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DeMagH 02-21-2007 08:35 AM

Pretty easy to install:

To install, upload remindermail.php to your ./includes/cron/ dir, and import the product xml
Options are in admincp options menu, where you should edit the settings.
that's what is mentioned in the text file i downloaded with the hack, doesn't seem as complicated as the marks above indicated. Just a simple one file upload and no template changes done by users at all, should clarify this in the first post.

just an advice for ppl out there, i was doing this manually for inactive users and i got some responses in new threads stating that "we trusted your website with our email addresses, you shouldn't be threatening us with your emails and some other users reported it as spam "which will cause huge forums to collapse ASAP as most hosting service providers don't allow spam, so they may stop your hosting plans for the violation of one of their policies" i myself got a warning before i stopped sending emails to inactive users"

Requesting a feature in this hack:
-To have a link within the email msg stating if you don't want to receive this email again please "click here", to unsubscribe the user from such mailing list if he desires, will protect us all from being reported as spammers.
-To have the ability to allow/disallow forum users from setting pre-reminder time.

thanks for the hack, pretty good idea to have this managed automatically.

djbaxter 02-21-2007 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by DeMagH (Post 1187336)
just an advice for ppl out there, i was doing this manually for inactive users and i got some responses in new threads stating that "we trusted your website with our email addresses, you shouldn't be threatening us with your emails and some other users reported it as spam "which will cause huge forums to collapse ASAP as most hosting service providers don't allow spam, so they may stop your hosting plans for the violation of one of their policies" i myself got a warning before i stopped sending emails to inactive users"

Requesting a feature in this hack:
-To have a link within the email msg stating if you don't want to receive this email again please "click here", to unsubscribe the user from such mailing list if he desires, will protect us all from being reported as spammers.

That's quite easy to add in the Admin options in the existing mod. Just create your email content to include the link. Mine provides specific details:


<p>Hello, $username!</p>
<p>It's been some time since your last visit to $bbtitle.</p>
<p>You might be interested in having another look. We have added several features and enhancements to the forums, as well as many new members and new topics added every day.</p>
<p>If you don't remember your password, you can request it here: <a href="$forumurl/login.php?do=lostpw">$forumurl/login.php?do=lostpw</a></p>
<p>You can now keep up to date with new topics at $bbtitle by subscribing to the Psychlinks Forum Newsletter. Click on your <a href="http://forum.psychlinks.ca/usercp.php"User CP</a> link in the top navigation bar of any forum page and select < href="http://forum.psychlinks.ca/profile.php?do=editoptions">Edit Options</a>. Then scroll down to the Messaging & Notification section and check the box next to Subscribe to Psychlinks Forum Newsletter.</p>
<p>We hope to see you back soon.</p>
<p>If you do not wish to receive further emails of this nature, please log into your UserCP at <a href="http://forum.psychlinks.ca/profile.php?do=editoptions">http://forum.psychlinks.ca/profile.php?do=editoptions</a> and uncheck the box next to Receive Email from Administrators.</p>
<p><a href="$homeurl">$homeurl</a></p>


Originally Posted by DeMagH (Post 1187336)
-To have the ability to allow/disallow forum users from setting pre-reminder time.

Try the solution above. I think this option is superfluous and probably self-defeating. If it were included, I'd disable it. Just use a reasonable repeat interval, not shorter than once per month. And include the "unsubscribe" instructions in every email your forum sends out.

DeMagH 02-21-2007 06:47 PM

thanks for the reply. Though, I don't want the user to disable receiving emails from admins because of the reminder. There are account deletion notices, banning notices and finally warning notices i am sending to the whole usergroup whenever a user of the usergroup violates the forums rules. I don't want a bunch of users to disable receiving emails from admins just because of the reminder, i kinda want it to be separate, i don't know if this is clear enough or not.

