I added the $post[totalposts] = $totalposts; line so that I can show Post # x of y

..just change the postbit template to have...
PHP Code:

<smallfont>Post #$post[postcount] of $post[totalposts]</smallfont> 

..wherever you want it.

Hope that helps,

Littlebit 11-28-2002 01:44 PM

Kyle, thank you :bunny:

agfisdn 12-22-2002 03:01 AM

Rating: 5/5 !

Great Hack :pirate:

Installed nice and easy on 2.2.9

Used (Posts in this Thread):
1) Instructions Post (2.0.3 and UP :))
2) Crinos' postbit Edit
3) postbit_ignore Edit Attached... (Same way as Crino's Edit)

Thanx bira !

Ps: What I cannot find is why the Post # does not show when you click on the ingored Post (java script popup window that shows on demand an ignored user's Post). I get the Post# Link but there is no $post[postcount]... no biggy :))

Dan_UPC 01-05-2003 05:54 AM

great hack.


BfB 01-05-2003 04:44 PM

(you won't need it anyway, as it's super easy, heh)

Alright everyone, I took the liberty of putting this altogether again, using bira's original idea, xug and crinos' link code, freddie's simple code, and Austone's "post of total posts" code/link code. Everything works great on v2.2.9 so I assume this will work perfectly for previous versions of 2.0.3 and up.

This version of the hack will display "Post #x of x" (post of total posts), as well as the link to that post.

Working example can be found at http://www.lightningforums.com running vBulletin v2.2.9

Taken from:


Credit to bira, xug, crinos, freddie, and Austone, from which the following hack was prepared.



sabret00the 01-22-2003 01:40 PM


Originally posted by freddie

$postbits .= getpostbit($post);

Put this before it:

$post[postcount] = ++$postcount;

Then put $post[postcount] in your postbit template.

i know it says no support given but i'm baffled, i can't find that in my showthread.php i can find it without the dot but even then the hack don't work

running 2.2.9

i installed it on a 2.2.6 and it worked tho :-S

BfB 01-22-2003 02:18 PM

Use my text file above your post and that should help you install it correctly.

Littlebit 01-23-2003 03:23 AM

hey, thanks for doing that for us! :)

subu1 01-25-2003 07:05 AM


Originally posted by dwh
It's more complicated now, I'll try to be brief.


  $postbits .= getpostbit($post);

moin, sorry but i don't find this, what can i do. *snief*

greetz subu1

BfB 01-25-2003 08:56 AM


Originally posted by subu1
moin, sorry but i don't find this, what can i do. *snief*
I just opened a fresh "unaltered" showthread.php from v2.2.9 and found what you're looking for on Line 440.

Are you sure you're searching for:

$postbits .= getpostbit($post);
(it's normally best to copy/paste to minimize typing error on your part)

If you just do a search on just $postbits you'll fine it in 3 places. Look for which one has the "." in it, which will be the 3rd $postbits from the top of the .php file.

Use the text file I put together to help you do this hack with ease, found within this post (just several up):


I hope this helps!



Littlebit 01-25-2003 01:05 PM

yeh, you probably have the arcade hack or something installed ...which slightly changes that line...

subu1 01-25-2003 05:15 PM

ok thanks friends it`s running now, but now i have the same Problem of post# (no Number) ;) , but i can livinh with this.

ups my english

greetz subu1

monstergamer 04-07-2003 02:18 AM

works fine on 2.3.0

clicks install

subu1 04-07-2003 06:08 AM


01-25-03 at 11:56 AM BfB said this in Post #171
I just opened a fresh "unaltered" showthread.php from v2.2.9 and found what you're looking for on Line 440.

Are you sure you're searching for:

$postbits .= getpostbit($post);
(it's normally best to copy/paste to minimize typing error on your part)

If you just do a search on just $postbits you'll fine it in 3 places. Look for which one has the "." in it, which will be the 3rd $postbits from the top of the .php file.

Use the text file I put together to help you do this hack with ease, found within this post (just several up):


I hope this helps!



thx for your help, but in my Showthread i have a lot of Hacks :dead:
in moment i find this

PHP Code:

$countposts $countposts+1;
$postbits getpostbit($post,$vpa_champs_a); 

thxx subu1

Mr. X 04-10-2003 06:45 AM

Just installed it (2.3.0) and it works great. I customized the postbit function though a bit, since I already have space where the default code goes, so I just replaced the Report|IP Logged links with the Post number one, and put the report/ip elsewhere.

Oh and thanks BfB!

Entourage 04-10-2003 08:23 AM

whoei, nice, installed in 5sec's. It works great with vb 2.3.0. Tnx for the hack!

212rikanmofo 04-21-2003 08:12 PM

how can i get this hack to work in my quote box template just like on here, when you quote someone it says originally quoted by username and shows the postid#... help plz...

Xyphen 04-23-2003 09:12 PM

Works great on vb2.3.0, thnx!!

WEForums 04-23-2003 09:35 PM

BfB's worked perfectly with 2.3.0. Nice work. Small but neat.

Rids 04-27-2003 01:39 PM

Works well with 2.3.0 - very nice :)

leagleaze 05-01-2003 04:28 AM

First hack I ever installed, it is great. Thank you :)

ZiRu$ 05-03-2003 03:45 AM


01-05-03 at 07:44 PM BfB said this in Post #166
(you won't need it anyway, as it's super easy, heh)

Alright everyone, I took the liberty of putting this altogether again, using bira's original idea, xug and crinos' link code, freddie's simple code, and Austone's "post of total posts" code/link code. Everything works great on v2.2.9 so I assume this will work perfectly for previous versions of 2.0.3 and up.

