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Jase2 04-21-2008 05:32 PM

Macc, by a link to your HelpCenter installation, I just meant a link to where HelpCenter is installed on your website :)

I have however confirmed the small text box in Internet Explorer 7. Will see what's wrong.

macc 04-21-2008 05:42 PM

ok ... www.belaplay.com/vb/libar/helpcenter is link (libar is my board)

reg macc

DssCrazy 04-21-2008 05:45 PM

Nice work i love this mod. 1 problem i found thow! i am using explorer as my browser and the ticket reply box is REALLY small can it be fixed this happend on your site when i tested the demo.

Here is the screen shot.

DssCrazy 04-21-2008 05:46 PM

Also for the paid version how much will it be? and what futures will it have that the free version does not have?


SuperDave71 04-21-2008 05:48 PM

Thanks Jase...

I have NOT upgraded to the Updated one yet.

I knew you had Macc and me with a separate download so I was afraid I would mess up what you already fixed.

Let me know if it is ok to install the NEWEST one..

Thank you so much!


Jase2 04-21-2008 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by DssCrazy (Post 1495995)
Also for the paid version how much will it be? and what futures will it have that the free version does not have?


We haven't decided a price, yet. Once we release a 'stable', gold release of the lite version, we will get to work on the paid version. I have to balance my developing at the moment (other hacks and the paulsonny.com website), but HelpCenter paid version has my full priority.

We have decided some features, such as: Attachments, flagging to other department or person, ect. I think we will have some beta testers for it, however it will be encoded to stop functioning at a certain date.

macc 04-21-2008 05:55 PM

superdave i ask same before...i have not updated yet ..have "our" version...



Jase2 04-21-2008 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by SuperDave71 (Post 1495997)
Thanks Jase...

I have NOT upgraded to the Updated one yet.

I knew you had Macc and me with a separate download so I was afraid I would mess up what you already fixed.

Let me know if it is ok to install the NEWEST one..

Thank you so much!


Dave, please upgrade to the latest version - currently beta 4. This should fix your current problem.

Jase2 04-21-2008 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by DssCrazy (Post 1495994)
Nice work i love this mod. 1 problem i found thow! i am using explorer as my browser and the ticket reply box is REALLY small can it be fixed this happend on your site when i tested the demo.

Here is the screen shot.

Yes, this happens in Internet Explorer 7 for guests. We will see what can be done to correct this.

macc 04-21-2008 06:14 PM

i updated and now is replay message box ok (was before update also ok.. maybe jase2 done something ...!

regards and thanks for all help!

have nominated yesterday


DssCrazy 04-21-2008 06:19 PM

Problem found!

When i tried to edit the usergroups to make the ticket system work i got an error

this happend with beta 4


Jase2 04-21-2008 06:34 PM

DssCrazy, what error? I don't get any errors when editing the usergroups. I suggest you try re-installing.

DssCrazy 04-21-2008 06:40 PM

This error

Database error in vBulletin 3.7.0 Release Candidate 3:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE usergroup SET

### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
`title` = 'Administrators',
`description` = '',
`usertitle` = 'Administrator',
`opentag` = '<font color=\"#DF7E4E\">',
`closetag` = '</font>',
`passwordexpires` = '180',
`passwordhistory` = '360',
`ugphelpcenter` = '1983',
`forumpermissions` = '8380415',
`genericpermissions` = '2147483583',
`attachlimit` = '0',
`pmquota` = '50',
`pmpermissions` = '7',
`pmsendmax` = '5',
`calendarpermissions` = '63',
`wolpermissions` = '31',
`adminpermissions` = '3',
`genericpermissions2` = '1',
`genericoptions` = '55',
`profilepicmaxwidth` = '100',
`profilepicmaxheight` = '100',
`profilepicmaxsize` = '65535',
`avatarmaxwidth` = '120',
`avatarmaxheight` = '120',
`avatarmaxsize` = '40000',
`signaturepermissions` = '237567',
`sigpicmaxwidth` = '500',
`sigpicmaxheight` = '100',
`sigpicmaxsize` = '10000',
`sigmaxrawchars` = '0',
`sigmaxchars` = '0',
`sigmaxlines` = '0',
`sigmaxsizebbcode` = '7',
`sigmaximages` = '0',
`albumpermissions` = '255',
`albumpicmaxwidth` = '600',
`albumpicmaxheight` = '600',
`albumpicmaxsize` = '100000',
`albummaxpics` = '100',
`albummaxsize` = '0',
`usercsspermissions` = '31',
`visitormessagepermissions` = '63',
`socialgrouppermissions` = '511',
`mgc_cb_evo_permissions` = '255',
`mgc_cb_evo_nbmsg_show` = '0',
`mgc_cb_evo_nbmsg_perday_show` = '0',
`mgc_cb_evo_default_color` = '000000'
WHERE usergroupid=6;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'ugphelpcenter' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Thursday, April 17th 2008 @ 07:26:07 PM
Script : http://www.xxxxxx.net/forum/admincp/....php?do=update
Referrer : http://www.xxxxx.net/forum/admincp/u...&usergroupid=6
IP Address : xxxxxx
Username : Hasselhoff
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.45-community-log

