vb.org Archive

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-   vBulletin 3.6 Add-ons (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=194)
-   -   Major Additions - Zoints SEO (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=127336)

amcd 10-04-2006 01:49 PM

its not very clear how this accomplishes url rewriting wothout mod_rewrite.

will it work with lighttpd?

tyler_d 10-04-2006 03:37 PM

Also is there any disadvantage to enabling Zoints SEO URL rewriting without mod_rewrite?

I know that that one of the advantages is processor speed but I did not see it talk about disadvantages over the mod_rewrite option.

corsacant 10-04-2006 04:42 PM

I've installed this product but I have one question. What is the advantage of the mod_rewrite option over just normally re-writing the urls?
Thanks in advance.

HaYLaZ 10-04-2006 06:39 PM

in rewrite options second options shows your urls like below;


but third options is full html.
İt shows your links like below;


needtheend 10-04-2006 08:56 PM

<a href="showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$thread[threadid]$thread[highlight]" id="thread_title_$thread[realthreadid]">$thread[threadtitle]</a>

I can't fint the text above in threadbit template. (I'm using 3.6.2)

Spiffware 10-04-2006 09:23 PM

vbulletin 3.6.2 just came out i hope this will not change this much if so i hope it will be up and running on a fresh 3.6.2 as soon as posible....

flindersredclaw 10-05-2006 12:23 AM

ok It seems to have corrected itself.

The issue must have something to do with cookies... I cleared my cookies and all the options are there now.

Great set up.

chatpalace24 10-05-2006 04:13 PM

hi all together :)

for all People from Germany that looks beasty , because the german "Umlaute" like ? , ? , ? , ? in thread and forum title ... her is the quickfix, and hopefully DChapman integrates it :

Oki here we go .

Open the file /includes/function_zseo.php and search for this :

function zseo_cleaned_string($string)
        global $vbulletin;
        $bit = iif($vbulletin->options['zointsseo_url_separator'], '_', '-');

after that write this :


$string = str_replace("?", "Ue", $string);
        $string = str_replace("?", "ue", $string);
        $string = str_replace("?", "Ae", $string);
        $string = str_replace("?", "ae", $string);
        $string = str_replace("?", "Oe", $string);
        $string = str_replace("?", "oe", $string);
        $string = str_replace("?", "ss", $string);

Thats all folks.

Have Fun

da420 10-05-2006 09:32 PM


I have vBGallery, vBGoogleMap Member Edition, and vBA CMPS and have installed this, and as requested filed a ticket including my FTP info and an admin account with your support as to try and get these issues resolved for the community. I appreciate this very much.

Thanks for this,


Ronak 10-06-2006 04:50 AM


<a href="showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]goto=lastpost&amp;t=$lastpostinfo[lastthreadid]"><img class="inlineimg" src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/lastpost.gif" alt="$vbphrase[go_to_last_post]" border="0" /></a>
i cant find this code in forumhome_lastpostby template :(

Please Help me:(

Hoffi 10-06-2006 06:41 AM

Search for

<a href="showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]p=$lastpostinfo[lastpostid]#post$lastpostinfo[lastpostid]"><img class="inlineimg" src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/lastpost.gif" alt="$vbphrase[go_to_last_post]" border="0" /></a>
And replace by

                <a href="<if condition="$show['zointsurl']">$forum[zointsurl_goto]<if condition="$show['member']">?$session[sessionurl]p=$lastpostinfo[lastpostid]#post$lastpostinfo[lastpostid]</if><else />showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]p=$lastpostinfo[lastpostid]#post$lastpostinfo[lastpostid]</if>"><img class="inlineimg" src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/lastpost.gif" alt="$vbphrase[go_to_last_post]" border="0" /></a>
I have an automated created File with all my Changes, but it's in German.

Did anyone has a working solution for GARS?

newmomsforum 10-06-2006 01:12 PM

Works great - Thanks :D

DJ PİSAGOR 10-07-2006 11:47 AM

does it work 3.6.2 ?

HaYLaZ 10-07-2006 11:54 AM

yes it works with 3.6.2

DJ PİSAGOR 10-07-2006 03:40 PM

I install in 3.6.2 but there a problem.
Instead of "www.forumena.com" it came out "www.forumena.com/?"
can you help me with fixing this.

I waiting for your help. Thank you

Orcun 10-07-2006 05:18 PM

Well well,

This Addon seems quite good looking. I've installed this on my site. It works fine except some cases.


$string = str_replace("?", "Ue", $string);
$string = str_replace("?", "ue", $string);

This code doesnt re-write the Thread links. I Still have - for the Turkish characters.


Archieve has problems I think.

Chech out HERE and click on a link. It will bring up the 404 Not found error. Couldnt figured out what had caused that.

