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Ricsca 01-14-2007 10:04 PM

Very very thanks for de numer category! :)

Bat the crosslink i dont go...



SS9267547 01-14-2007 10:57 PM

arcadyan: 1st of all make sure you have it turned on and have all the correct options active. 2nd guest can't view the feature at this time. 3rd your welcome.

Ricsca: Your welcome. Samething for the crosslink, check to see you have all the correct options on in the settings. From what I saw on your site the option isn't even active. But also remember that the crosslink feature dosn't work 100% for every body at this time.

StarBuG 01-15-2007 05:58 AM


At first I realy forgot the CSS you are right, but still...
now the new CSS is in place, hard refresh and there is still no background for the crosslinking information.
Looks the same as on the screenshot.

Let me know if you need other things tested.

SS9267547 01-15-2007 01:15 PM

Well from the looks of it its just the css thats not loading. Now if you uploaded all the files then all thats left for me to do is to look at it myself. Please send me the address so I can take a quick look.

SS9267547 01-15-2007 02:37 PM

Just a quick note for anyone who has downloaded version 1.2.2. There some missing links related to the install manuel for version 1.2.2. Please redownload the file for the correct install manuel. Thanks.

StarBuG 01-15-2007 02:41 PM

Now it works perfect ;)

But if I may offer a suggestion:

It would be cool to have an "Export"/"Import" option for glossary terms.
I run 2 forums and it would be very handy if I could simply import the terms from one forum to another ;)

You should also organise your zip file like:

GlosPro 1.2.2 3.6E/
|_ do_not_upload/
|_ uploads/

This would be more usefull and easier to handle.
At least I think so

Thanks for this great hack

SS9267547 01-15-2007 02:47 PM

That for sure would organise things a bit better. As for the export/import option the thought had crossed my mind. I just havn't figured out what the best way might be. :)

ChurchMedia 01-15-2007 07:47 PM

Hi! Excellent work on this hack. I have my members filling up the glossary right now. Sorry if this has been asked. I'm too tired to look through all the threads. I'm sending money your way if that helps any :).

The problem: The first couple of terms I added were LCD and SPL. For some reason, LCD just wouldn't show up as a link in this one thread with SPL. Then in another thread with LCD, LCD was linking, but when I added SPL, SPL wouldn't link. Any ideas?

SS9267547 01-15-2007 08:06 PM

Happy to hear you like the hack and thank you for your support. With the crosslinking feature it isn't perfect. For some there isn't problems but then others do have problems. In the next release I hope to work on a better solution for this feature. Please send me the link to those threads in question with that feature active so I may see first hand.

ChurchMedia 01-15-2007 08:23 PM

I hope using VBSEO doesn't mess anything up. I don't see why it would. Here are the two threads. Both examples are toward the end of the threads.

http://www.churchmedia.net/CMN/showthread.php?t=27765 (SPL not linking, LCD is)
http://www.churchmedia.net/CMN/showthread.php?t=27752 (SPL IS linking, LCD is NOT)


ChurchMedia 01-15-2007 08:27 PM

Just FYI I ran a test on a new thread and used 4 glossary terms including SPL and LCD. I made sure that there was text in front and behind each word. All 4 terms were linked. I wonder if that's the trick?

SS9267547 01-15-2007 08:38 PM

It looks like a little bug which I have with the script where not all words will link unless it has the following after the word: .,!? etc or a space. If it has nothing coming after the word it won't link, something I still havn't been able to fix. So in this thread: http://www.churchmedia.net/CMN/class...-glossary.html
SPL will link but LCD in the next post won't beucase there is nothing after it. Now if you edit your post and put a ! or ?, etc it should link.

Ricsca 01-16-2007 12:31 AM

ave again to have the old one Crosslinking?


dendrob 01-17-2007 06:59 PM

Quick Question... I've lagged behind with upgrading. I have 1.1.4 currently working. I recently upgraded to 3.6.4

How to I upgrade from 1.1.4 to the latest (1.2.2) ?

There are instructions to:
Upgrade From Version 1.1.4 to 1.2.0
Upgrade From Version 1.2.0 to 1.2.1
Upgrade From Version 1.2.1 to 1.2.2

I can do the upgrades in steps, but then I need to have the older version of the XML files. Any help would be appreciated. I have a slew of terms, so I don't want to just over write the settings.


Renada 01-17-2007 07:15 PM

Hi Lucas,

If I upgrade to this latest version will it break the things you fixed on my site a couple of weeks ago?

Renada :)

SS9267547 01-17-2007 10:06 PM

dendrob: Well the way I tried to do this with the upgrades is to make it work from whatever version you have. So it should work fine upgrading from your version (backup in case). Just install the latest over the older one. Then just review the new install instructions and ignore the upgrades instaurations. That should do it.

Renada: Well the latest version should have the fix to the problems you were having at your site, thats where I figured the patch to the problems. If it does come up again let me know.

apokphp 01-17-2007 11:49 PM

When the term is near the right margin of the page, the popup definition appears on the RIGHT, which of course, gets partially cut off. So it's pretty useless as a cross-link if the term is anywhere near the right side of the page.

