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-   -   Profile Enhancements - vMoods aka Mood Manager (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=178020)

queengoc 05-12-2008 03:13 PM

I tried to upgrade but I couldn't get the images to show. All I got was an X for all of the images. I even tried to put the url in for the path to make sure the path was correct. Does anyone have any idea why I can't get the images to work?

Anarchy 05-13-2008 03:29 AM

How can i disable the images and just have text, my visitors are complaining that its loading all the images. I want just text :)

Can i edit it myself?

nightbloom 05-13-2008 05:57 AM

Judging from the posts, this one isnt ready yet?

Besides... I want Shelly's mood pack before I go through the trouble of replacing mine with this one because that will make it worth the headaches ppl seem to be having.

Hurry up Shelly!

gamerfu 05-13-2008 06:07 AM


Originally Posted by nightbloom (Post 1517934)
Judging from the posts, this one isnt ready yet?

Besides... I want Shelly's mood pack before I go through the trouble of replacing mine with this one because that will make it worth the headaches ppl seem to be having.

Hurry up Shelly!

i think there is 70 moods... i read somewhere. any artist, maybe can help her? :confused:

I am waiting for shelley_c's awesome moods too! :cool:

Kinneas 05-13-2008 01:35 PM


- How can I keep the old moods?

1) disable the old mood manager, install the new mood manager

2) run these queries

ALTER TABLE 'user' DROP 'vmood';

ALTER TABLE 'user' CHANGE 'mood' 'vmood' varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none';
Just a side-note in case anyone followed this like I did. As far as I can see the previous version of mood manager left the mood field blank if you didn't select a mood, whereas this one defaults to 'none'. Because of this, any of my members who hadn't selected a mood before showed in the postbit with "My Mood: " and no value there. To sort it I ran the following MySQL query:


UPDATE user SET vmood = 'none' WHERE vmood = ''

Which correctly didn't show "My Mood" in their postbit if they didn't specify one. So if anyone else is having the same problem, give that a try :)

-=Sniper=- 05-13-2008 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Anarchy (Post 1517880)
How can i disable the images and just have text, my visitors are complaining that its loading all the images. I want just text :)

Can i edit it myself?

You can try editing your self if you can, but I will have text only option ready for the weekend.

Allan 05-13-2008 06:40 PM

French language :)

Translator: Sofia

gpc10347 05-15-2008 05:37 AM

Just installed an seems to work properly but font isn't adapted from current styles. Is there an easy way to get the My Mood font to be the same as the You Last Visited area within the same templates?

Edit: Just noticed it not displaying properly in vBAdvanced (Tried Portal Output Global Variables as mentioned previously) Anyone figure that one out?

Thanks in advance from an absolute newbie.

Kinneas 05-15-2008 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by gpc10347 (Post 1520146)
Just installed an seems to work properly but font isn't adapted from current styles. Is there an easy way to get the My Mood font to be the same as the You Last Visited area within the same templates?

Edit: Just noticed it not displaying properly in vBAdvanced (Tried Portal Output Global Variables as mentioned previously) Anyone figure that one out?

Thanks in advance from an absolute newbie.

I don't know about the vBA issue as the earlier resolution worked for me, but I did the following to get the font/style the same as the rest of the text. I also added a few pixels between "My Mood:" and the actual image.

In the template vmoods, find:


<div id="vmoods-container"><p>$vbphrase[vmoods_my_mood]</p>
Replace with:


<div id="vmoods-container"><p class="smallfont" style="padding-right:5px">$vbphrase[vmoods_my_mood]</p>
May be an easier/more efficient way to do it but I was lazy :D

bonkerspr 05-15-2008 06:45 AM

i already installed but i have a problem, it is working only if we swtich to the default template, on our custom one it is not working. please help

Hornstar 05-15-2008 08:08 AM

Excellent, I'll be installing this later this month when I get a chance. thanks.

gpc10347 05-15-2008 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Kinneas (Post 1520167)
I don't know about the vBA issue as the earlier resolution worked for me, but I did the following to get the font/style the same as the rest of the text. I also added a few pixels between "My Mood:" and the actual image.

