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GTX2 03-29-2008 10:03 PM

is it possible to set this to NOT delete any users, just give warns?

James Argo 04-09-2008 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by James Argo (Post 1477678)
That's what it supossed to be :) One of it's job is to delete certain member after registration, if they don't activate their account after 10 days. Right?

Like many others, I never let anyone in UAEC to post :) They can't post before they activate their account. My board has been running for years, it has thousands member. Half of them had never activated their account after registration. I installed this hack in January 2008 to encourage them to activate their account. This hack sent emails to members in UAEC after 3,5,8 days. Even UAEC member before I installed this hack got the email. It's all good.

But in my case, this hack doesn't delete them after 10 days. In my database, I can see I still have thousands UAEC member who registered since begining of the site. That's what I'm trying to say... :)

Any hints? Thanks :)


Ok, I solved my problem. I don't know about others, but I had to rename the manageActivation.php to manageactivation.php <-- No uppercase "A" on "activation" and edit the scheduled task .php name to reflect my change (all lowercase). It works now... :) :up:

GTX2 04-11-2008 05:55 PM

sorry bumping, anyone?

Phillip Chapman 05-18-2008 08:12 PM

We've been using this hack for about a year. It's been great. However, we recently noticed that awhile back we stopped receiving the e-mail summary each day. However, accounts are still being pruned from this system. If anyone has any step-by-step advice on how we can correct this issue it would be most appreciated.

StepOnFrog 07-15-2008 03:07 PM

Does anyone know if this is working with 3.7.x...?

djbaxter 07-15-2008 03:13 PM

Working for me up to 3.72 PL1.

Grimmwor 08-03-2008 03:12 PM

I recently installed this mod and I like, but I have just a couple questions:

1. The notification emails are being sent every day rather than on the 3rd, 5th, 8th and 10th day. Is there any way to manipulate/fix this? I have created a test account and confirmed that the 3rd day email was sent on days 3 and 4, the 5th day email sent on days 5, 6, and 7, etc...

2. How can I edit/customize the email text?

NTT 03-07-2009 04:10 PM

is this work for 3.8.1 version . please help

RS_Jelle 03-07-2009 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by NTT (Post 1762583)
is this work for 3.8.1 version . please help

Yes, but there's an ugly bug in it. View #2 of Grimmworf's post (above yours).

shadowevil 03-12-2009 12:36 PM

plz update mod work with 3.7.x. I need it's, thanks

AScherff 04-07-2009 06:27 AM

i like this Mod, because it helps manage the unactivated users.

The days are calculated as float, so you will not get the exact days after registering, that causes the "bug" posts before...

I modified the php sources to calculate the days other way - and the mod now is working very well also on 3.8.2

My hack lookes like this:

PHP Code:


    if (
$heute == $datum3// Email users who have not activated after 3 days.

GamblerZ 09-24-2009 03:37 PM

Is it possible to change the number of days to extend the period (ie. 3, 7, 14, 30)?

AScherff 09-24-2009 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by GamblerZ (Post 1889986)
...to extend the period (ie. 3, 7, 14, 30)?

sure: ;)

PHP Code:


I.am 11-19-2009 09:06 AM

Hello, this mod work on vb 3.8.x ??

ckgreenman 12-03-2009 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by I.am (Post 1917115)
Hello, this mod work on vb 3.8.x ??

Judging by the previous posts on this page, yes but with a nasty bug that emails everyday regardless of the settings.

skariko 12-23-2009 07:51 AM

Anyone try this on VB4?

TransAmDan 12-27-2009 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by skariko (Post 1936147)
Anyone try this on VB4?

I was wondering this too. It seems like a handy mod that I'd like to use, but dont want to just try it in VB4 until someone else has. :)

skariko 12-28-2009 12:17 PM

Me too. :D
I am terrified to have all the user deleted or something similar. :D

greenchicken 01-19-2010 06:41 PM

wonder if this will be available for vb4?

This is a great tool

MrD 02-02-2010 03:21 PM

Push for VB4 :)

Videx 02-20-2010 09:12 AM

I dunno. Until this gets updated for vb4, at least VSa - Advanced Registration will delete inactive registrants after x days.

Marv 03-13-2010 02:43 PM

hey sabre,

this one was a fantastic help in 3.x !


if you got a big board you can't live without this, it stops the crap from piling up.
Any chance you could port this for a use with the 4.x series ?

jGas 04-08-2010 08:10 AM

thanks to anyone that will port this mod to vb4!! please :D

MrD 05-06-2010 12:37 PM

this Addon will work under VB4.

BirdOPrey5 07-12-2010 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by AScherff (Post 1785565)
i like this Mod, because it helps manage the unactivated users.

The days are calculated as float, so you will not get the exact days after registering, that causes the "bug" posts before...

I modified the php sources to calculate the days other way - and the mod now is working very well also on 3.8.2

My hack lookes like this:

PHP Code:


    if (
$heute == $datum3// Email users who have not activated after 3 days.

Does anyone know where to make these changes?

Edit- I've read the php code and see no reason why there would be a 'bug' that causes the emails to be resent day after day... the code clearly sends it once (if $day > 2 AND $day < 4) for exampe... maybe it should be changed to if ($day > 2.999 AND $day < 4) then?

AScherff 07-12-2010 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2068201)
Does anyone know where to make these changes?


BirdOPrey5 07-12-2010 08:57 PM

Thanks for the quick reply on this old thread!

I figured as much on the file, but where do I make the edits in the file? What lines do I change? I don't see any code resembling this.