Jase2 04-21-2008 06:47 PM

DssCrazy, that was fixed in beta 3. Are you uninstalling the .xml product, then re-importing it, as overwriting will not work? If you still receive this error; download the package at our website and see if it corrects your problem: http://www.paulsonny.com/forum/showthread.php?p=172

DssCrazy 04-21-2008 06:54 PM

just tirend downloading from here and over at your site still get the saem error. i am doing everything right

DssCrazy 04-21-2008 06:57 PM

Here is the xml file i am using

DssCrazy 04-21-2008 07:09 PM

Do you think you will beable to fix this today so i can giver a try?


DssCrazy 04-21-2008 07:44 PM

i also tried beta 3 and did the same thing

Jase2 04-21-2008 08:22 PM

Hi DSSCrazy,

I have to go soon; so Paul will be with you shortly. I still cannot reproduce that error.

Try the attached product. Remember to uninstall your previous one, before importing this. Although I don't think it will work, as they should both be the same. Are re-upload all files (overwriting the ones on your server) ?

DssCrazy 04-21-2008 08:25 PM

Here is what i did. i uploaded all files to ftp and inported the xml then when i go to set usergroup rights i get that error

Jase2 04-21-2008 08:33 PM

But that was fixed in beta 3. I may sound like I'm repeating myself, but are you uninstalling the old .xml and not doing an overwrite? This simply isn't happening for me; although I don't have the time to go over the product - as I've got too go.

King Kovifor 04-21-2008 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by Jase2 (Post 1495191)
Hi King Kovifor,

It seems when you're using that hack, and go for a create a ticket in HelpCenter, it gives the title of whatever you did last with that hack. At least that is what has been reported.

Hm... That is definitely an odd conflict. Do you have any more details? Code, tables... etc.

DssCrazy 04-21-2008 08:39 PM

well i will repeat what i did. i tried both version beta3 and beta4 and uploaded all files to ftp and imported xml. i am not overwriting xml over xml i uninstall old and place new.

Jase2 04-21-2008 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by King Kovifor (Post 1496121)
Hm... That is definitely an odd conflict. Do you have any more details? Code, tables... etc.

Hi King,

This has now been corrected. Seems we were using the same fieldname. Thanks for showing an interest in helping us, though :)

Jase2 04-21-2008 08:45 PM

Is anyone else running beta 4 having the same problem has DssCrazy? We will then know whether it is user error, or a problem in the code :)

ZomgStuff 04-21-2008 09:37 PM

Are the majority of the bugs worked out? Is it safe on a live site?

DssCrazy 04-21-2008 10:15 PM

ZomgStuff i seen that you were having the saem problem as i. can you please share with me how you fixed the problem?

Thanks buddy

ZomgStuff 04-21-2008 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by DssCrazy (Post 1496170)
ZomgStuff i seen that you were having the saem problem as i. can you please share with me how you fixed the problem?

Thanks buddy

Run the install queries located in the xml by hand via phpmyadmin.

DssCrazy 04-22-2008 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by ZomgStuff (Post 1496228)
Run the install queries located in the xml by hand via phpmyadmin.

You lost me lol

abrecher 04-22-2008 04:58 AM

This is a great mod! I really needed this since my forums have been growing. I can't wait until you have a stable version out.

Jase2 04-22-2008 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by ZomgStuff (Post 1496152)
Are the majority of the bugs worked out? Is it safe on a live site?

Most bugs have been fixed. Although there are still one or two things we need to do, as well as to fix a few bugs. I don't recommend having this installed on a production site; you can if you want, but we cannot be held responsible for problems that may arise. I suggest you wait for a 'stable', gold release, or at the very least a release candidate.

PaulSonny 04-22-2008 08:37 AM

Sorry about not replying sooner guys, I have had some problems with my ISP.

DSSCrazy, can you please confirm you are running vBulletin 3.7? Just the install code for HelpCenter relies on a fieldname only available in 3.7.

If you are running 3.7, then can you please confirm that before you import the product, you have already uninstalled the previous installation, and have not just overwritten the product, if you are still having trouble after this, send me a PM with your msn address and I will try my best to help.

