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BecomeUnbroken 11-06-2007 12:43 AM

V. 0.95-beta
+ Added a couple necessary AdminCP options
--- Enable/Disable option
--- Path to fisheye directory option


**Don't forget.. now you have to change the path to the fisheye directory in the options.. or it will NOT work..

BecomeUnbroken 11-06-2007 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by sparky5693 (Post 1376692)
I'm playing with this mod in a less used style in the forum. Click the link below, and switch the viewed style (drop down at bottom of page) from swirl, to default style.


BTW- Thanks for the great support. All too often a great hack is released, and then forgotten about. You've been all over this one since you released it... Thank You.

the .js files aren't being loaded.. check that the "Ajax Fisheye Menu headinclude Auto Edit" plugin is enabled...

sparky5693 11-06-2007 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by BecomeUnbroken (Post 1376700)
the .js files aren't being loaded.. check that the "Ajax Fisheye Menu headinclude Auto Edit" plugin is enabled...

I double checked, and it is indeed enabled. Please notice, that it is working fine, in all areas of the forum, except vbpicgallery (where the link took you)

inciarco 11-06-2007 12:58 PM

Great Improvements BecomeUnbroken!! :up:

The Possibility to Turn On and Off the Hack via Options of Control Panel is Great and Very Easy to Use!! :up:

My Best Regards!! ;)


inciarco 11-06-2007 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by yeku (Post 1376533)
I have this problem...In Firefox it works perfectly

but in IE, I have this image.


Where is it my error? Some solution, idea? My version is 3.6.7


I had the Same Problem, and I Used .GIF Files and Works Fine with .GIF Files!! ;)

Original Files are .png so use a Software like Microsoft Photo Editor and Save Them With GIF Format, and in Template "afm_fisheye_menu" change the Extension of the Files from .png to .gif!! ;)

My Best Regards!! :up:


BozzaJos 11-06-2007 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by Yukino_AE (Post 1376685)
could someone please post how to make this vertical? ^_^ nice mod

I second that! I would love to use this in a vertical mode and within a vBA CMPS block. Is this possible and how could I do that?

yeku 11-06-2007 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by inciarco (Post 1376969)
I had the Same Problem, and I Used .GIF Files and Works Fine with .GIF Files!! ;)

Original Files are .png so use a Software like Microsoft Photo Editor and Save Them With GIF Format, and in Template "afm_fisheye_menu" change the Extension of the Files from .png to .gif!! ;)

My Best Regards!! :up:


Perfect, thank you very much...

Problem solved with the gif

Yukino_AE 11-10-2007 06:16 AM

anyone? help with making this vertical? plz?

TheMilkCarton 11-10-2007 06:30 AM

I've made mine vertical... but the JavaScript has been customized specifically for my layout, and there's really no possibility that it'd work perfectly for everyone if I were to release it here. Sorry.

If you're good with math, you can figure out the equations for the mouse pointer positions and the distance formula in the JS file.

Go to the Interface website and download the Fisheye source. Play around with it, and place it below the other JS files in your headinclude so that it overwrites anything different from the Fisheye JS does that comes in this package.


To elaborate:

1) Go here --> http://interface.eyecon.ro/download
2) Select Fisheye, then download the package.
3) Place that JS file below the others
4) Start modifying it.

Here's the code you'd need to modify:


                var pointer = jQuery.iUtil.getPointer(e);
                var toAdd = 0;
                if (el.fisheyeCfg.halign && el.fisheyeCfg.halign == 'center')
                        var posx = pointer.x - el.fisheyeCfg.pos.x - (el.offsetWidth - el.fisheyeCfg.itemWidth * el.fisheyeCfg.items.size())/2 - el.fisheyeCfg.itemWidth/2;
                else if (el.fisheyeCfg.halign && el.fisheyeCfg.halign == 'right')
                        var posx = pointer.x - el.fisheyeCfg.pos.x - el.offsetWidth + el.fisheyeCfg.itemWidth * el.fisheyeCfg.items.size();
                        var posx = pointer.x - el.fisheyeCfg.pos.x;
                var posy = Math.pow(pointer.y - el.fisheyeCfg.pos.y - el.offsetHeight/2,2);
                                distance = Math.sqrt(
                                        Math.pow(posx - nr*el.fisheyeCfg.itemWidth, 2)
                                        + posy
                                distance -= el.fisheyeCfg.itemWidth/2;
                                distance = distance < 0 ? 0 : distance;
                                distance = distance > el.fisheyeCfg.proximity ? el.fisheyeCfg.proximity : distance;
                                distance = el.fisheyeCfg.proximity - distance;
                                extraWidth = el.fisheyeCfg.maxWidth * distance/el.fisheyeCfg.proximity;
                                this.style.width = el.fisheyeCfg.itemWidth + extraWidth + 'px';
                                this.style.left = el.fisheyeCfg.itemWidth * nr + toAdd + 'px';
                                toAdd += extraWidth;
                jQuery.iFisheye.positionContainer(el, toAdd);

