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-   -   Mini Mods - highslide integration with vB attachments - lightbox alternative - inline too. (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=139167)

rayw 04-29-2007 04:58 AM

Has anyone had troubles viewing images with Opera? When I'm in Opera and I click on a picture, it just says loading across the thumbnail and that's it.

BadgerDog 04-29-2007 09:26 AM

Does anybody know if this mod is compatilbke with Spleasure's "Image resizer" mod?




TheMilkCarton 04-29-2007 09:50 AM

I have both and they still work fine.

SilverVice 04-29-2007 03:23 PM

I will paypal 5$ to the one who will help me solve my problem Here. I know it?s not that much but I?m sure it?s a easy job for some of you guys :)

phill2003 04-29-2007 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by SilverVice (Post 1237628)
I will paypal 5$ to the one who will help me solve my problem Here. I know it?s not that much but I?m sure it?s a easy job for some of you guys :)

I will get it to work if you want :)...

BadgerDog 04-29-2007 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by bjhuang (Post 1231789)
to simplify the installation:

1. download highslide js from http://vikjavev.no/highslide/
2. download this: Attachment 63395
3. put highslide files under your forumroot/highslide/
4. put highslide.css under forumroot/highslide/
5. import product-highslideattach.xml as a product
6. modify template "postbit_attachmentthumbnail",
insert this line to the top:
PHP Code:

<if condition="!$vboptions[highslide_active]"

insert this line to the end:
PHP Code:

<else />
a id="att_$attachment[attachmentid]class="highslide" onclick="return hs.expand(this, { slideshowGroup: '$post[postid]' })" href="attachment.php?$session[sessionurl]attachmentid=$attachment[attachmentid]&d=$attachment[dateline]"<if condition="$show['newwindow']"target="_blank"</if>><img class="thumbnail" src="attachment.php?$session[sessionurl]attachmentid=$attachment[attachmentid]&stc=1&thumb=1&d=$attachment[thumbnail_dateline]border="0" alt="<phrase 1="$attachment[filename]" 2="$attachment[counter]" 3="$attachment[filesize]" 4="$attachment[attachmentid]">$vbphrase[image_larger_version_x_y_z]</phrase>" /></a>

Thanks to TheMilkCarton and bjhuang for clear explanations ...

Installed.... :)

I used bjhuang's method and it works fine for attachments that appear at the bottom of a post. :up:

So, to get more advanced and have it work for in-line attachments etc, I assume I have to perform changes to the rest of the templates mentioned?


Edit: BTW, is there a reason I didn't have to do mini2's step 5 and step 6 (headinclude and header templates) and it still works fine? Also, I didn't do step 8 (SHOWTHREAD_SHOWPOST template) and it also works fine (scratching head?) :confused:

nfn 04-29-2007 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by SideDraft260 (Post 1213859)
anyidea on how to integrate this into photoplog?

This is what I've done with PhotoPlog Lite v.2.0.6:

Edit photoplog_view_file template and find:


<a href="$photoplog_location/file.php?$session[sessionurl]n=$photoplog_fileid&amp;w=o"><img src="$photoplog_location/file.php?$session[sessionurl]n=$photoplog_fileid&amp;w=l" alt="$vbphrase[photoplog_click_to_view_original]" title="$vbphrase[photoplog_click_to_view_original]" border="0" /></a>

replace with:


<a class="highslide" onclick="return hs.expand(this, { slideshowGroup: '$post[postid]', align: 'center' })"href="$photoplog_location/file.php?$session[sessionurl]n=$photoplog_fileid&amp;w=o"><img src="$photoplog_location/file.php?$session[sessionurl]n=$photoplog_fileid&amp;w=l" alt="$vbphrase[photoplog_click_to_view_original]" title="$vbphrase[photoplog_click_to_view_original]" border="0" /></a>

SilverVice 04-29-2007 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by phill2003 (Post 1237650)
I will get it to work if you want :)...

Ok thanks Phill, watch your PM :up:


BadgerDog 04-29-2007 04:41 PM

Edit: Please ignore my previous post quoted below .....

You have to out the modified class_bbcode.php back in the correct directory for it to work... :o

Sorry about that ...

Got it working both for attachments below the post and now in-line attachments. Nice affect ... I wonder how much delay (extra loading time) it has on the graphics use, as compared to the traditional method. It certainly "jazzes" up the look and feel though.... :up:

I never did do mini2's step 5 and step 6 (headinclude and header templates) and it still works fine? Also, I didn't do step 8 (SHOWTHREAD_SHOWPOST template) and it also works fine. I just used bjhuang's method and it works fine for attachments that appear at the bottom of a post, plus I simply added mini2's steps for in-line attachments.