In the template vmoods, find:

Replace with:

May be an easier/more efficient way to do it but I was lazy :D

Thanks much Kinneas. As is normally the case, just before removing the entire package, I looked at every option once more and found that by specifying the full URLs in both the images path and the path to the javascript file, and adding vMoods into the Portal Output Global Variables - vBAdvanced now works fine (whew)

Next up is reducing the size of the font for the phrase My Mood: Should be easy, right? Lazy way preferred.

trackpads 05-15-2008 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by gpc10347 (Post 1520356)
Thanks much Kinneas. As is normally the case, just before removing the entire package, I looked at every option once more and found that by specifying the full URLs in both the images path and the path to the javascript file, and adding vMoods into the Portal Output Global Variables - vBAdvanced now works fine (whew)

Next up is reducing the size of the font for the phrase My Mood: Should be easy, right? Lazy way preferred.

Can you describe what you put into vbcmps?

gpc10347 05-15-2008 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by trackpads (Post 1520379)
Can you describe what you put into vbcmps?

Sure. The CMPS panel >> Default Setings >> Main Options >> Portal Output Global Variables >> and typed in vMoods

(Worked well in tamdem with fully specifying the paths vBulletin Options >> Setting Group >> vMoods byZONE365.com >>
Path to where the mood images are stored
Path to where the vmoods javascript file is stored

Watch the example paths given:
you can use the full URL if needed. e.g. http://www.forum.com/images/vmoods & you can use the full URL if needed. e.g. http://www.forum.com/vmoods

I hit mine with a browser just to be absolute. Hope it works out. Mine is functioning (and looking nice) - But I seem to be suffering from sleep deprivation now.

echo2kk5 05-15-2008 04:33 PM

I followed what you did exactly gpc10347...yet it doesn't work in vBadvanced yet...the images are there, but you cannot choose a mood in the drop down.

gpc10347 05-15-2008 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by echo2kk5 (Post 1520709)
I followed what you did exactly gpc10347...yet it doesn't work in vBadvanced yet...the images are there, but you cannot choose a mood in the drop down.

Crap. On review - you're right. I've discovered a case sensitivity issue but altering all the above doesn't help. So I am now with you..

Anyone? All works fine with the sole exception of selecting a new mood from the front page of vBadvanced CMPS v3.0.1. Set my mood to Bummed.

Britmovie 05-16-2008 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by bonkerspr (Post 1520186)
i already installed but i have a problem, it is working only if we swtich to the default template, on our custom one it is not working. please help

Same here?

Britmovie 05-16-2008 09:17 AM

Take that back at www.britmovie.net/forum they dont show with any template? Any ideas as its a good mod?

Greek76 05-16-2008 04:02 PM

I installed it but when I click on the mood manager nothing happens and I get this url:

oldengine 05-16-2008 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by -=Sniper=- (Post 1518534)
I will have text only option ready for the weekend.

Anxiously awaits. :erm:

GlitterKill 05-16-2008 07:14 PM

OK. I am lost now. I have been running a VB forum for well over 6 years now and am very experienced in installing hacks. I used the mood manager prior to this one but disabled it a while ago since the DHTML menus were not displaying correctly due to a poorly written CSS layout at the time. The new layout does not break the DHTML menus so I went to go install this newer version and it will not behave correctly.

If you go to http://www.forumapex.com you will see the drop-down menu to select the mood but it will not let you actually choose a mood. It shows all of them and fades the images as you mouse over them but if you click or double-click the mood image, it does not get selected and the drop-down menu will not go away unless I click outside of that menu.

Any ideas?

tafreeh 05-16-2008 07:21 PM

can u just compare the old version with this new one...

i can't see anything new in this version.. unless you added more moods

GlitterKill 05-16-2008 07:29 PM

The way in which the mood selections are stored is different. It is like it is not recognizing the new selection to store it.

dadoc 05-16-2008 11:37 PM

great idea for a mod Thanks:D

AGIH 05-18-2008 07:11 AM

Just installed. Very nice!! But..in some of my posts, the mood is showing twice. Any idea why?
I only added the code once to the postbit template.

Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 11,529
My Mood:
My Mood:

Kinneas 05-18-2008 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by Greek76 (Post 1521740)
I installed it but when I click on the mood manager nothing happens and I get this url:

Have you got Javascript enabled?

Greek76 05-18-2008 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by Kinneas (Post 1523467)
Have you got Javascript enabled?

Yes its enabled I believe.

-=Sniper=- 05-18-2008 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by AGIH (Post 1523208)
Just installed. Very nice!! But..in some of my posts, the mood is showing twice. Any idea why?
I only added the code once to the postbit template.

Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 11,529
My Mood:
My Mood:

disable the auto edit in the admincp -> vMoods by ZONE365.COM

Shelley_c 05-18-2008 09:59 PM

Nice work sniper. Installing the new update and nominated for mod of the month. :up:

CMGU 05-18-2008 10:32 PM

thats great


gpc10347 05-19-2008 12:53 AM

Anyone have any success with adding to vBAdvanced home page? (Works extemely well sitewide otherwise)

soulface 05-19-2008 05:38 AM

there is a simple typo in readme file or in vbulletin option area, which might confuse people. In readme file it says '$vmood_form' but in products vbulletin option area it says '$vmoods_form'


- How can I change the location of the mood in the postbit?

disable the auto edit in the Admin CP, now you will have access to


place that anywhere you want in the postbit templates (well the location where you want the mood to show)

- How can I change the location of the moods dropdown menu navbar

disable the auto edit in the Admin CP, now you will have access to


soulface 05-19-2008 06:08 AM

There should be an option to enable/disable vmoods in members profile page also. If custom profile fields are enabled in the side blocks, its just showing up like this...

dadoc 05-19-2008 08:38 AM

I have just installed a new skin and I am having trouble making the drop down menu show up in the user log area
I have that info on the right hand side instead of on the top

Have a look here

I know I can fix this but I am not sure how

At the moment the only way to select a mood is in the CP.

Where have I gone wrong? It might even be that the images are in the wrong folder?

mark|3 05-19-2008 09:30 AM

I've uninstalled my 3.6 version of this mod and tried installing this and encountered this error.

Bitfield Collision: credits_cantearn = prefixrequired

I've also tried this this query
"ALTER TABLE 'user' DROP 'vmood'; "

but wasnt able to run it.


Greek76 05-19-2008 01:26 PM

How to get this to work with vbadvanced? Im sure its something simple but I cant find it. Its not linking to vbmoods correctly. instead of www.example.com/forum/vmoods its missing the forum inbetween. Thanks..

gpc10347 05-19-2008 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Greek76 (Post 1524750)
How to get this to work with vbadvanced? Im sure its something simple but I cant find it. Its not linking to vbmoods correctly. instead of www.example.com/forum/vmoods its missing the forum inbetween. Thanks..

Can you maybe try an experiment for me?

Line 65 in vmoods.js : Try adding /forums/ ahead of the ajax.php call (or whatever directory structure yours uses)

YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest("POST", "/forums/ajax.php?do=vmoods_update&securitytoken=" + SECURITYTOKEN + "&vmood=" + target.title, {

(It's working on both Advanced and the forums)!!!

AGIH 05-19-2008 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by -=Sniper=- (Post 1524038)
disable the auto edit in the admincp -> vMoods by ZONE365.COM

Sorry if this is a stupid question..but where is auto edit in admincp?

echo2kk5 05-19-2008 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by gpc10347 (Post 1524804)
Can you maybe try an experiment for me?

Line 65 in vmoods.js : Try adding /forums/ ahead of the ajax.php call (or whatever directory structure yours uses)

YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest("POST", "/forums/ajax.php?do=vmoods_update&securitytoken=" + SECURITYTOKEN + "&vmood=" + target.title, {

(It's working on both Advanced and the forums)!!!

That works perfect! Thanks :up:

choccyclaire 05-19-2008 05:25 PM

The old version I installed still works a treat. I see no need to upgrade!

Although - I am still yet to work out how to get it to show in the arcade - any tips?

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