I think that was all I modified, specifically the posx/posy and the distance formula. Good luck. :p

toddos 11-11-2007 02:12 PM

hi, where can i define the option when the icon is getting bigger if the mouse is coming ?

I put the menue in my navbar, but now i can't click on the logout link, because before i go to the link the fisheye menu icons are coming out ;)

TheMilkCarton 11-11-2007 03:07 PM

This plugin should be inserting javascript somewhere that has a value called "proximity" lowering this could help, but then the actual icons won't zoom as "fluidly" (As you move past them they'll kind of "pop" in and out of place instead of zoom gradually)

Alternately, you could follow the steps I posted above to download the original Fisheye source, but instead you would change the posy value in the JavaScript to make the vertical range that affects the dock smaller.

I converted mine to vertical though, so I can't tell you what you'd have to change for sure... since I'm not the greatest with math, and the way I modified the JS was more of a "guess and check". =p You could TRY changing the "posy =" line to

var posy = Math.pow(pointer.y - el.fisheyeCfg.pos.y - el.offsetHeight/2,3);
(notice the higher power)... and if that doesn't work enough you can increase it to 4, or just square the "posy" in the distance formula (it should do the same thing).

toddos 11-11-2007 05:36 PM

well the first way was very nice, thank you !!!

and is there a way to set the space between the icons higher ?

TheMilkCarton 11-11-2007 06:18 PM

Just change the CSS. Either try changing the width of the link or the padding between them. I can't tell you for sure though as I made my layout vertical from day one and the CSS is completely different. :)

whitetigergrowl 11-12-2007 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by toddos (Post 1380341)
hi, where can i define the option when the icon is getting bigger if the mouse is coming ?

I put the menue in my navbar, but now i can't click on the logout link, because before i go to the link the fisheye menu icons are coming out ;)

In the afm_fisheye_menu template, towards the bottom, you'll see 2 options for docking. dock and dock2. Adjust the 'proximity' for both to your liking. Do some testing till you get your desired results.

TheMilkCarton 11-12-2007 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by whitetigergrowl (Post 1380740)
In the afm_fisheye_menu template, towards the bottom, you'll see 2 options for docking. dock and dock2. Adjust the 'proximity' for both to your liking. Do some testing till you get your desired results.

His question was already answered? :p

And as I said in my post this isn't really the best solution as that also affects how well the icons magnify as you move your mouse across them. The real solution would be to make the vertical range that the mouse must be in to magnify the icons *smaller*, and that takes a just-as-simple JS edit that I also provided.

toddos 11-18-2007 12:15 PM

hi again,
my pictures are very fuzzy, suziq, is this normal ?

isurua 11-21-2007 03:42 AM

Becomeunbroken: thanks, nice mod :).

I'm also wondering how you setup those really nice drop down top menus on the http://www.becomeunbroken.com site - they look fantastic.

Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Magnumutz 11-21-2007 03:20 PM

The only problem i got is fitting it into my template...
If anyone is willing to help me, here's my forum's link: www.smeker.ro
I'm want to fit it to the right from the logo.

inciarco 11-21-2007 05:39 PM

I've Noticed that This Hack Slows Down the Movement of the Smilies after Browsing some Pages, when the Mouse Cursor is Moving and Movement of the Smilies is Normal only when Mouse Cursor isn'r Moving!! :confused:

Perhaps something in the Memory isn't Clearing Right and Accumulates and Saturates something in Memory or in the Internet Explorer Browser!! :confused:

I'm 100% Sure of this because I've Tested that Behavior by Disabling the Fisheye Menu Hack and Speed of the Smilies Restores to Normal!! :confused:

As I Told this Happens a few minutes and after Browing into some Pages on the Forum!! :rolleyes:

The Hack Works Great, this is a Little Bug I've Noticed since some time Ago!! ;)

My Best Regards!! ;)


nectons 11-23-2007 09:38 AM

It works like a charm.. one of the best mods for me dudes.. EXCELENT job.. the only think is with internet explorer.. in vba it works without zoom at all.. inside the forums plays with 2-3 seconds delay (for the zooming) ... with firefox plays lightspeed without any delay.. Maybe can be a fix for this ? :D.. THANKS A MILION i installed offcource..

emtee 11-24-2007 12:05 AM

If I use vb condition

<if condition="$show['member']">
to show some icons of the menu to only registered users, it won't work.

