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-   -   Major Additions - YABBSEO[vB] Lite - Another Better SEO Module for vB 3.8.x (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=203849)

yabsoft 11-03-2009 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Gene Steinberg (Post 1909807)
Do you have a way of converting URLs altered by other URL rewrite mods, such as TfSEO or C-Logic SEO?

Yes, we have just finished a feature to redirect urls generated by a different rewrite rule(like TfSEO or C-Logic SEO or any others) to the your currrent url structure. If anyone interested, please contact me. I will do it for a small fee ($10-$30 depending on how many types of url to be redirect).


Originally Posted by Gene Steinberg (Post 1909807)
Also, when vBulletin 4.0 comes out with its own expanded SEO capabilities, would that render this mod moot?


Yea, vBulletin 4.0 is supporting the Friendly Url Structure for thread, member and forum. But the feature is additional and not be optimized as ours. Anyway, vBulletin is a forum software, putting more focus on forum features, not a single SEO function. For example, vB4(at least beta version on their site) is not
rewriting member list page, faq page, calendar page and showpost page!
rewriting Blog pages, tags page and album pages (as in YABBSEO full version)
converting non-english languages in urls
stripping common words in url, like a, an, and ...
adding nofollows for some type of url as you want in YABBSEO or other similar SEO software
supporting customised SEO url(they provide three types url: showthread.php?tid-title, showthread.php/tid-title and threads/tid-title)

GodMaster 11-07-2009 02:41 PM

thanks for your product, but!
1/ problem with albums!
2/ problem with admincp link in forum's index
3/ problem with ....
for persian language:
salam doostan
aghayoon in hack ro man nasb kardam va moshkeli ke dare vaghean site ro daghoon mikone!
link album error mide, link admincp error mide, sheklak haye pasokhe sari error mide load nemishe va ...
agar mikhain google ro be joone khodetoon be khatere Not found bendazin, in hacko nasb konin!

yabsoft 11-08-2009 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by GodMaster (Post 1911329)
thanks for your product, but!
1/ problem with albums!
2/ problem with admincp link in forum's index
3/ problem with ....
for persian language:
salam doostan
aghayoon in hack ro man nasb kardam va moshkeli ke dare vaghean site ro daghoon mikone!
link album error mide, link admincp error mide, sheklak haye pasokhe sari error mide load nemishe va ...
agar mikhain google ro be joone khodetoon be khatere Not found bendazin, in hacko nasb konin!

1. albums is not supported in thie lite version, you may checkout thefull version(NOT FREE) which supports more features ...
2. admincp link should be working fine

GodMaster 11-09-2009 06:06 AM

I resolved this problem with replace two php code in version 1.0 (album error)
but :(
i protected my admincp folder! and this error :(( "www.example.com/the401.shtml", can you help me?

yabsoft 11-09-2009 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by GodMaster (Post 1911866)
I resolved this problem with replace two php code in version 1.0 (album error)
but :(
i protected my admincp folder! and this error :(( "www.example.com/the401.shtml", can you help me?

You mean you use a custom admincp directory? If yes, you can edit .htaccess file to find

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} (admincp|modcp|clientscript|cpstyles|images)/
and then replace admincp with your custom admincp directory.

GodMaster 11-09-2009 08:24 AM

Oh, No!
I said "protected my admincp folder" no rename or new folder!
for this protect, i have this problem, and i don't know what's the problem :(
please help me... :x

yabsoft 11-09-2009 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by GodMaster (Post 1911897)
Oh, No!
I said "protected my admincp folder" no rename or new folder!
for this protect, i have this problem, and i don't know what's the problem :(
please help me... :x

Sorry, I could not understand what you mean. Maybe it would be helpful to show me your forum.

GodMaster 11-10-2009 05:29 AM


I protect my admincp directory!

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} (admincp|modcp|clientscript|cpstyles|images)/

euantor 11-10-2009 02:18 PM

Thanks for this :D I installed it yesterday and it works a charm ;) I mucked up the config.php file a few times in trying to make the URLs look nice haha but other than that, it's perfect ^^

yabsoft 11-10-2009 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by GodMaster (Post 1912274)

I protect my admincp directory!

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} (admincp|modcp|clientscript|cpstyles|images)/

It is weird. Are you sure /admincp does exist on your server? What do you mean "I protect my admincp directory!"?

Another suggestion is if you want to rewrite the findlastposter link on forum index page:

You can do some configuration in config.php: change post_parseurl to 1.
This means YABBSEO script will query database to get the corresponding userid(or post id,thread id) for the "nonparsed" links by default. BUT you should have in maind this will use additional mysql queries. If your forum is overloading, it is better to disable this option.