I would be glad If I receive help

DJ PİSAGOR 10-07-2006 05:32 PM

1-) Open the file /includes/function_zseo.php and search for this
PHP Code:

$string unhtmlspecialchars($string); 

add below:

PHP Code:

   $string str_replace("ı"'i'$string);
$string str_replace("ğ"'g'$string);
$string str_replace("?"'u'$string);
$string str_replace("ş"'s'$string);
$string str_replace("?"'o'$string);
$string str_replace("?"'c'$string);
$string str_replace("Ğ"'g'$string);
$string str_replace("?"'u'$string);     
$string str_replace("Ş"'s'$string);
$string str_replace("İ"'i'$string);
$string str_replace("?"'o'$string);
$string str_replace("?"'c'$string); 

2-) Diğer sorunun cevabını bilmiyorum :) Ayarlarına bi bak istersen.
i don' t know other problem

Orcun 10-07-2006 06:02 PM

Yep, I did it but doesn't work either. Saolasin kardes..

Still have - instead of turkish chars.

Btw, After enabling mod_rewrite, my sitemap returns to itself when I click a link..

Orcun 10-07-2006 06:10 PM


Chars work now. Pisagor, pay attention to use of " and ' in the code.

Correct usage is


        $string = str_replace("ı", "i", $string);
            $string = str_replace("ğ", "g", $string);
            $string = str_replace("?", "u", $string);
            $string = str_replace("ş", "s", $string);
            $string = str_replace("?", "o", $string);
            $string = str_replace("?", "c", $string);
            $string = str_replace("Ğ", "g", $string);
            $string = str_replace("?", "u", $string);     
            $string = str_replace("Ş", "s", $string);
            $string = str_replace("İ", "i", $string);
            $string = str_replace("?", "o", $string);
            $string = str_replace("?", "c", $string);

Thank alot again.

Btw, Archieve is still not working :)

AMG021 10-07-2006 11:11 PM

this zoints thing is not working for me !!! i installed it and when i click on a post from the Forum Home and for some reason changes the path to my forum form community to comminity

Ramsesx 10-07-2006 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by AMG021
this zoints thing is not working for me !!! i installed it and when i click on a post from the Forum Home and for some reason changes the path to my forum form community to comminity

Maybe you wrote anywhere in the htaccess or in the acp comminity instead community?

Zoints 10-07-2006 11:44 PM

I just wanted to update you guys with our side of things. We're pretty backed up with a couple other large modifications right now and had some recently illnesses so won't be able to add much on our end for awhile. But it's nice to see the community starting to come together to get things fixed. :cool: As a collective, you guys can do far better work than we ever could.

Ramsesx 10-08-2006 12:16 AM

Thanks David, but I hope the gallery compatiblety will be fixed from your team?

firefox100 10-08-2006 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by firefox100
I don't find it in threadbit:

<a href="showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$thread[threadid]$thread[highlight]" id="thread_title_$thread[realthreadid]">$thread[threadtitle]</a>

I have the version 3.6.1


I reiterate, I don't find this code in threadbit template:

<a href="showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$thread[threadid]$thread[highlight]" id="thread_title_$thread[realthreadid]">$thread[threadtitle]</a>

Can somebody help me??? ;)

Ronak 10-08-2006 03:36 AM

this thread surely deserves 5 starz :D superb SEO :D

Hoffi 10-08-2006 07:58 AM

I just build a product for an easy Character-Translation.

Just import the Product und change one File.

Open the file /includes/function_zseo.php and search for this
PHP Code:

    $bit iif($vbulletin->options['zointsseo_url_separator'], '_''-'); 

add nder that:

PHP Code:

    // Hoffis Char-Translation
if (!empty($vbulletin->options['chartranslationmatrix']))
$search = array();
$replace = array();
$sr_arr split("\r\n",$vbulletin->options['chartranslationmatrix']);
        if (
$sr_arr as $val)
$trans split("=",$val);
                if (
$search[] = $trans[0];
$replace[] = $trans[1];
$string str_replace($search$replace$string);
// End Hoffi 

Upload the File and go to Zoints Settings to configure your Translations.
Each Line one Translation. Like:

Have fun.

The Zoints developer can integrate this in the next release if they want. No Problem for me. A Credit would be nice. ;)

German Version avaiable here: http://www.vbhacks-germany.org/showthread.php?t=5700

Remark: If you exclude Words with special Chars that you translate, you must enter the translated Version in the Settings!

Hoffi 10-08-2006 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by firefox100
I reiterate, I don't find this code in threadbit template:

<a href="showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$thread[threadid]$thread[highlight]" id="thread_title_$thread[realthreadid]">$thread[threadtitle]</a>

Can somebody help me??? ;)

Just read this Thread. I posted it a few Days ago.

KuRnAz 10-08-2006 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by Hoffi
I just build a product for an easy Character-Translation.

Just import the Product und change one File.

