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Strik3 03-28-2008 06:05 AM

What does "Accepted By" -> Not Accepted Yet" mean? How can i acceppt invites as admin? Is there any moderation?

christian8a 03-28-2008 08:30 AM

Is this product going to be supported still let us know bud, that way we can figure out ourselves

Scythe42 03-29-2008 12:46 AM

I tried this mod on RC1 and ran into the following issues:

Users always get the error message that the invitation code is invalid. They always have the reload the page a second time to register. Doesn't matter if the user has any cookies set or not. Tried in various browsers.

E-Mail Verification does not work when normal registration method is disabled using this plugin. Users always get the invalid invitation code error message until I turned the disabling of the normal registration off in this plugin. Then they are abe to verify their email address.

Defining the user groups who can delete invites has no effect. The delete invite link never shows up.

Fixed the missing delete links by changing the code so that a check is done against all groups the user is a member of and not only his primary group. But all delete links link to the last sent invitationcode now because the array from the config is exploded to itself in the while loop causing that the delete link is always the first value.

Fixed the need for re-loading the invite page twice on the first time by changing the code to form setting the cookie and checking for the cookie right away cookie to setting the cookie or checking for the cookie. Setting a cookie and checking for it right away without a page re-load is not possible on all browers.

Fixed the not-supported email verification when the normal registration is disabled by this mod, by adding a check if on user account accitivation an if accepted invitation cookie is present for the user in question. I also removed the cookie at that time since registration should be complete.

Looks like it runs now. Man this thing is buggy, but better than writing one from scratch...

I still need to add some features like reclaiming of deleted invites and automatic invite deletion after some time. It also needs verification that you cannot send invites to already registered emails as well as not allowing to have duplicate invites waiting to be claimed for an email.

christian8a 03-29-2008 10:09 AM

Yea I have somebody already working on one specially for our site, this one didnt cut it. But at least the base is made and thanx to the author for sharing :up:

but ill have to try a different one

theparentpack 03-31-2008 09:16 AM

Love it! Installed! Nominated!

I am having trouble finding the phrase to alter the message that is sent in invite. What is the name of the phrase so I can alter it a bit?

00christian00 03-31-2008 03:55 PM

Hi,great mod man.
I found how to edit the initial number of invites,but how can i reset invites?
I mean once some user finish them i should go to each user setting and modify the value?
It would be better to have at least some way to reset invites to its default value.

invitezone 04-03-2008 01:10 AM

All new user to my site get that error saying invalid invite code and have to click it several times before it works. I did see your fix by setting something from 20 to 32, I can't remember exactly but when i checked out the setting for the new version which i have it is set to 100 so I assume this isn't the problem.

Please can you recommend a fix.

christian8a 04-03-2008 10:42 AM

This hack does not work with RC1
do not install it untill the author support it a bit.

Members and administrators cant delete the invitations, it deletes some and it leaves others.
Just tought Id let you guys know

Scythe42 04-04-2008 06:18 PM

I tried to bugfix this one because I need a simple invitation system and didn't want to write one from scratch. If you try this one one, please let me know if it fixes your issues. The attached product is a simple export from my forum.

I made the following changes:
  • no more need to double click on the invitation link
  • invitationcode cookie gets removed once the user has signed up
  • account verification after signup isn't blocked by an invalid invitation error code anymore
  • deletions of invites now delete the correct invite
  • added permissions check when trying to delete an invitation
  • if a user deletes an unclaimed invite, he gets one invite back
  • you cannot sent multiple invites to the same email address
  • you cannot sent invites to already registered email addresses
  • added no invites sent message to usercp tepmplate
  • changed some phrases to proper English (hope so)
  • added some additional phrases

Let me know if this one works for you and I'll do some more updates and optimizations and release this one as an supported fork once 3.7 hits gold because the original author seems to have lost interest in his mod.

Use at your own risk!

invitezone 04-05-2008 02:35 AM

Just installed it and been through the new user signup process.

Fantastic. Works like an absolute charm. I didn't get 1 single problem with it. Thankyou so much for this, I didn't think there would ever be a soultion. Please do continue your fabulous work and i will be keeping a keen eye out for any further work you do on this.

I can't express my gratitude enouugh

Thanks again.

