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thincom2000 04-02-2007 10:56 AM

Okay for some reason the Inline Mod class is breaking on Internet Explorer and causing a whole bunch of problems. I will try to figure it out even though I don't think I ever touched that stuff in the first place.

EDIT: Fixed this issue. Your cookies error is most likely a direct result of the array_slice() warning because by outputting the warning the headers were sent. I know why this came up and I'll correct it for next fix. Haha, I just wish I had seen your post before releasing 1.3.1 or I could have actually made it a worthwhile update.

On the other hand that Postbit Switch Glitch on Quick Edit is quite the bugger. I had quick edits turned off on my forum so I never noticed this before. I've followed Quick Edit through vBulletin's code and still have no idea where this switch is taking place.

If somebody knows where the vB_Ajax_Init class is defined, that would get me on the right track. If you don't know off hand don't waste your time because it seems to be pretty well hidden.

thincom2000 04-02-2007 10:53 PM

I don't understand your redirect issue. I have disabled my news forum, it displays as a regular forum, and all the links still work...

thincom2000 04-03-2007 12:48 AM

I don't know why there was an issue with that. The way the hack was configured, any thread or forum could be viewed as news by using news.php or shownews.php. I have fixed this behavior for 1.3.2 so that if it's not a news forum or article, it redirects to the appropriate forumdisplay or showthread page.

Right now I'm trying to fix the array_splice() error you reported.

thincom2000 04-03-2007 01:51 AM

Sorry I took so long to post a fix tonight. In the process of making all these changes, I hit the PHP Memory Limit for my server and it took me a while to figure out where the conflict was that I even needed to increase it beyond "No Limit."

Brandon Sheley 04-03-2007 03:26 AM

was there ever a live demo posted ? I search a few pages back but didn't see one.

thanks thincom2000


thincom2000 04-03-2007 03:49 AM

The link to the live "demo" is in the first post. Not really a demo, but that's my forum with it installed and working. Please note that what you see in the demo can sometimes be an update ahead of what you can download here, because well I need to test things first.

thincom2000 04-04-2007 03:33 AM


Originally Posted by thincom2000 (Post 1218253)
On the other hand that Postbit Switch Glitch on Quick Edit is quite the bugger. I had quick edits turned off on my forum so I never noticed this before. I've followed Quick Edit through vBulletin's code and still have no idea where this switch is taking place.

For now, unless someone knows where in the code this happens, my "fix" will just to avoid the glitch by disabling Quick Edit in the first post (article) of News forums. This will be in the next update, but this time I'll wait to release so you can list the 12,000 errors you find first, TheMilkCarton. :)

EDIT: Found it and fixed it by updating a plugin. That was a really convoluted search, though.

dizzy100 04-04-2007 10:01 AM

I've been putting of updating this on my live website as it worked well (earlier version) with Andreas sidebars hack.

However now you seem to have moved or done something with $spacer as i tested it on my local machine and the postbit is breaking out of the style and pushing everything to the right.

What did you remove from postbit ?

dizzy100 04-04-2007 10:26 AM

OK found the problem i think

Its in ces_news_comments


<div style="width:$stylevar[outerdivwidth]; text-align:$stylevar[left]">
<div style="padding:0px $stylevar[spacersize]px 0px $stylevar[spacersize]px">

Fixes the problem.

What was that included for ?

thincom2000 04-04-2007 11:02 AM

That is $spacer hardcoded, so removing it should make no difference.

If you still have a showthread_postbit_create plugin, then that may be the cause. Remove that plugin if it still exists. Also, try removing $post[news_comments] from your postbit template.

Another cause may be if you have not uploaded the most recent shownews.php.

dizzy100 04-04-2007 11:42 AM

Mmm i don't see $post[news_comments] in the ces_news_postbit template, haven;t got a plugin that is either called or hooks to showthread_postbit_create and i did upload the latest php files.

The only way i can get the layout right is to remove the div.

Ironically if i replace the ces_news_comments with one of the older ones (i think it must have been version 1.1.1 or slightly later) that displays fine also.

So its the DIV causing me issue and removing it means everything seems to display perfectly.