Open the file /includes/function_zseo.php and search for this
PHP Code:

    $bit iif($vbulletin->options['zointsseo_url_separator'], '_''-'); 

add nder that:

PHP Code:

    // Hoffis Char-Translation
if (!empty($vbulletin->options['chartranslationmatrix']))
$search = array();
$replace = array();
$sr_arr split("\r\n",$vbulletin->options['chartranslationmatrix']);
        if (
$sr_arr as $val)
$trans split("=",$val);
                if (
$search[] = $trans[0];
$replace[] = $trans[1];
$string str_replace($search$replace$string);
// End Hoffi 

Upload the File and go to Zoints Settings to configure your Translations.
Each Line one Translation. Like:

Have fun.

The Zoints developer can integrate this in the next release if they want. No Problem for me. A Credit would be nice. ;)

German Version avaiable here: http://www.vbhacks-germany.org/showthread.php?t=5700

Remark: If you exclude Words with special Chars that you translate, you must enter the translated Version in the Settings!

Is this making the words ?

ş > s
ğ > g
? > c

I am waiting a solve for charectger problem till 2 week...
Pls help ?

Ramsesx 10-08-2006 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by KuRnAz
Is this making the words ?

ş > s
ğ > g
? > c

I am waiting a solve for charectger problem till 2 week...
Pls help ?

Yes, that seems to be what he said

Upload the File and go to Zoints Settings to configure your Translations.
Each Line one Translation. Like:

KuRnAz 10-08-2006 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Ramsesx
Yes, that seems to be what he said

I tried but it not...

? > ae
? > e

That's right but it don't work in other non-english charecters like ş,?,?,ı ...

Ramsesx 10-08-2006 12:53 PM

Hm, normally it should work with your characters too, ? ? ? are non english characters too. You tried the solution described in this post?

AMG021 10-08-2006 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Ramsesx
Maybe you wrote anywhere in the htaccess or in the acp comminity instead community?

Yes in ADmin cp i did :) thanks for this dude! :)

MagikMuzik 10-08-2006 03:12 PM

I'm having the same problem with the archive. It does show, but when a link is clicked, it doesn't do anything


Originally Posted by Orcun

Chars work now. Pisagor, pay attention to use of " and ' in the code.

Correct usage is


        $string = str_replace("ı", "i", $string);
            $string = str_replace("ğ", "g", $string);
            $string = str_replace("?", "u", $string);
            $string = str_replace("ş", "s", $string);
            $string = str_replace("?", "o", $string);
            $string = str_replace("?", "c", $string);
            $string = str_replace("Ğ", "g", $string);
            $string = str_replace("?", "u", $string);     
            $string = str_replace("Ş", "s", $string);
            $string = str_replace("İ", "i", $string);
            $string = str_replace("?", "o", $string);
            $string = str_replace("?", "c", $string);

Thank alot again.

Btw, Archieve is still not working :)

Hoffi 10-08-2006 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by KuRnAz
I tried but it not...

? > ae
? > e

That's right but it don't work in other non-english charecters like ş,?,?,ı ...

Write ist with a = and no blanks between.
It works with every Character.
Archive is OK, I just downloaded it today.

DJ PİSAGOR 10-08-2006 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by DJ PİSAGOR
I install in 3.6.2 but there a problem.
Instead of "www.forumena.com" it came out "www.forumena.com/?"
can you help me with fixing this.

I waiting for your help. Thank you

there is a problem
searching any member's posts
a resault of link click going false forum
to expression below pictures
wait you'rs help


Hoffi 10-08-2006 08:54 PM

If I edit a post, the smilies don't show up, and if I try to check the Smilie-Image, it shows me the Path of the Forum. I use the index.html version.

Also if a new-PM Popup apperas and I click on "Yes" to open it, it try to open the private.php in the create Forum of the Thread / Forum I am in the Moment.

With the p1 Setting all works. I just switched back.

rezapci 10-08-2006 09:59 PM

how could I remove the orum SEO by Zoints from bottom of my pages?

tyler_d 10-08-2006 11:03 PM

i think if you join zoints (for free) or donate $100 you're authorized to do it

and to accomplish it technically, just go to language phrase search (in vB admin backend) look for the zoints copyright verbiage and replace the text with an empty space character " "

ninjashoes 10-09-2006 09:54 PM

In my archive it shows forums but when I try to look at a thread it redirects me back to the main index of the archive so I cant read archive threads while this hack is turned on. Everything else works great except I cant looped when I try to read posts in the archive.

If I disable archive_postheader and archive_process_start plugins it works fine.

Does anyone know what could cause this problem? Is this happening to anyone else?

great hack btw, I am very thankful for this, if I get this one problem worked out it will be 100% smooth operating.

Moparx 10-10-2006 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by DChapman

I noticed you recently switched your forum from your own seo system to vbseo.
Not that it matters as both systems are great and do what they are intended to do.

On topic: Do you happen to know why a site using Zoints SEO's rewrite gives you an infinite redirect loop which results in the inability to access the site's content when you refuse the site's cookies? (works just fine with cookies)

I've tried it on multiple sites (even your own). I have noticed that vBSEO does not appear to have this issue and it is kind of odd since cookies shouldnt really matter.

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