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-   -   Private Messages Enhancements - SMS Capabilities (Text Messaging to Cell Phone from Forums) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=182988)

robwoelich 06-26-2008 04:23 AM

I've posted an update to v1.1.5 as more of a maintenance release. It fixes a few of the aforementioned bugs, and is more secure in that when a user sets up their number they have to confirm it's theirs by entering a PIN number they're texted.

I'm working with some others to get the next features I want to add set up, like usergroup permissions and the like. Hopefully I'll be able to add all that in the next week. In the meantime, enjoy. :)

SuperTaz 06-26-2008 05:46 AM

Very nice. Installed. Also nominated for MOTM.

flapjack 06-26-2008 05:52 AM

Thanks for the update! This is a great hack.

flapjack 06-26-2008 05:58 AM

Whoops, simple bug I think

screenshot enclosed

EDIT: Yeah, I see what the problem is. There's an extra space in your coding; fortunately it's in a phrase though. Simply edit the phrase and remove the extra space.

^_^ Works fine now. Thanks again OP.

tme_power 06-26-2008 06:08 AM

please update for vietnam

dommo_g 06-26-2008 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by flapjack (Post 1559208)
Whoops, simple bug I think

screenshot enclosed

EDIT: Yeah, I see what the problem is. There's an extra space in your coding; fortunately it's in a phrase though. Simply edit the phrase and remove the extra space.

^_^ Works fine now. Thanks again OP.

I got this same message when I installed this and tried to set up my phone. How do I fix this?


Originally Posted by my forum
The test message was sent successfully. < a href="profile.php?do=editphonenum">Click here to continue.

Also, has there been a problem confirmed with Sprint? I have been unable to receive my verification text from the forum, and I'm using Sprint. I tested it by sending myself a text from my email, and it works fine.

I think this has the potential to be one of the most awesomest mods there is.

Edit: Was able to get the text after another attempt. Sprint seems to be working.

BeerLuver 06-26-2008 07:31 AM

Thanks for the Einstein addition robwoelich :).

I did notice one slight error though; nothing major.

When you send a test message, it comes up with this:


The test message was sent successfully. < a href="profile.php?do=editphonenum">Click here to continue.
Basically, that space between the < and the a there was not presenting a working link heh. Simple fix was to search for editphonenum in the Phrases, and it came up to edit it. Might wanna correct that in your next update then. I know it's nothing major, just a small code error. Hope that's helpful.

Great mod too, appreciate all the work you've put into this :)

Magnumutz 06-26-2008 09:25 AM

Does anyone know the numbers for romanian Vodafone, Orange & Cosmote?

dxflw 06-26-2008 09:34 AM

can you update the mod for greece?

Baldilocks 06-26-2008 09:46 AM

I keep getting this error:

"You can't contact this user via text message. They either don't have a cell phone number specified, or they selected to not allow other members to contact them by text messaging."

I do have messaging enabled... don't understand what's going on.

Baldilocks 06-26-2008 09:55 AM

Yep, none of my users can text each other. They are ALL getting the following message:


vBulletin Message
"You can't contact this user via text message. They either don't have a cell phone number specified, or they selected to not allow other members to contact them by text messaging."
And yes, we all have email enabled and are still getting that error. Why does it have to be tied to email??

Baldilocks 06-26-2008 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by robwoelich (Post 1559158)
I've posted an update to v1.1.5 as more of a maintenance release. It fixes a few of the aforementioned bugs, and is more secure in that when a user sets up their number they have to confirm it's theirs by entering a PIN number they're texted.

I'm working with some others to get the next features I want to add set up, like usergroup permissions and the like. Hopefully I'll be able to add all that in the next week. In the meantime, enjoy. :)

Yeah, cause it would be nice not to have it rely on the email permissions. A lot of my users don't want people emailing them, but still want to be able to use texts.

indie2industry 06-26-2008 10:11 AM

can you add Cricket phones also???

USA - http://www.mycricket.com/
SMS E-mail - xxxxxxxxxx@mms.mycricket.com

Baldilocks 06-26-2008 10:14 AM

Ok, ther are serious problems with this add-on now.

1. Apparently you can only text yourself. :) When I tried to text someone else, I recieved the message myself. THIS IS A VERY MAJOR BUG!!

