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dilbert 09-14-2006 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Keyser S?ze
300,000queires, can this thing be uninstalled after?

Yikes, 300,000 queries! :confused:
It's 300,000 table rows.
I can't get it installed, so I have no idea if I can uninstall it.
I believe there are only a few new tables created, so they would be simple enough to delete.

I am hoping in the next version, there is a way for us folks on shared servers with set timeouts, to upload the files.

kylek 09-14-2006 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by hotwheels
those look fine kylek.........make sure that the addy you type in for the botloader is correct like, wwww.yourdomain.com/forum/alice/botloader.php

I loaded mine 2 time's yesterday and it worked both times........set up just like you have it.......

Hi Hotwheels,

Yup, I have triple checked the addy to run the batloader.php.

Just wondering did you have to fill out the database name, password, etc on dbprefs.php? According to the instructions you just put your file paths in and it will autograb the database info needed.

eclectica 09-14-2006 08:31 PM

This is so crazy that it's cool.

I won't install it but nonetheless it fascinates me so I will vote it or nominate it to be hack of the month.

G_Man 09-14-2006 09:46 PM


So, how can I check and see that the AIML files are actually all loaded?

I've been through the process a few times and still not sure, especially when comparing some of the Bots response and looking at the AIML files.


Unreal Player 09-14-2006 10:47 PM

i'm getting the blank replies too. It seems like it is part of his memory or something like he will go

you are from . ???

when . is a place.

inkdot 09-14-2006 11:03 PM

if you got database problems, you might wanna check the '$rootdir =...'
and 'require('..'

check your php.info for the actual root address there.
don't use d:\inetpub...

my dbprefs.php looks like this:
$rootdir= "/home/content/x/x/x/deleted/html/forum/alice/aiml/";

Erwin 09-14-2006 11:21 PM

Guys, a quick tip - to avoid messing with the forum database errors etc through setting forums in Admin CP, do this:

Change the "Talkerbot - Include The Bot" plugin to:

PHP Code:

if ($foruminfo['forumid'] == 'xxx' AND sizeof($errors) == 0)

   if (


Change xxx to the forumid you want to bot to talk in.

Then you can just disable the other 3 plugins which will no longer be needed.

Erwin 09-14-2006 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by Erwin
The problem I have is that my bot has a lot of blanks in his answers.

For example "So you are talking about ." Or " said ."

Any idea about this problem Tim? I suspect when you cleaned out the core Alice code, you may have removed some code required for him to remember what the poster is saying. This wasn't the case with older versions.

Also, the bot remembers a poster's name, but keeps it in memory and confuses other poster with that poster, but this was a persistent problem with older versions.

coRtALoS 09-15-2006 12:00 AM

Loading startup.xml
could not open XML input


Edit: Nevermind, didn't use a trailing slash in one of the paths...heh.

Alright, now I have everything uploaded correctly, everything installed correctly, NO error messages. (40 thousand something categories added)

However, the bots database/tables are completely empty, and the bot does not post or anything.

eXtremeTim 09-15-2006 01:45 AM

I stated a while back I had to remove a bit of the functionality used to replace he with she and things of the sort. I hope to get them back turned on as soon as possible but they were conflicting with vbulletin on a core level.

But as far as the blank and or missing words im not sure whats cuasing that. But i will figure it out.

SaintDog 09-15-2006 04:04 AM

Perhaps I am overlooking something or it is a mistake on my part, though when the bot replies, it does not update the last post information, so the post appears to be a mystery when viewing the last post column.

[Edit: When rebuilding the forum info, it shows the last post as correct, so the forum information isn't being rebuilt when a reply is being made]

bigtime 09-15-2006 06:22 AM

I was running this on a former version of vbulletin. Since upgrading to vb 3.6.1 I too get absolutely no response from the bot. I've checked and double checked everything and am 99.9% sure I set it up correctly. My bots table is also empty.



Meta 09-15-2006 07:17 AM

(Did you upload the ewt_talkerbot.php?)

There is a nice Aiml-Editor downloadable over there:


But it's still beta ... and likes to crash sometimes. It is good for testing aiml-files if they are valid and for testing responses.

SaintDog 09-15-2006 02:10 PM

@bigtime: My installation is on 3.6.1 and it is working just fine, however, as stated previously, the last post is not "indexed" so to speak, rather, it's not updated when a post is made by the bot.

Run over the installation instructions once more and check to see if you missed anything.

bashy 09-15-2006 02:40 PM

Just had this....

A members posted this "what a shame, Schumacher has been a true great, hope he wins the championship to round off a truly wonderful career."

then the bot posted this

"shame, Schumacher has been a true great, hope he wins the championship to round off a truly wonderful career is a shame, Schumacher has been a true great, hope he wins the championship to round off a truly wonderful career."

