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turbosatan 03-08-2009 10:17 AM


i possibly have a problem with the affiliate code part of the plugin.

I get a lot of clickbank ads on my site so was lookiung to try and use the affiliate section to auto parse these to include my link instead.

when i try to use the preview part to check if it works it says


Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_strpos() in /home/mysite/public_html/includes/vbam_functions.php on line 494
i was wondering if clickbank codes would be supported as they use subdomain info instead of a parameter after the url.

Can you just tell me

if i entered


would that work the same way? I was thinking it might not because of the formatting the code cannot match a url and then change the referrer id after it.

RedTyger 03-08-2009 11:01 AM

You must be using a very old version of PHP, that error means the function doesn't exist. You could try opening the vbam_functions.php file and replacing every instance of mb_strpos with strpos.

Edit: Sorry, just processed the other part of your post. No, it wouldn't be able to remove subdomain referrals.

RedTyger 03-08-2009 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by a squared (Post 1762495)
It's in Navbar. Without the conditional it works fine. Of course it shows throughout the forum. I'm surprised it hasn't worked. On my live site I've hardcoded conditionals into the Navbar template using this code.


<if condition="$forumid == 39">
<br /><center>
<a href="http://www.example.com" target="_blank">
<img src="images/example.gif" alt="example" border="0">
</center><br /><br />

Try $GLOBALS['forumid'] or $GLOBALS['foruminfo']['forumid'] instead of $forumid or $foruminfo['forumid'].

user_not_found 03-08-2009 09:28 PM

Just replace
<if condition="$GLOBALS[forumid] ==39">
<br /><center>
<a href="http://www.example.com" target="_blank">
<img src="images/example.gif" alt="example" border="0">
</center><br /><br />

and will work


Originally Posted by a squared (Post 1762495)
It's in Navbar. Without the conditional it works fine. Of course it shows throughout the forum. I'm surprised it hasn't worked. On my live site I've hardcoded conditionals into the Navbar template using this code.


<if condition="$forumid == 39">
<br /><center>
<a href="http://www.example.com" target="_blank">
<img src="images/example.gif" alt="example" border="0">
</center><br /><br />

user_not_found 03-08-2009 09:29 PM

I observed that if I try to exclude forums then the scripts dont do it, the old one worked fine.
Just to check it for bug


user_not_found 03-08-2009 09:57 PM

Also dont work sponsors , I see from admin panel and dont displayed in the front

jskoh 03-08-2009 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by jskoh (Post 1758747)
hi... how to do this? with ads at thread?

hi... my question is unanswer?

Keyser S?ze 03-09-2009 12:06 PM

i dont suppose there is a counter, for both unique and non

tony456 03-10-2009 09:22 AM


I have just upload the files to my server and my forum will not work now, I get a http internal server error.

Can somebody tell me what I have done wrong and how to fix this?



RedTyger 03-10-2009 09:31 AM

You'll have to look at your server logs to see the specific error message.

Keyser S?ze 03-10-2009 02:55 PM

shit i just installed this 20 mins ago ;p

RedTyger 03-10-2009 02:58 PM

Don't install the new version yet, I've just found another bug. Brb.

RedTyger 03-10-2009 03:07 PM

File updated, carry on.

morrow 03-10-2009 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by RedTyger (Post 1764964)
File updated, carry on.

Should I update? It seems to be working fine for me... What did you fix?

RedTyger 03-10-2009 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by morrow (Post 1764968)
Should I update? It seems to be working fine for me... What did you fix?

Automatic insertion wasn't working for some of the template hooks.

kronnos 03-10-2009 03:38 PM

Thanks for the release! BTW, hows does the Brand Free work? We get a link to download it but what about future upgrades, do we need to download it from a special place in the future. IS the Brand Free lifetime?


RedTyger 03-10-2009 03:46 PM

Yes and yes.

Obviously I'd suggest you save a copy in case my website falls off the internet or something. The download section is exactly like this but the downloads have the branding bits removed.

It is, in every sense, exactly the same as the ordinary product. Just no link in the footer.

kronnos 03-10-2009 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by RedTyger (Post 1764995)
Yes and yes.

Obviously I'd suggest you save a copy in case my website falls off the internet or something. The download section is exactly like this but the downloads have the branding bits removed.