P.S. with YABBSEO lite edition, you could not remove our copyright information from the footer.

yabsoft 11-10-2009 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by euantor (Post 1912382)
Thanks for this :D I installed it yesterday and it works a charm ;) I mucked up the config.php file a few times in trying to make the URLs look nice haha but other than that, it's perfect ^^

Thanks, you are welcome:)

GodMaster 11-11-2009 06:13 AM


Another suggestion is if you want to rewrite the findlastposter link on forum index page:
You can do some configuration in config.php: change post_parseurl to 1.
Thanks for this, very nice! :x
But, your copyright, this plugin is not free?
in our country, free software or programming, Can not include copyrighted :d
A question:
in my forum index, in last post that show in left of forum, i can not go to last page :(
for example:

i changed this address to :
thread_id-newpost.html ==> thread_id.html, but already, "thread_id-newpost.html" will not work!

last problem, There are folders on the server admincp, but is protected!
Thanks a lot!

rizelim 11-17-2009 07:48 PM

Turkish characters in error Forums (I) there are letters.


rizelim 11-18-2009 01:52 PM

upload the files do not appear in the forum


Goomzee 11-19-2009 05:38 AM

it's not working i can;t access my admincp after uploading files so i removed all files and still my admincp not works fine

final kaoss 11-29-2009 12:32 AM

then apparently it's not yabbseo doing it.

shabbir4it 12-11-2009 05:39 AM


There is an sql syntax error in your plugin in yabbseo/sitemap.func.php, You can notice the extra comma the query.
PHP Code:

$albums $db->query_read("
        SELECT album.userid,,album.title,album.albumid
        FROM " 
TABLE_PREFIX "album AS album
        WHERE album.albumid in (


Gear-Monkey 12-12-2009 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by Goomzee (Post 1917046)
it's not working i can;t access my admincp after uploading files so i removed all files and still my admincp not works fine

Same thing happen to me when I added the product-YABBSEO-lite-xml file.
Here's the fix: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....69&postcount=2

I don't understand the authors instructions. What is this?
You only need upload all files in /upload to your vBulletin installation.

I can't find the /upload folder in vbulletin so I just uploaded the files in the root. Still can't figure it out.

Switch3130 12-12-2009 10:00 AM

I can't afford vBseo atm, is this the next best thing to download in its place?

euantor 12-12-2009 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by shabbir4it (Post 1928698)

There is an sql syntax error in your plugin in yabbseo/sitemap.func.php, You can notice the extra comma the query.
PHP Code:

$albums $db->query_read("
        SELECT album.userid,,album.title,album.albumid
        FROM " 
TABLE_PREFIX "album AS album
        WHERE album.albumid in (


I was getting the same error too. I fixed that one, but now I'm getting this one:

PHP Code:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT pl.attachmentid
        FROM picturelegacy 
AS pl
        INNER JOIN attachment 
AS a ON (pl.attachmentid a.attachmentid)
WHERE pl.pictureid 2
AND pl.type 'album' AND pl.primaryid 1;

MySQL Error   Unknown column 'pl.attachmentid' in 'field list'
Error Number  1054
Request Date  
SaturdayDecember 12th 2009 03:15:47 PM
Error Date    
SaturdayDecember 12th 2009 03:15:47 PM

conankid 12-25-2009 02:48 AM

Database error when access /album.php?albumid=xxxxx Can you help me?

Leica.Robbiani 12-27-2009 11:29 PM

Hey man, thanks a lot for your help :up: :) :up:


Originally Posted by shabbir4it (Post 1928698)

There is an sql syntax error in your plugin in yabbseo/sitemap.func.php, You can notice the extra comma the query.
PHP Code:

$albums $db->query_read("
        SELECT album.userid,,album.title,album.albumid
        FROM " 
TABLE_PREFIX "album AS album
        WHERE album.albumid in (


final kaoss 12-31-2009 03:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)
that worked, thanks. And for the lazy just upload this file to forum/yabbseo directory.

ConsoleShark 01-03-2010 05:10 AM

Error: Messes up copyright , Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. becomes Content Relevant URLs by YABBSEO v1.1. Also Yep, album.php creating an abulm give you a database error.

final kaoss 01-03-2010 05:41 PM

nothing like that happened to me and the album error is gone.

ConsoleShark 01-12-2010 09:59 PM

extreme-gaming the file you uploading fixed the error in the albums, however it still messes up the copyright Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. becomes Content Relevant URLs by YABBSEO v1.1

final kaoss 01-14-2010 06:53 PM

????????? Not on my end... All I did to that file was remove the extra comma (which was the recommended fix a few posts ago) and upload it for the lazy here. I don't see how that can affect the copyright that you mention, it certainly hasn't done that to me, you should check your plugins to make sure one of those aren't doing it.