Any thoughts on this please, would rather not have a parrot!! lol

KW802 09-15-2006 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by Meta
(Did you upload the ewt_talkerbot.php?)

There is a nice Aiml-Editor downloadable over there:


But it's still beta ... and likes to crash sometimes. It is good for testing aiml-files if they are valid and for testing responses.

Thanks for the link. I had come across that before in my searching for some AIML files but I did not realize that the beta was a free download.

New weekend toy to play with. :D

caper 09-15-2006 05:55 PM


I can't seem to get the," Run http://www.satreactor.com/forum/alic.../botloader.php this can take a good 30 min because it runs 300,000 queries", to work.

All I get is,"Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, webmaster@satreactor.com and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request."

The Talkerbot does post already but only says,"Im sorry but I was not able to form a reply right now".

My setup in dbprefs.php

$rootdir= "/usr/home/satreact/domains/satreactor.com/public_html/forum/alice/aiml/";



Thanks for you help and support...

eXtremeTim 09-15-2006 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by caper

I can't seem to get the," Run http://www.satreactor.com/forum/alic.../botloader.php this can take a good 30 min because it runs 300,000 queries", to work.

All I get is,"Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, webmaster@satreactor.com and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request."

The Talkerbot does post already but only says,"Im sorry but I was not able to form a reply right now".

My setup in dbprefs.php

$rootdir= "/usr/home/satreact/domains/satreactor.com/public_html/forum/alice/aiml/";



Thanks for you help and support...

Internal server error is proble cuased by your server not allowing public 777 chmod. So chmod only subs.inc in the admin dir and you should be fine.

zethon 09-15-2006 07:34 PM

I've gone ahead and added code to the ewt_talkerbot.php file that will (1) update the forum counters, (2) put the bot into the "who's online" list and update the bot's user info (3) fix the double quoting

Underneath of
PHP Code:

define ("MY_VERSION""TALKERBOT v2.2 FOR VBULLETIN 3.5 and 3.6 by eXtremeTim"); 

add the following function:

PHP Code:

function update_bot_info()
$userinfo fetch_userinfo($vbulletin->options['ewt_talkerbot_botuid']);

// if the bot is already in the session table, update it, otherwise add it        
$vbulletin->db->query_write("UPDATE ".TABLE_PREFIX."session SET lastactivity = '"TIMENOW ."' WHERE (userid = '".$vbulletin->options['ewt_talkerbot_botuid']."')");
    if (
$vbulletin->db->affected_rows() == 0)
$ip rand(25,160).".".rand(30,250).".".rand(3,250).".".rand(10,250);
$vbulletin->db->query_write("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."session (userid,lastactivity,host) VALUE ('".$vbulletin->options['ewt_talkerbot_botuid']."',".TIMENOW.",'$ip')");

$userdata =& datamanager_init('User'$vbulletinERRTYPE_STANDARD);
$userdata->set('lastvisit'TIMENOW 1);

Then towards the bottom there are two different if staments that look like:
PHP Code:

                    if (!$dataman->errors// should not occur

And make them both look like as follows:

PHP Code:

                    if (!$dataman->errors// should not occur

To fix the double-quoting, find two lines that look like:
PHP Code:

        if ($vbulletin->options['ewt_talkerbot_quotemsg'] == "1")

And right below it add the follow code:
PHP Code:

        $post['message'] = strip_quotes($post['message']); 

caper 09-15-2006 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by eXtremeTim
Internal server error is proble cuased by your server not allowing public 777 chmod. So chmod only subs.inc in the admin dir and you should be fine.

Thank you that worked...

eXtremeTim 09-15-2006 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by zethon
I've gone ahead and added code to the ewt_talkerbot.php file that will (1) update the forum counters, put the bot into the "who's online" list and update the bot's user info.

Underneath of
PHP Code:

define ("MY_VERSION""TALKERBOT v2.2 FOR VBULLETIN 3.5 and 3.6 by eXtremeTim"); 

add the following function:

PHP Code:

function update_bot_info()
$userinfo fetch_userinfo($vbulletin->options['ewt_talkerbot_botuid']);

// if the bot is already in the session table, update it, otherwise add it        
$vbulletin->db->query_write("UPDATE ".TABLE_PREFIX."session SET lastactivity = '"TIMENOW ."' WHERE (userid = '".$vbulletin->options['ewt_talkerbot_botuid']."')");
    if (
$vbulletin->db->affected_rows() == 0)
$ip rand(25,160).".".rand(30,250).".".rand(3,250).".".rand(10,250);
$vbulletin->db->query_write("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."session (userid,lastactivity,host) VALUE ('".$vbulletin->options['ewt_talkerbot_botuid']."',".TIMENOW.",'$ip')");

$userdata =& datamanager_init('User'$vbulletinERRTYPE_STANDARD);
$userdata->set('lastvisit'TIMENOW 1);

Then towards the bottom there are two different if staments that look like:
PHP Code:

                    if (!$dataman->errors// should not occur

And make them both look like as follows:

PHP Code:

                    if (!$dataman->errors// should not occur

yea I already have them updates in the new version just working on some bugs and stuff. ;)

I will release the new update tonight. Just trying to figure out what else I was fixing in it. Since I have been busy the last few days i lost track of what i was doing.

