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-   -   Forum Display Enhancements - Thread Thumbnail (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=158396)

usmansabir 06-27-2008 10:33 PM

3.6.8 .. installed . showed NO THUMBNAIL in the forums i defined in array .. and SQL error while going for New post .. so didnt have any option .. uninstalled :( but i like this thingi..

theOZer 06-27-2008 11:29 PM

This mod/hack is priceless if you have an art forum. This hack has worked for me from vB3.6.5 through vB3.7.2, but, since vB3.6.8 came out you have to tweak the search.php so new post search works (see page 8, post #112, 114). Also, don't forget you need to turn on thread thumb creation (see page 9, post #121). If you have linked and/or full image (non-thumbnailed) images in a new thread's 1st post then a thumbnail is NOT available, thusly, it won't show up as a thumbnail, regardless.

Defkalion 06-28-2008 05:55 PM

@theOZer: have you found a way to make this work also in tag search?

theOZer 06-29-2008 05:08 PM

FYI: This mod and the search.php tweak work in vB3.7.2.
We're fortunate, once again, this works by bastardizing search.php. Yes, there has got to be a better way.
No, Defkalion, I have not worked with adding this to Tags. I'm not a coder but this does intrique me. I would like to, first and foremost, use vB's hooks in the search.php, to "properly" incorporate ThreadThumbnails into New Posts search. Then, maybe, after learning how to do that I can also do this in Tags; it may just fall all into place. There's a vB SDK (I believe) that I can download, read, then take it from there. We will see.
P.S. NeverBored also offers good help (page 8 - 10) on how to display 'full page' threads.

rolfw1 07-01-2008 03:46 PM

All I did when I upgraded to 3.7.2, was upload the old modified search.php file (after I found that the new 3.7.2 version was generating an SQL error), did you modify your new 3.7.2 version, or just replace it with the old modified one, if you modified it, I'd like to see what you did, as I think I may be missing some features by using the old modified one.

Also, has anyone got it to work when searching for individual posts and not threads? As my main section is photo based and it would look a lot better.

theOZer 07-01-2008 05:17 PM

You HAVE TO MODIFY the vB3.7.2 search.php, adding the Thread Thumbnail 'hook' (see page 8, post #112, 114).
I believe that this mod, as it's currently written, only checks for an image attachment on the 1st post of a thread.

theOZer 07-02-2008 12:29 PM

Yay! I got Thread Thumbnails to so show up in a TAG Search!!!

I created a Thread Thumbnail Tag Search plugin, copying thread-thumbnail-plugins.xml then tweaking it.
I had to make minor changes to Tag.php.
I had to add an additonal If statement to the threadbit template to get Tag search thumbnails to display.
I need to put together a 'How I Did This' write-up. I'll get this done today.
P.S. I plan to post my write-up, soon.

Defkalion 07-02-2008 02:14 PM

COOL!!!! Can't wait to implement this! :)

theOZer 07-02-2008 02:38 PM

Adding Thread Thumbnails to Tag Search

Salute to Jason Merchant the original coder of this excellent Thread Thumbnails mod. Salute to vB.org for hosting this mod's thread.

This is a 'How I Did It.' I hope this is ethically correct that I can post this tweak, seeing how I stole the plugin from Jason and tags.php needs to be modified. I have this up-and-running on my forum; it works for me, okay?

tags.php needs to be slightly tweaked to make this all happen.
You will need to install a plugin.
You will need to modify your threadbit template(s).

[Note: Before changing your current tags.php file make a backup copy named tags_original.php, for example.]

A) Tweak the tags.php file:

Change tags.php


$hook_query_fields = $hook_query_joins = '';
($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('tags_list_query_data')) ? eval($hook) : false;

>>Change the 1st line to:

$hook_query_fields = $hook_query_joins = $hook_query_where = '';
($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('tags_list_query_data')) ? eval($hook) : false;

At the bottom of the following select statement -


WHERE thread.threadid IN (" . implode(',', $threadids) . ")

>>Change the 2nd line to:

WHERE thread.threadid IN (" . implode(',', $threadids) . ") $hook_query_where

B1) Create the plugin .xml file:

Copy the following xml code, pasting it into Wordpad or Notepad. Save the file as a .xml. For example, I named mine: thread-thumbnail-plugins-tags.xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