About the 2nd point, you misunderstood me as i wasn't clear enough, I want the user to have the option of setting the time to a week/2 weeks/1 month/2 months/3 months/6 months from his profile, not totally disabling the reminder, some users though won't be able to set this time so the emails sent to them will take the default period set in the hack options.

the 2nd point is not that important but i think my forums might benefit from such a feature.

criscokid 02-22-2007 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by bada_bing (Post 1186469)
I would like to install this mod on my 3.5.3 site,, Will this 3.6.x version work?

Will this mod work on 3.5.x?

C Braithwaite 02-22-2007 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by criscokid (Post 1188460)
Will this mod work on 3.5.x?

dont see why not - try it?

Tom_S 02-23-2007 01:18 PM

Quick question.
After installing it worked perfect. I then re-ran it manually again a bit later after chaning the time frame from 7 days and it now is showing this:

Inactive User Reminder Emails

mailing example@yahoo.com (failed)
mailing example2@sbcglobal.net (failed)
mailing example3@centene.com (failed)


Those are examples of course of email addresses.

Does this check for validity of email address and this could cause it or am I looking at a host problem?


C Braithwaite 02-23-2007 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by Tom_S (Post 1189041)
Quick question.
After installing it worked perfect. I then re-ran it manually again a bit later after chaning the time frame from 7 days and it now is showing this:

Inactive User Reminder Emails

mailing example@yahoo.com (failed)
mailing example2@sbcglobal.net (failed)
mailing example3@centene.com (failed)


Those are examples of course of email addresses.

Does this check for validity of email address and this could cause it or am I looking at a host problem?


you will get a failed if for whatever reason the php mail command fails.

i really couldn't speculate as to why

Tom_S 02-23-2007 05:37 PM

So it isn't checking for the email account being valid then so it has to be my hosting messing with sendmail again.

Okay...thanks :)

Jafo232 02-23-2007 05:48 PM

Ideally, it would be nice if this hack also allowed an option to delete a user after X notifications and no activity (or posts).

Edit: or at least move them to another usergroup..

cashpath 02-23-2007 08:51 PM


Edit: or at least move them to another usergroup..
That would be a great addition..

Tom_S 02-23-2007 09:13 PM

Absolutely! :)

djbaxter 02-23-2007 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Jafo232 (Post 1189224)
Ideally, it would be nice if this hack also allowed an option to delete a user after X notifications and no activity (or posts).

Edit: or at least move them to another usergroup..


Originally Posted by cashpath (Post 1189352)
That would be a great addition..


Originally Posted by Tom_S (Post 1189364)
Absolutely! :)

Use this add-on in combination with the EZ Bounced Email Management add-on by Antivirus and you'll have exactly what you request. That's the setup I'm using now... :)

Jafo232 02-24-2007 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1189395)
Use this add-on in combination with the EZ Bounced Email Management add-on by Antivirus and you'll have exactly what you request. That's the setup I'm using now... :)

Not really, because you are just relying on bounced emails to actually mean something..

ktp101 02-24-2007 12:17 PM

installed, will see how this goes, in the first hour of having it on 3 members i havent seen for a long time appeared back.

so i'd say a successful addition.

djbaxter 02-24-2007 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by Jafo232 (Post 1189224)
Ideally, it would be nice if this hack also allowed an option to delete a user after X notifications and no activity (or posts).

Edit: or at least move them to another usergroup..


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1189395)
Use this add-on in combination with the EZ Bounced Email Management add-on by Antivirus and you'll have exactly what you request. That's the setup I'm using now... :)


Originally Posted by Jafo232 (Post 1189565)
Not really, because you are just relying on bounced emails to actually mean something..


Bounced emails usually do mean something, although it may not necessarily mean the address is invalid. What EZBounce does is:

1. allows you to inspect the reason the email was returned before taking action, so if no action is necessary (e.g., mailbox full) you do nothing

2. places a link in the bounced email that when clicked can move the user into a special user group (I set up one called "Inactive"), which is what you requested - then if you wish you can periodically prune members of that group

3. sets "Receive emails from Admins" to "off" so that you can at least exclude that group from mailings of newsletters, etc.

djbaxter 02-24-2007 08:32 PM


The following string sets "Receive Admin email" to "ON":


UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user SET options = options + 16 WHERE NOT (options & 16)"
You should be able to query the database using that to determine whether to send out the reminder email.