2. When someone sets up an account with the UPDATED plug-in, he/she cannot send messages at all as it comes up with the warning I quoted in the above post.

I am going back to the previous version until all of these HUGE pre-historic size bugs can be fixed.

(ATTACHED THUMBNAILS) As you can see-- email is enabled, yet my users cannot text me.

Zaiaku 06-26-2008 12:09 PM

Can you make this option non-dependant on the e-mail Member function?

Baldilocks 06-26-2008 12:14 PM

I think the bigger problem is the engine itself. When you try to text someone else, you recieve the message instead--not the intended party.

That and the email dependancy need to be fixed.

CThiessen 06-26-2008 01:19 PM

Pretty good Idea. Especial for me as an Admin because I will get PN incl. the Text immediately.

Two Issus.
It is not possible that a User send me an SMS direct.
I do allow that in my profile (and eMail also) but the User is getting an Error Message.

After you let the Software send you the test message on the next page there is no link. You see what should be the link and the Text but you can’t click on it only copy that in your browser.

The test message was sent successfully. < a href="profile.php?do=editphonenum">Click here to continue.
For Germany you should make some changes:
Let the “preemail” Field empty
Put in the “email” @t-mobile-sms.de
Tested and working.

Mannesmann Mobilfunk:
Called now Vodafone (a couple of years)
Let the “preemail” Field empty
Put in the “email” @vodafone-sms.de
NOT tested, regarding Website

Let the “preemail” Field empty
Put in the “email” @smsmail.eplus.de

NOT tested,

robwoelich 06-26-2008 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by flapjack (Post 1559208)
Whoops, simple bug I think

screenshot enclosed

EDIT: Yeah, I see what the problem is. There's an extra space in your coding; fortunately it's in a phrase though. Simply edit the phrase and remove the extra space.

^_^ Works fine now. Thanks again OP.

Whoops. Didn't notice, because it was still displaying fine for me. Fixed.


Originally Posted by Baldilocks (Post 1559428)
Ok, ther are serious problems with this add-on now.

1. Apparently you can only text yourself. :) When I tried to text someone else, I recieved the message myself. THIS IS A VERY MAJOR BUG!!

2. When someone sets up an account with the UPDATED plug-in, he/she cannot send messages at all as it comes up with the warning I quoted in the above post.

I am going back to the previous version until all of these HUGE pre-historic size bugs can be fixed.

(ATTACHED THUMBNAILS) As you can see-- email is enabled, yet my users cannot text me.

Bigger whoops. You were right. :p I had made a typo and it was using the user's information that was trying to send the text, not the user who was being texted. Fortunately this has been fixed. Just download the new one, install and overwrite. Sorry about that.

As for the email thing, why would you want to be harassed in real life with text messages but not emailed...? :rolleyes:

Baldilocks 06-26-2008 06:00 PM

Works now. Still doesn't come thru for the Sprint users on my board though. Weird.

Baldilocks 06-26-2008 06:07 PM

Also where do I edit the phrase for the message being sent out? It's kind of long and redundant with the two FROM: phrases.

twister17e 06-26-2008 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by Baldilocks (Post 1559758)
Works now. Still doesn't come thru for the Sprint users on my board though. Weird.

I installed this mod yesterday on a forum that I am starting. I tried to send a message to my Sprint phone and I didn't receive that message until today lol. With the new version, it took well over an hour before I received the message. Not this mods fault though, because I tested sending a message to my phone through email and it took just as long. Make sure your users select the messaging.sprintpcs.com option & are very patient :erm:.

Also, I think the phrase you are looking for is $vbphrase[smsmembersubject].

Baldilocks 06-26-2008 07:06 PM

All that says is: From {1} to {2}

I want to get rid of the first from message: FRM: yourboard.com - board descritpion". It isn't needed because right after that is another "From: User at yourboard.com - board description".

Really needs to be an easy way to edit those out.

robwoelich 06-26-2008 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Baldilocks (Post 1559816)
All that says is: From {1} to {2}

I want to get rid of the first from message: FRM: yourboard.com - board descritpion". It isn't needed because right after that is another "From: User at yourboard.com - board description".

Really needs to be an easy way to edit those out.