It is, in every sense, exactly the same as the ordinary product. Just no link in the footer.

OK great, so if I decide to get the BF version, will I just be able to make a few required changes to the installed version avaliable ehre without doing any upgrades?

RedTyger 03-10-2009 05:07 PM

I'll provide instructions with the brand-free version to do so, if you want.

abound 03-10-2009 06:33 PM

I am really looking forward to getting this mod working on my forum!!

Here is the short version of my problem:
1. Installed the Beta
2. Upgraded vorum to 3.8.1 without testing Beta
3. Tried the Beta yesterday for the first time. It didn't seem to work, and template code didn't match the directions.
4. Downloaded the 502
5. Followed installation instructions, but only have one VBAM menu in my ACP, not two.
6. VBAM still not working

If you want more detail on what I did, read on:

Before I tried used BETA, one of my admins updated the forum from 3.8 to 3.8.1. Unfortunately, I had only installed vbam, but had not tried configuring it. So, I tried configuring it yesterday (3/9/09). First I tried the affiliate link feature. I found a spam affiliate link in my forum, added a rule to replace the aff-id with nothing, turned on the affiliate feature, previewed, and the preview looked correct. However, the post remained unchanged. Next, I turned on the signature affiliate checker, added a dummy affiliate link to my signature, created a rule to modify it, previewed it, saved it (not necessarily in that order) and my signature was unchanged. I then created a brand new post with the same dummy aff link, and it was unchanged.

The next thing I tried was posting some adsense code in the right column. It seemed to preview alright, but no right column showed up. I found the help text on getting the right column to show up, but there was no div tag in the template for the ad's right column.

Today, I got the email on 502, so set out to upgrade. After installing 502 (the XML file via product manager, which overwrote the beta one) and uploading the upload folder (which also overwrote the beta files), I saw no change. I did not see two VBAM menus in the ACP. My settings appeared preserved, and the functions I that didn't work yesterday still do not work. I have refreshed, and even logged out and back in, and that has done the trick in the past, so I'm pretty sure I'm seeing what I would see.

Any help is appreciated!

Keyser S?ze 03-11-2009 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by RedTyger (Post 1765044)
I'll provide instructions with the brand-free version to do so, if you want.

what does that mean?

detroit 03-11-2009 02:08 AM

OK, quick question here...

I just setup VB tonight and added this mod.

No problems with that.

When I go into the header adcode and put in <img src = "PCO.jpg" /> and do an update preview, all is see is the box with the red X in it.

I know this means that it did not find the image.

Where do the images have to reside on my server, or, is there a spot that I have not see where I can configure the path?



RedTyger 03-11-2009 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by Keyser S?ze (Post 1765382)
what does that mean?

It means I'll provide instructions/permission for you to remove the branding from your existing installation if it has been customised.


Originally Posted by detroit (Post 1765407)
<img src = "PCO.jpg" /> and do an update preview, all is see is the box with the red X in it.

Start it with a /, so src="/PCO.jpg" would be in the your forum's main directory, src="/images/PCO.jpg" would be in your forum's images directory, and so on. If your forum is not at the very top level (i.e. the domain goes straight to your forum) then you'll have to make it /forum/images/PCO.jpg or something like that.

Jesse Stratford 03-11-2009 03:39 PM

I've searched this thread for others with my issue, but can't find anything.

Sounds like a great product.

I went ahead and installed version 5.0.2 just now, following you installation instructions, but unfortunately it's not working for me (3.8.1 base install, not patch level 1 yet). The new menu options shows up in the admincp, but whenever I select any item from the menu (e.g. Global Settings) all I get is a blank white frame on the left side, as though it can't find the core PHP files.

I checked to make sure I had uploaded the correct files to the correct locations. I even downloaded the package again from here, and went about the whole installation again. No dice.

Your footer tag shows up on my forums, but unfortunately I can't get the system to function. Appreciate any assistance.

Jesse Stratford 03-11-2009 03:51 PM

OK, solved my own problem. We still use the old php3 file names for backwards compatibility. This mod appears to have .php file names hard-coded in a number of spots. Changing these to .php3 manually seems to have fixed the issue. It only took a moment -- about five files needed small updates, mainly on require() entries.

imedic 03-11-2009 03:51 PM

In IE I have only one swf flash working (header next to logo) and all other banners are not showing at all. ( google ads and some swf that was previously showing in IE) All banner locations not visible including left column does not exist at all. Is not like there is the space for banners and the banners are not showing. Is like there are no space at all for banners.
Do you have a clue where to look ?