        <plugin active="1" executionorder="5" product="vbulletin">
                <title>Thread Thumbnail - Tag Search</title>
                <phpcode><![CDATA[$tt_displaythumbs_tags = true;
        $hook_query_fields .= ", attachment.thumbnail_filesize AS thumbsize , MIN(attachment.attachmentid) AS attachmentid ";
        $hook_query_joins .= "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "attachment as attachment ON(attachment.postid = thread.firstpostid AND (attachment.extension = 'jpg' OR attachment.extension = 'gif' OR attachment.extension = 'png')) ";
        $hook_query_where .= "GROUP BY thread.threadid ";]]></phpcode>

B2) Import the plugin:

In Admin Control Panel > Plugins & Products > Download/Upload Plugins > Import Plugin Definitions XML File window, Import the .xml file you just created.

C) threadbit template changes:

Here's my New & Improved threadbit template change to thread thumbnail both regular searches and Tag searches. Your current TT code may differ from mine, for sure.


<!-- Thread Thumbnails -->
<if condition="$show['threadicons']">
  <td class="alt2" align="center" valign="middle">
<!-- TAG Search Thread Thumbnails -->
  <if condition="($tt_displaythumbs_tags)">
    <if condition="($thread['attachmentid']) AND ($thread['thumbsize'])">
        <a href="showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$thread[threadid]">
            <img src="attachment.php?attachmentid=$thread[attachmentid]&stc=1&thumb=1" alt="" border="0" />
    <else />
      <if condition="$show['threadicon']">
        <img src="$thread[threadiconpath]" alt="$thread[threadicontitle]" border="0" />
      <else />
  <else />
<!-- Thread Thumbnails in Forums & Search -->
    <if condition="($tt_displaythumbs)">
      <if condition="($thread['attachmentid']) AND ($thread['thumbsize'])">
        <a href="showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$thread[threadid]">
            <img src="attachment.php?attachmentid=$thread[attachmentid]&stc=1&thumb=1" alt="" border="0" />
      <else />
        <img src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/nothumb.jpg" alt="" border="0" />
    <else />
      <if condition="$show['threadicon']">
        <img src="$thread[threadiconpath]" alt="$thread[threadicontitle]" border="0" />
      <else />
<!-- end of Thread Thumbnails -->


Regards, theOZer

Defkalion 07-02-2008 03:20 PM

Aaarrrgh!! It works!! :)

I just have to figure out why it's leaving such a big space for the thumbs column now. :P

Many thanks man. Any ideas for the thumbs column width?

Edit: Don't worry about it, already fixed it, it was an extra </td> making the damage.

It's working GREAT!

Thankyou so much for your effort theOZer :)

theOZer 07-02-2008 03:26 PM

I'm not experiencing 'a big space for the thumbs column.' My Tag Search screen looks like the current Search Forums/New Posts screen on my forum. Hmmm?

Defkalion 07-02-2008 03:40 PM

No thanks man, see my edit above, it works great.

Just a typo in your template code:


<img src="$thread[threadiconpath]" alt="$thread[threadicontitle]" border="0" />
<else />
need to change to


<img src="$thread[threadiconpath]" alt="$thread[threadicontitle]" border="0" />
<else />

theOZer 07-02-2008 03:46 PM

Done; I corrected that typo in my code above. And, thank you, Defkalion, for catching that code glitch. Keep me honest, please.

NeverBored 07-02-2008 08:54 PM

Hell yes. Thanks a lot theOZer for working that out with the tags. Much appreciated.

FYI, you can simplify the threadbit by using this conditional instead,

<if condition="$tt_displaythumbs OR $tt_displaythumbs_tags">

theOZer 07-02-2008 09:08 PM

I segregated the 2 IF statements because Tag Searches that don't have a thumbnail then display the 'default' thread icon and Forum & regular searches that don't have a thumbnail display the 'No Image' gif.
And, for what it's worth, you can tweak the Thread Thumbnail Search plugin, have it use a different temp true/false variable, e.g., $tt_displaythumbs_search, and add an additional IF statement to handle regular searches like I'm handling Tag Search. I've already done this on my forum. Regular searches now display the thumbnail if it exists otherwise it just displays the default thread icon.
Also, like the original Thread Thumbnail mod, you can set up a User Profile Field to Display or Not Display thumbnails for Tag Searches.
Now that I've cracked this, so to speak, there's a lot that can be done with this mod.
I'm now going to see if I can get the mod to also display thumbnails when doing post searches. We will see.

