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-   -   Show Thread Enhancements - AME 2.0 -Auto Media Embedding for posts, blogs, visitor and group messsages (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=189267)

The Geek 09-08-2008 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by Subah (Post 1616487)
Is there any change on 2.0.2 since last update ? i have it on my forum and i login and found the mod is updated when i look on the mod i found the new beta 2.5 so i think do not need to update the 2.0.2 right ?

The updated flag must have happened when I uploaded 2.5, 2.0.2 is the same file :)

akulion 09-08-2008 02:37 PM

beta working A-OK for me
thanks for creating this mod!

TsirhCitna 09-08-2008 02:55 PM

How would I set this up to work by embedding videos from this mod:

The Geek 09-08-2008 03:40 PM

I'm pretty sure that DJ's AME Definitions have support for local hosted media files. If it isnt specific for the links and download manager, I am sure with a little tweaking they would be :)

Locutus 2.0 09-09-2008 12:23 AM

I'm a total noob at this... When I turn AME on in the CP, I get the following message when I try to start a new thread, edit a post or create a new post... help?


Warning: require_once([path]/includes/ame_bbcode.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/includes/functions_newpost.php(585) : eval()'d code on line 3

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/tanshles/public_html/forums/includes/ame_bbcode.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/tanshles/public_html/forums/includes/functions_newpost.php(585) : eval()'d code on line 3

directprint 09-09-2008 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by Locutus 2.0 (Post 1617807)
I'm a total noob at this... When I turn AME on in the CP, I get the following message when I try to start a new thread, edit a post or create a new post... help?

It's a permissions problem.

Same problem I had https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=149

All fixed after doing this https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=150

Locutus 2.0 09-09-2008 12:56 AM

how do I get to the permissions page?

directprint 09-09-2008 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by Locutus 2.0 (Post 1617834)
how do I get to that permissions page?

You need to do this via ftp, change the permissions of the file to 644.

akulion 09-09-2008 01:28 AM

youtube videos no longer get shown..instead it just says "this video is not available" however when u check on youtube , the video is there but wont get played through the mod!


Eneswar 09-09-2008 01:36 AM

Same as above.

This is not working for me... I was using the old version on my 3.7x and it was working perfectly... I then upgraded to this by over writing as the op said, now its not working at all, the links wont convert... Whats the problem, what do i do wrong.

Locutus 2.0 09-09-2008 02:04 AM

My problem is that I don't have direct or indirect access to the ftp ... is there a way around this I can fix my problem? I really want something like AME ... I could make do with passive video lite... but that gives me the same problems...

The Geek 09-09-2008 06:19 AM


Loctus, your files were not uploaded to the correct location.

Eneswar & akulian- I will lay money on the fact that those videos have embedding sidabled by the video poster. Check the youtube page. If the 'author' doesnt want it posted, youtube wont let it playoutsideof youtube

Eneswar 09-09-2008 10:42 AM

No that wasnt the problem i had yesterday... Anyhow i went to sleep, woke up, tried again, and it just suddenly worked.... very wierd.. :S

iogames 09-09-2008 04:44 PM

tested on 3.6.11???

PossumX 09-09-2008 08:11 PM


Whenever I post a Vimeo video, I get the following Flash error:


SecurityError: Error #2060: Security sandbox violation: ExternalInterface caller http://bitcast.vimeo.com/vimeo/swf/moogaloop.swf?clip%5Fid=1183299&server=vimeo%2Ecom&fullscreen=1&video%5Finfo=1 cannot access http://www.nbssportfishing.com/vBforum/f17/riptide-charters-hd-canyon-video-8007/.
        at flash.external::ExternalInterface$/_initJS()
        at flash.external::ExternalInterface$/addCallback()
        at com.as3.moogaloop4::Moogaloop/initAPI()
        at com.as3.moogaloop4::Moogaloop/initPlayer()
        at com.as3.moogaloop4::Moogaloop/loadAssetsComplete()
        at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
        at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
        at com.as3.classes.loader::MassLoader/onComplete()
        at com.as3.classes.loader::MassLoader/onFileComplete()
        at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
        at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
        at com.as3.classes.loader.items::ImageItem/onComplete()

I just hit continue, and it plays as normal, but on first resolve it pops. Any idea why?