BuRaCh 04-05-2008 06:36 AM

very good mod hasann.i very like yo have hack:)

Hasann 04-05-2008 02:42 PM


updated to v2.0.2

- Scythe42 has made the following changes:
  • no more need to double click on the invitation link
  • invitationcode cookie gets removed once the user has signed up
  • account verification after signup isn't blocked by an invalid invitation error code anymore
  • deletions of invites now delete the correct invite
  • added permissions check when trying to delete an invitation
  • if a user deletes an unclaimed invite, he gets one invite back
  • you cannot sent multiple invites to the same email address
  • you cannot sent invites to already registered email addresses
  • added no invites sent message to usercp tepmplate
  • changed some phrases to proper English (hope so)
  • added some additional phrases

- I have made the fallowing changes
  • numerous misspells in the body text of the invitation fixed
  • the body text hardcoded that users can't change it
  • also there are phrases for subject and bodytext, so you can use translations.
  • the users can attach a note message to the invite email
  • some phrases errors fixed
  • some template bugs fixed

J98680Bxxxxx 04-05-2008 02:49 PM

Thanks for the update Hasann, the small spelling lapsus have been corrected as far as I can see, this is an excellent Mods. :)

Installed successfully! :)

Feedback: On the Navigation bar, the previous text "Invite Your Friends", or some thing like "Invite Friends", seems better than the actual text: "Send Invites". See PM for the remaining text.

Dilldogs 04-05-2008 03:39 PM

I like the update, Excellent job. Keep up the good work.

logicuk 04-05-2008 03:40 PM

amazing work you did Scythe42 thank you so much :D

Hasann 04-05-2008 08:31 PM

english phrases fixed
.added new languages :)

Spybot S&D 04-05-2008 09:13 PM

Is there any way you can set the default value of invites each user gets?

Also, can you make it so that you can get X more invites every X posts?


Scythe42 04-05-2008 10:00 PM

Thanks Hassan for including my modification. I downloaded and installed this version with the new phrases.

I'll found some issues mainly with the templates for continuity and a possible security vulnerability.

  • Fixed SQL injection vulnerabilities throughout the code.
  • Referrer ID ist not overwritten by 1 for every new user.
  • Removed one query when user is verifying his email address.
  • Some adjustments for supporting the Inviation System and the normal registration method at the same time.

  • Added missing closing form tag
  • The Used Invitation table displays the phrase no_invites_sent when no invitation were sent out
  • The description box only appears if a description is defined in admincp
  • Removed the nested div panels to make the look consistent with the rest of usercp
  • Switched from forumwidth to formwidth_usercp to make the look consistent with the rest of usercp
  • Removed Login information beside the email address input field to make the look consistent with the rest of usercp
  • Removed all uneeded tables because the divs are already doing the layout.
  • Removed all unneeded nested div tags
  • Added 100% width to table title
  • Delete invitation column is only visible if you have permission to delete invitations.

  • Same as in the last update from Hassan (English).

Again just an export form my forum with the default setting. Needs some additional testing that I didn't screw up when making the code modifications before included in your release.

logicuk 04-05-2008 10:06 PM

Hasann you made this change:

the users can attach a note message to the invite email

cant this be used for spam that way?

Hasann 04-05-2008 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by Spybot S&D (Post 1483909)
Is there any way you can set the default value of invites each user gets?

Also, can you make it so that you can get X more invites every X posts?


yes I can make this feature will be added in next version

Originally Posted by logicuk (Post 1483935)
Hasann you made this change:

the users can attach a note message to the invite email

cant this be used for spam that way?

No I don't think there is a Human verification system for this and the users can't send to same email twice invites at once :)

NeuroLancer 04-06-2008 12:36 AM

:eek: Wow! I love this new version!

:up: Working flawlessly~

:D Thanks so much Hasann & Scythe42

Alfa1 04-06-2008 01:39 AM

When inviting a someone that is already a member, then you get the following message:

The user has already been invited.
While the user has not been invited before. It should be:

The user already is a member.
Below the invitation email it says:

EZ Bounce Management:

If this email has bounced, visit the following URL for bounce
If a invited person is not a member yet, ezbounce does not work. So if I am not mistaken there is no use for this text.

Does this modification list the invitation link somewhere?

And last but not least: Many thanks for this excellent mod!

Scythe42 04-06-2008 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1484047)
While the user has not been invited before. It should be:

The phrase is returned when the entered email is found in the user table. There is currently no check if a the userid is also found in the invitation table. I'll modify the query and add another phrase to distinguish between mebers and invited members.


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1484047)
If a invited person is not a member yet, ezbounce does not work. So if I am not mistaken there is no use for this text.

ezbounce adds the link even if the email is not registered. Can be easily fixed.