NeverBored 07-02-2008 09:46 PM

I see what you mean now after looking at the code. I designed my threadbit differently so the OR conditional works best for me. Anyways, thanks again, happy to have this in tags finally.

unforgotten 07-03-2008 04:11 PM

Is this working on 3.6.5? I installed it but it doesn't seem to be working, should I update to the latest version of Vb 3.7.2 to make it work?

theOZer 07-03-2008 04:29 PM

Do you have thumbnail creation turned on?
Have you added the forums you want thumbnailed to the Thread Thumbnail plugin array?
This mod was written as of vB3.6.8 and the "supplied" search.php may not work in vB3.6.5. You may need to edit and add the thread thumbnail code to your vB3.6.5 search.php.
P.S. Of course, you should be running the most current version of vB, regardless.

rolfw1 07-04-2008 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by theOZer (Post 1564126)
You HAVE TO MODIFY the vB3.7.2 search.php, adding the Thread Thumbnail 'hook' (see page 8, post #112, 114).
I believe that this mod, as it's currently written, only checks for an image attachment on the 1st post of a thread.

Thanks very much theOZer, an easy update, now shows the full search functions. :)

theOZer 07-04-2008 11:43 AM

Hello rolfw1,
Glad I could help.
Since your last visit here I figured out to add thumbnails to tags.php. See post # 169.

unforgotten 07-04-2008 07:39 PM

I got it working, thanks bud!! but now I have this problem, in FF I can see the images just fine but under IE I get the no image with a red cross symbol when the image is not working, how can I fix that?


unforgotten 07-04-2008 07:46 PM

ok I just noticed that it only happens when I am not logged in but it only happens in IE, any idea how can I fix this?

unforgotten 07-04-2008 07:56 PM

I got it!! It had to do with the forum permissions for unregistered/not logged in users. Thanks anyway!! :)

rolfw1 07-08-2008 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by theOZer (Post 1566653)
Hello rolfw1,
Glad I could help.
Since your last visit here I figured out to add thumbnails to tags.php. See post # 169.

Thanks very much, will have a play with that later. :)

bing11 07-08-2008 05:30 PM


attachmentid not work help

theOZer 07-09-2008 02:07 AM

Help us here. Is this happening in a Tag Search or a New Post/regular search or in one of your forums you've thread thumbnailed?

bing11 07-10-2008 01:26 AM

theOzer thank you help me.

"<if condition="($thread['attachmentid'])" it's not work . could you tell me what is this?

when I remove it attachmentid cannot work, but I active any attachment option

theOZer 07-10-2008 05:34 PM

I don't have a clue what you're talking about?
Did you already have this hack installed and it worked and now it doesn't?
Is this the first time you've tried to install this hack?
Did you follow Jason's installation instructions. They are pretty straight-forward, easy to understand and follow?
Is this problem you're having because you tried to add thumbnails to Tag Searches (see 02 JUN 2008 Post # 169)?
Did you add the forum numbers to the Thread Thumbnail plugin array (see 02 APR 2008 Post # 114)?
If you are using the Thread Thumbnail Search plugin did you tweak Search.php (see 02 APR 2008 Post # 112)?
Is Thumbnail Creation turned ON?
AdminCP > vBulletin Options > Message Attachment Options > Thumbnail Creation
I have mine set to 'Yes, with border and dimensions' (which just may be the default, I don't know).
Also, in Attachment Manager gif, jpg, jpeg Thumb column all read Yes (Yes?).

If you need help you need to ask better questions, detail what your problem is, be a bit more specific. Okay?

Trana 07-10-2008 09:39 PM

Can someone post a copy of what it looks like in the tag search?

theOZer 07-11-2008 01:45 PM

Here's a Tag Search that shows both possible situations.
1) Thumbnails are displayed for threads with a thumbnail attachment in the 1st post.
2) Default Thread Icon displays for threads without a thumbnail in the 1st post.

As I also note in 02 JUL 2008 Post # 175
"And, for what it's worth, you can tweak the Thread Thumbnail Search plugin, have it use a different temp true/false variable, e.g., $tt_displaythumbs_search, and add an additional IF statement to handle regular searches like I'm handling Tag Search."

Now my New Posts and regular searches also are displayed this way, and only my thumbnailed forums show the 'No Image' icon if there's no thumbnail pic.

Trana 07-16-2008 03:59 AM

Pretty cool, does it do that in the normal search results as well?

