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Preech 07-03-2009 04:50 AM

I am not seeing those in the configurations.

silveryhat 07-03-2009 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by Preech (Post 1841810)
I am not seeing those in the configurations.

When you upgrade from v1.0.3 using the install_dnp_musicbox.php , it asks you to update the setting file. Did you perform this step? Make sure DnPMusicbox_Settings.php has CHMOD 777 if you are using UNIX host.

Otherwise, you can send me your DnPMusicbox_Settings.php.


Originally Posted by rapidphim (Post 1841801)
Silveryhat, can this hack play Youtube playlist?


Originally Posted by rapidphim (Post 1841804)
Silvery, can you please elaborate on the bold section? Thanks.

Youtube playlist has the same unique id as regular, I bet it can play.

The bold section, what do you want me to explain further?

blue6995 07-03-2009 09:10 AM

Two things:

I can't get any video to play for some reason and

If I change anything in the Configure options and click save I get this error

Warning: fopen(tmp/DnPMusicbox_Settings.php) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in [path]/music.php on line 216

Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in [path]/music.php on line 217

Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in [path]/music.php on line 217

Any ideas what's wrong?


silveryhat 07-03-2009 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by blue6995 (Post 1841883)
Two things:

I can't get any video to play for some reason

What do you post? Give me an example. Have you tried the Instant! Guide ?


If I change anything in the Configure options and click save I get this error

Warning: fopen(tmp/DnPMusicbox_Settings.php) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in [path]/music.php on line 216

Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in [path]/music.php on line 217

Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in [path]/music.php on line 217

Any ideas what's wrong?

:p I'm again gonna quote myself from where I quote myself from the original self-quote of first post , since page 10.



• On Unix host : DnPMusicbox_Settings.php file must be CHMOD to 777 (writable)
If you prefer a backup file to be automatically created every time you save, then make CHMOD 777 for the folder tmp as well.

silveryhat 07-03-2009 09:52 AM

Sorry for this double posting, I have just added version 1.0.5

1.0.5 (Released July 03 2009):
  1. Better effect (fly & fade) for Loading box 100%
  2. Fix a small bug that display two sets of Send/Clear buttons for comment 100%
  3. Instant! Guide has better compatibility with IE 100%
  4. Improve SEO friendliness for Category and Artist of no ajax page. 100%
  5. Instant! News Feature 100%


  6. Improve Cache Feature. 100%
  7. FLV player now can play in fullscreen mode. 100%
  8. Support order by number of views, likes, by name, by media type, by artist in category list. 100%


  9. Relocate view broken/unapproved media list to the above of Admin QP. 100%
  10. Support multiple Admin group Ids. 100%
  11. Fix a bug for New album block to correctly display image with space in name. 100%
  12. Definable background image on mouse over for instant! box media. 100%


  13. If custom thumbnail is available but artist image is not, custom thumbnail will be displayed in player window. 100%
  14. Fix a minor bug for I like It box. 100%
  15. Upgrade Recommendation box for 3 different Modes of showing media. 100%
  16. Minor changes for layout. 100%
  17. Fix a bug for random artist list that do not show No_Image picture for artist that has no portrait. 100%
  18. Option to always play HQ mode for Youtube clip. 100%
  19. Customizable Logo for FLV Player. 100%


  20. Fix a bug that blocks youtube clip to play in Fullscreen mode. 100%
  21. Local URL feature. 100%

amish_irish 07-03-2009 10:55 AM

I am having an issue. My add media button isn't displaying. It looks like it is outputting a "0" instead of the button. Any help you could provide would be appreciated.


silveryhat 07-03-2009 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by amish_irish (Post 1841924)
I am having an issue. My add media button isn't displaying. It looks like it is outputting a "0" instead of the button. Any help you could provide would be appreciated.


:rolleyes: I think you have downloaded v1.0.4 in about 5mins before I added v1.0.5. Might you download the newer version. The 0 there just indicates there is no category yet. In v1.0.5 it has a better notice.

rapidphim 07-03-2009 12:13 PM

freaking awesome mod and support... I'll make a donation for this Mod....

Silvery, please help me clear this section "if anyone would want their musicbox to be in the showcases list in the first post".

What do you mean by music box to be in the showcases???? How it looks? Demo anywhere?

rapidphim 07-03-2009 02:54 PM

Few suggestions/requests on next update:

1/ Under the category drop down menu (when add song), can we add a spacer/line between each of category?