I hope that doesn't turn out to be a fatal mistake by mixing the two, but everything seems to be working fine... :)



Ok..... tried the following to get in-line attachments working, the same way they work fine when at bottom of posts. Installed all of this and nothing happens, even after complete rebuild of Post Cache? Anyone have any ideas?



BadgerDog 04-29-2007 09:24 PM

I have a moderator running Firefox (Javascript is enabled) , who says that the "in-line" thumbnails won't load ..... loading logo comes up and sits there but no pic, but the regular attachment ones (end of post) work just fine?

Any Firefox gurus out there who can suggest why?

Any chance this modified install would affect a Firefox v2.0 user? ..... which is, the skipping of mini2's step 5 and step 6 (headinclude and header templates) and step 8 (SHOWTHREAD_SHOWPOST template), just using bjhuang's method (and his own CSS file), plus added mini2's steps for in-line attachments.



da420 04-30-2007 06:41 AM

Thanks for this.

Im not seeing the controls. Any suggestions?

chriswatson 04-30-2007 03:56 PM

I'm having major problems getting this script to run with vbseo turned on. If i turn vbseo off it works fine but with vbseo turned on the image just shows Loading all the time after you've clicked it to enlarge.

anybody running this with vbseo ?


phill2003 04-30-2007 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by chriswatson (Post 1238305)
I'm having major problems getting this script to run with vbseo turned on. If i turn vbseo off it works fine but with vbseo turned on the image just shows Loading all the time after you've clicked it to enlarge.

anybody running this with vbseo ?


Yea I reckon you will need a rewrite rule to stop vbseo from rewriting the urls when you have highslide installed :)

Chadi 05-01-2007 12:15 PM

How do I change the border color from the default grey (around the image that is) to yellow?

mhackl 05-01-2007 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by phill2003 (Post 1238328)
Yea I reckon you will need a rewrite rule to stop vbseo from rewriting the urls when you have highslide installed :)

Can anyone shed some light on what that rule might be? I'm working on a project that will use both highslide and vbseo and I'd like to get this one figured out. Unfortunately, I lack the required knowledge to figure this one out myself.

phill2003 05-01-2007 03:05 PM

best bet is to ask at vbseo mate, they should support you with this as it is their software that is causing the problem...

gothicuser 05-01-2007 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by mhackl (Post 1238951)
Can anyone shed some light on what that rule might be? I'm working on a project that will use both highslide and vbseo and I'd like to get this one figured out. Unfortunately, I lack the required knowledge to figure this one out myself.

I created an attachment.php rewrite rule, made no difference at all :(

mhackl 05-02-2007 07:00 PM

A support ticket has been submitted with vbseo but there's been no response as of yet.

chriswatson 05-06-2007 03:34 PM

OK i've heard back from vbseo and got it working :)

Step 1)

If you've already made the template changes for the highslide mod you only need to add the part in RED

Edit postbit_attachmentthumbnail template.


<a href="attachment.php?$session[sessionurl]attachmentid=$attachment[attachmentid]&d=$attachment[dateline]"<if condition="$show['newwindow']"> target="_blank"</if>><img class="thumbnail" src="attachment.php?$session[sessionurl]attachmentid=$attachment[attachmentid]&stc=1&thumb=1&d=$attachment[thumbnail_dateline]" border="0" alt="<phrase 1="$attachment[filename]" 2="$attachment[counter]" 3="$attachment[filesize]" 4="$attachment[attachmentid]">$vbphrase[image_larger_version_x_y_z]</phrase>" /></a>


<a rel="novbseo" id="att_$attachment[attachmentid]" class="highslide" onclick="return hs.expand(this, { slideshowGroup: '$post[postid]' })" href="attachment.php?$session[sessionurl]attachmentid=$attachment[attachmentid]&d=$attachment[dateline]"<if condition="$show['newwindow']"> target="_blank"</if>><img class="thumbnail" src="attachment.php?$session[sessionurl]attachmentid=$attachment[attachmentid]&stc=1&thumb=1&d=$attachment[thumbnail_dateline]" border="0" alt="<phrase 1="$attachment[filename]" 2="$attachment[counter]" 3="$attachment[filesize]" 4="$attachment[attachmentid]">$vbphrase[image_larger_version_x_y_z]</phrase>" /></a>
Step 2)

Manually enable VBSEO_ALLOW_REL_NOVBSEO option in config_vbseo.php file: (config_vbseo.php is in your includes folder)



Change to-


And after that the highslide hack will work with vbseo.

Panagioths 05-06-2007 06:24 PM

Thnx a lot for the heads up. You saved me a lot of time! :D

pericolosogr 05-07-2007 01:40 PM

Hello, guyz
i have followed the instructions step by step and everything is working fine...except the button image in the editor...where should i place attcap.gif file in the forum? thank you

Dotara 05-08-2007 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by pericolosogr (Post 1243034)
Hello, guyz
i have followed the instructions step by step and everything is working fine...except the button image in the editor...where should i place attcap.gif file in the forum? thank you

Upload the attcap.gif on your forum's images/editor folder in binary mode. Then while the creating the bbcode tag just put images/editor/attcap.gif on the Button Image (Optional) field. This should work. Give a try! ;)

Dotara 05-08-2007 05:40 PM

Wonderful addon! Installed.