Meta 09-15-2006 08:57 PM


Since I have been busy the last few days i lost track of what i was doing.
(I know that feeling.)

eXtremeTim 09-15-2006 08:59 PM

I am debating right now if im making the functions file for this version or if ill take care of that on next release to clean up all the code.

SportsZone 09-15-2006 09:10 PM

Great hack!

How do I set how often he will reply to peoples posts?

zethon 09-15-2006 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by eXtremeTim
yea I already have them updates in the new version just working on some bugs and stuff. ;)

I will release the new update tonight. Just trying to figure out what else I was fixing in it. Since I have been busy the last few days i lost track of what i was doing.

Awesome! I editted the post to also fix the double-quote problem with the bot. Not sure if you fixed that too or not. :)

TTG 09-15-2006 10:01 PM

Installed and worked straight out of the box .. great addition .. thanks eXtremeTim.

Clicked install

G_Man 09-15-2006 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by SportsZone
Great hack!

How do I set how often he will reply to peoples posts?

Add which forums you want it to post in, in the TalkerBot Settings...

Then under each of those forums you set the percentage of his replies.

dilbert 09-15-2006 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by eXtremeTim
I will release the new update tonight. Just trying to figure out what else I was fixing in it. Since I have been busy the last few days i lost track of what i was doing.

Terrific. I know it's not a bug, but a way for use shared server people to upload would be appreciated. Can you create sql scripts to upload?

eXtremeTim 09-16-2006 01:52 AM

use the botloaderinc.php file to load in the files one at a time.

eXtremeTim 09-16-2006 01:54 AM

I would like to take the time right now to thank G_Man for his donation and trying to provide support in the thread. I really appriciate the help. This script takes up alot of time to keep improving it.

kylek 09-16-2006 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by kylek
Crapola, I can't even load the batloader.php, keep getting a 500 internal server error.

All filesl are cmod to 777,

Tried various paths but no luck, here is what I have now

$rootdir= "/home/kyle/public_html/forum/alice/aiml/";


Anything in the paths set wrong?

Someone please shoot me and put me out of my misery. For days have been trying to get this up and running, no matter what I did kept getting the 500 server error. Checked everything once, twice, many times but no go.

Don't know why but I was checking out my webhosts support forum when I see they have installed PHPSuExec on the serveers, from my laymans point of view this means you cannot chmod any more to 777, can only be 755.

After chmod Alice to 755 everything works and loaded fine. Just thought I would memtion this in case anyone else has this problem.

Off to find a gun,,,,,,,

eXtremeTim 09-16-2006 07:30 AM

Been stated by me a few times over the last few days. ;) Some hosts dont allow 777 and in this case use 755. ;)

Sorry that you missed them comments.

hotwheels 09-16-2006 07:32 AM

That's great info kylek..........sorry to hear bout your update, PHPSuExec should help keep your database secure, i believe.

hotwheels 09-16-2006 07:32 AM

sorry extremetim, we posted at the same time it looks like

bashy 09-16-2006 07:36 AM


I get the double quoting yet i already have the line you said to add (below)
Any more ideas please?


Originally Posted by zethon
To fix the double-quoting, find the comment line
PHP Code:

        // #### POST REQUIRED, FORMATTING POST INPUT  ############################# 

And right below it add the follow code:
PHP Code:

        $botinput strip_quotes($post["message"]); 

hotwheels 09-16-2006 07:44 AM

am i missing something as far as the bot learning? My bot is only saying that which is in his core aiml files, he isn't remembering poster's, or post's.......I can go in and manually add a phrase, but that is reallly a pain in the butt....

has anyone got this talkerbot to actually learn anything?

eXtremeTim 09-16-2006 07:50 AM

Mine is picking up things slowly. He is a slow learner. I fixed the bug where he didnt correctly track conversations and things.

I also just released a new update which fixes a few issues and make the bot show up online correctly.

hotwheels 09-16-2006 08:03 AM

I will give er a shot tim.............I don't know alot about aiml, but is there anyway to get this mod to work with your code? botlearner

eXtremeTim 09-16-2006 08:05 AM

v3 will have its own teaching system built in. I might see about porting that up for now if i get some free time since I was already handed the rights to that code quite a while back.

hotwheels 09-16-2006 08:12 AM

right on tim...........I know you are freaking busy and i in know way am pushing, i think this is a neat mod.......

I am mostly intrigued with how this works and if i can help, let me know, even though i am by no means, a coder.

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