The first "FRM" you're describing is the headers the cell phone company receives from your server for the email. The second one is the subject of the message. There's no way to change the first one except for manually specifying headers somehow, but I didn't provide that because most cell companies ignore the headers and provide a "From" address of either a random number, or your hosting account's base email.

In your case, either remove the smsmembersubject phrase, or deal with it for that carrier as there's nothing that can be done except trying to manually set headers and see if that does anything. But like I said, not all carriers are going to display that way so it's probably a bad idea to get rid of the phrase.

justchil 06-26-2008 08:45 PM

Very good work! I look forward to future releases :)

SALIMUS 06-26-2008 08:47 PM

sir can i ask for special API to use my gsmgatway directly for my forum .
i mean all messages will be free for all in my forum .

SALIMUS 06-26-2008 08:51 PM

even if payed service ;-)

robwoelich 06-26-2008 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by SALIMUS (Post 1559876)
sir can i ask for special API to use my gsmgatway directly for my forum .
i mean all messages will be free for all in my forum .

You'd have to email me more details for me to look into it. Thanks.

Keyser S?ze 06-26-2008 09:07 PM

where to enter the details, the number or address u cant find it, so i went and checked each template, the memberinfo one is slightly different fro what is caled for, as seen here


<if condition="$show[\'sms\']"><li class="vbmenu_option"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/sendtofriend.gif" alt="" class="alt2 inlineimg" /> <a href="sendmessage.php?$session[sessionurl]do=mailmember&amp;type=sms&amp;u=$prepared[userid]" rel="nofollow"><phrase 1="$prepared[username]">$vbphrase[send_message_via_sms_to_x]</phrase></a></li></if>
cyr qgwb u oyr rgus ubm u get the attached warning msg, also theres no image for the sms as also attached

also when u go to edit the sms settings, theres no text boxes to enter anything, it says its confirmed but i have never even entered a number


abrecher 06-26-2008 09:09 PM

So how do we change the subject included in the SMS with this new upgrade ?

robwoelich 06-26-2008 09:24 PM

I guess I shouldn't waste so much time on the readme if nobody reads it, huh...

Keyser S?ze 06-26-2008 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by robwoelich (Post 1559904)
I guess I shouldn't waste so much time on the readme if nobody reads it, huh...

is that to me cuz i read the whole thing

robwoelich 06-26-2008 09:34 PM

No, it's to the people who ask questions that are very clearly addressed in the readme. I haven't had time to look into your issue yet, but I will tonight.

Boofo 06-26-2008 10:22 PM

Welcome to the coder's world. It only goes downhill from here. ;)

Keyser S?ze 06-27-2008 02:47 AM

ok i got a cellphone image, here to anyone else needing it, but where do i put it :)

rant boss 06-27-2008 03:16 AM

Very nice mod

This mod has awesome possibilities...but it needs a feature that allows users to determine/limit which other users can send them text messages (perhaps by buddy list)

For my forum, an ideal feature would be the ability to automatically generate text messages to a usergroup or usergroups whenever a new thread is posted in a specific forum section...now THAT would be a winner (enabling subscription sales)

C138 Kaysone 06-27-2008 04:55 AM

I think im lost but i dont know if i installed all this stuff correctly..

peterpigman 06-27-2008 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by rant boss (Post 1560109)
Very nice mod

This mod has awesome possibilities...but it needs a feature that allows users to determine/limit which other users can send them text messages (perhaps by buddy list)

For my forum, an ideal feature would be the ability to automatically generate text messages to a usergroup or usergroups whenever a new thread is posted in a specific forum section...now THAT would be a winner (enabling subscription sales)

Either a buddy list, usergroup or public group would be good. A buddy list would be amazing but I think it would be more difficult.

dxflw 06-27-2008 06:25 AM

Can you update the hack for Greeks nets?


DjEddie 06-27-2008 10:11 PM


This was installed correctly, with no probs on that side...

I've tried to send a test text once setting up my mobile on it O2 UK, it says its sent correctly, but no text has been received all day. I've got no error messages or anything, could anyone advise?


Have tested on other UK networks and no test text received to them either .. :S

Baldilocks 06-27-2008 11:40 PM

There must be something that is only causing a select few carriers to work with this mod. So far, T-Mobile, AT&T and Verizon are the only ones verified working on my site. Sprint is still a no go.

Seems like everyone is having different results. These could also possibly be server issues??

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