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turbosatan 04-10-2009 08:03 AM

are there upgrade instructions for this?

i have been using the old zoints SEO for some time and recently upgraded my forum to 3.8

i want to ensure i dont lose any pages etc which are currently ranking well.

would you advise to leave it as it is or upgrade?

RTMdotORG 04-10-2009 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by turbosatan (Post 1788045)
are there upgrade instructions for this?

i have been using the old zoints SEO for some time and recently upgraded my forum to 3.8

i want to ensure i dont lose any pages etc which are currently ranking well.

would you advise to leave it as it is or upgrade?

i believe its the same, because in the zip it doesnt even say its for 3.8...
it shows 3.7....

so i would guess you wont have to upgrade...
but im not the author...

dxlwebs 04-24-2009 02:21 PM

sorry but no one for this modis the author really as its mega old now all i did was keep it going by doing the bug fixes but i have found that it is better to make a complete rewrite so i thought i would make my own instead this mod for support and everything from me is closed but i hope to have a new better and morecomplete system soon:D

Gene Steinberg 04-28-2009 08:28 PM

OK, I have most of this working, except for an invalid input message when I try to access anything but the forum's home page.


Gene Steinberg

Sayid 04-29-2009 09:25 AM

can't wait for the complete version

Btw, is it work with other than English languages like Arabic or Chinese ?

rbgrn 05-11-2009 04:27 PM

Thanks for maintaining this! I have a patch to submit for SEOing the URLs in the social bookmarks:

plugin: showthread_bookmarkbit

$bookmarksite['link'] = str_replace(
                        array('{URL}', '{TITLE}'),
                        array(urlencode($vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/' . zseo_url_thread($thread, 1)), urlencode($thread['title'])),

rbgrn 05-11-2009 05:02 PM

I found this problem while I was trying to make submissions to Digg work from the social bookmarking links:

This is what my apache log kicked out when attempting to submit the same thread to Digg:

BTW - This forum keeps ripping out the "s equals sessionkeystring" so I'm going to write it out that way so you can see.

With 301s enabled:


"HEAD /forums/showthread.php/new-fourms-31409.html HTTP/1.1" 301
"HEAD /forums/showthread.php/new-fourms-31409.html?s_equals_sessionkeystring&amp%3B HTTP/1.1" 301
"HEAD /forums/showthread.php/new-fourms-31409.html?s_equals_sessionkeystring&amp%3Bs_equals_sessionkeystring&amp%3B HTTP/1.1" 301

With disabled:


"HEAD /forums/showthread.php/new-fourms-31409.html HTTP/1.1" 200
"GET /forums/showthread.php/new-fourms-31409.html HTTP/1.1" 200

So it appears to be getting hung up on the session key somehow? My instinct says that there is some extra parseurl in there somewhere which is screwing it up.

dxlwebs 05-11-2009 07:00 PM

hey from my knowledge when i last tested this with dig it all worked fine the only problem that happened was that if you have the redirect turned on digg would tell you that you have too many redirects!

sadly im no longer maintaining this anymore and im in the stages of creating me own SEO system!

there is no realistic deadline right now but i promise to have something out soon!

rbgrn 05-12-2009 03:21 PM

Awesome! I look forward to your new system.

One thing to keep in mind - those of us who have ZSEO installed will need an upgrade path, that is, a backwards compatible URL rewriter! We can use new URLs but the old ones will absolutely need to be 301 redirected to the new ones.

dxlwebs 05-12-2009 04:11 PM

yeah i thought about that too!

i will try to incorporate all the features that zoints and other SEO's have and a priority will be that you get the redirects but obviously i cannot make it too much like zoints as that would creat copyright problems but for the sack of all the zoints seo users i will try to make the controls similar for ease in the change!

rbgrn 05-12-2009 04:35 PM

You can add every feature zoints had without fear of patent issue, because I'm positive they have not filed any patents on those features and if they had tried, they probably would have never been approved by the USPTO!

You just can't use the name "zoints," as that would violate a trademark if they have it used as a legal entity or website name.