2/ Can we have a popup notice or something that alert admin there are new pending media that needs approval? Like showing the number of new media next to "View unapproved link report". And this could be done also for the broken link report???

3/ Can we allow user to add album title instead admin? (like allow user to add singer name, bio, and other...)

[S]when I click on View unapproved link report, nothing shown up???? Since I am doing the testing, then I know which media is new submit, so I clicked on that media in order to approve or deny. If users submitted, I am for sure, I will not have a clue or time to go through to check which one are pending.... [/S]
Edit: found this under quick list box.

Would be nice if there is the number of new media shows next to the View unapproved link, and once click on that number, it will display all the new pending media. On top of that, it's also nice if we have the approve or deny button without viewing media.

Also, want to confirm that this media box also plays Youtube playlist, all you do is just change "v" to "p" in the coding. However, please create an icon for YouTube playlist. For some reason, the no info image did not display for Youtube playlist on the instant box top new media.

Also, will there be an option for mass prune media with selection? I believe right now, we have to delete media one by one. And you have to view the media in order to edit or delete.

[S]Add an artist feature for user: not working. when clicked on it, only ajax box flew in and said done????[/S]
Edit: found it way below of submit box.

On the Editing media section, can we still have the add an artist and add an album feature? Let's say, user submit with incorrect artist, and when doing the editing (admin), there is no option to add the new (correct) artist... and no option in editing media to submit artist photo.

music legend 07-03-2009 03:50 PM

how do you add the news articles?

blue6995 07-03-2009 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by silveryhat (Post 1841888)
What do you post? Give me an example. Have you tried the Instant! Guide ?

:p I'm again gonna quote myself from where I quote myself from the original self-quote of first post , since page 10.

Yes, I have tried the Instant Guide. I am trying to post a youtube vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b54tTBU_u7k


skol 07-03-2009 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by blue6995 (Post 1842177)
Yes, I have tried the Instant Guide. I am trying to post a youtube vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b54tTBU_u7k


It's not hard blue add media,select youtube,click on send sample to URL box and then add b54tTBU_u7k to end of it, as shown...



Not a major problem,theres nothing stated when you hover over the add to playlist buttons.

blue6995 07-03-2009 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by skol (Post 1842189)
It's not hard blue add media,select youtube,click on send sample to URL box and then add b54tTBU_u7k to end of it, as shown...



Not a major problem,theres nothing stated when you hover over the add to playlist buttons.

Ok, got it! Many thanks

silveryhat 07-03-2009 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by rapidphim (Post 1841994)
freaking awesome mod and support... I'll make a donation for this Mod....

Silvery, please help me clear this section "if anyone would want their musicbox to be in the showcases list in the first post".

What do you mean by music box to be in the showcases???? How it looks? Demo anywhere?

Thanks alot for the support! What I said above just means if you would want your own musicbox to be in the Demo section


Originally Posted by rapidphim (Post 1842101)
Few suggestions/requests on next update:

1/ Under the category drop down menu (when add song), can we add a spacer/line between each of category?

I'll see what can be done, it must look good before it can be implemented.


2/ Can we have a popup notice or something that alert admin there are new pending media that needs approval? Like showing the number of new media next to "View unapproved link report". And this could be done also for the broken link report???

Would be nice if there is the number of new media shows next to the View unapproved link, and once click on that number, it will display all the new pending media. On top of that, it's also nice if we have the approve or deny button without viewing media.
This is what I concern about earlier. It possibly has a hit on performance, some host cannot process too many requests and I try to optimize the speed to the most. But I may add an option to switch it on/off in later version. Admin must see the media before it can be approved. There is also new function to one click approve all later.


3/ Can we allow user to add album title instead admin? (like allow user to add singer name, bio, and other...)

Also, will there be an option for mass prune media with selection? I believe right now, we have to delete media one by one. And you have to view the media in order to edit or delete.

On the Editing media section, can we still have the add an artist and add an album feature? Let's say, user submit with incorrect artist, and when doing the editing (admin), there is no option to add the new (correct) artist... and no option in editing media to submit artist photo.
They are on To-Do list already :rolleyes:


Also, want to confirm that this media box also plays Youtube playlist, all you do is just change "v" to "p" in the coding. However, please create an icon for YouTube playlist. For some reason, the no info image did not display for Youtube playlist on the instant box top new media.
Playlist does not have any thumbnail, simply use custom thumbnail instead.


