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GrendelKhan{TSU 06-29-2007 10:47 PM

any chance of adding veoh.com video site to this?

and does this handle people uploading video files (wmv, mov etc) files as attachments?

Finster 06-29-2007 10:49 PM

What we REALLY need is to add Stage6 at Stage6.com to this mod!

Stage6 seems to be the best player out there for HD.

RedGTiVR6 06-29-2007 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by nix (Post 1279471)
hmm. Thats weird. It looks like one of the old packages.

what are my options then?

nix 06-29-2007 11:21 PM

Not sure. When I download it I see it just fine. Does anyone else have this problem?

RedGTiVR6 06-30-2007 01:36 AM

Perhaps you can email it to me? Or someone can email it to me?

Dannyloski 06-30-2007 01:46 AM

I DL'ed it again, seems fine ... RedGTiVR6, have you tried extracting it and then seeing if the file sizes increase? Try that ... If not, what's your email?

RedGTiVR6 06-30-2007 03:25 PM

I've now tried downloading through a different connection and still no dice. It still gives me the same files as in the screen shot above.

Uploading the files that were in the download that I got for some reason upgrades me to 3.06, not 3.07 and it doesn't fix the issue with YouTube on our board.

Would someone be so kind as to send me the most recent files?

Specifically what bug was fixed in 3.07?

Subah 06-30-2007 04:10 PM

Cool thanks , hope to add Photobucket to the collection :)

Dannyloski 06-30-2007 04:45 PM

The uploaded files is 3.07, he just forgot to change the version to 3.07, so it shows as 3.06 .. it contains all the fixes though ... the bug that was fixed was one that nix found, dont know exactly what it was ... What is the issue with your YouTube?

nix 06-30-2007 11:09 PM

I'll be uploading 3.0.8 here in a bit. Has all of youtubes and google uk.

The bug that 3.0.7 fixed was an template edit I left in. If you go in the anymedia template and look and make sure the forum paths are correct.

RedGTiVR6 07-01-2007 02:00 AM

OK - well I just tried extracting and it worked this time. Something was funky earlier and I'm not sure what...

however, I'm still having the issue with YouTube...click on it to play and it just says 'Failed...'

If I click on the 'Click here to download it' link it takes me to the right link on YouTube even and the video plays.

I tried re-uploading even and disabling and re-enabling the mod too.

Dannyloski 07-01-2007 04:32 AM

Make sure that you've unchecked all of the items under the "Use AnyMedia Player for which video sites?" section of this Mod's Control Panel Options and that Youtube is checked in the "Supported video sites" section ...

nix 07-01-2007 05:05 AM

Yea check that setting. I'm going to take that out in the next release so its not a problem anymore. I also changing some things around to make it less of a hassle to work.

testebr 07-01-2007 12:11 PM

Hi again nix,

Can you add support to this Brazilian video website http://videolog.uol.com.br/ ?


RedGTiVR6 07-01-2007 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1280348)
Make sure that you've unchecked all of the items under the "Use AnyMedia Player for which video sites?" section of this Mod's Control Panel Options and that Youtube is checked in the "Supported video sites" section ...

What in the world!? Why did it cause the problem all of a sudden? I'm confused....

Either way, thank you for being patient with me about it and helping me fix it!

Dermo-MIO 07-01-2007 02:42 PM

first off thanks for updating the hack this is easily the best hack going for media players. one small problem since the old player was installed first i now have the media button for the original one showing but now its twice any1 tell me what i can do ? btw im using 3.6.4 if it makes any difference thanks

Dannyloski 07-01-2007 07:30 PM


No problem ... So it works now for you, correct?


Just edit the editor_toolbar_on Template and remove one of the following codes:


<!-- AnyMedia BBCode By Crist Chsu Start -->
                                <if condition="$show['anymedia_bbcode']">
                                <td><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/separator.gif" width="6" height="20" alt="" /></td>
                                <td><div class="imagebutton" id="{$editorid}_cmd_wrap0_{$vboptions[anymediatag]}"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/media.gif" width="21" height="20" alt="$vbphrase[wrap_media_tags]" /></div></td>
<!-- AnyMedia BBCode By Crist Chsu End -->

And that should take car of removing one of them from the Toolbar, so it only shows one and not two. Now, make sure that you've uploaded the media.gif to the correct folder on your website via FTP, has to be FORUMDIRECTORY/images/editor/ (if you have it like that and it doesnt show up, try FORUMDIRECTORY/images/)

nix 07-01-2007 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by testebr (Post 1280533)
Hi again nix,

Can you add support to this Brazilian video website http://videolog.uol.com.br/ ?