The other thing I noticed is that if I hit preview first, the video doesn't parse out completely, only the parsed URL is displayed. If I submit the post without preview, it works fine.

NeverBored 09-10-2008 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by Eneswar (Post 1618139)
No that wasnt the problem i had yesterday... Anyhow i went to sleep, woke up, tried again, and it just suddenly worked.... very wierd.. :S

Youtube was doing maintenance last night, and all embeds were shut off.

jamesww 09-10-2008 09:12 PM

I was wondering if this hack works with the 3.7 version after adding the security updates? I am very green and still wet behind the ears. I would like to have the ability to embed audio as well as video in blogs and threads. I would appreciate suggestions on the best ways to go about this.

Thank you


directprint 09-10-2008 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by jamesww (Post 1619415)
I was wondering if this hack works with the 3.7 version after adding the security updates? I am very green and still wet behind the ears. I would like to have the ability to embed audio as well as video in blogs and threads. I would appreciate suggestions on the best ways to go about this.

Thank you


I have it running using 3.7.3 PL1. which is the latest without a problem

Lizard King 09-10-2008 10:28 PM

Sam ,

In product file the following line should be changed as follow
Find :

        $js = '<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"clientscript/ame.js\" /></script>';

        $js = '<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"clientscript/ame.js\"></script>';

directprint 09-10-2008 10:38 PM

Who is Sam?

The reason I ask, is that I am still hoping someone can solve my problem https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=168

Lizard King 09-11-2008 12:11 AM

What is the problem you have in that post ?

directprint 09-11-2008 12:29 AM

Nothing wrong with the post, just wanted to know who Sam was, as you are suggesting a change and I couldn't see who Sam was that you were replying to.

The Geek 09-11-2008 02:46 PM

Thanks Lizard.

@io - havent tested it, but technically it SHOULD work :)

@directprrint - I'm Sam. Think my mom called me Geek?!? :D

Not sure what the problem is by glancing at that post. Maybe Ive missed something. FWIW, the next beta has been delayed as I am adding a new feature to be able to test for disallowed embedding (i.e. a youtube video that doesnt allow other websites to embed it).

SnapOff Racing 09-11-2008 11:56 PM

I installed it and the videos show up properly for 3 seconds then disappear and a link pops up. What gives? everything's enabled in ACP.

Cars2007 09-11-2008 11:57 PM

I am not sure if this is a bug or not. We are having an issue with the exempt groups. If a user is part of only one group and that group is not on the exempt list, it works just fine. However, if we add a group that is on the exempt list, despite the fact that they belong to a group already that should be allowed to use this feature, it does not work for them.

Is there any way around this? Is there any way to specify "If this user belongs to ANY group that is not on the exempt list, let them use this feature."??

kingmotox 09-12-2008 12:10 AM

I have this installed and turned on and when i place a youtube link in a post it still shows the link so its not working i have vb 3.7.3 p1


SnapOff Racing 09-12-2008 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by kingmotox (Post 1620234)
I have this installed and turned on and when i place a youtube link in a post it still shows the link so its not working i have vb 3.7.3 p1


same here!

EvilJohn 09-12-2008 03:31 AM

Thank you! Installed and works great. Look forward to profile support. Maybe even VbAdvanced support in the future?

The Geek 09-12-2008 06:21 AM

@king & Race - Check the usergroup permissions. Sounds like you are using 2.5 and you dont have permission to view (check the read me formore info on this)

@Cars - 2.5 is FARRRR better with usergroup permission support and takes care of this for you.

Peeps... pleasepleaseplease.... I need to know the version you are using and a link to either the page that isnt giving the results you need OR an example ofthe embedded URL that isnt working,

Jaxel 09-12-2008 06:25 AM

How do I post a link WITHOUT having it parsed for AME?

The Geek 09-12-2008 07:48 AM

Untick the options to automatically embed media for that post (doent appear as an option in the quick editor)

KevinL 09-12-2008 09:50 AM

this really is great!