Also I have a request for the addon author. I notice that when I highlight a thread & view souce in firefox the "id" has no seo... is there anyway you can make the id say the actual name of the thread instead of "thread_title_139"

<a href="http://vgchat.info/forum/f38-super-nintendo-game-genie-codes-and-pro-action-replay-codes/aaahh-real-monsters-game-genie-codes-139.html" id="thread_title_139">AAAHH! Real Monsters Game Genie Codes</a>

christon26 01-14-2010 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by ConsoleShark (Post 1953955)
extreme-gaming the file you uploading fixed the error in the albums, however it still messes up the copyright Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. becomes Content Relevant URLs by YABBSEO v1.1

Line 465 in yabbseo/forumhook/parse_output.php makes those changes, basically it 'tells' the script to replace Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd with the yabbseo copyright:


$output = str_replace(strpos($output,'<!--YABBSEO_COPYRIGHT-->')===false ? "Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd" : "<!--YABBSEO_COPYRIGHT-->",
Simply replace the following lines:


# copyright information
$copyrights = array(
1=>'<a href="http://yabsoft.com" target="blank">Search Engine Friendly URLs by YABBSEO '.YABBSEO_VER.'</a>',
2=>'<a href="http://yabsoft.com" target="blank">Content Relevant URLs by YABBSEO '.YABBSEO_VER.'</a>',
3=>'<a href="http://yabsoft.com" target="blank">Search Engine Optimization by YABBSEO '.YABBSEO_VER.'</a>',
4=>'<a href="http://yabsoft.com" target="blank">SEO by YABBSEO '.YABBSEO_VER.'</a>',
5=>'Search Engine Friendly URLs by YABBSEO '.YABBSEO_VER.' ?2005, YABSoft.com',
6=>'Content Relevant URLs by YABBSEO '.YABBSEO_VER.' ?2005, YABSoft.com',
7=>'Search Engine Optimization by YABBSEO '.YABBSEO_VER.' ?2005, YABSoft.com',
8=>'SEO by YABBSEO '.YABBSEO_VER.' ?2005, YABSoft.com',



# copyright information
$copyrights = array(
1=>'Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd<br /><a href="http://yabsoft.com" target="blank">Search Engine Friendly URLs by YABBSEO '.YABBSEO_VER.'</a>',
2=>'Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd<br /><a href="http://yabsoft.com" target="blank">Content Relevant URLs by YABBSEO '.YABBSEO_VER.'</a>',
3=>'Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd<br /><a href="http://yabsoft.com" target="blank">Search Engine Optimization by YABBSEO '.YABBSEO_VER.'</a>',
4=>'Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd<br /><a href="http://yabsoft.com" target="blank">SEO by YABBSEO '.YABBSEO_VER.'</a>',
5=>'Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd<br />Search Engine Friendly URLs by YABBSEO '.YABBSEO_VER.' ?2005, YABSoft.com',
6=>'Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd<br />Content Relevant URLs by YABBSEO '.YABBSEO_VER.' ?2005, YABSoft.com',
7=>'Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd<br />Search Engine Optimization by YABBSEO '.YABBSEO_VER.' ?2005, YABSoft.com',
8=>'Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd<br />SEO by YABBSEO '.YABBSEO_VER.' ?2005, YABSoft.com',

And that will fix it plus put the seo copyright down on the next line :)

final kaoss 01-16-2010 11:07 PM

What I meant by this was the search result could show like
instead of


Originally Posted by yabsoft (Post 1905542)
I donot know your issue, but http://vgchat.info/forum/search.php?do=finduser&u=73 shows fine, I think.

Deadsy 02-17-2010 07:29 AM

We installed it on our testforum, but let me get this straight. If I want to do some changes, I've to edit the config.php or is there any controlpanel?

cozmin 02-21-2010 10:49 AM

Hello, i have a problem with this mod, i uploaded all the files to my root , added the xml product but when i am trying to access a forum section i get a 404 error.

What i done wrong ? Thanks.

final kaoss 03-30-2010 02:33 PM

Theres no control panel for it.

Halfhidden 03-31-2010 10:49 PM

Hi I installed this and saw the results immediately.
However, I've noticed that members are complaining that in Photopost if they click on their messages they get redirected to the forum and recieve this message despite they are logged in.
This user has not registered and therefore does not have a profile to view.

This happens to all administrators, moderators and regular users.
Can you help?

suiyuan 04-03-2010 04:53 AM

Thanks a lot. mark installed.

Halfhidden 04-05-2010 01:43 PM

It looks as if this mod is no longer being supported. Looking back several months and no questions are being answered.
It's a great mod but without the support I've since un installed it.
Instead purchased vBSEO

final kaoss 05-03-2010 09:31 PM

Also I noticed that the access.log file grows over time (look in forumroot/yabbseo/data/access.log) Mine apparently grew to 68.95MB until I finally noticed & removed error log.

roy1 07-22-2010 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by extreme-gaming (Post 2012894)
Theres no control panel for it.

same problem ,no control panel :S

pompaunpo 04-08-2011 11:18 AM

Hi, in my site i have vbadvanced and vb 3.8.7
this module works perfectly inside the forum,

but in the root directory are changed all the links are not working.
in www.mysite.com/community/ there is vbadvanced and all pages links
are www.mysite.com/community/index.php?pageid=MYPAGE
after activating the module are now so:

in .htaccess I modified:
RewriteBase /community/forum

solved by myself !!!!
I changed this line in config.php

'forumindex' => '0',

abumohamed 04-11-2011 01:50 PM

i will try it.

Goomzee 01-12-2012 05:06 AM

it's works now

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