As it says in the original post, for Beta 4 to function properly, you have to uninstall any previous versions and re-install Beta 4, almost like a new installation.

Macc & Superdave, I would recommend upgrading to the latest version. The seperate files I created for you both were to just confirm it worked before I went ahead and edited the original code. After you confirmed it work I went ahead and updated the original code and fixed/added one or two extra things so I would recommend upgrading.

With regards to the notification system via the Admin CP, that is still yet to be implemented, working on it in the next release. I originally planned to put it in sooner but time got away from me.

With regards to the paid version, features, prices and such things nothing has been decided, once information is available, I shall let you know.

Thanks everyone for your kind comments and supporting this product, Paul.

regitbull 04-22-2008 04:26 PM

Im getting this error to and it seems like ZomgStuff said the mod diddint add a table and that makes the error.

I think thoose 2 querys are the problem of the error:
$db->query_write("ALTER TABLE `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "usergroup` ADD `ugphelpcenter` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `socialgrouppermissions`");
$db->query_write("ALTER TABLE `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "usergroup` DROP `ugphelpcenter`");

I cant find that ugphelpcenter in my usergroup table so i think thats the problem.
And if you check the error log then it says this:
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'ugphelpcenter' in 'field list'

So i think thats the whole problem.
Well i dont know much about mysql so could you guys post the manual query commands so we can manual add thoose querys because i dont know how to run thoose querys :)

Thanks and i hope this will fix the problem for me,DssCrazy and any others who get or will get this error.

Ok i fixt the problem my self and i think it will help you to DssCrazy.
Go to phpmyadmin and run this query:
ALTER TABLE `usergroup` ADD `ugphelpcenter` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `forumpermissions`

Now try to update the usergoups in the vbulletin admin panel again.
If its right then it will just update the info now without showing a error :)

DssCrazy 04-23-2008 02:18 AM


Originally Posted by PaulSonny (Post 1496403)
Sorry about not replying sooner guys, I have had some problems with my ISP.

DSSCrazy, can you please confirm you are running vBulletin 3.7? Just the install code for HelpCenter relies on a fieldname only available in 3.7.

If you are running 3.7, then can you please confirm that before you import the product, you have already uninstalled the previous installation, and have not just overwritten the product, if you are still having trouble after this, send me a PM with your msn address and I will try my best to help.

As it says in the original post, for Beta 4 to function properly, you have to uninstall any previous versions and re-install Beta 4, almost like a new installation.

Macc & Superdave, I would recommend upgrading to the latest version. The seperate files I created for you both were to just confirm it worked before I went ahead and edited the original code. After you confirmed it work I went ahead and updated the original code and fixed/added one or two extra things so I would recommend upgrading.

With regards to the notification system via the Admin CP, that is still yet to be implemented, working on it in the next release. I originally planned to put it in sooner but time got away from me.

With regards to the paid version, features, prices and such things nothing has been decided, once information is available, I shall let you know.

Thanks everyone for your kind comments and supporting this product, Paul.

I am doing all things right. here is what i am doing.

1 uploaded all files to ftp
2 installed xml did not overwright.
Running 3.6.8

Tom_S 04-23-2008 08:25 AM

Installed. Very nice but it has a lot of rough edges in it yet though.

John3971 04-23-2008 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by DssCrazy (Post 1496980)
I am doing all things right. here is what i am doing.

1 uploaded all files to ftp
2 installed xml did not overwright.
Running 3.6.8

Well like PaulSonny said you must use 3.7 to have this work like it should because this mod is made for vB 3.7

regitbull 04-23-2008 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by John3971 (Post 1497104)
Well like PaulSonny said you must use 3.7 to have this work like it should because this mod is made for vB 3.7

Like i said in my other post i got the same error as him and im also running 3.6.8 level 2.
I run the query i posted and everything worked fine after that.

So its running perfect on a 3.6.8 level 2 forum.

Jase2 04-23-2008 02:06 PM

As Paul has already mentioned too you, the code relies on a fieldname that is only available in 3.7. This is in the 3.7 forum, so unless you're running 3.7 -- you shouldn't be using this.

PaulSonny 04-23-2008 05:54 PM

I have realised how to make this work on vBulletin 3.6 and will release it once I have a stable internet connection in the 3.6 mod forum.

Thanks, Paul.

DssCrazy 04-23-2008 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by PaulSonny (Post 1497472)
I have realised how to make this work on vBulletin 3.6 and will release it once I have a stable internet connection in the 3.6 mod forum.

Thanks, Paul.

Ok cool.

Thanks so much

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