Yea I'll add them.


Originally Posted by Dermo-MIO (Post 1280623)
first off thanks for updating the hack this is easily the best hack going for media players. one small problem since the old player was installed first i now have the media button for the original one showing but now its twice any1 tell me what i can do ? btw im using 3.6.4 if it makes any difference thanks

Yea do what Dannyloski said. You already had the template edit so you didn't need it again.

Does anyone use the Collapse feature? Or any of the torrent stuff? I'm in the middle of rewriting this hack to make it easier to update and add sites for me. I'm also looking to change the way it embeds so the javascript file wont be needed anymore. I would also like to restyle it.

Dannyloski 07-01-2007 10:23 PM

^ I sometimes use the Collapse feature, so if you can keep it, it would be cool - if not its cool too ... dont use it too much, just sometimes ...

nix 07-02-2007 07:15 AM

Updated to 3.0.8

- Fixed some defualt settings
- Added all youtube local languages
- Added google uk
- Added stage6.divx.com (you'll need to install the divx web plugin)
- Added brightcove.com

Skavenger 07-02-2007 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by nix (Post 1281081)
Updated to 3.0.8

- Fixed some defualt settings
- Added all youtube local languages
- Added google uk
- Added stage6.divx.com (you'll need to install the divx web plugin)
- Added brightcove.com

How do I upgrade from 3.0.7?

Thank you

nix 07-02-2007 07:24 AM

Just upload files and import the product. Its pretty much the same for all upgrades.

Skavenger 07-02-2007 07:52 AM

Done =)

Originally Posted by nix (Post 1280794)
Does anyone use the Collapse feature? Or any of the torrent stuff? I'm in the middle of rewriting this hack to make it easier to update and add sites for me. I'm also looking to change the way it embeds so the javascript file wont be needed anymore. I would also like to restyle it.

I use collapse and eLinks features

Btw, there is a '__MACOSX' folder in the 3.0.8 zip, I think you forget to delete that

I have a problem with .divx option, I check the box but when I click save, the that option is not saved :S, I can't enable .divx

nix 07-02-2007 08:23 AM

that setting isn't used yet. Probably wont need to.

I can't see the _macosx folders. The program I'm using to zip it is suppose to not include it. I"ll look into it.

GrendelKhan{TSU 07-02-2007 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU (Post 1279485)
any chance of adding veoh.com video site to this?

REQUEST: bump! veoh.com :D

and I know media files (like mov, mp3, wmv) are covered in Christ's version.. .so I an assume they work with this one (not just posting flash video sites)?

nix 07-02-2007 08:35 AM

Yea they should all work. If not let me know.

Mecho 07-02-2007 12:13 PM

1 - i have problem with youtube links .. it shows me Failed error
2 - i checked Allow Web based Divx and also i checked "stage6" in Use AnyMedia Player for which video sites? and Supported video sites and it shows Saved successfully ! but again i saw they r unchecked . i did 10 times but i can not checked those options .. any idea ?

also is it possible that u can add a option to Screen that users can set the Size of the screen ??


RedGTiVR6 07-02-2007 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1280780)

No problem ... So it works now for you, correct?

Sure does!

Now I'm off to update to .8!

RedGTiVR6 07-02-2007 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Mecho (Post 1281194)
1 - i have problem with youtube links .. it shows me Failed error
2 - i checked Allow Web based Divx and also i checked "stage6" in Use AnyMedia Player for which video sites? and Supported video sites and it shows Saved successfully ! but again i saw they r unchecked . i did 10 times but i can not checked those options .. any idea ?

also is it possible that u can add a option to Screen that users can set the Size of the screen ??


try rebuilding your bit fields. This was an issue that I had back on the old repease.