So theres no downside to removing the DIV ? If so i'll just do that and upgrade my live site.

thincom2000 04-04-2007 03:31 PM

There's no downside unless you use a Spacer Size of greater than 0 in your style's CSS settings. When this is more than 0, the divs keep it the same size as the post it's over. Strangley enough the issue you describe as being caused by the divs was solved in this subversion by adding the divs. :confused:

Could just be discrepancies between various vBulletin styles.

dizzy100 04-04-2007 03:39 PM

Its highly possible.

I know Andreas Ultimate Side Columns plugin has had issues with spacers and i had to create a plugin for that to keep it from doing that very thing i reported in a previous post to regular forum postbits so its more likely that plugin affecting this one than the other way around.

However your modification remained unaffected on the older version and it was only on upgrading did it start to behave against that module.

I used a modified version of the default theme.

Anyway no harm done and as long as i can upgrade by removing that DIV i'm a happy camper.

BTW, i'm amazed how much work you put in to this and the level of support you do and yet we only have 29 installs. This is one superb module and my users love it.

dizzy100 04-04-2007 04:07 PM

One thing i miss on the old version was you had a kind of seperator on the threadbit between the last comment, edit and quote buttons and the actual content.

As before when my lead in picture was quite large, the layout would sort itself out nicely. Now however, it pushes that quote button etc of to one side.

OR Better still, edit and quote to be removed entirely as i think they belong only in the postbit and not the threadbit.

Where was that and how can i put it back in ?

thincom2000 04-04-2007 04:36 PM

In older versions the postbit and threadbit were tables with multiple rows. I actually received complaints about the very separators you're talking about, which was actually just your tborder background color showing between cells.

Since there were complaints, I eliminated the extra table rows by changing them to divs. You can easily experiment and change them back.

dizzy100 04-04-2007 04:37 PM

No problems, i guess its a case of not being able to please everybody :)

One bug ive found is the WOL plugins arn't working.

I'm still seeing

Unknown Location

thincom2000 04-04-2007 04:48 PM

I can confirm that the Who's Online Locations stopped working in the most recent version for some reason.

Fixed for next update.

dizzy100 04-04-2007 05:00 PM

no problems, as long as you know :)

Tannim 04-04-2007 06:24 PM

Ok, this is a huge thread ..

What I want to do is have multiple forums (categories and sub forums) threads listed as news. Is this possible with this mod?

thincom2000 04-04-2007 10:57 PM

Yes. But if you want subforums of a News forum as news, you need to link to it somewhere else because as is the Newsdisplay template can't handle subforums under them.

To fix this, just copy & paste the
HTML Code:

<if condition="$show['forumslist']">
<!-- sub-forum list  -->
<!-- / sub-forum list  -->

segment of your FORUMDISPLAY template into your ces_newsdisplay template.

I am adding this for the next version, as well as the ability to have parent News forums pull threads from their children.

TheMilkCarton 04-04-2007 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by thincom2000 (Post 1219791)
I can confirm that the Who's Online Locations stopped working in the most recent version for some reason.

Fixed for next update.

Actually, WOL was never working in any of the updates. Even the one that you reported the fix in.

I forgot about mentioning that.. whoops. :)

Everything works now, although to update the template for IE I had to open the XML file and manually copy the code over. I've had to customize your templates so I guess Allowing Overwrite doesn't work when importing an updated XML file?

So, from now on can you include a text file with the template changes whenever you update templates?

thincom2000 04-04-2007 11:50 PM

If you have made template edits, you need to Revert templates after importing the XML with Allow Overwrite for them to be updated.

Also, I remember WOL working for me for a time, at least in an early version of 1.3.0. They might have gotten screwed up before the final release in this thread. :rolleyes:

dizzy100 04-11-2007 08:17 PM

I've found a serious bug. Some of the comments within a thread do not display with this hack enabled.

I noticed it after a member posted a comment that would have been on page 3. I couldn't find the comment anywhere in that thread so disabled the news module to see why. The comment was there and nothing appears to be wrong with it, displaying normally within the vbulletin default view.

Concerned with this i re-enabled the CES news plugin and sorted by most comments first, looking at where the last comment in some of my longer threads ended. Then i turned of the CES and again looked at the same threads and have seen comments i haven't seen before listed there. So my poor members have been posting comments that simply haven't been showing up whilst using this mod.