I'm no lawyer but this how I understand it.

Anyway, having backward compatibility is make-or-break for me. I simply can't switch to any other system that can't support my old URLs or I will lose so much traffic I'll be out of business. I'd make that one thing a top priority because it will give people a migration path to your system.

dxlwebs 05-12-2009 04:44 PM

ok ill make sure the urls are there! or atleast with a 301 redirect!

rbgrn 05-12-2009 04:53 PM

It should be fairly simple. You can parse out the thread ID / forum ID because it's always at the end of the URL as words-words-30.html which would just parse out to 30, then construct your new SEO URL and 301 to that.

I'd recommend supporting migration from the other SEO systems as well, which couldn't take more than a few hours of work to figure out how to parse their URLs.

Adromir 05-12-2009 04:59 PM

If i am not mistaken, zoints seo is published under the lgpl license, if i am not mistaken. So i dont think there won`t be any copyright issues at all.

PeakOptions 05-15-2009 01:31 AM

My spanking new forum is up and operational as of today, my next step is SEO. I've researched the other two main options (you know, "vbSomething"and"DaniWhatever"), and I just finished reading ALL 12 PAGES of this thread (and a few other reviews)... you've got the one I want!

Now, question is; can I wait? If I wait I risk the benefits of a strong SEO start... if I implement the current (aging) Zoints, I may have to wrestle with migration issues.

Thoughts? Opinions? Advice from dxlwebs?


Adromir 05-15-2009 04:04 AM

In my Forum the thread-/forumtitles are cut down after a certain length, i would prefer if it would be possible (in future versions or the new Product) that you can choose yourself how long the URLs become.

dxlwebs 05-15-2009 05:48 AM

i'll do every one a favour :D i have decided to make my SEO upgraderbale from Zoints meaning that you can continue to use this one untill i have finished mine which i am creating a deadline of 2 months!

so if you would like to use mine you can use this now and upgrade to mine once complete in 2 months time!

Adromir 05-17-2009 03:24 PM

that sounds great, will you tell us, what features you are planning?

havard20009 05-20-2009 04:33 PM

i have problem about this :

You have not specified a valid URL for the thread that you want to merge. Please check that the URL includes a valid threadid, "t=xxx" or postid, "p=xxx" (where xxx is a number), and is not a redirect

havard20009 05-21-2009 04:45 PM

hi plz help me

You have not specified a valid URL for the thread that you want to merge. Please check that the URL includes a valid threadid, "t=xxx" or postid, "p=xxx" (where xxx is a number), and is not a redirect

dxlwebs 05-22-2009 06:57 PM

my new system is coming allong well i have posted a topic in my computer logic forum telling about the features that will be included and what you can expect if you wish to ask for anything please feel free to post in that topic and request features and such!

as for support on this system i am no longer supplying support as i am working on getting mine up and running and no longer have time to supply support!

if you have a problem you can still post it here and maybe some one will have the solution but im just too busy trying to get this new one running!

RichieBoy67 05-25-2009 05:03 PM

Please don't make me read the entire thread. lol

I am looking for tips on configuring with VBadvanced.


RichieBoy67 05-25-2009 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1754298)
That's a myth:

Dynamic URLs vs. static URLs
Written by Juliane Stiller and Kaspar Szymanski,
Google Search Quality Team
Monday, September 22, 2008


I always thought it was having the keywords in the thread that made them more useful, more visible etc... I never thought it was a matter of making threads look static.

I always thought that having a url that actually describes the page a bit was a good thing.. Am I wrong? Does it matter at all?