Mecho 07-02-2007 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by RedGTiVR6 (Post 1281261)
try rebuilding your bit fields. This was an issue that I had back on the old repease.

would u plz tell me how ?

Dannyloski 07-02-2007 03:09 PM

Upgraded to 3.0.8, smoothly :up: ...

Nix: Any idea on Photobucket being added?

RedGTiVR6 07-02-2007 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by Mecho (Post 1281291)
would u plz tell me how ?


should help.

Dermo-MIO 07-02-2007 03:20 PM

thanks for your help Nix and upgraded without any problems

RedGTiVR6 07-02-2007 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Mecho (Post 1281194)
1 - i have problem with youtube links .. it shows me Failed error

I had the same problem. Ended up being that I shouldn't have had any boxes checked under "Use AnyMedia Player for which video sites".

If you go back a few posts, you'll see where another user made the suggestion.

cupra 07-02-2007 04:33 PM

Upgraded to 3.0.8 and still, with VISTA x64 cant play a video that is on my server...
the FF and IE7 are frozen...

Skavenger 07-02-2007 05:28 PM

autostart option is not working for me
you can check it

testebr 07-02-2007 05:46 PM

The extension .divx never still checked after check and click to save settings. This is a bug or anything like?

testebr 07-02-2007 06:05 PM

More one website for you to add support if possible: http://www.liveleak.com

Dannyloski 07-02-2007 06:34 PM

testebr, the .divx Option will not allow you to mark it as "checked" because it's not out yet. It is something that will be added in the future, maybe next release ...

Skavenger, try it again, but this time in the AnyMedia BBCode Options make sure that you have the "Collapse by default" option set to "No"

nix 07-02-2007 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by Mecho (Post 1281194)
1 - i have problem with youtube links .. it shows me Failed error
2 - i checked Allow Web based Divx and also i checked "stage6" in Use AnyMedia Player for which video sites? and Supported video sites and it shows Saved successfully ! but again i saw they r unchecked . i did 10 times but i can not checked those options .. any idea ?

also is it possible that u can add a option to Screen that users can set the Size of the screen ??


You can just uninstall it and reinstall if it still doesn't work after rebuilding your bitfields.


If neither of those work I'll take a look at it for you on your server if you would like.

Try these.

Tag without options:

Shown as a mp3 player (Use the flash mp3 player by default).

Tag with options:
[MEDIA="width, height, autostart, loop, extension"]url_of_the_file[/MEDIA]
[MEDIA="width, height, autostart, loop"]url_of_the_file[/MEDIA]
[MEDIA="width, height, autostart"]url_of_the_file[/MEDIA]
[MEDIA="width, height"]url_of_the_file[/MEDIA]

It will use the real player to play the file.mp3,
the object is 300px width, 380px height,
it will autostart and will repeat for twice.

It will use the flash player to play the file.flv,
the object is 250px width, 150px height,
it'll NOT autostart but will repeat for 3 times.

It will use the flash player to play the file.swf,
the object is 400px width, 480px height,
and it'll NOT autostart.

It will post the pdf object on the page,
the object is 421px width, 211px height.

If they don't work I'l put it on the todo list!


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1281308)
Upgraded to 3.0.8, smoothly :up: ...

Nix: Any idea on Photobucket being added?

Working on it and some other sites.


Originally Posted by cupra (Post 1281373)
Upgraded to 3.0.8 and still, with VISTA x64 cant play a video that is on my server...
the FF and IE7 are frozen...

Thats a hard one to test for me. But I'll try and look into it.


Originally Posted by Skavenger (Post 1281403)
autostart option is not working for me
you can check it here

Thats more for playing your own videos. Youtube has auto start off. If you have 20 videos in a thread you don't want them auto starting.


Originally Posted by testebr (Post 1281416)
The extension .divx never still checked after check and click to save settings. This is a bug or anything like?

You don't need this for anything. I'll probably just remove it in the next release. Its not needed to play stage6.


Originally Posted by testebr (Post 1281427)
More one website for you to add support if possible: http://www.liveleak.com

I'll look into it.

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