Thank you!

Magz 09-12-2008 10:29 AM

Ive readded AME, in replacement of goldbrick. But am still having a problem ( my understanding ) of converting the old [Media] Tags.

This is what is currently in the codes section:

youtubevid, metacafe, ifilm, putfile, googlevid, myspacevid

And this is what is in the convert section:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\1, http://www.metacafe.com/watch/\1, http://www.ifilm.com/video/\1, http://www.putfile\.com/\1, http://www.google.com/videoplay\?docid=\1, http://www.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=\1

When i try and run the conversion, using test mode, i get

The following error(s) occured while preparing your conversion. Note that no data was changed
  • You are missing the \1 parameter in at least one of your conversions
  • You are missing the \1 parameter in at least one of your conversions
  • You are missing the \1 parameter in at least one of your conversions
  • You are missing the \1 parameter in at least one of your conversions
  • You are missing the \1 parameter in at least one of your conversions
  • You are missing the \1 parameter in at least one of your conversions
So far, i havent added anything, so where am i going wrong here, and what specific code do i add to include the [media] conversion. Nearly all vids on my site have come from youtube.


Im using ame 2.0.2

Sym0n 09-12-2008 12:14 PM

I've just installed this on my test forum and have had a few problems.

YouTube videos will embed nicely, but won't play. Thought this might be a problem with YouTube so checked on my live site and the old version of PassiveVid running on there is playing them without a problem or any loading delay. :erm:

I imported the master.xml file and it only imported 20 definitions. Do I have to manually import all of the other defs so they embed? Is there a real master def file that allows for importation of all the defs found in the DJ's AME.zip file?

I deleted all the defs shown and imported just the imeem (music) one but when I posted a link for a single from imeem it only showed the link, no player.



Cars2007 09-12-2008 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1620344)
@Cars - 2.5 is FARRRR better with usergroup permission support and takes care of this for you

Fantastic. Thanks. I was using 2.0.2 because the other download said it was a beta. I will try that one then.

Cars2007 09-12-2008 05:46 PM

Ok, I upgraded to the 2.5 Beta. However, when I go to Admin CP > Usergroups > Usergroup Manager > Registered > AME Create and Modify Permissions and select "No" for all of the options in that area, Registered members can still post videos, even though they belong to no groups that have access to post videos.

Am I missing a setting?

akulion 09-12-2008 07:37 PM

man im going bonkers!! cos...

the mod was working A-ok, then suddenly youtube videos stopped working yet google videos were working fine....

Then the next day youtube videos start working by themselves and now googlevideos wont load!!

whats goin on?!!


kingmotox 09-12-2008 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1620344)
@king & Race - Check the usergroup permissions. Sounds like you are using 2.5 and you dont have permission to view (check the read me formore info on this)

@Cars - 2.5 is FARRRR better with usergroup permission support and takes care of this for you.

Peeps... pleasepleaseplease.... I need to know the version you are using and a link to either the page that isnt giving the results you need OR an example ofthe embedded URL that isnt working,

i didnt see anything in the readme about usergroup permissions?

The Geek 09-13-2008 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Magz (Post 1620446)
Ive readded AME, in replacement of goldbrick. But am still having a problem ( my understanding ) of converting the old [Media] Tags.

Cant duplicate this?

The Geek 09-13-2008 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by Sym0n (Post 1620488)
I've just installed this on my test forum and have had a few problems.

YouTube videos will embed nicely, but won't play. Thought this might be a problem with YouTube so checked on my live site and the old version of PassiveVid running on there is playing them without a problem or any loading delay. :erm:

I imported the master.xml file and it only imported 20 definitions. Do I have to manually import all of the other defs so they embed? Is there a real master def file that allows for importation of all the defs found in the DJ's AME.zip file?

I deleted all the defs shown and imported just the imeem (music) one but when I posted a link for a single from imeem it only showed the link, no player.



For add on definitions, youll need to ask in DJ's thread. Not sure why the youtube ones wont play as that makes no sense. Make sure you dont have another hack that would interfere with this one installed :)

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