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AndrewD 12-02-2009 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Dierk Droth (Post 1923870)

I recently had to upgrade out forum from vB3.6.X to latest vB3.8.X. In accordance I had to upgrade LDM. Now there is a problem:

As regular users edit an entry they created, the "Parent category" listbox at the bottom in NOT populated. As a result, if they confirm their editing they would get a "Category does not exist" error.

This is not a problem from admin forum users.

Any idea what could cause that?

Thanks in advance

Off-hand, I would imagine that this is a permissions-related problem. Do all your categories have associated 'parent forums'? Worth checking that regular users have 'canview' and 'canviewothers' permissions for these forums (vb/admincp). If this is not the problem, I'm very willing to take a look at your site, but will need full admin access - send me a PM if you want to go this route.

Dierk Droth 12-02-2009 02:17 PM


Thanks a bunch. I just sent you a PM. There now is even a more serious issue (see mail). Please let me know if you have any question.


itsblack 12-05-2009 07:21 AM

Thank you for the update!

intensecool 12-06-2009 11:31 AM

I need Urgent HELP with this..

i have Server set up and i did it all to fix it up..
i have stored file in ROOT, in a folder named DOWN.
Now, the last time i tried it worked out fine..
It wass a rar file of 20 mbs.

Now, i am trying it with an .ISO file of 2 GB, it doesnot work,,the path is same as the first one.
here is the error.


Link check failed. For a url pointing to a remote site, this may not be a cause for concern, as not all sites reply to the check. For a local file, something is wrong.
Accept Modify
folder 1 is the folder under the root folder which is "down" in this case.
filename.rar is the file here.

i have also created the RAR file for that iso, but still not working.
What is to be done,,

I NEED REAL URGENT help to fix this.
An urgent project is getting delayed for a client of mine.

Any help is appreciated.

reddyink 12-06-2009 11:39 AM

Can someone tell me the differences (+, -) between this MOD and DownloadsII Mod?

Many thanks

AndrewD 12-06-2009 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by intensecool (Post 1926233)
I need Urgent HELP with this..

i have Server set up and i did it all to fix it up..
i have stored file in ROOT, in a folder named DOWN.
Now, the last time i tried it worked out fine..
It wass a rar file of 20 mbs.

Now, i am trying it with an .ISO file of 2 GB, it doesnot work,,the path is same as the first one.
here is the error.

folder 1 is the folder under the root folder which is "down" in this case.
filename.rar is the file here.

i have also created the RAR file for that iso, but still not working.
What is to be done,,

I NEED REAL URGENT help to fix this.
An urgent project is getting delayed for a client of mine.

Any help is appreciated.

The place to start is to check that LDM is actually seeing the file in the right directory, i.e that your LDM settings are what you think. (For example, you seem to be saying that the file is stored in a subdirectory of the system root, but by default LDM looks for files in subdirectories of the web root directory.)

One way to do this is to go to LDM/admin/mass edits. Choose the 'scan' link next to the category in which you want to store the entry pointing to your .iso file. Then use the drop down menu to walk through the directory tree until you come to the directory with the iso file. The file should then show up - if it doesn't, then you've tracked down the problem.

If you want my help with this, send me site details and a username/password with admin privs.

intensecool 12-06-2009 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1926255)
The place to start is to check that LDM is actually seeing the file in the right directory, i.e that your LDM settings are what you think. (For example, you seem to be saying that the file is stored in a subdirectory of the system root, but by default LDM looks for files in subdirectories of the web root directory.)

One way to do this is to go to LDM/admin/mass edits. Choose the 'scan' link next to the category in which you want to store the entry pointing to your .iso file. Then use the drop down menu to walk through the directory tree until you come to the directory with the iso file. The file should then show up - if it doesn't, then you've tracked down the problem.

If you want my help with this, send me site details and a username/password with admin privs.

Thanks for the prompt reply..
Here is wat i get on doing above things..

It throws the right directory, and shows the system root subdirectory as i have set it up..
Now next it shows this thing..

Skipped (not in mimetype table): 0 [1] iso [3] 1 [1]

Ths means i suppose it gets 3 .iso files and it skips them , but it finds the 2 .rar files correctly..