Can you point me to the post describing how to install it that way? It seems like there are a lot of them.

iamthemoz 07-16-2008 02:16 PM

Thank you so much for this plugin. Works great! I was just wondering though, if there is a way to display images as a thumbnail for a thread that are not attachments, but are displayed in the 1st post of a thread?

theOZer 07-17-2008 05:56 PM


In AdminCP > Plugins & Products > Plugin Manager
Edit the plugin 'Thread Thumbnail - Search'
Change $tt_displaythumbs to $tt_displaythumbs_search

$tt_displaythumbs_search = true;
        $hook_query_fields .= ", attachment.thumbnail_filesize AS thumbsize , MIN(attachment.attachmentid) AS attachmentid ";
        $hook_query_joins .= "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "attachment as attachment ON(attachment.postid = thread.firstpostid AND (attachment.extension = 'jpg' OR attachment.extension = 'gif' OR attachment.extension = 'png')) ";
        $hook_query_where .= "GROUP BY thread.threadid ";

In threadbit template add an additonal IF statement like you added for the Tag Search changing the IF stmt to check for $tt_displaythumbs_search (versus the Tag Search checking for $tt_displaythumbs_tag).

This is the code I'm using. Yes, this is a monster IF statement. It works. It handles displaying thumbnails for Tag Searches, New Posts & regular Searches, Forums that have been added to the Thread Thumbnail plugin. I have also set up User Profile fields to allow the user to turn On/Off thread thumbnail display and have those checks also in the code.
Note: And, for poops-N-grins, I wrapped all the img code in href tags so you can click on thread thumbnails or the default thread icon to go to the thread.

<!-- OMAC Thread Thumbnails -->
<if condition="$show['threadicons']">
  <td class="alt2" align="center" valign="middle">
<!-- Tag Search -->
  <if condition="($tt_displaythumbs_tags) AND $bbuserinfo['field9'] <> 'Off'">
    <if condition="($thread['attachmentid']) AND ($thread['thumbsize'])">
        <a href="showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$thread[threadid]">
            <img src="attachment.php?attachmentid=$thread[attachmentid]&stc=1&thumb=1" alt="" border="0" />
    <else />
      <if condition="$show['threadicon']">
        <a href="showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$thread[threadid]">
        <img src="$thread[threadiconpath]" alt="$thread[threadicontitle]" border="0" />
      <else />
  <else />
<!-- New Posts & regular Search -->
    <if condition="($tt_displaythumbs_search) AND ($bbuserinfo['field8'] <> 'Off' OR $show['guest'])">
      <if condition="($thread['attachmentid']) AND ($thread['thumbsize'])">
          <a href="showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$thread[threadid]">
              <img src="attachment.php?attachmentid=$thread[attachmentid]&stc=1&thumb=1" alt="" border="0" />
      <else />
        <if condition="$show['threadicon']">
          <a href="showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$thread[threadid]">
          <img src="$thread[threadiconpath]" alt="$thread[threadicontitle]" border="0" />
        <else />
    <else />
<!-- Check for Thread Thumbnailed Forums -->
      <if condition="($tt_displaythumbs) AND ($bbuserinfo['field8'] <> 'Off' OR $show['guest'])">
        <if condition="($thread['attachmentid']) AND ($thread['thumbsize'])">
          <a href="showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$thread[threadid]">
          <img src="attachment.php?attachmentid=$thread[attachmentid]&stc=1&thumb=1" alt="" border="0" />
        <else />
          <a href="showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$thread[threadid]">
          <img src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/nothumb.jpg" alt="" border="0" />
      <else />
<!-- the original vB code -->
        <if condition="$show['threadicon']">
          <a href="showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$thread[threadid]">
            <img src="$thread[threadiconpath]" alt="$thread[threadicontitle]" border="0" />
        <else />
<!-- end of OMAC Thread Thumbnails -->

Chow, ~OZ

theOZer 07-17-2008 06:01 PM

Check a few posts here submitted by NeverBored.
Page 9, post #128
Page 10, posts #144, #145.
Later, ~OZ

mrxclusive 07-28-2008 02:16 PM

this is to hard to install can someone help me

viper007 07-28-2008 05:05 PM


Be sure to change the forum ids in the $thumbsforums array to the forum ids you want to enable thumbnails in.
where it is??

theOZer 07-28-2008 09:33 PM

AdminCP > Plugins & Products > Plugin Manager, then edit Thread Thumbnails, adding your forums that you want thread thumbnailed.
example, $tt_thumbsforums = array(4, 5, 17, 46, 50, 53);

viper007 07-29-2008 01:32 AM

i had installed everything told by u in the installation..but cant view the thumbnails...whatswrong??my website is www.sportivestudents.com and i want to put in telugu hiquality dvdrips

Trana 07-29-2008 05:45 AM


Originally Posted by theOZer (Post 1577875)
Check a few posts here submitted by NeverBored.
Page 9, post #128
Page 10, posts #144, #145.
Later, ~OZ

I don't think thats what he wanted.