Ignicoccus 02-25-2007 07:20 AM

Looks like a great mod for bigger boards !
Is it possible to send a reminder to moderators or admins so they know who has been reminded ?

Hemanth 02-25-2007 12:27 PM


Thanks for this great hack.. But the emails sent by this hack is not sending HTML emails. HOw to make the mail HTML. Now it's just showing the HTML code.

Also please add an option to set the Sender email ID.

criscokid 02-25-2007 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Hemanth (Post 1190331)
But the emails sent by this hack is not sending HTML emails. HOw to make the mail HTML. Now it's just showing the HTML code.

Please can you do a screenshot of how the email looks.

criscokid 02-25-2007 05:46 PM

I don't see this mod in the 'scheduled task manager' - what triggers the script?

djbaxter 02-25-2007 06:03 PM

Hard refresh your Admin CP and look again.

It should be there under "Inactive User Reminder Emails".

If it isn't, it's not installed correctly.

criscokid 02-25-2007 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1190499)
It should be there under "Inactive User Reminder Emails". If it isn't, it's not installed correctly.

It's not there... which means my question (does this work on vb3.5.x?) has been answered...

No it doesn't work on vb3.5.x :(

ThorstenA 02-25-2007 06:57 PM

Will this product not send mails out to users who do not want to receive mails from administrator?

djbaxter 02-25-2007 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by ThorstenA (Post 1190538)
Will this product not send mails out to users who do not want to receive mails from administrator?

At the moment, it does not check to see whether the user has Admin emails unchecked. I believe Chris is working on that.

It's the last major drawback to an otherwise great add-on, in my opinion.

ThorstenA 02-25-2007 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1190542)
At the moment, it does not check to see whether the user has Admin emails unchecked. I believe Chris is working on that.

It's the last major drawback to an otherwise great add-on, in my opinion.

After this is integrated, I am considering installing this product. If users vote for "no" in meaning of getting no mails from me, I should not send mails to them.

newbe_haselina 02-28-2007 03:16 AM

Thanks for this mod :) It's a real good one.

I had no problems installing it and it seems to work perfectly on my side.

Hemanth 02-28-2007 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by criscokid (Post 1190386)
Please can you do a screenshot of how the email looks.

It just looks like the HTML code. I used your default message for testing. It shows all the HTML code as text in emails & not in HTML form. So i am using a text only custom message now, but it'll be great if i could send real HTML mails.

akulion 02-28-2007 05:08 AM

he nice stuff :D thanks

perfphysio 02-28-2007 04:08 PM

This mod is great but the admin insttructions are a bit vague, e.g.

How often does this run? Is it once a day?, once every few hours?
Does it keep running in bunches of emails as set in the admin "Email Quantity" until all are sent?
Once it has sent this to someone how long will it wait until it sends it to them again if they do not revisit. I would like it to send it again for them but how long does it wait in between sends to the same person? This might be part of the email frequency setting. is this number a number of days between resends to the same user?

Overall a few more instructions in the admin would be a real help. I am getting a few people email me back annoyed that they have received the email a few times in the first week and I am not exactly sure what the settings are doing entirely.

Thanks again for a great hack, just a bit more prompting would be great.

djbaxter 02-28-2007 04:26 PM

Check your Scheduled Tasks console and set up the frequencies there.The defaukts are way too frequent and should be adjusted ionce it's working. I have mine sent to 90 / 60 - remind after 90 days, don't remind again for another 60 days.

carpefile 03-01-2007 12:00 AM

Really need to get the cron log working with this hack. It makes it impossible to really know who this hack is sending mail to and when

djbaxter 03-01-2007 12:41 AM

We need to get the "don't send emails to members who have deselected 'Receive emails from Admins'" issue fixed first, unless you relish getting on a whole lot of antispam blacklists.

newbe_haselina 03-01-2007 03:44 AM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1192737)
Check your Scheduled Tasks console and set up the frequencies there.The defaukts are way too frequent and should be adjusted ionce it's working. I have mine sent to 90 / 60 - remind after 90 days, don't remind again for another 60 days.