Originally Posted by music legend (Post 1842136)
how do you add the news articles?

Same way that you post new media, only the Type is article. Everything is pretty simple :)


Originally Posted by skol (Post 1842189)


Not a major problem,theres nothing stated when you hover over the add to playlist buttons.

Hang on to this skol, newly developed playlist feature is on its way with the opportunity for members to share their own playlist on mainpage.

Preech 07-03-2009 09:47 PM

I'll install this later today. I just install that last version. No biggie. I'm running this with the vbtube mod. Now I'm starting to think I should have waited longer before I purchased that.

rapidphim 07-04-2009 12:14 AM

Silvery, about my #2 above, if it relates to the query, then can it be at least display on a different color so that admin know there are pending media for approval. Or better yet, just a popup box (like popup PM box) to alert the admin about the pending links....

TeknoSounds 07-04-2009 01:57 AM

the 3rd page/step of the Install New Database stalls for me, doesn't bring up a successful or failed notice nor a link to the next installation step.. Tried in Firefox & in IE. Running vB 3.8.2 Any ideas?

silveryhat 07-04-2009 01:59 AM


Originally Posted by Preech (Post 1842390)
I'll install this later today. I just install that last version. No biggie. I'm running this with the vbtube mod. Now I'm starting to think I should have waited longer before I purchased that.

Ah cool. Hey since you are using vBtube might you want to tell me some good features that I should implement to the musicbox?


Originally Posted by rapidphim (Post 1842438)
Silvery, about my #2 above, if it relates to the query, then can it be at least display on a different color so that admin know there are pending media for approval. Or better yet, just a popup box (like popup PM box) to alert the admin about the pending links....

Maybe this what you want?


Red indicates more than 1, Green is for 0 or 1

silveryhat 07-04-2009 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by TeknoSounds (Post 1842458)
the 3rd page/step of the Install New Database stalls for me, doesn't bring up a successful or failed notice nor a link to the next installation step.. Tried in Firefox & in IE. Running vB 3.8.2 Any ideas?

Hmm, you can try the direct link


./install_dnp_musicbox.php?do=setup_database&confirm =continue3
This step is to setup new columns for features of v1.0.3, v1.0.4 and v1.0.5

TeknoSounds 07-04-2009 02:18 AM

Went into the file to make sure all the tables were there and it appeared so, so entered the direct link and setup appears to have completed.
On to configuring :)

TeknoSounds 07-04-2009 02:37 AM

Where can I find the phrase for "Singer"? I would like to replace it with either Artist or DJ...

silveryhat 07-04-2009 02:45 AM


Originally Posted by TeknoSounds (Post 1842470)
Where can I find the phrase for "Singer"? I would like to replace it with either Artist or DJ...


Originally Posted by silveryhat
- About Phrase in Code, yes hang on to this because the development of the instant! musicbox is coming soon to localization process.

:rolleyes: stay tune.

Any other concerns just let me know.

rapidphim 07-04-2009 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by silveryhat (Post 1842460)
Maybe this what you want?


Red indicates more than 1, Green is for 0 or 1

Silvery.... exactly what I want.... thumb up!

rapidphim 07-04-2009 06:49 AM

How am I going to display artist image thumbnail in 1 box? Right now, I have it stack up on each other, and only show 1 thumbnail per line...????

Also, why can't I edit the artist bio information? We (both admin and users) do need the edit/delete feature for this, please. I meant to have the feature without editing in the admincp.

Also, for the article... can't we post media together with text????

maidos 07-04-2009 09:21 AM

when im installing the database step 3 it doesntprogress at all

its only

Sending request ...

and notinh more happends

Xencored 07-04-2009 09:47 AM

Cant seem to install this one mate gets stuck on the 3rd bit on adding the database :(

Preech 07-04-2009 09:49 AM

Silver, maybe a module for vbadvanced, other than your a pretty much close as to what vbtube can do. One thing, when you upload music with vbtube, you have the ability to use your logo on the videos. I haven't uploaded any mp3s using it though.

BlueCheri 07-04-2009 10:51 AM

Can somebody tell me how to upload videos in musicbox?