Now, when i try to add a file from .rar extension which exists there.. it shoots me the same error..
Leave the .iso file..it is not taking any other .rar file now..
I have spent the whole day in search of errors on this stuff..
but no use.

Where and what to do now...??

AndrewD 12-06-2009 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by intensecool (Post 1926294)
Thanks for the prompt reply..
Here is wat i get on doing above things..

It throws the right directory, and shows the system root subdirectory as i have set it up..
Now next it shows this thing..

Skipped (not in mimetype table): 0 [1] iso [3] 1 [1]

Ths means i suppose it gets 3 .iso files and it skips them , but it finds the 2 .rar files correctly..

Now, when i try to add a file from .rar extension which exists there.. it shoots me the same error..
Leave the .iso file..it is not taking any other .rar file now..
I have spent the whole day in search of errors on this stuff..
but no use.

Where and what to do now...??

The message says that it skips .iso files because you have not defined the .iso filetype in the vbulletin mimetype table.

As I said in the last message, I'm happy to take a look at your site if you send me details. It may be quicker/easier than trying to debug this remotely.

intensecool 12-06-2009 02:30 PM

Done ... you have pm please check.

I have added both .iso & .rar extensions for mime types

AndrewD 12-06-2009 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by intensecool (Post 1926318)
Done ... you have pm please check.

I have added both .iso & .rar extensions for mime types

The problem seems to be that your .rar and .iso files are too large. There's an in-built limit in 32-bit versions of php, see http://blog.tagwalk.com/2009/05/php-...ile-too-large/ of about 2.1Gb. I can't see a way round this apart from breaking the files into smaller sizes.

No-one has hit this problem before (or at least reported it to me), so I was not aware of it and had not coded LDM to give a sensible warning.

intensecool 12-07-2009 12:21 AM

its reading 200 mb files now..
Any way to attach more then one file in a single entry.

for the URL UPLOADS from the server root directory..
i have sorted out the URL way for this, but is there any way for server root one ..??

AndrewD 12-07-2009 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by intensecool (Post 1926572)
its reading 200 mb files now..



Originally Posted by intensecool (Post 1926572)
Any way to attach more then one file in a single entry.

Use the 'Entry Attributes' feature, see http://www.eirma.org/wikis/index.php/Entry_Attributes


Originally Posted by intensecool (Post 1926572)
for the URL UPLOADS from the server root directory..
i have sorted out the URL way for this, but is there any way for server root one ..??

Not sure I understand your question. Uploads are stored in the appropriate directory under the server root if you have set *local_file_root* to yes, or under the web root if set to no

intensecool 12-07-2009 04:33 AM

i mean to say that if i want to attach 10 FILES FROM server root folder as i am doing for one file..

I WANT options to attach more files in a single entry , i have tried to use the URL OPTION , but its not counting the hit correctly..
Its allowing users to download the attachments even if they exceed their USERGROUP ALLOWANCES.

Thanks a lot sir, for the help you are doing to me..cause this is the only mod which can fullfill my need..

AndrewD 12-07-2009 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by intensecool (Post 1926650)
I WANT options to attach more files in a single entry , i have tried to use the URL OPTION , but its not counting the hit correctly..

As I said in the last post, you do this by defining extra Entry Attributes.

intensecool 12-07-2009 07:07 AM

but which option is for the SERVER ROOT FILES..
i can see the option for file uploads, URL, but there is no option for the files to located via server root as you have for the default one as shown on the pics.

AndrewD 12-07-2009 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by intensecool (Post 1926686)
but which option is for the SERVER ROOT FILES..
i can see the option for file uploads, URL, but there is no option for the files to located via server root as you have for the default one as shown on the pics.

Define the entry attributes as type URL

On the 'Add Entry' form, fill the field with the local filename, exactly as per the standard entry url, for example /myfile.zip or /mydir/myfile.zip

intensecool 12-07-2009 07:52 AM

Thanks for this one,, it is accepting the entry ..
but when i click to save that entry it says
Entry is not currently available

Although the files are there on scanning & i can insert the entries correctly on scanning..
but not via that options of ENTRY ATTRIBUTES.