Chadi 05-15-2007 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by chadi (Post 1238900)
How do I change the border color from the default grey (around the image that is) to yellow?

Please help me out on this, thanks

phill2003 05-15-2007 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by chadi (Post 1247789)
Please help me out on this, thanks


Originally Posted by chadi (Post 1238900)
How do I change the border color from the default grey (around the image that is) to yellow?

Look in the highslide.css that you made for this


.highslide img {
        border: 2px solid gray;

and change it to this

.highslide img {
        border: 2px solid yellow;

DaNIEL MeNTED 05-15-2007 05:50 PM

can this be modified to work with img tags?

AK47 Nemesis 05-15-2007 07:26 PM

Hi, nice hack! I installed it, but i'm dealing with one problem. It's affecting links aswell. If a member posts a link, and you hover over it, the curser changes to the Highslide curser and when you click it it says loading and keeps loading... Can you please help me?

Panagioths 05-15-2007 07:31 PM

Do you have vbseo installed?

AK47 Nemesis 05-15-2007 07:38 PM

No, i haven't

pspcrazy 05-18-2007 07:34 AM

I Do and it didn't work any advice for vbseo people?

I use it and only inline images do not work, i have also rebuild the cache.


Adam21 05-19-2007 05:47 AM

i'll pay anyone who can install this on my 3.67PL1!So frustrating!!!!:(

ForYou 05-19-2007 11:52 AM

Hello ,

Can I use this for larg images that users insert it in post , ,

it is nice if i can use it for the larg images ,


AK47 Nemesis 05-19-2007 02:40 PM

Any news on the link part? It still shows links with the magnifying glass...

d8tabyte 05-19-2007 02:57 PM

I moved from database to file system and also upgraded my board, Ive noticed some posts have the integration and some don't. ( I went through and double checked all file edits since I had to re-do the inline edits...

Any ideas?

Thread examples (warning may not be safe for work)
http://www.digitalet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=7464 with highslide integration
http://www.digitalet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=5061 without integration

It seems the inline edit didnt take, but I went over the edits a few times... I'l try re-editing the fresh file.


phill2003 05-19-2007 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Adam21 (Post 1250632)
i'll pay anyone who can install this on my 3.67PL1!So frustrating!!!!:(

this is independent of vbulletin so it should work just the same.

Having said that I can install this for you if you want.

ForYou 05-19-2007 05:10 PM

can this be modified to work with img tags?

Adam21 05-20-2007 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by bjhuang (Post 1231789)
to simplify the installation:

1. download highslide js from http://vikjavev.no/highslide/
2. download this: Attachment 63395
3. put highslide files under your forumroot/highslide/
4. put highslide.css under forumroot/highslide/
5. import product-highslideattach.xml as a product
6. modify template "postbit_attachmentthumbnail",
insert this line to the top:
PHP Code:

<if condition="!$vboptions[highslide_active]"

insert this line to the end:
PHP Code:

<else />
a id="att_$attachment[attachmentid]class="highslide" onclick="return hs.expand(this, { slideshowGroup: '$post[postid]' })" href="attachment.php?$session[sessionurl]attachmentid=$attachment[attachmentid]&d=$attachment[dateline]"<if condition="$show['newwindow']"target="_blank"</if>><img class="thumbnail" src="attachment.php?$session[sessionurl]attachmentid=$attachment[attachmentid]&stc=1&thumb=1&d=$attachment[thumbnail_dateline]border="0" alt="<phrase 1="$attachment[filename]" 2="$attachment[counter]" 3="$attachment[filesize]" 4="$attachment[attachmentid]">$vbphrase[image_larger_version_x_y_z]</phrase>" /></a>

Thanks.Very clear instructions!I got it working on 367pl1.Works terrific and smoothly.Highslide ROX!!:up:

pspcrazy 05-20-2007 05:54 AM

I followed bjhuangs as well, but it doesnt work inline for some odd reason, does it work for you people? I did the file edits just letting you know on that.

Adam21 05-20-2007 06:03 AM


Originally Posted by pspcrazy (Post 1251266)
I followed bjhuangs as well, but it doesnt work inline for some odd reason, does it work for you people? I did the file edits just letting you know on that.

His methods/instructions works fine for me.:up: For me the only template that i edited was the "postbit_attachmentthumbnail" template.I'm running vb367PL1 by the way..:)

pspcrazy 05-20-2007 09:31 PM

did it work fine with inline images as well? OR just attached ones.

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