By the way--Looking forward to your seo system!! Do you plan on releasing it???

dxlwebs 05-25-2009 06:56 PM

thanks for the post yes the whole point of a seo system is to creat user and search engine friendly urls WHICH means (for every one still stuck on this) that your urls will have a better description allowing the search engines to understand what the topic is about easier and for the user to remember, search engines are all about keywords the easier they find them the easier they will be logged, and for the user if its something like showthread.php?p=1816966#post1816966 they will never remember but if its something like this showthread/some_random_topic.html?23 or what ever they may find it easier to get back to that page in a later date rather than having to save it or use the search option!

erm right now im in the hard code like i said about 2 months before i have some that i can be proud of time is tight but im working all day every day to bring something to the table!

i would say 1 month max and i should have something up!

dxlwebs 05-25-2009 07:00 PM

as for vbadvanced i know its a pain to look through all the posts in here and it would be of no use anyways vbadvanced will not work with this version of seo as they are out dated and would require a lot more coding on zoints seo and vbadvanced side because of vb3.8 being so new!

right now im not sure if i will tackle the problem of making my seo compatible with vba untill i have fixed the more complex problems and have it almost bug free once i get something up i will creat a topic in my forum where you can submit requests for features but that will not be read completly untill the seo is working im a great believer is baby step first!

GNeRaL 05-28-2009 06:17 PM


shinng 06-02-2009 05:37 AM

the installation went smoothly, but i have no idea if it is working properly. can someone please confirm that it is working properly? i'd appreciate the confirmation.

almohd 06-02-2009 09:59 AM

Thank you very much

dxlwebs 06-02-2009 11:20 AM

hey all,

i am almost ready for beta testing you can see the beta working on my forum now and i will be releasing a beta version within the next few days!

i will update you on everything i have done so far tonight on my computer-logic.org site and answer your questions there at first i will only release the beta on my site and then once beta is finished i will release it to vbulletin.org for everyone else to use,so if anyone wants to update to my beta version (which is working) then they should sign up to my forum now

dxlwebs 06-04-2009 08:52 AM

i have now released my seo for everyone on my sites forum

RedeemedWarrior 06-04-2009 08:57 AM

registration disabled?

Ok it allowed me to registor but not download?

dxlwebs 06-04-2009 09:01 AM

registration is done through the front page as for the downloads ill check wait

RedeemedWarrior 06-04-2009 09:03 AM

ah thanks :)

RedeemedWarrior 06-04-2009 09:05 AM

is working now, i take it we remove zoints first? then install this? :)

dxlwebs 06-04-2009 09:07 AM

yeah just uninstall the same way you installed and then up mine! ill provide support for it on my site not in here ok :D

RedeemedWarrior 06-04-2009 09:11 AM

okies dokies seeya there ;)

khadda 06-09-2009 12:54 AM

Link this show


http://www.algeria17.info/vb/bccc-t40421.html?p=97356 # post97356

I want to be like this



I'm waiting

|Jordan| 06-09-2009 07:10 AM

What's the difference between the mod_rewrite and regular rewrite URL's?

I ask this because when i have Xcache enabled with the mod_rewrite URL's, i get 404 errors on the pages, but the regular rewrite URL's load fine.

khadda 06-09-2009 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by khadda (Post 1826092)

Where you :confused:

Where the experts :erm:

pjardinage 06-11-2009 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by rootmt (Post 1737779)
to show Turkish letters in URLs you should edit a funciton in
forum home -> includes -> functions_zseo.php

find: function zseo_cleaned_string($string) definition and change this function to this:
PHP Code:

function zseo_cleaned_string($string)
$bit iif($vbulletin->options['zointsseo_url_separator'], '_''-');
    turker - fix start ----------------------------------------------------
$find = array('?','?','Ş','İ','I','Ğ','?');
$replace = array('?','?','ş','i','ı','ğ','?');
$string str_replace($find,$replace,$string);
    turker - fix end ------------------------------------------------------
$string strtolower($string);
$string unhtmlspecialchars($string);
$string str_replace("'"''$string);
$words preg_split("#[^a-z0-9]#"$string, -1PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$words zseo_strip_stopwords($words$bit);
$words zseo_limit_keywords($words$bit);

-Take a look at iconv usage.
-If your forum and local charset(which includes local characters, here is iso-8859-9) are same, delete the iconv lines.

Thanks, this helps me a litte bit but i'm not quite sure, how would i make this work for french letters ?

The basic :

?, ?, ?, ?


?, ?, ?, ?, ?

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