MonkYZ 08-28-2010 08:11 PM

I strongly advice you not to use this on 3.8.5. I've had over 648 members in "Awaiting Email Confirmation Group". Installed this hack and runned it from Scheduled Task manager. It instantly deleted 636 members... no questions asked ! So, DO NOT USE IT ! It's not working ok !

djbaxter 08-28-2010 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by MonkYZ (Post 2090816)
I strongly advice you not to use this on 3.8.5. I've had over 648 members in "Awaiting Email Confirmation Group". Installed this hack and runned it from Scheduled Task manager. It instantly deleted 636 members... no questions asked ! So, DO NOT USE IT ! It's not working ok !

Holy public embarassment, Monk!

Did you not read the description of the add-on? Or look at the options?


1. Emails users after 3 days and reminds them to activate their accounts.

2. Emails users after 5 days and lets them know their account will be deleted if they do not activate.

3. Emails users after 8 days with a final warning.

4. Deletes un-activated members after 10 days.
1. Just what did you EXPECT to happen when you installed it?

2. Why on earth are you upset that 648 registrants who were still unactivated after 10 days (or in some cases probably much longer) are now deleted from your database? You now have a much smaller database uncluttered by useless records.

BirdOPrey5 08-28-2010 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by MonkYZ (Post 2090816)
I strongly advice you not to use this on 3.8.5. I've had over 648 members in "Awaiting Email Confirmation Group". Installed this hack and runned it from Scheduled Task manager. It instantly deleted 636 members... no questions asked ! So, DO NOT USE IT ! It's not working ok !

If your 648 users were stuck in the "Awaiting Confirmation" group for over 10 days then the mod did exactly what it is supposed to do... Before I installed the mod I manually sent reminders to my 100 or so users "stuck" in the queue- most had entered false or incorrect email addresses as I found out from the bounce backs... a couple actually joined... many never did anything... So then I installed the mod and on the first run it deleted all but 1 of them- 1 of them wasn't 10 days old yet... So I think it's working just fine- maybe you didn't understand how it works...

MonkYZ 08-29-2010 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 2090825)
1. Just what did you EXPECT to happen when you installed it?

I was expecting to start emailing un-activated users... and after 10 days of email sending, to delete them.

Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 2090825)
2. Why on earth are you upset that 648 registrants who were still unactivated after 10 days (or in some cases probably much longer) are now deleted from your database? You now have a much smaller database uncluttered by useless records.

I am upset that there was no warning, no confirmation asked, no waiting period before deleting, nothing. I just received an email for the deleted users, and that's all. I could've use prune myself for those users, and it would've been the same.

The problem is that i also have vMail plugin installed... and it seems lately to fail a lot for yahoo/hotmail users (they are complaining because are not receiving the confirmation code/link)... I was hoping for Un-Activated User Management to help me with this by sending them emails... Seems like it just deleted them, with no notification... Anyway, now it's too late...

djbaxter 08-29-2010 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by MonkYZ (Post 2091021)
The problem is that i also have vMail plugin installed... and it seems lately to fail a lot for yahoo/hotmail users (they are complaining because are not receiving the confirmation code/link)... I was hoping for Un-Activated User Management to help me with this by sending them emails...

If they weren't receiving your previous emails, why would you think they would receive another email from you?

1. Instruct your users to whitelist your forum email address.

2. If they don't receive the activation email, they can request another one or you can send them another one.

BirdOPrey5 08-29-2010 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by MonkYZ (Post 2091021)
I was expecting to start emailing un-activated users... and after 10 days of email sending, to delete them.

I am upset that there was no warning, no confirmation asked, no waiting period before deleting, nothing. I just received an email for the deleted users, and that's all. I could've use prune myself for those users, and it would've been the same.

The problem is that i also have vMail plugin installed... and it seems lately to fail a lot for yahoo/hotmail users (they are complaining because are not receiving the confirmation code/link)... I was hoping for Un-Activated User Management to help me with this by sending them emails... Seems like it just deleted them, with no notification... Anyway, now it's too late...

I'll grant you it's unfortunate you lost 600+ possible members with no 'warning' except the instructions which to me clearly state what it's going to do... though perhaps another large warning that this WILL delete old users stuck in the queue is in order.

But the fact is 90% or more of those people were never going to complete registration anyway... Also if the mod is installed it will prevent a back-log like that from happening again, which is the main point of this.

Wajdan 10-01-2010 07:03 AM

I want something for vb4 as well Could you please re-write the codeS?

djbaxter 10-01-2010 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by Wajdan (Post 2105394)
I want something for vb4 as well Could you please re-write the codeS?

This works fine as is for vBulletin 4.01 through 4.07.

karabaja3 03-16-2011 11:15 PM

I've noticed in v3.8.x unactivated users older than 10 days are not deleted. What could be the problem?

BirdOPrey5 03-17-2011 12:46 AM

It's working great for me on 3.8.6... the only changes I made to the cron job file were to change


if ($day > 2 AND $day < 4)


if ($day > 2.999 AND $day < 4.0)
and the same for the other hard coded days in the mod, ending with changing...


        elseif ($day > 10)


        elseif ($day > 10.0)
just to be consistent.

karabaja3 03-17-2011 04:30 PM

I made this changes.

But in log I still have only:


Activation Reminder Emails sent to: xy
Activation Reminder Emails sent to: xy
Activation Reminder Emails sent to: xy
Activation Reminder Emails sent to: xy
Activation Reminder Emails sent to: xy
Activation Reminder Emails sent to: xy
Activation Reminder Emails sent to: xy
Activation Reminder Emails sent to: xy

Unactivated users older than 10 are not deleted. :(

karabaja3 03-21-2011 04:16 PM

Anyone, please?

BirdOPrey5 03-21-2011 05:22 PM

Like I said, I'm on 3.8.6 and it seems to work fine- so if you're having trouble I would try disabling any other mods you have to see if they are conflicting. You can manually run the scheduled task from the scheduled task manager to test if it works after you disable some mods.

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