AndrewD 12-07-2009 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by intensecool (Post 1926699)
Thanks for this one,, it is accepting the entry ..
but when i click to save that entry it says
Entry is not currently available

Although the files are there on scanning & i can insert the entries correctly on scanning..
but not via that options of ENTRY ATTRIBUTES.

Again, I don't know what to say. I've tested this and it works for me. I'll take a look at your site and get back to you.

AndrewD 12-07-2009 02:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This weekend, I decided to start on the vb 4.0 conversion. Much has changed, and it's been an interesting/frustrating (depending on your point of view) exercise working out how to get things to work.

Anyway to show some progress, see the attached screenshot, which is of a base category display.

Only another five million things to change/understand/edit :)

dd365media 12-07-2009 03:48 PM

Thank you. :D
Nice hack.

intensecool 12-07-2009 04:27 PM

Here starts the eager wait for those 5 million things to be over..
i just loved the way you helped me sort out the issue..
finally we are moving on with new things..
thanks a lot..
waiting for any new things to come up in this mod.

Eliam 12-07-2009 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1926804)
This weekend, I decided to start on the vb 4.0 conversion. Much has changed, and it's been an interesting/frustrating (depending on your point of view) exercise working out how to get things to work.

Anyway to show some progress, see the attached screenshot, which is of a base category display.

Only another five million things to change/understand/edit :)

Thanks you. :) It's wonderful news.:up::up::up:

Is it possible to download a beta version?

AndrewD 12-08-2009 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by Eliam (Post 1927037)
Thanks you. :) It's wonderful news.:up::up::up:

Is it possible to download a beta version?

As I said, only five million more things to check/etc.

When it's ready for beta release, I'll let everyone know. At the moment, I'd say we're at a Greek letter that comes before alpha.

abdelghani68 12-08-2009 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1926804)
This weekend, I decided to start on the vb 4.0 conversion. Much has changed, and it's been an interesting/frustrating (depending on your point of view) exercise working out how to get things to work.

Anyway to show some progress, see the attached screenshot, which is of a base category display.

Only another five million things to change/understand/edit :)

Thanks very mush. very good.

I have a little problem with the long title of the name of the categories in firefox. It's written on two lines.

But in internet explorer, it's good, it's in one line.

Must I modifie cat_name_colwidth for the long titles are in one line in firefox ?


abdelghani68 12-09-2009 04:08 PM

There is an othere little bug. The sorts of entries in categorie is :

Filename 09
Filename 10
Filename 101
Filename 11

It's not now :

Filename 09
Filename 10
Filename 11
Filename 101

I have some suggesitons :

a popup for download time estimation

Notify Submitter on New Comments

The Height and wight of Shadowbox's popup is as the height and width of the image.

AndrewD 12-09-2009 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by abdelghani68 (Post 1927882)
There is an othere little bug. The sorts of entries in categorie is :

Filename 09
Filename 10
Filename 101
Filename 11

It's not now :

Filename 09
Filename 10
Filename 11
Filename 101

This isn't a bug - there was a discussion some time ago about the 'correct' ordering of titles that have numbers in them, and the view was that (in your case) 101 comes after 11, not before it. The change was made in version 2.3.0.

If you really want the old behaviour, edit includes/local_links_include.php and find (line 1341 or thereabouts):
PHP Code:

    uksort($optbitcreate_function('$a,$b''return strnatcasecmp($a, $b);')); 

and change it to
PHP Code:

    uksort($optbitcreate_function('$a,$b''return strcasecmp($a, $b);')); 


Originally Posted by abdelghani68 (Post 1927882)
I have some suggesitons :

a popup for download time estimation

Notify Submitter on New Comments

The Height and wight of Shadowbox's popup is as the height and width of the image.

Thanks, will be taken into consideration for the vb 4.x version of LDM, but I'm not sure whether the first suggestion is possible from the server side. There will be no further development of the 3.x code other than serious bug fixes.

abdelghani68 12-10-2009 09:10 AM


For the first suggestion, if it's not possible, I think we can do that :


other suggestion : we can read the comments in a popup or ajax (when we clics, all of the comments are displays below the entrie without redirection in another page) if it's possible.

abdelghani68 12-10-2009 04:03 PM

what is this error please ?