Any ideas how to make it work using vb condition? Thanks.

anstosser 12-14-2007 04:23 PM

Great Work!!!! Thanks...

Rs06 Ant 12-17-2007 10:24 AM

Brillant tool. Works perfect on 3.6.8.

So easy to install too.

Cheers :d

MrPHD 12-17-2007 10:39 AM

Installed and Worki9ng nice. Best Regards

Konstantinos 01-01-2008 01:08 PM

This site has also very cool png icons http://www.customxp.net/images/PngFactory/

Has some vb pngs as well :) http://www.customxp.net/images/PngFa...arch=vbulletin

silver surfer 01-01-2008 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by emtee (Post 1388373)
If I use vb condition

<if condition="$show['member']">
to show some icons of the menu to only registered users, it won't work.

Any ideas how to make it work using vb condition? Thanks.

it worked this way for me to hide the staff room 4 example :
PHP Code:

 <if condition="is_member_of($bbuserinfo,5,6,7)">
class="dock-item" href="http://yoursite.com/forumdisplay.php?f=8"><img src="$vboptions[afm_path]/images/XTRD-divan_orange.png" alt="" /><span>Staff Room</span></a></if> 

2 pics attached

kiril_cvetkov 01-17-2008 08:00 PM

very good :)

toddos 01-21-2008 02:48 PM

it doesnt work in vB 3.7. ... ?
i installed it but the java effect doesnt do anything.

toddos 01-22-2008 06:25 PM

does anybody have a solution ?

gwerzal 01-25-2008 10:58 PM

Nice, got it working on http://www.cashloopholes.co.uk

Just need to edit it now but i dont no what to use it for lol. Definately keeping it though.

pericolosogr 02-10-2008 11:07 AM

as far as i can see this product is interfering with the css of my style...when i disable it everything shows up fine, when i enable it, i dont get wounded corners...
can i some how fix this?

tehQspm 02-10-2008 07:54 PM


It works fine on my site however it wont work whenever you view a thread. It just shows the images to the left stacked on top of each other. On every other page they load fine. I had a look at the source code and it appears that the links are being parsed as relative urls on the pages where the menu shows up and as absolute urls on pages where it wont show up, even though both are calling the afm_fisheye_menu template.

Apart from that, it's still calling the js files on every page so I'm not sure what the problem could be.

mastertek2000 02-10-2008 09:19 PM

works great but y is there XX in the images

pericolosogr 02-11-2008 03:55 PM

when enabling the product i see the fisheye menu displaying properly, but beside the css thats not working in my style...my png images in header which they show up properly in firefox, look like i am browsing with an IE 6!

The problem is that i dont know where these conflicts come from!

Can somebody explain what this code does? Can somebody make it a bit more simple so that we can use without any more problems?

mastertek2000 02-12-2008 01:02 AM

got it working great thanks this is a great mod will see how my members like it


CLF 02-12-2008 09:49 AM

Thank you so much for this great hack! LOVE IT!!!

Parker Clack 02-12-2008 06:03 PM

I love this hack. I would however like the ability to add text under the icons when they are docked so that what they represent isn't in question.

mastertek2000 02-12-2008 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Parker Clack (Post 1441618)
I love this hack. I would however like the ability to add text under the icons when they are docked so that what they represent isn't in question.

you will need to configure the menu entries.. open the 'afm_fisheye_menu' template under the 'Ajax Fisheye Menu' template group.
- To add new menu items just use the following format:

<a class="dock-item" href="#"><img src="fisheye/images/home.png" alt="home" /><span>here</span></a>

Parker Clack 02-12-2008 07:18 PM


Yeah, I alredy know about that. What I wanting to do is put a text description under the icon when it is in the docked state. The code that is in the fisheye_menu will put the text up if you move your mouse over the icon.

CLF 02-12-2008 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Parker Clack (Post 1441694)

Yeah, I alredy know about that. What I wanting to do is put a text description under the icon when it is in the docked state. The code that is in the fisheye_menu will put the text up if you move your mouse over the icon.

But if you have more than 5-6 (I have 10-12) icons it wouldn't look that nice when the icons are docked, or the letters would be very small. Just a thought.

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