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Sorky 10-14-2009 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by xuanhuy238 (Post 1899519)
Thank you and love you so much! :D

My pleasure, although I still need to ensure that chr(221) and chr(222) are not valid characters in your character set that may be used in a forum name.


Originally Posted by xuanhuy238 (Post 1899519)
Correct (in vietnamese): 1 - 2 - 3 - A - ? - ? (or ? Ạ ? Ả) - B - C ... - Z

I did notice that, however I am not aware of a way to solve this. I use the inbuilt php function "strcasecmp" to do the sorting which gives the result you see. If someone is aware of a php function that will sort correctly for a Vietnamese character set, I will be more than happy to investigate this further.

Log on 10-14-2009 08:50 AM

thank u

mhackl 10-24-2009 02:54 AM

Is there a solution that does this not only for the forumhome but also when viewing category and forum pages?

My Forumhome , Category page , Forum page.

See how the last two could benefit from having the sub-forums organized like forumhome. This is the solution that I really need.

Sorky 10-26-2009 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by mhackl (Post 1905343)
Is there a solution that does this not only for the forumhome but also when viewing category and forum pages?

Can't see your examples at the moment, however I the PlugIn does work at any level. I'm sure that you have the Forum list display options / Forum home depth > 1 - Just make sure that the forum display option is also > 1

Dontom 10-27-2009 10:36 AM

Hi Sorky, thanks for this great addition.

One question though:

I use a Depth of Forums - Forum Home = 2 and would like to contiune to use this setting. I'd like to have certain forumids show their subforums in your compressed list-style and leave te remaining ones as they are now. Is this possible with the current product?


Sorky 10-27-2009 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by MikesSite (Post 1906739)
Great plugin!! Is there a way I can get the Sub-Forum description to be on the line below?

Never considered that, but it is definitely possible! This is what I just tried in the options and I liked the result!
  • Sorky03 - SubForum List Control - V1.8.0
    / Display SubForum Descriptions (combines with all previous settings)
    / Prefix text
    = <br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;

PS: I looked at your forum and you definitely can use this PlugIn to manage your SubForums! Enjoy!

Sorky 10-27-2009 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Dontom (Post 1906808)
I use a Depth of Forums - Forum Home = 2 and would like to contiune to use this setting. I'd like to have certain forumids show their subforums in your compressed list-style and leave te remaining ones as they are now. Is this possible with the current product?

Sure is! Have a look at just some of the options

Image was the earlier version with up to 5 columns and the text may not be clear, so a quick summary...
Choose any of the following as the default AND specify forum number(s) against any of them to override the default for that forum!
  • No change
  • Hide
  • Formatting only (no columns)
  • One column
  • Two columns
  • Three columns
  • Four columns
  • Five columns
  • Six columns
  • Seven columns
  • Eight columns
  • Nine columns
  • Ten columns

MikesSite 10-28-2009 01:47 PM

Sorky I must say this plugin is great! vB should have incorporated all of these features to begin. My members definitely noticed a difference and all love it. Thanks a lot, and thanks for the help via PM's also!!!

Nominated + installed

Sorky 11-02-2009 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by xuanhuy238 (Post 1899519)
Sorting fuction seems to be work but some characters in Vietnamese was sorted not correctly.

Now: A - B - C .. - Z - ? - ? - 1 - 2 - 3 (???)

Correct (in vietnamese): 1 - 2 - 3 - A - ? - ? (or ? Ạ ? Ả) - B - C ... - Z

I just found out about this... setlocale(LC_COLLATE, 'English');

If used with Vietnamese instead of English it may fix the sorting

Reference: http://www.w3schools.com/php/func_string_setlocale.asp

RavenXBR 11-06-2009 05:10 PM

Simply awesome...
Very useful MOD.

Congratz... :up:

CrashPush 11-08-2009 06:40 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Great mod and good job on it. I wish I would have found it earlier. I have a small issue that I just can't figure out. I got the rest to look exactly how I want except for this.

I want to eliminate the space between the main forum's description and the sub-forum title. Attached is a screen shot.

I'm stumped. :o

Sorky 11-08-2009 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by CrashPush (Post 1911719)
I want to eliminate the space between the main forum's description and the sub-forum title. Attached is a screen shot.

Best you can hope for would be to use table formatting options to minimize padding and spacing or to adjust the position...

Put formatting in here: "SubForum Outer Box (table) formatting"
or here: "SubForum Table (table) formatting"

PS: You can use "style=...

CrashPush 11-09-2009 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by Sorky (Post 1911766)
PS: You can use "style=...