Invalid SQL:

                                      UPDATE vb_session
                                      SET lastactivity = 1260459714, location = '/forum/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=16&id=77'
                                      WHERE sessionhash = '29bcb6c95046ec0627edb2a9f1871a54';

MySQL Error  : MySQL server has gone away
Error Number  : 2006
Request Date  : Thursday, December 10th 2009 @ 04:41:54 PM
Error Date    : Thursday, December 10th 2009 @ 04:42:45 PM
Script        : http://www.home.fr/forum/local_links...catid=16&id=77
Referrer      : http://www.home.fr/forum/local_links.php?catid=16
IP Address    : ***
Username      : Non inscrit
Classname    : vB_Database
MySQL Version :

AndrewD 12-10-2009 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by abdelghani68 (Post 1928422)
what is this error please ?


Invalid SQL:

                                      UPDATE vb_session
                                      SET lastactivity = 1260459714, location = '/forum/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=16&id=77'
                                      WHERE sessionhash = '29bcb6c95046ec0627edb2a9f1871a54';

MySQL Error  : MySQL server has gone away
Error Number  : 2006
Request Date  : Thursday, December 10th 2009 @ 04:41:54 PM
Error Date    : Thursday, December 10th 2009 @ 04:42:45 PM
Script        : http://www.home.fr/forum/local_links...catid=16&id=77
Referrer      : http://www.home.fr/forum/local_links.php?catid=16
IP Address    : ***
Username      : Non inscrit
Classname    : vB_Database
MySQL Version :

It's caused by a timeout in MySQL. Depending on your system settings (which are outside LDM's control), large/lengthy downloads can take longer than the database system is configured to wait.

ctrlbrk 12-12-2009 06:51 AM

Is there a way to restrict download access by minimum post count? I don't want to create a whole usergroup, I just to say "You can't download unless you have 5 posts".


AndrewD 12-12-2009 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by ctrlbrk (Post 1929207)
Is there a way to restrict download access by minimum post count? I don't want to create a whole usergroup, I just to say "You can't download unless you have 5 posts".


Yes, take a look in the release/extras directory. There's a set of plugins to limit access according to certain properties. One of these limits by post count. After installation, you get a new set of options on the LDM admin settings page.

ctrlbrk 12-12-2009 11:52 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1929273)
Yes, take a look in the release/extras directory. There's a set of plugins to limit access according to certain properties. One of these limits by post count. After installation, you get a new set of options on the LDM admin settings page.

OMG, holy cow Batman! There is tons of stuff in there I never knew existed.

Unfortunately, I installed this one and it seems to have no effect. A user with 0 post count in 'Registered Users' (and no other groups) is still allowed to download, even though I have it set to 3.

Ideas on what could be the problem? BTW, it says "Over-ride: None" for each, and I even double checked the category I am testing from, it matches.

Screen attached.


AndrewD 12-12-2009 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by ctrlbrk (Post 1929286)
OMG, holy cow Batman! There is tons of stuff in there I never knew existed.

Unfortunately, I installed this one and it seems to have no effect. A user with 0 post count in 'Registered Users' (and no other groups) is still allowed to download, even though I have it set to 3.

Ideas on what could be the problem? BTW, it says "Over-ride: None" for each, and I even double checked the category I am testing from, it matches.

Screen attached.


Have you tried setting the files_enable and bytes_enable switches to "yes" in that section?

ctrlbrk 12-12-2009 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1929303)
Have you tried setting the files_enable and bytes_enable switches to "yes" in that section?

I only want filter by post count. But I did go to a specific category and change it to "no", then back to "yes" for the post-count filter, just to see, and there is no change. Users can still download with 0 posts.


AndrewD 12-12-2009 01:54 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by ctrlbrk (Post 1929321)
I only want filter by post count. But I did go to a specific category and change it to "no", then back to "yes" for the post-count filter, just to see, and there is no change. Users can still download with 0 posts.