Story is:
I have run with success a graveyarded mod for ads and feel the time is good to change.
I have not uninstall it (and for the moment wise choice)
I have install this mod and one by one I have placed banners code (google ads and swf flash files with appropriate code) at their place. All worked fine in Firefox (except left column add was on all site not on selective pages as before , but did not play too much with the script).

I have deactivated old banner from previous system so there is no conflict (or I can't see one)
For the moment I have reverted and all work fine.
(I am running 3.8.1 without security patch on linux server, IE I have is IE7)

RedTyger 03-11-2009 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by Jesse Stratford (Post 1765811)
OK, solved my own problem. We still use the old php3 file names for backwards compatibility. This mod appears to have .php file names hard-coded in a number of spots. Changing these to .php3 manually seems to have fixed the issue. It only took a moment -- about five files needed small updates, mainly on require() entries.

Good grief, that certainly is old! You may be able to deal with these incompatibilities in .htaccess to save you altering any code. I'm not familiar with this sort of compatibility thing though, so I couldn't tell you I'm afraid.


Originally Posted by imedic (Post 1765812)
I have run with success a graveyarded mod for ads and feel the time is good to change.
I have not uninstall it (and for the moment wise choice)
I have install this mod and one by one I have placed banners code (google ads and swf flash files with appropriate code) at their place. All worked fine in Firefox (except left column add was on all site not on selective pages as before , but did not play too much with the script).

That modification is almost a total copy of version 2.1 of this modification, which is why it was graveyarded. There may well be conflicts between the two since they are (or were) essentially the same thing.

So I guess I'd suggest removing both modifications completely before installing this one to make absolutely sure.

abound 03-11-2009 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by abound (Post 1765124)
I am really looking forward to getting this mod working on my forum!!

Here is the short version of my problem:
1. Installed the Beta
2. Upgraded vorum to 3.8.1 without testing Beta
3. Tried the Beta yesterday for the first time. It didn't seem to work, and template code didn't match the directions.
4. Downloaded the 502
5. Followed installation instructions, but only have one VBAM menu in my ACP, not two.
6. VBAM still not working

If you want more detail on what I did, read on:

Before I tried used BETA, one of my admins updated the forum from 3.8 to 3.8.1. Unfortunately, I had only installed vbam, but had not tried configuring it. So, I tried configuring it yesterday (3/9/09). First I tried the affiliate link feature. I found a spam affiliate link in my forum, added a rule to replace the aff-id with nothing, turned on the affiliate feature, previewed, and the preview looked correct. However, the post remained unchanged. Next, I turned on the signature affiliate checker, added a dummy affiliate link to my signature, created a rule to modify it, previewed it, saved it (not necessarily in that order) and my signature was unchanged. I then created a brand new post with the same dummy aff link, and it was unchanged.

The next thing I tried was posting some adsense code in the right column. It seemed to preview alright, but no right column showed up. I found the help text on getting the right column to show up, but there was no div tag in the template for the ad's right column.

Today, I got the email on 502, so set out to upgrade. After installing 502 (the XML file via product manager, which overwrote the beta one) and uploading the upload folder (which also overwrote the beta files), I saw no change. I did not see two VBAM menus in the ACP. My settings appeared preserved, and the functions I that didn't work yesterday still do not work. I have refreshed, and even logged out and back in, and that has done the trick in the past, so I'm pretty sure I'm seeing what I would see.

Any help is appreciated!

RedTyger, any advice?

RedTyger 03-12-2009 08:20 AM

The two-menu system was only for upgrades from versions earlier than 5.00 Beta and I'm not sure what the template code refers to?

It sounds like a setting somewhere is preventing it from working.

abound 03-13-2009 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by RedTyger (Post 1766300)
The two-menu system was only for upgrades from versions earlier than 5.00 Beta and I'm not sure what the template code refers to?

It sounds like a setting somewhere is preventing it from working.

Thank you for the clarification.