I'm sorry but I don't understand what it is I'm supposed to do. :(

Sorky 11-11-2009 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by CrashPush (Post 1911945)
I'm sorry but I don't understand what it is I'm supposed to do. :(

You can insert CSS style options into the HTML for either the inner or outer table so as to adjust the display of that table. I just googled "table position CSS" and found "http://www.w3schools.com/Css/css_positioning.asp" which has some great examples. I even tried one as follows...
SubForum Outer Box (table) formatting

jimsflies 11-17-2009 12:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I can't seem to get the subforums to display like I would like. I don't want to list the last post, threads and post colums in the forums that I have enable your mod (see attachment) I want the subforum list table to span across the width of the category table.

I played around forum listing display display options and it seems if I chose anything other than 2 for the depth of forum home, the subforums won't appear at all.

Any suggestions?

GHC Webmaster 11-17-2009 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by jimsflies (Post 1915866)
I can't seem to get the subforums to display like I would like. I don't want to list the last post, threads and post colums in the forums that I have enable your mod (see attachment) I want the subforum list table to span across the width of the category table.

Any suggestions?

I have something like that (similar to for example http://ubuntuforums.org/) and you will have to edit templates (and be familiar with html) to achieve that.

jimsflies 11-17-2009 04:01 PM

Are you also using this mod to achieve that look, or is that all manual template mods you are using?

GHC Webmaster 11-18-2009 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by jimsflies (Post 1915995)
Are you also using this mod to achieve that look, or is that all manual template mods you are using?

I'm using this mod as well. By the way: ubuntuforums does have a last post (in a different layout), we don't.

You can have a look at http://www.globalhealingcircle.net/community/index.php
(The forums itself are members only, but you can see the front page.)

Sorky 11-20-2009 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by jimsflies (Post 1915866)
I can't seem to get the subforums to display like I would like. I don't want to list the last post, threads and post colums in the forums that I have enable your mod (see attachment) I want the subforum list table to span across the width of the category table.

In vBulletin, you can have a Forum or a Category [See option "Act as Forum (Will act as category if no)"]. If you made "Coral" a Category, the last post, etc would not appear, but it would also no longer allow posts in that location, just in the SubForums.

Formatting and appearance of the rest of the forum display is outside the scope of this PlugIn.

Having the columns hidden if there are SubForums would be possible to achieve by doing custom template modifications or through another PlugIn.

Sorky 11-20-2009 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by GHC Webmaster (Post 1916629)
You can have a look at http://www.globalhealingcircle.net/community/index.php
(The forums itself are members only, but you can see the front page.)

Thanks for sharing - Looks like my PlugIn was perfect for you and your template mods work nicely with it! :up:

GHC Webmaster 11-29-2009 12:55 PM

Thanks. Are you planning on recoding it for VB 4.0?

Sorky 11-29-2009 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by GHC Webmaster (Post 1922467)
Thanks. Are you planning on recoding it for VB 4.0?

I do intend to.

Veer 11-30-2009 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by Sorky (Post 1922765)
I do intend to.

Good luck, I'll wait.

GHC Webmaster 11-30-2009 02:33 PM

Good to hear. As we purchased a license for the full suite and intend to use it.

Thanks in advance!

Thomas P 12-21-2009 02:37 PM

How many queries does this add to forumhome please?


Alfa1 12-21-2009 08:00 PM

Im not sure about that, but it runs fine on my large board and I have at least 6k concurrent users most of the time.

Originally Posted by Sorky (Post 1922765)
I do intend to.

I appreciate it Sorky.

Thomas P 12-22-2009 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1934800)
Im not sure about that, but it runs fine on my large board and I have at least 6k concurrent users most of the time

Have you measured the microseconds of php execution time before & after? I did 0.077 compared to 0.126 ;)
Honestly: Thanks for your post, if it runs fine with that much users online I'll give it a try.

Bram H 12-25-2009 02:53 PM

Dear Sorky,

Will you upgrade this mod to vB 4. All other subforum managers miss your feature to enable it only on forums you would like to display the subforums!!

Keep up the good work!

Thomas P 12-28-2009 07:06 AM

Hello Sorky,

great hack, as far as I tested it works good.

But: Validate is awful, a lot of (X)HTML errors are thrown:
Maybe you could have a look, Thanks

Sorky 12-29-2009 03:24 AM


Originally Posted by Thomas P (Post 1940122)
Validate is awful, a lot of (X)HTML errors are thrown:

Strange - I have previously done just that and cleaned up anything I saw - maybe a variation in options shows up an issue - can you PM me a link to look at or email me the html produced (turn on the debug option)


Originally Posted by Bram H (Post 1938021)
Dear Sorky,

Will you upgrade this mod to vB 4. All other subforum managers miss your feature to enable it only on forums you would like to display the subforums!!