What he was trying to was to display linked images as thumbnails too when there are no attachments in the thread. That would be killer.

Trana 07-29-2008 05:52 AM

I don't understand, where do I put this? In threadbit? If it is to display thumbnails in search results is it the same template?



Originally Posted by theOZer (Post 1577872)

In AdminCP > Plugins & Products > Plugin Manager
Edit the plugin 'Thread Thumbnail - Search'
Change $tt_displaythumbs to $tt_displaythumbs_search

$tt_displaythumbs_search = true;
        $hook_query_fields .= ", attachment.thumbnail_filesize AS thumbsize , MIN(attachment.attachmentid) AS attachmentid ";
        $hook_query_joins .= "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "attachment as attachment ON(attachment.postid = thread.firstpostid AND (attachment.extension = 'jpg' OR attachment.extension = 'gif' OR attachment.extension = 'png')) ";
        $hook_query_where .= "GROUP BY thread.threadid ";

In threadbit template add an additonal IF statement like you added for the Tag Search changing the IF stmt to check for $tt_displaythumbs_search (versus the Tag Search checking for $tt_displaythumbs_tag).

This is the code I'm using. Yes, this is a monster IF statement. It works. It handles displaying thumbnails for Tag Searches, New Posts & regular Searches, Forums that have been added to the Thread Thumbnail plugin. I have also set up User Profile fields to allow the user to turn On/Off thread thumbnail display and have those checks also in the code.
Note: And, for poops-N-grins, I wrapped all the img code in href tags so you can click on thread thumbnails or the default thread icon to go to the thread.

<!-- OMAC Thread Thumbnails -->
<if condition="$show['threadicons']">
  <td class="alt2" align="center" valign="middle">
<!-- Tag Search -->
  <if condition="($tt_displaythumbs_tags) AND $bbuserinfo['field9'] <> 'Off'">
    <if condition="($thread['attachmentid']) AND ($thread['thumbsize'])">
        <a href="showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$thread[threadid]">
            <img src="attachment.php?attachmentid=$thread[attachmentid]&stc=1&thumb=1" alt="" border="0" />
    <else />
      <if condition="$show['threadicon']">
        <a href="showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$thread[threadid]">
        <img src="$thread[threadiconpath]" alt="$thread[threadicontitle]" border="0" />
      <else />
  <else />
<!-- New Posts & regular Search -->
    <if condition="($tt_displaythumbs_search) AND ($bbuserinfo['field8'] <> 'Off' OR $show['guest'])">
      <if condition="($thread['attachmentid']) AND ($thread['thumbsize'])">
          <a href="showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$thread[threadid]">
              <img src="attachment.php?attachmentid=$thread[attachmentid]&stc=1&thumb=1" alt="" border="0" />
      <else />
        <if condition="$show['threadicon']">
          <a href="showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$thread[threadid]">
          <img src="$thread[threadiconpath]" alt="$thread[threadicontitle]" border="0" />
        <else />
    <else />
<!-- Check for Thread Thumbnailed Forums -->
      <if condition="($tt_displaythumbs) AND ($bbuserinfo['field8'] <> 'Off' OR $show['guest'])">
        <if condition="($thread['attachmentid']) AND ($thread['thumbsize'])">
          <a href="showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$thread[threadid]">
          <img src="attachment.php?attachmentid=$thread[attachmentid]&stc=1&thumb=1" alt="" border="0" />
        <else />
          <a href="showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$thread[threadid]">
          <img src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/nothumb.jpg" alt="" border="0" />
      <else />
<!-- the original vB code -->
        <if condition="$show['threadicon']">
          <a href="showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$thread[threadid]">
            <img src="$thread[threadiconpath]" alt="$thread[threadicontitle]" border="0" />
        <else />
<!-- end of OMAC Thread Thumbnails -->

Chow, ~OZ

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