Dutch_Boy 07-04-2009 11:08 AM

Hey silveryhad,

I still cant us "Additional Usergroups" to give my members admin rights for the musicbox.
You sayd you will fix it in the new version.

And is posible you can give de admins more rights. So the can change everthing. Because i have to give them administrator rights so the can change everthing. It wold be better if they can change it via the musicbox.

Kind regards,


BlueCheri 07-04-2009 11:15 AM

Can somebody tell me how to upload videos in musicbox?

silveryhat 07-04-2009 01:33 PM


How am I going to display artist image thumbnail in 1 box? Right now, I have it stack up on each other, and only show 1 thumbnail per line...????

Also, why can't I edit the artist bio information? We (both admin and users) do need the edit/delete feature for this, please. I meant to have the feature without editing in the admincp.

Also, for the article... can't we post media together with text????
I don't get what the first question means, a screenshot may help :cool:.

- Artist bio information of course will be able to edit on mainpage later, only time I need to implement it. I'm thinking of get rid of the musicbox admincp itself too.

- I'm not sure it is a good idea to include media in a article. How ever, the content support BBcode so you can insert media into post such as this one I demonstrate.


Originally Posted by maidos (Post 1842567)
when im installing the database step 3 it doesntprogress at all

its only

Sending request ...

and notinh more happends


Originally Posted by animemike (Post 1842577)
Cant seem to install this one mate gets stuck on the 3rd bit on adding the database :(

Guys, check this solution I provide to TeknoSounds on page 12


Originally Posted by TeknoSounds (Post 1842458)
the 3rd page/step of the Install New Database stalls for me, doesn't bring up a successful or failed notice nor a link to the next installation step.. Tried in Firefox & in IE. Running vB 3.8.2 Any ideas?

Hmm, you can try the direct link


./install_dnp_musicbox.php?do=setup_database&confirm =continue3
This step is to setup new columns for features of v1.0.3, v1.0.4 and v1.0.5

Originally Posted by Preech (Post 1842578)
Silver, maybe a module for vbadvanced, other than your a pretty much close as to what vbtube can do. One thing, when you upload music with vbtube, you have the ability to use your logo on the videos. I haven't uploaded any mp3s using it though.

Ah watermark. I'll look into that later :). Module for vBadvanced is already available but sadly it is not my work. DnP code it for a price


Originally Posted by Dutch_Boy (Post 1842617)
Hey silveryhad,

I still cant us "Additional Usergroups" to give my members admin rights for the musicbox.
You sayd you will fix it in the new version.

And is posible you can give de admins more rights. So the can change everthing. Because i have to give them administrator rights so the can change everthing. It wold be better if they can change it via the musicbox.

Kind regards,


It is available. You can add more than 1 group for the 'admin_groupid_allowed'.


Originally Posted by BlueCheri (Post 1842620)
Can somebody tell me how to upload videos in musicbox?

What kind of video is that?, please note that the musicbox uses direct link instead of a direct upload link. This is for safety purpose and reduces the work load for admin greatly..

rapidphim 07-04-2009 02:03 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Silvery, please see the attach

Also, what is the bbcode for putting the video together with the article? Your demo is (again) exactly what I want.

maidos 07-04-2009 04:05 PM

thanks but after installing the columns i now get this

Warning: fopen(DnPMusicbox_Settings.php) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in [path]/install_dnp_musicbox.php on line 179

Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in [path]/install_dnp_musicbox.php on line 180

Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in [path]/install_dnp_musicbox.php on line 181

Warning: unlink(DnPMusicbox_Settingsnew.php) [function.unlink]: Permission denied in [path]/install_dnp_musicbox.php on line 182

Unable to write settings to DnPMusicbox_Settings.php forum root folder. Please verify this folder is CHMOD to 777 (writable)

silveryhat 07-04-2009 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by rapidphim (Post 1842685)
Silvery, please see the attach

Also, what is the bbcode for putting the video together with the article? Your demo is (again) exactly what I want.

Check out these settings
SS 1 : instantbox_media_per_line
SS 2 : something wrong with it?
SS 3 : from player_link_color to player_i_like_it_number_color

The BBcode I used was just a simple [flash] tag.