You need change the "EZ Bounce Management - construct code" plugin, so that it does only attach the link when the email is also registered on your forum:

The following code should do the trick. If the email is not found in the user table, the outgoing message is not touched. Give it a try. I haven't ezbounce installed therefore this is not tested. I added a simple IF-Statement around the code right after the query.
PHP Code:

global $vbphrase$db;

$buser $vbulletin->db->query_first("
        SELECT * FROM " 
        WHERE email LIKE '%" 
$vbulletin->db->escape_string_like($toemail) . "%'

if ( 
$buser['userid'] ) {
$bounceurl        $vbulletin->options['ezb_admincpurl'] . "/ezbounce.php?u=" $buser['userid'];
$bouncestring    "<a href=\"$bounceurl\" target=\"_blank\">$bounceurl </a>";

    if (!
// if turned off, put bounce url into header (default option)
$headers .= 'X-EZbouncer: ' $bounceurl $delimiter;
/* replace above line with following line if the url in bouncing email header is not displaying as a link
        $headers .= 'X-EZbouncer: ' . $bouncestring . $delimiter; 
// if turned on, construct bounce code & place in email message body
$bouncecode    construct_phrase($vbphrase['anti_bounce_message'], $bounceurl); 
/* replace above line with following line if the url in bouncing email body is not displaying as a link
        $bouncecode    = construct_phrase($vbphrase['anti_bounce_message'], $bouncestring); 
$message .= $bouncecode;


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1484047)
Does this modification list the invitation link somewhere?

Was previously removed. I'll add an option to make the invitation code a link. I previously removed it because it didn't display the invitation code correct.

I'll post an update later that takes care of your requests.

Scythe42 04-06-2008 06:04 AM

Here the update I promised in the last post.

  • when checking for already registered member there is now an additional phrase for distinguishing between registered and invited members (reqested by Alfa1)
  • added on option to display the invitation code as a link again (requested by Alfa1)
  • remove the "click two times" message from the invitation email phrase. That's not needed anymore.
  • changed "mysql_real_escape_string" to "$db->escape_string"

Please test before including in the next official version of this mod

What's missing is a cron job that deletes pending invites after x number of days automatically and gives the intivations back to the users. This should help users who cannot delete sent invitations that were never claimed or sent them to a wrong emal address. This should be combined with optional features like "give additional invites ever xxx posts" or so.

hrk 04-06-2008 09:58 AM

Solid hack . thanks hassan

dancue 04-06-2008 12:13 PM

Has anyone added the ability to grab from multiple e-mail accounts yet?

I've got the invitation system by visionscripts, which will do it, but it is not supported and will not work with 3.7.

This mod seems to still get support, so I've marked as installed and nominated it instead, even though I disabled it.

Thanks to scythe for working on it as well. It is a very important, useful mod, and I hope to see it grow in the next couple of months to become the best one available. Until then, sorry, but I've got the visionscripts one installed.

dancue 04-06-2008 12:50 PM

To elaborate a bit more, here are a some features I'd like added to this invites system:
  • The ability for the user to attach a note to the invitation. This will allow them to write whatever they want, and will NOT affect what the admin has used for the main e-mail body.
  • The ability to add multiple invites at once. How many should be determined by the admin.
  • As mentioned before...E-MAIL GRABBERS. Great addition to an invites system.
  • If a user sends an invite and the person accepts, those two should automatically become buddies. (Feature should be able to turn on/off by admin)
  • Admin selected expiration for invites.
  • Automatic invite reminders sent to those who have not signed up yet. (How long before they are sent should be controlled by Admin.)
  • The ability to add reputation points automatically to those who successfully get someone to sign on.

I apologize if these are already added. There has been already many good changes done to this invites system.

Alfa1 04-06-2008 01:59 PM

Those are very nice feature requests. I'd like to add two:
  1. Spam control: send a link in the invitation email to allow the recipient to report spam to the forum admin. The recipient can click the link and the forum admin will get a notification about this. This will prevent members spamming.
  2. A simple feature that is very necessary is to have the message content comply to anti-spam rules of major email providers. This can be done by adding a short message on the bottom of the message which explains: (1)to which email address the message is sent (2)why the recipient has received the message and (3)how the recipient can report abuse(see my other feature request). By complying to the anti spam rules of large email providers like hotmail, yahoo, gmail and AOL, you prevent getting blacklisted as a spammer.

Namaless 04-06-2008 03:33 PM

Suggestion for auto-template invitation block in home usercp:

Create new template called "usercp_invitation_block"
Use this code inside:
HTML Code:

<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">

<td class="tcat">$vbphrase[invitation_system] <if condition="$show['invitation_left']"><phrase 1="$bbuserinfo[invitation]">($vbphrase[invitation_x_left])</phrase></if></td>
        <td class="alt1"><span class="smallfont"><a href="profile.php?$session[sessionurl]do=invitation">$vbphrase[invitation_click_here_to_invitation_new_users]</a></span></td>
<br />

Create new Plugin called "Invitation Auto Template" with hook "parse_templates"
Use this code inside:
PHP Code:

if ($vbulletin->options['invitation_active'])
'$template_hook[usercp_main_pos1] .= "' fetch_template('usercp_invitation_block') . '";');

Create new Plugin called "Invitation Cache Templates" with hook "cache_templates"
Use this code inside:
PHP Code:

$globaltemplates array_merge$globaltemplates, array('usercp_invitation_block') ); 

Use this hack for added link into menu. For now not have time to create this.. ;)

Thanks for hack.. this very good project =)

Hasann 04-06-2008 04:56 PM

there was a spam issue
sorry guys for the issue I have fixed and upgraded

Namaless 04-06-2008 05:36 PM

What changes applyed?