The template I was referring is referenced in the how manual here: http://redtyger.co.uk/manual.php?pro...isible_columns

The advertisement_rightcolumn template is the one I was referring to. I have since followed the instructions to make the right column visible, and it is still not visible. So, I look at the FAQ at http://redtyger.co.uk/manual.php?pro...lumns_location, and am not sure if it applies to me. I cannot find global.start.php anywhere in my forum's directories. And anyways, I am running with the default vBulletin template, with only minor modifications.

You suggested that my problems could be my settings. Here are the settings I am aware of that could interfere with showing the right-column, and the values I have them set to.
  • vbAdManagement->GlobalSettings->Enable Advertisments = Yes
  • vbAdManagement->GlobalSettings->Enable Advertisments for usergroups = 6 (Note that I am in group 6)
  • vbAdManagement->GlobalSettings->Do NOT Enable Advertisments for usergroups = BLANK
  • vbAdManagement->GlobalSettings->Do NOT Enable Advertisments for scripts and software = BLANK
  • vbAdManagement->Right Column->Force Right Column Width = 0
I also tried filling in $vbam_adcode[rightcolumn] as the text-box value for vbAdManagement->Right Column->Right Column Inclusion, and that didn't make a difference.

I also tried choosing different values from the drop-down menu for vbAdManagement->Right Column->Right Column Inclusion, but the only value that I ever see after saving is $ad_location[ad_footer_start].

Anything else you think I should look at?

subvertbeats 03-13-2009 12:26 PM

Hi, ive successfully added ads to my forum footer.

I also want to use the same adcode on the redirect page.

I added a custom adblock, pointing at the STANDARD_REDIRECT template.
I have tried using 'bottom' as the location, as well as editing the template to add a custom field $vbam_location[ad] but either way I cant get the ads to show.
The actual ad code is the same as is working in the footer.

Any ideas?

mykkal 03-13-2009 04:56 PM

There seems to be major conflicts between this product and vBSEO. both are staples for vBulletin.

Redtyger, have you tested your latest release with vbSEO?

mykkal 03-13-2009 05:06 PM

Red Tyger, do you do paid installations? i'm thinking I need someone to troubleshoot this conflict for me that knows the product better then me.

Keyser S?ze 03-14-2009 05:04 PM

maybe im just an idiot i dunno but whats the difference between the two hacks? i mean u got one vb ad management, that is set to control vb, and then a forum ad management,

well isnt vb ur forum? see thats where im lost

S S0DEN 03-15-2009 05:20 AM

Downloaded and installed.

Question: I have multiple banner style ads I want to install in the navbar section. I want the ads to show one at a time. Your instructions state to: "Paste the code for your advertisements here. To construct an array of advertisements from which one will be randomly chosen for display, separate each of your advertisements with your delimiter."

I have no clue what a delimter is or how to break the code bewtween the ad codes to make them display seperatly (random) and not all at once. Thanks in advance.

kronnos 03-15-2009 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by S S0DEN (Post 1768457)
Downloaded and installed.

Question: I have multiple banner style ads I want to install in the navbar section. I want the ads to show one at a time. Your instructions state to: "Paste the code for your advertisements here. To construct an array of advertisements from which one will be randomly chosen for display, separate each of your advertisements with your delimiter."

I have no clue what a delimter is or how to break the code bewtween the ad codes to make them display seperatly (random) and not all at once. Thanks in advance.

| - It is located right above the enter key.

kronnos 03-17-2009 02:25 PM

Hey RedTyger,

Would it be possible to make the following additions to this mod:

For example if you have 5 ads in one space for rotation and you want ad1 to show 50% of the time, would there be some other option then having to paste ad1 5 times and the other ads just once each?


RedGTiVR6 03-17-2009 05:23 PM

Great! So happy to see this released!

Just have one question. When the branding is added to the footer, it's added in line with the forum copyright information.

I can't figure out how to get it to move to the next line. Can anyone direct me on how to do this?

One more question: If I wanted to add a link to let folks know that they can get rid of the ads by registering, is that a function that might be supported by this plug-in or would I be better off adding that notice via another plug-in and making it visible only to those individuals who are not registered?

gscimbomcom 03-18-2009 07:26 PM



kronnos 03-19-2009 09:35 PM

ok, tried to get the brand free version but it said i should register at the site first. Can't find where to register, can you please point me in the right direction, thanks!

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