Originally Posted by maidos (Post 1842761)
thanks but after installing the columns i now get this

Warning: fopen(DnPMusicbox_Settings.php) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in [path]/install_dnp_musicbox.php on line 179

Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in [path]/install_dnp_musicbox.php on line 180

Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in [path]/install_dnp_musicbox.php on line 181

Warning: unlink(DnPMusicbox_Settingsnew.php) [function.unlink]: Permission denied in [path]/install_dnp_musicbox.php on line 182

Unable to write settings to DnPMusicbox_Settings.php forum root folder. Please verify this folder is CHMOD to 777 (writable)

Hey maidos, I know this may happen to some of us that's why I drop in the line, it's pretty much self-explained. Or back on the mainpage


[Note] : For Unix host, please make sure the folder you have uploaded the musicbox content to is CHMOD to 666 or 777 (writable) if you receive a permission error during installation.

freez 07-04-2009 05:39 PM

trying to install this , when running the install PHP , it hangs for me on step 3 , wont go any further

rapidphim 07-04-2009 05:56 PM

[S]On instantbox_media_per_line , I have set it to 4... however, isn't that for media? I am having problem with Random Artist list, not Random Media.

I want the Random Artist to be like your that was why I took 2 screenshot, one from my board and one from your. Again, my random artist is not showing 4 in a row....[/S]

Edit: Fixed it. The below 2 setting have to have same number.
? random_artist_withpix_on_main_limit
? random_artist_withpix_on_main_perline

TeknoSounds 07-04-2009 06:21 PM

I finally got a DB error via email from when I was trying to install:

Database error in vBulletin 3.8.2:

Invalid SQL:
ALTER TABLE vb_music_song ADD `local` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `approved`;

MySQL Error  : Unknown column 'approved' in 'vb_music_song'
Error Number  : 1054
Request Date  : Friday, July 3rd 2009 @ 07:48:24 PM
Error Date    : Friday, July 3rd 2009 @ 07:48:24 PM
Script        : /install_dnp_musicbox.php?do=setup_db&confirm=continue2
Referrer      : /install_dnp_musicbox.php
Classname    : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.67-userstats-log

Also, does this mod keep track of download stats? If I could combine this mod & DownloadsII it would be absolute perfection.
Is there an AdminCP window for Media Manager? If not, I would like to suggest it for future versions

silveryhat 07-04-2009 06:57 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by freez (Post 1842793)
trying to install this , when running the install PHP , it hangs for me on step 3 , wont go any further

:) try the install file I have attached in this post.


Originally Posted by TeknoSounds (Post 1842804)
I finally got a DB error via email from when I was trying to install:

Database error in vBulletin 3.8.2:

Invalid SQL:
ALTER TABLE vb_music_song ADD `local` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `approved`;

MySQL Error  : Unknown column 'approved' in 'vb_music_song'
Error Number  : 1054
Request Date  : Friday, July 3rd 2009 @ 07:48:24 PM
Error Date    : Friday, July 3rd 2009 @ 07:48:24 PM
Script        : /install_dnp_musicbox.php?do=setup_db&confirm=continue2
Referrer      : /install_dnp_musicbox.php
Classname    : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.67-userstats-log

Also, does this mod keep track of download stats? If I could combine this mod & DownloadsII it would be absolute perfection.
Is there an AdminCP window for Media Manager? If not, I would like to suggest it for future versions

whoohoo thanks, TeknoSounds, that's pretty helpful.

I thought it was an overflow in step 3 but all of these are just in step 2.
This new installer should make the process smoother.

I'll would add the download stats when new url process feature is completed. maido, too, has suggested me to integrate the musicbox with downloadsII and I put it down on the wish list.

Dutch_Boy 07-04-2009 07:50 PM

Hey silveryhat,

"Additional UserGroups" doesn't work. I made a group with the name Musicbox Admins ID=6.

Added the musicbox admin (admin_groupid_allowed ) setting to 6, 60 and it still doesn't work. I made a test account to check if it works. Added him to the Musicbox Admin group. So i think i did everthing good.

freez 07-04-2009 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by silveryhat (Post 1842817)
:) try the install file I have attached in this post.

whoohoo thanks, TeknoSounds, that's pretty helpful.

I thought it was an overflow in step 3 but all of these are just in step 2.
This new installer should make the process smoother.

I'll would add the download stats when new url process feature is completed. maido, too, has suggested me to integrate the musicbox with downloadsII and I put it down on the wish list.

perfect worked !!!!!!!! thanks

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