Until a fix can be sorted i have disabled this on both forums i use it on. I love the mod, but not at the expense of my users comments.

thincom2000 04-12-2007 04:36 AM

Okay, I have confirmed the problem you reported. Thanks. Working on a fix.

thincom2000 04-13-2007 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by dizzy100 (Post 1225288)
I noticed it after a member posted a comment that would have been on page 3. I couldn't find the comment anywhere in that thread so disabled the news module to see why. The comment was there and nothing appears to be wrong with it, displaying normally within the vbulletin default view.

This bug seems to have existed since the mod was released in January, and remained unnoticed until now. This has been fixed in the newest update, along with some other tweaks to the features added in this subversion.

AzH 04-18-2007 09:44 PM

INstalled. Thanks. Demo: http://lurkingmastermind.com/forums/news/

thincom2000 04-29-2007 03:56 PM

Is there a particular reason you have the previews all blank?

If this isn't some preview length glitch, you may want to at least include a summary by using [preview], or modify the ces_news_threadbit template so you don't have empty boxes everywhere.

thincom2000 05-18-2007 04:28 PM

I just started going through my site for XHTML Transitional validity. I will be posting another update soon since there seem to be a number of validation errors in this mod.

I will also be updating the templates with 3.6.6's new template hooks.

Demo16 06-01-2007 01:17 PM

Great mod!!
I have only 2 problems (see attachment):

1 - The "comment" bar is at the left not center
2 - Not registered users doesn't see anything (permissions are ok)

thincom2000 06-01-2007 02:46 PM

Strange that Unregistered users do not see anything for you. I have noticed this on some other sites and thought it may have something to do with the settings for previewlength. I am running this mod as my site's main page, and do not seem to be having any problems... Please report your other settings.

Demo16 06-01-2007 09:03 PM

what other settings? and about point 1?

thincom2000 06-02-2007 03:18 PM

Unregistered users are seeing blank because you have default Forum Permissions set where Unregistered Users cannot view Thread Content. AdminCP -> Forums & Moderators -> Forum Permissions -> Forum Viewing Permissions -> Can View Thread Content. Make sure this is set to yes for all Usergroups in News forums. I will add a plugin to override AdminCP settings in the next release.

For your other issue, have you modified the ces_news_comments template? There is no case that I have tested where you can have a disembodied Comments header without the corresponding "No Comments" message.

Demo16 06-02-2007 10:17 PM

Permission are ok I see only Thread content when in shownews page.

Here http://www.dpcgamers.com/forum_it/news.php?f=47 I can't see anything
Here http://www.dpcgamers.com/forum_it/shownews.php?t=164 I can see content

For the ces_news_comments template....I don't have the file. What you mean?

I have only this files:

In forum/
- upload: news.php
- upload: shownews.php

In forum/plugins/announcements/
- upload: announcementdata_postsave.php

In forum/includes/
- upload: ces_news_functions.php
- upload: ces_news_bbcode.php

and I've leave them as they were.
One more thing I have the latest vb version the (vBulletin 3.6.7 PL1)

Demo16 06-04-2007 08:43 PM

So what do you think is the problem?

thincom2000 06-05-2007 05:50 AM

Okay I think I have discovered the problem.

Do you have thread previews disabled on your forum?

AdminCP -> vBulletin Options -> Forum Display Options -> Length of Thread Preview Text

Demo16 06-05-2007 03:53 PM

It's set to 150

thincom2000 06-05-2007 05:20 PM

Hm... setting the Thread Preview length to 0 was the only way I could reproduce what you reported other than setting the permissions for Can View Thread Content to no...

Do you have any other mods installed that use Thread Preview?
Also, what other mods do you have installed that use forumdisplay hooks?

For example there was an AJAX Preview that I considered using for a while.

thincom2000 06-08-2007 03:56 PM

Try this file edit and let me know if it solves the problem... It did for me, but you may have something else conflicting.

In news.php find:
PHP Code:

// disable thread preview if we can't view threads
if (!($forumperms $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canviewthreads']))
$vbulletin->options['threadpreview'] = 0;

Replace with:
PHP Code:

// disable thread preview if we can't view threads
if (!($forumperms $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canviewthreads']))
$vbulletin->options['threadpreview'] = 0;
$vbulletin->options['threadpreview'] = 1;

Demo16 06-14-2007 04:47 PM

Sorry thin I was out of my home since today. Ok I'll try it tomorrow tnx

Chadi 07-24-2007 08:00 PM

I do not know what happened, but suddenly the main page of CES News is all blank, unless you click on each individual post


I'm using v1.4.1

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