I'm sorry for asking mayby silly questions, but how can I adjust the frequency like this in the scheduled tasks? It's the first time I do something with scheduled tasks and as I can see, I only can adjust the day of the month, the weekday and the time (h/m/s) ... my wish would be remind after 60 days, don't remind again for another 30 days ... can anybody help?

Thanks in advance,

Dihnjo 03-04-2007 02:48 PM

thanks u so much! hope the instal goes perfect :)

djbaxter 03-04-2007 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by newbe_haselina (Post 1193098)
I'm sorry for asking mayby silly questions, but how can I adjust the frequency like this in the scheduled tasks? It's the first time I do something with scheduled tasks and as I can see, I only can adjust the day of the month, the weekday and the time (h/m/s) ... my wish would be remind after 60 days, don't remind again for another 30 days ... can anybody help?

Thanks in advance,

First, go to Admin CP | vBulletin options | Inactive Users Reminder Emails

and set Days of Inactivity (mine is 90) and Email Frequency (mine is currently 30, i.e., every 30 days).

Then go to Admin CP | Scheduled Tasks | Scheduled Task Manager

and click on "Edit - Go" for Inactive User Reminder Emails.

Scroll down to where you see

Day of the Month *

Hour *

Minute * * * * * *

and decide how often you want this to run - note that "*" means EVERY day, hour, minute... and that is way too often.

I left day and hour set to * and changed minute to:

Minute 18 48 - - - -

where "-" means none, so this setting checks for inactive users every half hour at hh:18 and hh:48.

newbe_haselina 03-04-2007 03:54 PM

Thanks djbaxter ... that's what I was looking for :up:

I almost got it, the only thing I didn't understand was the email frequency ... it say "how often" and I thought it might be the amount of emails which will be sent. But now I got there 30 days ... and I changed the scheduled task as you proposed ... that makes sense to me :)

Thanks for helping ...

BTW ... since I installed the hack (6 days) I got 7 members "back" ;) ... we are a pretty tiny community and 6 members out of 136 inaktive users are alot :-). In total we have about 460 ... that's the reason why I like this hack ...

simalert 03-04-2007 06:11 PM

Just one thing, I had a couple of bounced emails come back which is fine as the accounts now seem closed. However one or two of the user names cropped up twice. It seems to suggest that this is sending out more than one email or looping round the list continuosly which would be classed as spamming or mail bombing people if that was the case.

Is this possible?

djbaxter 03-04-2007 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by simalert (Post 1195648)
Just one thing, I had a couple of bounced emails come back which is fine as the accounts now seem closed. However one or two of the user names cropped up twice. It seems to suggest that this is sending out more than one email or looping round the list continuosly which would be classed as spamming or mail bombing people if that was the case.

Is this possible?

1. check your settings (see my post above)

2. check the content of the "duplicate" emails - they may not be duplicates at all but a second email sent by anoither part of the system or another add-on (are you using the EZ Bounced Emails add-on, for example?)

ssvp 03-04-2007 08:29 PM

This may have been asked already. But maybe the possibly of adding the following features:
Indicate which usergroups will be using this feature

Spam Removal (YES/NO)
Setting this to "Yes", allows the users to click a "REMOVE ME" link that will prevent future mailings.

Spam Removal Group:
Enter a Usergroup to move users to a inactive group

SuperGLS 03-05-2007 01:44 AM

I did not like the footer addition and therefore would like you donate some money instead. How can I do that? Let me know. Thanks, great hack.

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