Need upgrade? (I have added more features for hack.. if not necessary waiting to upgrade...)

Thanks for project :)

Vtec44 04-06-2008 05:48 PM

I got a database error with the latest 2.0.2 fixed.


Database error in vBulletin 3.7.0 Release Candidate 1:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT user.userid AS user_id, user.email AS user_email, invitation.email AS inv_email, invitation.acceptedby as inv_id
                                                                                FROM 600rrforumuser
                                                                                LEFT JOIN 600rrforuminvitation
                                                                                ON user.userid = invitation.acceptedby OR user.userid = invitation.email
                                                                                WHERE user.email = 'test@test.com'
                                                                                OR invitation.email = 'test@test.com';

MySQL Error  : Unknown column 'user.userid' in 'field list'
Error Number  : 1054
Date          : Sunday, April 6th 2008 @ 02:46:15 PM
Script        : http://www.600rrforum.com/forum/profile.php
Referrer      : http://www.600rrforum.com/forum/profile.php?do=invitation
IP Address    :
Username      : Vtec44
Classname    : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.45-log

macc 04-06-2008 05:58 PM


can somebody tell us what should we install and which changes to do ... ?



Hasann 04-06-2008 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by Namaless (Post 1484525)
What changes applyed?

Need upgrade? (I have added more features for hack.. if not necessary waiting to upgrade...)

Thanks for project :)


Originally Posted by Vtec44 (Post 1484544)
I got a database error with the latest 2.0.2 fixed.


Database error in vBulletin 3.7.0 Release Candidate 1:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT user.userid AS user_id, user.email AS user_email, invitation.email AS inv_email, invitation.acceptedby as inv_id
                                                                                FROM 600rrforumuser
                                                                                LEFT JOIN 600rrforuminvitation
                                                                                ON user.userid = invitation.acceptedby OR user.userid = invitation.email
                                                                                WHERE user.email = 'test@test.com'
                                                                                OR invitation.email = 'test@test.com';

MySQL Error  : Unknown column 'user.userid' in 'field list'
Error Number  : 1054
Date          : Sunday, April 6th 2008 @ 02:46:15 PM
Script        : http://www.600rrforum.com/forum/profile.php
Referrer      : http://www.600rrforum.com/forum/profile.php?do=invitation
IP Address    :
Username      : Vtec44
Classname    : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.45-log

it seems to be you haven't in your database userid field in user table

Originally Posted by macc (Post 1484552)

can somebody tell us what should we install and which changes to do ... ?



Invitation_System_Fixed_v2.0.2.zip install this overwrite to old product
there is one change only and it is a sql injection issue it is fixed now

Namaless 04-06-2008 06:15 PM

Thanks.. fixed now ^^


Atilla_UYGUN 04-06-2008 06:19 PM

wooww wanderful mod :)


installed.. ;)

Vtec44 04-06-2008 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by Hasann (Post 1484561)
it seems to be you haven't in your database userid field in user table

I'm not sure what you mean, but I reverted back to 2.0.2 and it works. When I upgrade to 2.0.2b then I get that error. It doesn't matter if I uninstall the product first or install on top of the 2.0.2 and let it overwrite, I still get that error.

Scythe42 04-06-2008 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by Vtec44 (Post 1484544)
I got a database error with the latest 2.0.2 fixed.

I see you are using a tableprefix.

There is an "AS userid" and "AS invitation" missing in the FROM and JOIN clauses to make it work with tableprefixes.

To fix this, open the prodcut-invitation.xml before importing and apply the following changes:

Change line 304 and 305 from:
PHP Code:

" . TABLE_PREFIX . "invitation 

PHP Code:

FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user
" . TABLE_PREFIX . "invitation AS invitation 

Change line 320 from:
PHP Code:

$invitationcheck $db->query_read("SELECT * FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "invitation 

PHP Code:

$invitationcheck $db->query_read("SELECT * FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "invitation AS invitation 

That should do the trick for your guys using table prefixes. Let me know if this works for you.

Vtec44 04-07-2008 12:37 AM

Yep, that did it. Thanks guys!

NeuroLancer 04-07-2008 03:03 AM

Hi, sorry if this has been posted already but can there be a change from:

(you can add your real name after your username if you wish, but leave the rest unchanged)

because that is no longer valid in the newest version.

Thanks again for this great mod :)

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