It's an awesome mod, one of the best IMO...but I do believe that having the pop-up display correctly and fully (vs being cut-off) is quite important.

SS9267547 01-18-2007 01:11 AM

Yes well in the release notes I did meantion about this bug but thank you for reminding me. Its something I still need to work on and I hope I will be able to figure out. If not will have to rework it again lol. Anyway I released it before fixing this problem since I have people waiting for better verson of the popup for months. Now if someone does figure a way to fix the issue please do let me know heh ;)

Renada 01-18-2007 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by SS9267547 (Post 1161732)
Renada: Well the latest version should have the fix to the problems you were having at your site, thats where I figured the patch to the problems. If it does come up again let me know.

Working just fine so far. :) Thanks Lucas.


bada_bing 01-18-2007 03:43 PM

Trying to install this on my 3.6.4 site and I cant find this line on my headinclude template

<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/vbulletin_global.js?v=$vboptions[simpleversion]"></script>

Any Ideas?

dendrob 01-18-2007 08:11 PM

Upgrade worked like a charm.

I noticed two things.

When I tried to edit a term I couldn't save it, said that the term already exisits.

In my glossary terms I sometimes have a link to a picture in the form of [ url=][ img][ /img][ /url]. When this term is present in a post, the crosslinking popup shows horizontal and vertical scroll bars. Terms that are pure text show up just fine

EDIT: I also noticed that not all the terms are showing up. Link

SS9267547 01-19-2007 01:30 AM

Renada: Your welcome!

bada_bing: I think your problem there is that you have an old 'headinclude' template from an older version of vbulletin. Now if you either revert the template or just load up the original you'll be able to find that. Of course you know what you can really do is just paste the code at the very bottom of your headinclude. Don't know why I didn't just say that lol. :rolleyes:

dendrob: The 'already exists' issue is that there is a new feature added that checks for duplicate terms. So the title of the term you are editing is already in the database some where else. At this time there is no settings to turn this feature off or on. If you chnage the title it shoudl work. With the popup I haven’t tested it with images. I will take a look into this issue since I see it too on your site and did not see it on my beta site. As for the link issue, there is kinda sort like a bug where it will not link words if there is nothing end at the end of the word which I've mentioned in another post. Basically you need to have at the end is ,.!? etc or a space other wise it won't link. An on going issue.

dendrob 01-19-2007 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by SS9267547 (Post 1162602)
Renada: Your welcome!
dendrob: The 'already exists' issue is that there is a new feature added that checks for duplicate terms. So the title of the term you are editing is already in the database some where else. At this time there is no settings to turn this feature off or on. If you chnage the title it shoudl work. With the popup I haven?t tested it with images. I will take a look into this issue since I see it too on your site and did not see it on my beta site. As for the link issue, there is kinda sort like a bug where it will not link words if there is nothing end at the end of the word which I've mentioned in another post. Basically you need to have at the end is ,.!? etc or a space other wise it won't link. An on going issue.

Oh, I see, the space after the term fixed the links, sorry for not reading previous posts :( . As for images, you can detect [img] tags (and probably links, since they can be very long), if a tag is present, just skip the image and at the bottom of the baloon put [more information present ... click term for details]. That would work great and probably wouldn't be too much work

SS9267547 01-19-2007 01:13 PM

What you can try is go into your 'Additional CSS Definitions' and delete 'overflow:auto;'. Let me know if that stops the issue with the popups.

dendrob 01-19-2007 04:23 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Well it worked, but not quite as well as I thought it would. See attached

SS9267547 01-19-2007 11:44 PM

Okay well put it back in. I will have to just add some more code to trim the image address's and what not.

ubblite 01-20-2007 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by SS9267547 (Post 1163126)
Okay well put it back in. I will have to just add some more code to trim the image address's and what not.

Ah so we are close! Thank you so much - I look forward to this fix.

SS9267547 01-20-2007 10:26 PM

Well I will try to get something going as soon as I can! Most likly not until my next mod is released :p

Snake 01-21-2007 01:21 AM

So is this stable to use on my 3.6.4 forums? Do you plan on releasing a new version or something like anytime soon?

SS9267547 01-21-2007 02:23 AM

The glossary part of the mod has been stable since day 1. You can use that with no problems at all. Its the crosslinking which is not 100% but for most should work fine. In the case that it doesn't just disable the crosslinking feature untill the next release. But of course you want the crosslinking don't u? :p

Next version release is planned after the beta of my game review script is released, so maybe a month, maybe less, depends on my mood lol.

apokphp 01-21-2007 02:25 PM

I have an article system that uses pop-up crosslinking successfully, but it is for a non vb related program. Would taking a look at the code for that help any? If so, I'd be more than happy to send it to you. I don't use the system for the fact that I prefer a more integrated article/glossary system than this one. But the code is very good. I can send you the relevant parts of code if you like.