I just tried the extra with the settings shown in the attached, and it worked. (My figures of 100 posts and all usergroups are arbitrary.) You have to explicitly tell it what to limit and the allowances that apply in the event of failing to have the required number of posts. Also keep in mind that if you've given a usergroup 'can_bypass_bandwidth_limits' permission, these limits are always bypassed.

ctrlbrk 12-13-2009 11:19 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1929332)
I just tried the extra with the settings shown in the attached, and it worked. (My figures of 100 posts and all usergroups are arbitrary.) You have to explicitly tell it what to limit and the allowances that apply in the event of failing to have the required number of posts. Also keep in mind that if you've given a usergroup 'can_bypass_bandwidth_limits' permission, these limits are always bypassed.

Thank you. Even though I did not want to limit based on time period or bandwidth, once I told it I did and set them to 0, it worked. Just my opinion, but if these radio options don't work on "No" then why have them? I mean, I don't want to limit based on bandwidth or time, so I used "No", and it turns out I needed to say "Yes".

One last thing, please, and I will be on my merry way! Where is this phrase (see attachment). I don't want it up there, I want to make it null/delete it, so the user only sees the error message when downloading, not on every page. This is because it's confusing to the user, it makes it seem like there is a # of files limit or bandwidth limit when there is not.


Thanks so much for your terrific support, as always!


AndrewD 12-13-2009 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by ctrlbrk (Post 1929831)
Thank you. Even though I did not want to limit based on time period or bandwidth, once I told it I did and set them to 0, it worked. Just my opinion, but if these radio options don't work on "No" then why have them? I mean, I don't want to limit based on bandwidth or time, so I used "No", and it turns out I needed to say "Yes".

I've clearly confused people with this. The files/bandwidth figures that you specify here are used as the bandwidth limits that will apply to people who have not achieved the required number of posts. So, to prevent all downloads to these people, the fields have to be set to zero and the radio buttons turned on. The radio buttons allow you to selectively control which allowance is being restricted. When this extra was coded, the intention was to allow different allowances to people with the required posts. The same logic applies in the other 'limit' extras.


Originally Posted by ctrlbrk (Post 1929831)
One last thing, please, and I will be on my merry way! Where is this phrase (see attachment). I don't want it up there, I want to make it null/delete it, so the user only sees the error message when downloading, not on every page. This is because it's confusing to the user, it makes it seem like there is a # of files limit or bandwidth limit when there is not.

The phrase is built up inside the code. To hide it, edit the links_catbit_extras templates and find/remove the following sequence:

PHP Code:

<if condition="$allow['consumption']">
div align="right" class="smallfont">

ctrlbrk 12-13-2009 12:53 PM


Andrew, you're the best!


Alfa1 12-15-2009 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1926804)
This weekend, I decided to start on the vb 4.0 conversion. Much has changed, and it's been an interesting/frustrating (depending on your point of view) exercise working out how to get things to work.

Anyway to show some progress, see the attached screenshot, which is of a base category display.

Only another five million things to change/understand/edit :)

This is very nice to see Andrew. Do you plan to use vb4's CMS, comments and search function in a future release?
Does vb4 allow easier implementation of any features on the wish list, like tag and reputation integration?
Are any vb4 widgets planned?
What are your general plans with LDM for vb 4.x?

AndrewD 12-15-2009 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1931060)
This is very nice to see Andrew. Do you plan to use vb4's CMS, comments and search function in a future release?
Does vb4 allow easier implementation of any features on the wish list, like tag and reputation integration?
Are any vb4 widgets planned?
What are your general plans with LDM for vb 4.x?

I have no formal plans, but I suspect this is the list of priorities:

a) Get LDM working with its current functionality with VB4. So far, this seems mainly a matter of dealing with all the templates and template calls.

b) Tidy things up so that LDM follows (e.g.) the new css practices and stylevars

c) Integrate with the CMS, including widgets to replicate the previous vbadvanced addons

I'm not sure about vbadvanced support yet. Will have to see what is forthcoming.

d) Only then will I start thinking about new features/suggestions

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