This version of the hack will display "Post #x of x" (post of total posts), as well as the link to that post.

Working example can be found at http://www.lightningforums.com running vBulletin v2.2.9

Taken from:


Credit to bira, xug, crinos, freddie, and Austone, from which the following hack was prepared.



Good lookin man.....I updated mine

M.C. 05-10-2003 10:02 PM

original hack "Post Counter & Direct Link" doesn`t work on my 2.3.0 :(

shows only (post#) :(

How to repair?


ap0c 05-18-2003 01:04 AM

works fine on 2.30 thanks

Sam FT 05-24-2003 10:24 PM

[QUOTE]12-22-02 at 12:01 AM agfisdn said this in Post #164
Ps: What I cannot find is why the Post # does not show when you click on the ingored Post (java script popup window that shows on demand an ignored user's Post). I get the Post# Link but there is no $post[postcount]... no biggy :))

Christine 05-29-2003 09:34 PM

Wow -- how did I miss this one?

This is working on 2.3.0 for me. The ignored posts aren't showing the numbers, but when viewed, the links work, so I am happy.


Does anyone know how to get this link incorporated into the quote function like is done here on vB.org?

Sam FT 05-29-2003 10:24 PM

[QUOTE]Today at 05:34 PM Christine said this in Post #187
Wow -- how did I miss this one?

This is working on 2.3.0 for me. The ignored posts aren't showing the numbers, but when viewed, the links work, so I am happy.


Does anyone know how to get this link incorporated into the quote function like is done here on vB.org?

Intex 05-31-2003 01:53 PM

Has anybody noticed that on the 2nd page it renumbers the posts one onwards again. The actual links are preserved but as soon as you go to another page the display number starts from one again?!?!

cYbercOsmOnauT 05-31-2003 07:02 PM

Very easy but nice hack. Thanks for it Bira.

btw, did you know that your handle means beer in turkish? :classic:

Nomb 06-04-2003 02:12 AM

Great Hack. I've loved this one ever since the first time I visited vB.org!

[high]* Nomb clicks install :)[/high]

Nomb 06-04-2003 02:13 AM

Great Hack. I've loved this one ever since the first time I visited vB.org!

[high]* Nomb clicks install :)[/high]

reismarktq2 06-17-2003 04:53 PM

Help me, not working on my 2.3.0... the number won't show...

Christine 06-22-2003 03:44 AM

Hi reismarktq2,

Try installing it from the compiled instructions by BfB in this post:


I am running it on 2.3.0 as written by BfB with no problems, so unless you have other hacks installed that are conflicting with it, it should work.


DiscussAnything 06-25-2003 03:31 AM


01-25-03 at 10:05 AM subu1 said this in Post #170
moin, sorry but i don't find this, what can i do. *snief*

greetz subu1

I couldn't find it either, turns out my php shows:

PHP Code:

$postbits .= iif(empty($postbits), '''<hr size=1>').getpostbit($post); 

This displays the posts broken up with a small line in between them. If you just go for the 3rd $postbits, like he said, it should work out alright on 2.3.0.

its right before

PHP Code:

$pagenav getpagenav($totalposts,"showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$threadid&perpage=$perpage".iif(isset($highlight), "&highlight=$highlight""")); 

DiscussAnything 06-25-2003 03:32 AM


01-25-03 at 10:05 AM subu1 said this in Post #170
moin, sorry but i don't find this, what can i do. *snief*

greetz subu1

I couldn't find it either, turns out my php shows:

PHP Code:

$postbits .= iif(empty($postbits), '''<hr size=1>').getpostbit($post); 

This displays the posts broken up with a small line in between them. If you just go for the 3rd $postbits, like he said, it should work out alright on 2.3.0.

its right before

PHP Code:

$pagenav getpagenav($totalposts,"showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$threadid&perpage=$perpage".iif(isset($highlight), "&highlight=$highlight""")); 

Psidefect 06-27-2003 07:07 AM

Excellent hack!

Well done. Running 2.3.0 and it's working perfectly.

*Psi clicks install*

Sam FT 07-01-2003 11:41 PM

I stated this earlier, but I wish someone knew how to get the the Post Count to show up correctly when in a ignored post. The basic Post Link works fine for me, but it just when you have someone on ignored. So you decided that you want to view their post, so you click "To view this post click [here]" to view the message. And then the popup window appears with message and the post link as "Post #" where is should be "Post #1". I have tried and tried to figure it out. But I will pay anybody $40 if they can help me out by telling me how to fix this.

PurpleCow 08-04-2003 04:30 AM

This is a very nice hack and i have installed it now after doing a bit of modifications, like having the actual display and link in a different position.

However, I'd be interested to know, say, if i ahve installed fastforward's hack which converts dynamic URL's to static URL's, do i need to make any changes to actually link to the static URL, instead of dynamic one ??

Thanks for the hack !

TheLab 08-07-2003 03:58 PM

I know its an old post but just installed it... Great hack.
But i have a problem. Why does that happen in the aligning?
Check attachment..
thanx in advance :cool:

Edit: If i remove the quick quote hack the align is perfect at the right side. So i can imagine something is wrong with the tables... any ideas?

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