Working on it ;-)


Originally Posted by Thomas P (Post 1935022)
Thanks for your post, if it runs fine with that much users online I'll give it a try.

Nothing like a practical test for confirmation!


Originally Posted by Thomas P (Post 1934594)
How many queries does this add to forumhome please?

NO SQL at all. Just extra php code to adjust the information provided - amount of code it executes depends on the options you choose. See above answer ;-)

Thomas P 12-29-2009 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by Sorky (Post 1941157)
Strange - I have previously done just that and cleaned up anything I saw - maybe a variation in options shows up an issue - can you PM me a link to look at or email me the html produced (turn on the debug option)

Thanks, awesome

Originally Posted by Sorky (Post 1941157)
NO SQL at all. Just extra php code to adjust the information provided - amount of code it executes depends on the options you choose. See above answer ;-)

Ok, fair enough for me :)

Sorky 01-02-2010 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Thomas P (Post 1941399)
Thanks, awesome :)

Bit of a delay - holiday season and all ;-)

I had a look at your main & test boards and there is a variation in content, and the first validation error is in the content, not in due to my PlugIn - Would be a good idea for you to do a validation with my PlugIn uninstalled (or simply disabled) and then enable it and re-validate.

The next error look like an old rule violation (that actually worked) that I fixed a long time ago - what version of my PlugIn did you install? Make sure it is the latest, turn the debug option on and I will then take another look.

Thomas P 01-02-2010 03:58 PM

Thanks, ok.

I will send you PN as soon as we've installed your PlugIn. We use v1.8.0.

Thomas P 01-04-2010 06:42 AM

Ok, it's installed.

We had to change the following (last) line in the Plugin Sorky03 - SubForum List Control - forumbit_display
PHP Code:

    // If the SubForums can be collapsed (ShowOrHide) then set the HTML that is inserted in the parse_templates section
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ($Sorky03_SubForumsExist = ($Sorky03_SubForumListText != ''))
// Starts the ShowOrHide div
        // -------------------------
$Sorky03_SubForumShowOrHideStart_HTML .= "\r\n" '<!-- Sorky03 - vvvvv -->';
$Sorky03_SubForumShowOrHideStart_HTML .= "\r\n" '<div id="Sorky03_ShowOrHide_div_' $forumid '">';

// Finish the ShowOrHide div
        // -------------------------
//Comment here        $Sorky03_SubForumShowOrHideFinish_HTML .= "\r\n</div>";
$Sorky03_SubForumShowOrHideFinish_HTML .= "\r\n"

Since we don't use collapsible subforums the extra </div> caused many validation errors

Thanks, your AddOn works great.

linuxututs 01-08-2010 06:05 AM


Originally Posted by Sorky (Post 1922765)
I do intend to.


Thank you so much !
I need this like BAD Sorky.
I've created about 1,600 forums, and There'll just about ALL sub-forums.

Bless You,


Sorky 01-10-2010 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by Thomas P (Post 1946676)
We had to change the following (last) line in the Plugin

Now that you have pointed it out, I remember noticing that my PlugIns subforum table start mark was not in your original page source and therefore the start div would have been omitted as well! Your solution of removing the ending div works by virtue of the fact that the start was not inserted, but it doesn't really solve the problem safely. The most likely cause for the start div not being inserted is a manual edit of the templates or using a style that is not fully compatible [I mention this in the release notes]. I'd be interested in hearing which it was for you.

My plugin inserts the start div where the <strong>$vbphrase[subforums]</strong>: is in these templates:
  • forumhome_forumbit_level1_nopost
  • forumhome_forumbit_level1_post
  • forumhome_forumbit_level2_nopost
  • forumhome_forumbit_level2_post

To go back to using an unedited version of my PlugIn you can either (a) revert the templates to their original or (b) insert <strong>$vbphrase[subforums]</strong>: into the mentioned templates just before the $forum[subforums] // Don't worry as my PlugIn has an option to then edit/remove it!

joe1989 01-10-2010 05:23 AM

I really like this modification, so I tagged it. I will download and install it when I know if this is compatible with vB 4.0 -- can you update it for compatibility?


Thomas P 01-11-2010 05:24 AM

@Sorky: I agree, it definetely could be our style. I'll check - thanks.

Sorky 01-14-2010 12:20 PM

New update available for 4.0.x (WILL NOT WORK WITH ANY 3.x version of vBulletin)

No changes to the current version for those still on 3.8.x - just letting those wanting it on 4.0.x know I have migrated it across.

The current version (this thread) is for 3.8.x and also works for 3.7.x and 3.6.x

Alfa1 01-23-2010 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1800414)
Please add the function to display sub-forum moderators.

Has this functionality been added since then? If not, then could you please add it? I really need this.

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