Here it is in action: http://onlinedebate.net/lore/article.php?id=004

There is a right margin, so decrease the window size of your browser until the horiz bar n the window appears, then adjust the window accordingly. What happens when the word is near the right side of the page, is that the pop-up re-adjusts its right edge to match that of the right edge of the window's display (so it never goes off page).

Don't know if it helps, if so, pm me for more info.

Vossi 01-23-2007 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by SS9267547 (Post 1162602)
dendrob: The 'already exists' issue is that there is a new feature added that checks for duplicate terms. So the title of the term you are editing is already in the database some where else. At this time there is no settings to turn this feature off or on. If you chnage the title it shoudl work. With the popup I haven?t tested it with images. I will take a look into this issue since I see it too on your site and did not see it on my beta site. As for the link issue, there is kinda sort like a bug where it will not link words if there is nothing end at the end of the word which I've mentioned in another post. Basically you need to have at the end is ,.!? etc or a space other wise it won't link. An on going issue.

Hi Lucas,

does that mean, that my users can only change the content of a topic, when they change the issue by adding a blank etc. to it? :confused:

SS9267547 01-23-2007 12:12 PM

apokphp: I'll pm you about this. Thanks.

Vossi: If I think I'm understanding you correctly, when your users edit a glossary topic that is in the system already they don't need to rename the name to make changes. What the duplicate check system does is makes sure that for example a user does not add or change a term to one that is already in the system. So for example I have the term 'DVD' in the system. Now I can add to the term and save the changes as DVD. Now if I were to edit the term 'HDDVD' and try to save it as 'DVD' which is already a term in the system it will not allow me.

Lightmaster-AH 01-23-2007 12:39 PM

Hallo, and sorry for my bad english,

if I want to edit a glossary topic the system says "There is already a glossary term named 'xxxxxx'. You may not create duplicate names." It`s not a new term.

Is there any idea where the problem is?

Thanks: Lightmaster-AH

SS9267547 01-23-2007 12:52 PM

The term you are editing, did you change the name of the term? Also from where are you editing the term, user side or admincp side?

Lightmaster-AH 01-23-2007 01:10 PM

From user side.

I go to the glossery to one term and klick there on "Edit Glossary Term". After I edit the term (without editing the name) the system says "There is allready...."

I just look, the same in the admincp side.

(I hope you understand my bad english) Thanks for answer!

Vossi 01-23-2007 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by SS9267547 (Post 1165712)
Vossi: If I think I'm understanding you correctly, when your users edit a glossary topic that is in the system already they don't need to rename the name to make changes. What the duplicate check system does is makes sure that for example a user does not add or change a term to one that is already in the system. So for example I have the term 'DVD' in the system. Now I can add to the term and save the changes as DVD. Now if I were to edit the term 'HDDVD' and try to save it as 'DVD' which is already a term in the system it will not allow me.

Hi Lucas,

hm, let me explain it like this:

There already is an entry called DVD and one of my users looks at it and wants to edit this entry by writing some more text into it. My user ist chooses the Edit-Funktion and is getting the edit-window. When he complete the entry and wants to save it, the system says


There is already a glossary term named 'DVD'. You may not create duplicate names.
Well, of coz there is a term called DVD, but he just wanted to edit the text.

That's actually the thing which I don't understand. :o Is there a function in AdminCP which I have to change? Or any known bug for this?

Even I as the admin cannot edit the text our of the normal board, only when I join the AdminCP and change it there.

Lightmaster-AH 01-24-2007 06:42 AM

The same by me, but likewise in the ACP I cannot edit the text.

SS9267547 01-25-2007 09:21 AM

Okay I've test this issue on my test site and I can't recreate this issue you guys are having however I have looked into the current release of the mod and I have noticed that it is missing some code lol. Don't know how that happened but for anyone having this issue you will need to do the following. Let me know if it works. Find this code in the glossary.php under the 'editconfirm' request:
PHP Code:

if (strtolower($checkname['glossaryname']) == strtolower($vbulletin->GPC['subject'])) 

Replace it with this new code:
PHP Code:

if (strtolower($checkname['glossaryname']) == strtolower($vbulletin->GPC['subject']) AND ($checkname['glossaryid'] != $vbulletin->GPC['glossaryid'])) 

Then in admin_glossary.php find the following code in the 'edit_confirm' request:
PHP Code:

        if (strtolower($checkname['glossaryname']) == strtolower($vbulletin->GPC['glossaryname'])) 

Replace it with this code:

PHP Code:

        if (strtolower($checkname['glossaryname']) == strtolower($vbulletin->GPC['glossaryname']) AND ($checkname['glossaryid'] != $vbulletin->GPC['glossaryid'])) 

I will do a offical fix on next release.

Vossi 01-25-2007 09:32 AM

Thanks a lot for your support, but honestly, there still is no change for me. It still says

There is already a glossary term named 'DVD'. You may not create duplicate names.
I can change the name from DVD into DVDOLD, save it, edit it again by changing the name back into DVD and then save it. But I suppose that this way aint the one you wanted.

The Hack is great, so please dont lose interest into it. Its worth it...

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